Add a regtest to check tasking
[gnadelite.git] / src / db-sqlite.adb
1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- GnadeLite --
3 -- --
4 -- Copyright (C) 2006-2008 --
5 -- Pascal Obry - Olivier Ramonat --
6 -- --
7 -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
8 -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by --
9 -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at --
10 -- your option) any later version. --
11 -- --
12 -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but --
13 -- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
15 -- General Public License for more details. --
16 -- --
17 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License --
18 -- along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, --
19 -- Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. --
20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
24 with Morzhol.Logs;
26 package body DB.SQLite is
28 use GNU.DB;
29 use Morzhol;
31 Module : constant Logs.Module_Name := "DB_SQLITE";
33 Unique_Handle : SQLite3.Handle := null;
34 -- Unique handle to use when we want to use in memory connection
36 procedure Unchecked_Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation
37 (Object => SQLite3.Object, Name => SQLite3.Handle);
39 procedure Check_Result
40 (Routine : in String;
41 Result : in SQLite3.Return_Value);
42 pragma Inline (Check_Result);
43 -- Check result, raises and exception if it is an error code
45 procedure Step_Internal (Iter : in out Iterator);
46 -- Advance to the next row and set Iter.More
48 protected SQLite_Safe is
49 procedure Close
50 (DB : in Handle; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value);
51 -- Close the database
53 procedure Exec
54 (DB : in Handle; SQL : in String; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value);
55 -- Execute an SQL statement
57 procedure Open
58 (DB : in Handle; Name : in String; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value);
59 -- Open the database
61 procedure Prepare_Select
62 (DB : in Handle;
63 Iter : in out Standard.DB.Iterator'Class;
64 SQL : in String);
65 -- Prepare a select statement
66 end SQLite_Safe;
68 -----------------------
69 -- Begin_Transaction --
70 -----------------------
72 overriding procedure Begin_Transaction (DB : in Handle) is
73 begin
74 Logs.Write (Module, "begin");
75 Execute (DB, "begin");
76 end Begin_Transaction;
78 ------------------
79 -- Check_Result --
80 ------------------
82 procedure Check_Result
83 (Routine : in String;
84 Result : in SQLite3.Return_Value)
86 use type SQLite3.Return_Value;
87 begin
88 if Result /= SQLite3.SQLITE_OK then
89 Logs.Write
90 (Name => Module,
91 Kind => Logs.Error,
92 Content => Logs.NV
93 ("Return_Value", SQLite3.Return_Value'Image (Result))
94 & ", " & Logs.NV ("routine", Routine));
95 raise DB_Error
96 with "SQLite: Error " & SQLite3.Return_Value'Image (Result) &
97 " in " & Routine;
98 end if;
99 end Check_Result;
101 -----------
102 -- Close --
103 -----------
105 overriding procedure Close (DB : in out Handle) is
106 Result : Sqlite3.Return_Value;
107 begin
108 Logs.Write (Module, "close");
109 SQLite_Safe.Close (DB, Result);
110 Check_Result ("close", Result);
111 Unchecked_Free (DB.H);
112 end Close;
114 ------------
115 -- Commit --
116 ------------
118 overriding procedure Commit (DB : in Handle) is
119 begin
120 Logs.Write (Module, "commit");
121 Execute (DB, "commit");
122 end Commit;
124 -------------
125 -- Connect --
126 -------------
128 overriding procedure Connect
129 (DB : in out Handle;
130 Name : in String;
131 User : in String := "";
132 Password : in String := "")
134 pragma Unreferenced (User, Password);
135 use type GNU.DB.SQLite3.Handle;
137 Result : Sqlite3.Return_Value;
138 begin
139 Logs.Write
140 (Module, "connect " & Logs.NV ("Name", Name));
141 if Name = In_Memory_Database then
142 if Unique_Handle = null then
144 -- Open only one database connection !
146 Unique_Handle := new GNU.DB.SQLite3.Object;
147 DB.H := Unique_Handle;
148 SQLite_Safe.Open (DB, Name, Result);
149 Check_Result ("connect", Result);
151 elsif DB.H = null then
152 -- Get the open database connection
153 DB.H := Unique_Handle;
154 end if;
155 else
156 if DB.H = null then
157 DB.H := new GNU.DB.SQLite3.Object;
158 end if;
160 SQLite_Safe.Open (DB, Name, Result);
161 Check_Result ("connect", Result);
162 end if;
163 end Connect;
165 ----------------
166 -- End_Select --
167 ----------------
169 overriding procedure End_Select (Iter : in out Iterator) is
170 begin
171 Logs.Write (Module, "end_select");
172 Check_Result ("end_select", SQLite3.finalize (Iter.S'Unchecked_Access));
173 end End_Select;
175 -------------
176 -- Execute --
177 -------------
179 overriding procedure Execute (DB : in Handle; SQL : in String) is
180 Result : SQLite3.Return_Value;
181 begin
182 Logs.Write
183 (Module, "execute : " & Logs.NV ("SQL", SQL));
184 SQLite_Safe.Exec (DB, SQL, Result);
185 Check_Result ("execute", Result);
186 exception
187 when DB_Error =>
188 raise DB_Error with "DB_Error on Execute " & SQL;
189 end Execute;
191 --------------
192 -- Get_Line --
193 --------------
195 overriding procedure Get_Line
196 (Iter : in out Iterator;
197 Result : out String_Vectors.Vector)
199 use type SQLite3.Return_Value;
200 begin
201 for K in 0 .. Iter.Col - 1 loop
202 String_Vectors.Append
203 (Result, SQLite3.column_text (Iter.S'Unchecked_Access, K));
204 end loop;
206 Step_Internal (Iter);
207 end Get_Line;
209 -----------------------
210 -- Last_Insert_Rowid --
211 -----------------------
213 overriding function Last_Insert_Rowid (DB : in Handle) return String is
214 Rowid : constant String :=
215 SQLite3.uint64'Image (SQLite3.Last_Insert_Rowid (DB.H));
216 begin
217 -- Skip first whitespace returned by 'Image
218 return Rowid (Rowid'First + 1 .. Rowid'Last);
219 end Last_Insert_Rowid;
221 ----------
222 -- More --
223 ----------
225 overriding function More (Iter : in Iterator) return Boolean is
226 begin
227 return Iter.More;
228 end More;
230 --------------------
231 -- Prepare_Select --
232 --------------------
234 overriding procedure Prepare_Select
235 (DB : in Handle;
236 Iter : in out Standard.DB.Iterator'Class;
237 SQL : in String)
239 use type SQLite3.Statement_Reference;
240 begin
241 SQLite_Safe.Prepare_Select (DB, Iter, SQL);
242 end Prepare_Select;
244 --------------
245 -- Rollback --
246 --------------
248 overriding procedure Rollback (DB : in Handle) is
249 begin
250 Logs.Write (Module, "rollback");
251 Execute (DB, "rollback");
252 end Rollback;
254 -----------------
255 -- SQLite_Safe --
256 -----------------
258 protected body SQLite_Safe is
260 -----------
261 -- Close --
262 -----------
264 procedure Close
265 (DB : in Handle; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value) is
266 begin
267 Result := SQLite3.Close (DB.H);
268 end Close;
270 ----------
271 -- Exec --
272 ----------
274 procedure Exec
275 (DB : in Handle; SQL : in String; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value) is
276 begin
277 Result := SQLite3.Exec (DB.H, SQL);
278 end Exec;
280 ----------
281 -- Open --
282 ----------
284 procedure Open
285 (DB : in Handle; Name : in String; Result : out Sqlite3.Return_Value) is
286 begin
287 Result := SQLite3.Open (DB.H, Name);
288 end Open;
290 --------------------
291 -- Prepare_Select --
292 --------------------
294 procedure Prepare_Select
295 (DB : in Handle;
296 Iter : in out Standard.DB.Iterator'Class;
297 SQL : in String)
299 use type SQLite3.Statement_Reference;
300 begin
301 pragma Assert (Iter in Iterator);
302 Logs.Write
303 (Module, "prepare select : " & Logs.NV ("SQL", SQL));
305 Iterator (Iter).H := DB;
306 Iterator (Iter).More := False;
308 Check_Result
309 ("prepare_select",
310 SQLite3.prepare (DB.H, SQL, Iterator (Iter).S'Unchecked_Access));
312 Iterator (Iter).Col :=
313 SQLite3.column_count (Iterator (Iter).S'Unchecked_Access);
315 Step_Internal (Iterator (Iter));
316 end Prepare_Select;
317 end SQLite_Safe;
319 -------------------
320 -- Step_Internal --
321 -------------------
323 procedure Step_Internal (Iter : in out Iterator) is
324 use type SQLite3.Return_Value;
325 R : SQLite3.Return_Value;
326 begin
327 R := SQLite3.step (Iter.S'Unchecked_Access);
329 if R = SQLite3.SQLITE_DONE then
330 Iter.More := False;
331 elsif R = SQLite3.SQLITE_ROW then
332 Iter.More := True;
333 else
334 Check_Result ("step_internal", R);
335 Iter.More := False;
336 end if;
337 end Step_Internal;
339 end DB.SQLite;