Update hosting setup based on final chroot arrangement
[girocco.git] / indextext.html
1 <p>This is a public gitweb hosting. Anyone can register his project here and
2 the hosting will offer periodically updated gitweb view and also repository
3 mirror of the project. There are only two conditions:</p>
4 <ul>
5 <li>Your project must be free software and distributing it must not violate laws
6 of Czech Republic. (The registration process is completely automatic but we will
7 remove your project if we find out during manual inspection or on request by
8 someone relevant.)</li>
9 <li>The maximal permitted repository size is 50M after repacking (let us know
10 if you need an exception). If you need more, you are running quite a big
11 project and should be able to arrange own hosting. Note that e.g. CVS-imported
12 glibc repository with ~15 years worth of history is just 100M.</li>
13 </ul>
14 <p><strong>This service is completely EXPERIMENTAL right now.</strong>
15 The service is managed by <a href="mailto:pasky@suse.cz">Petr Baudis</a>,
16 contact him with any requests, proposals or issues.</p>
17 <p><a href="m/register.cgi">[ Register your project ]</a> (more interface to come)</p>
18 <hr />
19 <p>What exactly will we do? We will first <a href="/mirror/">mirror</a> your
20 project locally (mirror means that no origin mangling occurs etc.), then
21 <code>git repack -a -d</code> it. Then the size check is done and if everything
22 is all right, the project gets published on the web interface. Then the repository
23 is periodically updated (and repacked) every hour (in the future, the update
24 intervals will be variable). You will be notified by mail when the initial mirror
25 is over or when anything goes wrong.</p>
26 <p>TODO: Support smart HTTP-friendly repacking. Possibly support pushing, which
27 would turn the site to full-fledged Git repository hosting.</p>
28 <p>Other big Git(web) hostings:</p>
29 <ul>
30 <li><a href="http://kernel.org/git/">kernel.org/git</a> for kernel-related and Git-related projects</li>
31 <li><a href="http://www.jur-linux.org/git/">www.jur-linux.org/git/</a> for random mirrors of Fedora-related projects</li>
32 </ul>