Updated Czech translation
[gnumeric.git] / doc / ja / formats.sgml
1 <sect1 id="editing-selections">
2 <title>Cell format in Gnumeric</title>
4 <para>Gnumeric provides a wide range of formating rules for the data
5 that is entered into the cells. The numbers are rendered according
6 to a format code that describes the way you want the information to
7 be presented.</para>
9 <para>To apply a format to a cell, you need to select the range of
10 cells to which a given style is going to be applied and then invoke
11 the cell format dialog box. The cell format dialog box can be
12 activated from the main Gnumeric menu bar as Format/Cell or from the
13 context-sensitive menu in the spreadsheet (this is activated by
14 pressing the right button).</para>
16 <sect2>
17 <title>Formatting codes</title>
19 </sect2>
21 <sect2>
22 <title>Conditional formatting codes</title>
24 </sect2>
26 <sect2>
27 <title>Adding colors to a format</title>
29 </sect2>
31 </sect1>
33 <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
34 Local variables:
35 mode: sgml
36 sgml-omittag:t
37 sgml-shorttag:t
38 sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
39 sgml-always-quote-attributes:t
40 sgml-indent-step:2
41 sgml-indent-data:t
42 sgml-parent-document:nil
43 sgml-exposed-tags:nil
44 sgml-local-catalogs:nil
45 sgml-local-ecat-files:nil
46 End:
47 -->