Remove gmx_constexpr
[gromacs.git] / src / gromacs / random / threefry.h
1 /*
2 * This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package.
4 * Copyright (c) 2015,2016,2017, by the GROMACS development team, led by
5 * Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl,
6 * and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the
7 * top-level source directory and at
9 * GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
11 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
12 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 * GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 * License along with GROMACS; if not, see
21 *, or write to the Free Software Foundation,
22 * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
24 * If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please
25 * consider that scientific software is very special. Version
26 * control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to
27 * consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
28 * derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
29 * in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
30 * official version at
32 * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
33 * the research papers on the package. Check out
36 /*! \file
37 * \brief Implementation of the 2x64 ThreeFry random engine
39 * \author Erik Lindahl <>
40 * \inpublicapi
41 * \ingroup module_random
47 #include <array>
48 #include <limits>
50 #include "gromacs/math/functions.h"
51 #include "gromacs/random/seed.h"
52 #include "gromacs/utility/classhelpers.h"
53 #include "gromacs/utility/exceptions.h"
56 * The GROMACS implementation of the ThreeFry random engine has been
57 * heavily inspired by the versions proposed to Boost by:
59 * John Salmon, Copyright 2010-2014 by D. E. Shaw Research
60 *
62 * Thijs van den Berg, Copyright (c) 2014 M.A. (Thijs) van den Berg
63 *
65 * Both of them are covered by the Boost Software License:
67 * Boost Software License - Version 1.0 - August 17th, 2003
69 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization
70 * obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by
71 * this license (the "Software") to use, reproduce, display, distribute,
72 * execute, and transmit the Software, and to prepare derivative works of the
73 * Software, and to permit third-parties to whom the Software is furnished to
74 * do so, all subject to the following:
76 * The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, including
77 * the above license grant, this restriction and the following disclaimer,
78 * must be included in all copies of the Software, in whole or in part, and
79 * all derivative works of the Software, unless such copies or derivative
80 * works are solely in the form of machine-executable object code generated by
81 * a source language processor.
92 namespace gmx
95 namespace internal
97 // Variable-bitfield counters used to increment internal counters as
98 // part of std::arrays.
100 struct
101 highBitCounter
103 /*! \brief Clear highBits higest bits of ctr, return false if they were non-zero.
105 * This function clears the space required for the internal counters,
106 * and returns true if they were correctly zero when calling, false otherwise.
108 * \tparam UIntType Integer type to use for each word in counter
109 * \tparam words Number of UIntType words in counter
110 * \tparam highBits Number of bits to check. The template parameter makes it
111 * possible to optimize this extensively at compile time.
112 * \param ctr Reference to counter to check and clear.
114 template<class UIntType, std::size_t words, unsigned int highBits>
115 static bool
116 checkAndClear(std::array<UIntType, words> * ctr)
118 const std::size_t bitsPerWord = std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits;
119 const std::size_t bitsTotal = bitsPerWord*words;
121 static_assert(highBits <= bitsTotal, "High bits do not fit in counter.");
123 const std::size_t lastWordIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) / bitsPerWord;
124 const std::size_t lastWordLowBitIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) % bitsPerWord;
125 const UIntType lastWordOne = static_cast<UIntType>(1) << lastWordLowBitIdx;
126 const UIntType mask = lastWordOne-1;
128 bool isClear = true;
130 for (unsigned int i = words-1; i > lastWordIdx; --i)
132 if ((*ctr)[i])
134 isClear = false;
135 (*ctr)[i] = 0;
138 if (highBits > 0 && (*ctr)[lastWordIdx] >= lastWordOne)
140 isClear = false;
141 (*ctr)[lastWordIdx] &= mask;
143 return isClear;
146 /*! \brief Increment the internal counter in highBits by one
148 * \tparam UIntType Integer type to use for each word in counter
149 * \tparam words Number of UIntType words in counter
150 * \tparam highBits Number of bits reserved for the internal counter.
151 * \param ctr Reference to the counter value to increment.
153 * \throws InternalError if internal counter space is exhausted.
155 * This routine will work across the word boundaries for any number
156 * of internal counter bits that fits in the total counter.
158 template<class UIntType, std::size_t words, unsigned int highBits>
159 static void
160 increment(std::array<UIntType, words> * ctr)
162 const std::size_t bitsPerWord = std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits;
163 const std::size_t bitsTotal = bitsPerWord*words;
165 static_assert(highBits <= bitsTotal, "High bits do not fit in counter.");
167 const std::size_t lastWordIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) / bitsPerWord;
168 const std::size_t lastWordLowBitIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) % bitsPerWord;
169 const UIntType lastWordOne = static_cast<UIntType>(1) << lastWordLowBitIdx;
171 // For algorithm & efficiency reasons we need to store the internal counter in
172 // the same array as the user-provided counter, so we use the higest bits, possibly
173 // crossing several words.
175 // To have the computer help us with the dirty carry arithmetics we store the bits
176 // in the internal counter part in normal fashion, but the internal counter words in
177 // reverse order; the highest word of the total counter array (words-1) is thus
178 // the least significant part of the internal counter (if it spans several words).
180 // The incrementation works as follows:
182 // 0) If the index of the least significant internal counter word is larger
183 // than words-1, there was never any space.
184 // 1) If the internal counter spans more than one word, we must have one or
185 // more internal counter words that correspond entirely to the this counter.
186 // Start with the least significant one (words-1) and increment it.
187 // If the new value is not zero we did not loop around (no carry), so everything
188 // is good, and we are done - return!
189 // If the new value is zero, we need to move the carry result to the next word,
190 // so we just continue the loop until we have gone through all words that
191 // are internal-counter-only.
192 // 2) After the loop, there is stuff remaining to add, and by definition there
193 // is some internal counter space in the next word, but the question
194 // is if we have exhausted it. We already created a constant that corresponds
195 // to the bit that represents '1' for the internal counter part of this word.
196 // When we add this constant it will not affect the user-counter-part at all,
197 // and if we exhaust the internal counter space the high bits will cause the entire
198 // word to wrap around, and the result will be smaller than the bit we added.
199 // If this happens we throw, otherwise we're done.
201 // Since all constants will be evaluated at compile time, this entire routine
202 // will usually be reduced to simply incrementing a word by a constant, and throwing
203 // if the result is smaller than the constant.
205 if (lastWordIdx >= words)
207 GMX_THROW(InternalError("Cannot increment random engine defined with 0 internal counter bits."));
210 for (unsigned int i = words-1; i > lastWordIdx; --i)
212 (*ctr)[i]++;
213 if ((*ctr)[i])
215 return; // No carry means we are done
218 (*ctr)[lastWordIdx] += lastWordOne;
219 if ((*ctr)[lastWordIdx] < lastWordOne)
221 GMX_THROW(InternalError("Random engine stream ran out of internal counter space."));
223 return;
226 /*! \brief Increment the internal counter in highBits by a value.
228 * \tparam UIntType Integer type to use for each word in counter
229 * \tparam words Number of UIntType words in counter
230 * \tparam highBits Number of bits reserved for the internal counter.
231 * \param ctr Reference to the counter to increment.
232 * \param addend Value to add to internal.
234 * \throws InternalError if internal counter space is exhausted.
236 * This routine will work across the word boundaries for any number
237 * of internal counter bits that fits in the total counter.
239 template<class UIntType, std::size_t words, unsigned int highBits>
240 static void
241 increment(std::array<UIntType, words> * ctr, UIntType addend)
243 const std::size_t bitsPerWord = std::numeric_limits<UIntType>::digits;
244 const std::size_t bitsTotal = bitsPerWord*words;
246 static_assert(highBits <= bitsTotal, "High bits do not fit in counter.");
248 const std::size_t lastWordIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) / bitsPerWord;
249 const std::size_t lastWordLowBitIdx = (bitsTotal - highBits) % bitsPerWord;
250 const UIntType lastWordOne = static_cast<UIntType>(1) << lastWordLowBitIdx;
251 const UIntType lastWordMaxVal = (~static_cast<UIntType>(0)) >> lastWordLowBitIdx;
253 if (lastWordIdx >= words)
255 GMX_THROW(InternalError("Cannot increment random engine defined with 0 internal counter bits."));
258 for (unsigned int i = words-1; i > lastWordIdx; --i)
260 (*ctr)[i] += addend;
261 addend = ((*ctr)[i] < addend); // 1 is the carry!
262 if (addend == 0)
264 return;
268 if (addend > lastWordMaxVal)
270 GMX_THROW(InternalError("Random engine stream ran out of internal counter space."));
272 addend *= lastWordOne;
274 (*ctr)[lastWordIdx] += addend;
276 if ((*ctr)[lastWordIdx] < addend)
278 GMX_THROW(InternalError("Random engine stream ran out of internal counter space."));
280 return;
285 /*! \brief General implementation class for ThreeFry counter-based random engines.
287 * This class is used to implement several different ThreeFry2x64 random engines
288 * differing in the number of rounds executed in and the number of bits reserved
289 * for the internal counter. It is compatible with C++11 random engines, and
290 * can be used e.g. with all random distributions from the standard library.
292 * ThreeFry is a counter-based rather than state-based random engine. This
293 * means that we seed it with a "key", after which we can get the
294 * N:th random number in a sequence (specified by a counter) directly. This
295 * means we are guaranteed the same sequence of numbers even when running in
296 * parallel if using e.g. step and atom index as counters.
298 * However, it is also useful to be able to use it as a normal random engine,
299 * for instance if you need more than 2 64-bit random values for a specific
300 * counter value, not to mention where you just need good normal random numbers.
301 * To achieve this, this implementation uses John Salmon's idea of reserving
302 * a couple of the highest bits in the user-provided counter for an internal
303 * counter. For instance, if reserving 3 bits, this means you get a stream of
304 * 8 iterations (each with 2 random values) after every restart. If you call
305 * the engine after these bits have been exhausted, it will throw an
306 * exception to make sure you don't get overlapping streams by mistake.
307 * Reserving 3 bits also means you can only use 64-3=61 bits of the highest
308 * word when restarting (i.e., setting) the counters.
310 * This version also supports using internalCounterBits=0. In this case the
311 * random engine will be able to return a single counter round, i.e. 2 64-bit
312 * values for ThreeFry2x64, after which an exception is thrown. In this case no
313 * high bits are reserved, which means the class implements the raw ThreeFry2x64
314 * random function.
316 * \tparam rounds The number of encryption iterations used when generating.
317 * This can in principle be any value, but 20 rounds has been
318 * shown to pass all BigCrush random tests, and with 13 rounds
319 * only one fails. This is a very stringent test, and the
320 * standard Mersenne Twister engine fails two, so 13 rounds
321 * should be a perfectly fine balance in most cases.
322 * \tparam internalCounterBits
323 * Number of high bits in the user-provided counter reserved
324 * for the internal counter. The number of values the engine
325 * can return after each restart will be
326 * words*2^internalCounterBits.
328 template<unsigned int rounds, unsigned int internalCounterBits>
329 class ThreeFry2x64General
331 // While this class will formally work with any value for rounds, there is
332 // no reason to go lower than 13, and this might help catch some typos.
333 // If we find a reason to use lower values in the future, or if you simply
334 // want to test, this assert can safely be removed.
335 static_assert(rounds >= 13, "You should not use less than 13 encryption rounds for ThreeFry2x64.");
337 public:
338 // result_type must be lower case to be compatible with C++11 standard library
340 /*! \brief Integer type for output. */
341 typedef gmx_uint64_t result_type;
342 /*! \brief Use array for counter & key states so it is allocated on the stack */
343 typedef std::array<result_type, 2> counter_type;
345 private:
347 /*! \brief Rotate value left by specified number of bits
349 * \param i Value to rotate (result_type, which should be 64-bit).
350 * \param bits Number of bits to rotate i.
352 * \return Input value rotated 'bits' left.
354 result_type
355 rotLeft(result_type i, unsigned int bits)
357 return (i << bits) | (i >> (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::digits-bits));
360 /*! \brief Perform encryption step for ThreeFry2x64 algorithm
362 * It performs the encryption step of the standard ThreeFish symmetric-key
363 * tweakable block cipher, which is the core of the ThreeFry random
364 * engine. The number of encryption rounds is specified by the class
365 * template parameter 'rounds'.
367 * \param key Reference to key value
368 * \param ctr Counter value to use
370 * \return Newly encrypted 2x64 block, according to the class template parameters.
372 counter_type
373 generateBlock(const counter_type &key,
374 const counter_type &ctr)
376 const unsigned int rotations[] = {16, 42, 12, 31, 16, 32, 24, 21};
377 counter_type x = ctr;
379 result_type ks[3] = { 0x0, 0x0, 0x1bd11bdaa9fc1a22 };
381 // This is actually a pretty simple routine that merely executes the
382 // for-block specified further down 'rounds' times. However, both
383 // clang and gcc have problems unrolling and replacing rotations[r%8]
384 // with constants, so we unroll the first 20 iterations manually.
386 if (rounds > 0)
388 ks[0] = key[0]; ks[2] ^= key[0]; x[0] = x[0] + key[0];
389 ks[1] = key[1]; ks[2] ^= key[1]; x[1] = x[1] + key[1];
390 x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 16); x[1] ^= x[0];
392 if (rounds > 1) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 42); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
393 if (rounds > 2) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 12); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
394 if (rounds > 3) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 31); x[1] ^= x[0]; x[0] += ks[1]; x[1] += ks[2] + 1; }
395 if (rounds > 4) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 16); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
396 if (rounds > 5) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 32); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
397 if (rounds > 6) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 24); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
398 if (rounds > 7) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 21); x[1] ^= x[0]; x[0] += ks[2]; x[1] += ks[0] + 2; }
399 if (rounds > 8) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 16); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
400 if (rounds > 9) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 42); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
401 if (rounds > 10) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 12); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
402 if (rounds > 11) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 31); x[1] ^= x[0]; x[0] += ks[0]; x[1] += ks[1] + 3; }
403 if (rounds > 12) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 16); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
404 if (rounds > 13) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 32); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
405 if (rounds > 14) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 24); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
406 if (rounds > 15) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 21); x[1] ^= x[0]; x[0] += ks[1]; x[1] += ks[2] + 4; }
407 if (rounds > 16) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 16); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
408 if (rounds > 17) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 42); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
409 if (rounds > 18) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 12); x[1] ^= x[0]; }
410 if (rounds > 19) { x[0] += x[1]; x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], 31); x[1] ^= x[0]; x[0] += ks[2]; x[1] += ks[0] + 5; }
412 for (unsigned int r = 20; r < rounds; r++)
414 x[0] += x[1];
415 x[1] = rotLeft(x[1], rotations[r%8]);
416 x[1] ^= x[0];
417 if (( (r + 1) & 3 ) == 0)
419 unsigned int r4 = (r + 1) >> 2;
420 x[0] += ks[ r4 % 3 ];
421 x[1] += ks[ (r4 + 1) % 3 ] + r4;
424 return x;
427 public:
428 //! \brief Smallest value that can be returned from random engine.
429 #if !defined(_MSC_VER)
430 static constexpr
431 #else
432 // Avoid constexpr bug in MSVC 2015, note that max() below does work
433 static
434 #endif
435 result_type min() { return std::numeric_limits<result_type>::min(); }
437 //! \brief Largest value that can be returned from random engine.
438 static constexpr
439 result_type max() { return std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max(); }
441 /*! \brief Construct random engine with 2x64 key values
443 * This constructor takes two values, and should only be used with
444 * the 2x64 implementations.
446 * \param key0 Random seed in the form of a 64-bit unsigned value.
447 * \param domain Random domain. This is used to guarantee that different
448 * applications of a random engine inside the code get different
449 * streams of random numbers, without requiring the user
450 * to provide lots of random seeds. Pick a value from the
451 * RandomDomain class, or RandomDomain::Other if it is
452 * not important. In the latter case you might want to use
453 * \ref gmx::DefaultRandomEngine instead.
455 * \note The random domain is really another 64-bit seed value.
457 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
458 * bits are nonzero.
460 ThreeFry2x64General(gmx_uint64_t key0 = 0, RandomDomain domain = RandomDomain::Other)
462 seed(key0, domain);
465 /*! \brief Construct random engine from 2x64-bit unsigned integers
467 * This constructor assigns the raw 128 bit key data from unsigned integers.
468 * It is meant for the case when you want full control over the key,
469 * for instance to compare with reference values of the ThreeFry
470 * function during testing.
472 * \param key0 First word of key/random seed.
473 * \param key1 Second word of key/random seed.
475 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
476 * bits are nonzero. To test arbitrary values, use 0 internal counter bits.
478 ThreeFry2x64General(gmx_uint64_t key0, gmx_uint64_t key1)
480 seed(key0, key1);
483 /*! \brief Seed 2x64 random engine with two 64-bit key values
485 * \param key0 First word of random seed, in the form of 64-bit unsigned values.
486 * \param domain Random domain. This is used to guarantee that different
487 * applications of a random engine inside the code get different
488 * streams of random numbers, without requiring the user
489 * to provide lots of random seeds. Pick a value from the
490 * RandomDomain class, or RandomDomain::Other if it is
491 * not important. In the latter case you might want to use
492 * \ref gmx::DefaultRandomEngine instead.
494 * \note The random domain is really another 64-bit seed value.
496 * Re-initialized the seed similar to the counter constructor.
497 * Same rules apply: The highest few bits of the last word are
498 * reserved to encode the number of internal counter bits, but
499 * to save the user the trouble of making sure these are zero
500 * when using e.g. a random device, we just ignore them.
502 void
503 seed(gmx_uint64_t key0 = 0, RandomDomain domain = RandomDomain::Other)
505 seed(key0, static_cast<gmx_uint64_t>(domain));
508 /*! \brief Seed random engine from 2x64-bit unsigned integers
510 * This assigns the raw 128 bit key data from unsigned integers.
511 * It is meant for the case when you want full control over the key,
512 * for instance to compare with reference values of the ThreeFry
513 * function during testing.
515 * \param key0 First word of key/random seed.
516 * \param key1 Second word of key/random seed.
518 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
519 * bits are nonzero. To test arbitrary values, use 0 internal counter bits.
521 void
522 seed(gmx_uint64_t key0, gmx_uint64_t key1)
524 const unsigned int internalCounterBitsBits = (internalCounterBits > 0) ? ( StaticLog2<internalCounterBits>::value + 1 ) : 0;
526 key_ = {{key0, key1}};
528 if (internalCounterBits > 0)
530 internal::highBitCounter::checkAndClear<result_type, 2, internalCounterBitsBits>(&key_);
531 internal::highBitCounter::increment<result_type, 2, internalCounterBitsBits>(&key_, internalCounterBits-1);
533 restart(0, 0);
536 /*! \brief Restart 2x64 random engine counter from 2 64-bit values
538 * \param ctr0 First word of new counter, in the form of 64-bit unsigned values.
539 * \param ctr1 Second word of new counter
541 * Restarting the engine with a new counter is extremely fast with ThreeFry64,
542 * and basically just consists of storing the counter value, so you should
543 * use this liberally in your innermost loops to restart the engine with
544 * e.g. the current step and atom index as counter values.
546 * \throws InternalError if any of the highest bits that are reserved
547 * for the internal part of the counter are set. The number of
548 * reserved bits is to the last template parameter to the class.
550 void
551 restart(gmx_uint64_t ctr0 = 0, gmx_uint64_t ctr1 = 0)
554 counter_ = {{ctr0, ctr1}};
555 if (!internal::highBitCounter::checkAndClear<result_type, 2, internalCounterBits>(&counter_))
557 GMX_THROW(InternalError("High bits of counter are reserved for the internal stream counter."));
559 block_ = generateBlock(key_, counter_);
560 index_ = 0;
563 /*! \brief Generate the next random number
565 * This will return the next stored 64-bit value if one is available,
566 * and otherwise generate a new block, update the internal counters, and
567 * return the first value while storing the others.
569 * \throws InternalError if the internal counter space is exhausted.
571 result_type
572 operator()()
574 if (index_ >= c_resultsPerCounter_)
576 internal::highBitCounter::increment<result_type, 2, internalCounterBits>(&counter_);
577 block_ = generateBlock(key_, counter_);
578 index_ = 0;
580 return block_[index_++];
583 /*! \brief Skip next n random numbers
585 * Moves the internal random stream for the give key/counter value
586 * n positions forward. The count is based on the number of random values
587 * returned, such that skipping 5 values gives exactly the same result as
588 * drawing 5 values that are ignored.
590 * \param n Number of values to jump forward.
592 * \throws InternalError if the internal counter space is exhausted.
594 void
595 discard(gmx_uint64_t n)
597 index_ += n % c_resultsPerCounter_;
598 n /= c_resultsPerCounter_;
600 if (index_ > c_resultsPerCounter_)
602 index_ -= c_resultsPerCounter_;
603 n++;
606 // Make sure the state is the same as if we came to this counter and
607 // index by natural generation.
608 if (index_ == 0 && n > 0)
610 index_ = c_resultsPerCounter_;
611 n--;
613 internal::highBitCounter::increment<result_type, 2, internalCounterBits>(&counter_, n);
614 block_ = generateBlock(key_, counter_);
617 /*! \brief Return true if two ThreeFry2x64 engines are identical
619 * \param x Instance to compare with.
621 * This routine should return true if the two engines will generate
622 * identical random streams when drawing.
624 bool
625 operator==(const ThreeFry2x64General<rounds, internalCounterBits> &x) const
627 // block_ is uniquely specified by key_ and counter_.
628 return (key_ == x.key_ && counter_ == x.counter_ && index_ == x.index_);
631 /*! \brief Return true of two ThreeFry2x64 engines are not identical
633 * \param x Instance to compare with.
635 * This routine should return true if the two engines will generate
636 * different random streams when drawing.
638 bool
639 operator!=(const ThreeFry2x64General<rounds, internalCounterBits> &x) const { return !operator==(x); }
641 private:
643 /*! \brief Number of results returned for each invocation of the block generation */
644 static const unsigned int c_resultsPerCounter_ = static_cast<unsigned int>(sizeof(counter_type)/sizeof(result_type));
646 /*! \brief ThreeFry2x64 key, i.e. the random seed for this stream.
648 * The highest few bits of the key are replaced to encode the value of
649 * internalCounterBits, in order to make all streams unique.
651 counter_type key_;
653 /*! \brief ThreeFry2x64 total counter.
655 * The highest internalCounterBits are reserved for an internal counter
656 * so that the combination of a key and counter provides a stream that
657 * returns 2*2^internalCounterBits (ThreeFry2x64) random 64-bit values before
658 * the internal counter space is exhausted and an exception is thrown.
660 counter_type counter_;
661 /*! \brief The present block encrypted from values of key and counter. */
662 counter_type block_;
663 /*! \brief Index of the next value in block_ to return from random engine */
664 unsigned int index_;
666 GMX_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreeFry2x64General);
670 /*! \brief ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 20 iteractions.
672 * \tparam internalCounterBits, default 64.
674 * This class provides very high quality random numbers that pass all
675 * BigCrush tests, it works with two 64-bit values each for keys and
676 * counters, and is most efficient when we only need a few random values
677 * before restarting the counters with new values.
679 template<unsigned int internalCounterBits = 64>
680 class ThreeFry2x64 : public ThreeFry2x64General<20, internalCounterBits>
682 public:
683 /*! \brief Construct ThreeFry random engine with 2x64 key values, 20 rounds.
685 * \param key0 Random seed in the form of a 64-bit unsigned value.
686 * \param domain Random domain. This is used to guarantee that different
687 * applications of a random engine inside the code get different
688 * streams of random numbers, without requiring the user
689 * to provide lots of random seeds. Pick a value from the
690 * RandomDomain class, or RandomDomain::Other if it is
691 * not important. In the latter case you might want to use
692 * \ref gmx::DefaultRandomEngine instead.
694 * \note The random domain is really another 64-bit seed value.
696 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
697 * bits are nonzero.
699 ThreeFry2x64(gmx_uint64_t key0 = 0, RandomDomain domain = RandomDomain::Other) : ThreeFry2x64General<20, internalCounterBits>(key0, domain) {}
701 /*! \brief Construct random engine from 2x64-bit unsigned integers, 20 rounds
703 * This constructor assigns the raw 128 bit key data from unsigned integers.
704 * It is meant for the case when you want full control over the key,
705 * for instance to compare with reference values of the ThreeFry
706 * function during testing.
708 * \param key0 First word of key/random seed.
709 * \param key1 Second word of key/random seed.
711 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
712 * bits are nonzero. To test arbitrary values, use 0 internal counter bits.
714 ThreeFry2x64(gmx_uint64_t key0, gmx_uint64_t key1) : ThreeFry2x64General<20, internalCounterBits>(key0, key1) {}
717 /*! \brief ThreeFry2x64 random engine with 13 iteractions.
719 * \tparam internalCounterBits, default 64.
721 * This class provides relatively high quality random numbers that only
722 * fail one BigCrush test, and it is a bit faster than the 20-round version.
723 * It works with two 64-bit values each for keys and counters, and is most
724 * efficient when we only need a few random values before restarting
725 * the counters with new values.
727 template<unsigned int internalCounterBits = 64>
728 class ThreeFry2x64Fast : public ThreeFry2x64General<13, internalCounterBits>
730 public:
731 /*! \brief Construct ThreeFry random engine with 2x64 key values, 13 rounds.
733 * \param key0 Random seed in the form of a 64-bit unsigned value.
734 * \param domain Random domain. This is used to guarantee that different
735 * applications of a random engine inside the code get different
736 * streams of random numbers, without requiring the user
737 * to provide lots of random seeds. Pick a value from the
738 * RandomDomain class, or RandomDomain::Other if it is
739 * not important. In the latter case you might want to use
740 * \ref gmx::DefaultRandomEngine instead.
742 * \note The random domain is really another 64-bit seed value.
744 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
745 * bits are nonzero.
747 ThreeFry2x64Fast(gmx_uint64_t key0 = 0, RandomDomain domain = RandomDomain::Other) : ThreeFry2x64General<13, internalCounterBits>(key0, domain) {}
749 /*! \brief Construct ThreeFry random engine from 2x64-bit unsigned integers, 13 rounds.
751 * This constructor assigns the raw 128 bit key data from unsigned integers.
752 * It is meant for the case when you want full control over the key,
753 * for instance to compare with reference values of the ThreeFry
754 * function during testing.
756 * \param key0 First word of key/random seed.
757 * \param key1 Second word of key/random seed.
759 * \throws InternalError if the high bits needed to encode the number of counter
760 * bits are nonzero. To test arbitrary values, use 0 internal counter bits.
762 ThreeFry2x64Fast(gmx_uint64_t key0, gmx_uint64_t key1) : ThreeFry2x64General<13, internalCounterBits>(key0, key1) {}
767 /*! \brief Default fast and accurate random engine in Gromacs
769 * This engine will return 2*2^64 random results using the default
770 * gmx::RandomDomain::Other stream, and can be initialized with a single
771 * seed argument without having to remember empty template angle brackets.
773 typedef ThreeFry2x64Fast<> DefaultRandomEngine;
775 } // namespace gmx