Bug 1760703 [wpt PR 33288] - Bump types-requests from 2.27.13 to 2.27.14 in /tools...
[gecko.git] / testing / web-platform / tests / tools / third_party / hyper / hyper / http11 / response.py
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 """
3 hyper/http11/response
4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6 Contains the HTTP/1.1 equivalent of the HTTPResponse object defined in
7 httplib/http.client.
8 """
9 import logging
10 import weakref
11 import zlib
13 from ..common.decoder import DeflateDecoder
14 from ..common.exceptions import ChunkedDecodeError, InvalidResponseError
15 from ..common.exceptions import ConnectionResetError
17 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
20 class HTTP11Response(object):
21 """
22 An ``HTTP11Response`` wraps the HTTP/1.1 response from the server. It
23 provides access to the response headers and the entity body. The response
24 is an iterable object and can be used in a with statement.
25 """
26 def __init__(self, code, reason, headers, sock, connection=None):
27 #: The reason phrase returned by the server.
28 self.reason = reason
30 #: The status code returned by the server.
31 self.status = code
33 #: The response headers. These are determined upon creation, assigned
34 #: once, and never assigned again.
35 self.headers = headers
37 #: The response trailers. These are always intially ``None``.
38 self.trailers = None
40 # The socket this response is being sent over.
41 self._sock = sock
43 # Whether we expect the connection to be closed. If we do, we don't
44 # bother checking for content-length, we just keep reading until
45 # we no longer can.
46 self._expect_close = False
47 if b'close' in self.headers.get(b'connection', []):
48 self._expect_close = True
50 # The expected length of the body.
51 try:
52 self._length = int(self.headers[b'content-length'][0])
53 except KeyError:
54 self._length = None
56 # Whether we expect a chunked response.
57 self._chunked = (
58 b'chunked' in self.headers.get(b'transfer-encoding', [])
61 # One of the following must be true: we must expect that the connection
62 # will be closed following the body, or that a content-length was sent,
63 # or that we're getting a chunked response.
64 # FIXME: Remove naked assert, replace with something better.
65 assert self._expect_close or self._length is not None or self._chunked
67 # This object is used for decompressing gzipped request bodies. Right
68 # now we only support gzip because that's all the RFC mandates of us.
69 # Later we'll add support for more encodings.
70 # This 16 + MAX_WBITS nonsense is to force gzip. See this
71 # Stack Overflow answer for more:
72 # http://stackoverflow.com/a/2695466/1401686
73 if b'gzip' in self.headers.get(b'content-encoding', []):
74 self._decompressobj = zlib.decompressobj(16 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
75 elif b'deflate' in self.headers.get(b'content-encoding', []):
76 self._decompressobj = DeflateDecoder()
77 else:
78 self._decompressobj = None
80 # This is a reference that allows for the Response class to tell the
81 # parent connection object to throw away its socket object. This is to
82 # be used when the connection is genuinely closed, so that the user
83 # can keep using the Connection object.
84 # Strictly, we take a weakreference to this so that we don't set up a
85 # reference cycle.
86 if connection is not None:
87 self._parent = weakref.ref(connection)
88 else:
89 self._parent = None
91 self._buffered_data = b''
92 self._chunker = None
94 def read(self, amt=None, decode_content=True):
95 """
96 Reads the response body, or up to the next ``amt`` bytes.
98 :param amt: (optional) The amount of data to read. If not provided, all
99 the data will be read from the response.
100 :param decode_content: (optional) If ``True``, will transparently
101 decode the response data.
102 :returns: The read data. Note that if ``decode_content`` is set to
103 ``True``, the actual amount of data returned may be different to
104 the amount requested.
106 # Return early if we've lost our connection.
107 if self._sock is None:
108 return b''
110 if self._chunked:
111 return self._normal_read_chunked(amt, decode_content)
113 # If we're asked to do a read without a length, we need to read
114 # everything. That means either the entire content length, or until the
115 # socket is closed, depending.
116 if amt is None:
117 if self._length is not None:
118 amt = self._length
119 elif self._expect_close:
120 return self._read_expect_closed(decode_content)
121 else: # pragma: no cover
122 raise InvalidResponseError(
123 "Response must either have length or Connection: close"
126 # Otherwise, we've been asked to do a bounded read. We should read no
127 # more than the remaining length, obviously.
128 # FIXME: Handle cases without _length
129 if self._length is not None:
130 amt = min(amt, self._length)
132 # Now, issue reads until we read that length. This is to account for
133 # the fact that it's possible that we'll be asked to read more than
134 # 65kB in one shot.
135 to_read = amt
136 chunks = []
138 # Ideally I'd like this to read 'while to_read', but I want to be
139 # defensive against the admittedly unlikely case that the socket
140 # returns *more* data than I want.
141 while to_read > 0:
142 chunk = self._sock.recv(amt).tobytes()
144 # If we got an empty read, but were expecting more, the remote end
145 # has hung up. Raise an exception if we were expecting more data,
146 # but if we were expecting the remote end to close then it's ok.
147 if not chunk:
148 if self._length is not None or not self._expect_close:
149 self.close(socket_close=True)
150 raise ConnectionResetError("Remote end hung up!")
152 break
154 to_read -= len(chunk)
155 chunks.append(chunk)
157 data = b''.join(chunks)
158 if self._length is not None:
159 self._length -= len(data)
161 # If we're at the end of the request, we have some cleaning up to do.
162 # Close the stream, and if necessary flush the buffer. Checking that
163 # we're at the end is actually obscenely complex: either we've read the
164 # full content-length or, if we were expecting a closed connection,
165 # we've had a read shorter than the requested amount. We also have to
166 # do this before we try to decompress the body.
167 end_of_request = (self._length == 0 or
168 (self._expect_close and len(data) < amt))
170 # We may need to decode the body.
171 if decode_content and self._decompressobj and data:
172 data = self._decompressobj.decompress(data)
174 if decode_content and self._decompressobj and end_of_request:
175 data += self._decompressobj.flush()
177 # We're at the end. Close the connection. Explicit check for zero here
178 # because self._length might be None.
179 if end_of_request:
180 self.close(socket_close=self._expect_close)
182 return data
184 def read_chunked(self, decode_content=True):
186 Reads chunked transfer encoded bodies. This method returns a generator:
187 each iteration of which yields one chunk *unless* the chunks are
188 compressed, in which case it yields whatever the decompressor provides
189 for each chunk.
191 .. warning:: This may yield the empty string, without that being the
192 end of the body!
194 if not self._chunked:
195 raise ChunkedDecodeError(
196 "Attempted chunked read of non-chunked body."
199 # Return early if possible.
200 if self._sock is None:
201 return
203 while True:
204 # Read to the newline to get the chunk length. This is a
205 # hexadecimal integer.
206 chunk_length = int(self._sock.readline().tobytes().strip(), 16)
207 data = b''
209 # If the chunk length is zero, consume the newline and then we're
210 # done. If we were decompressing data, return the remaining data.
211 if not chunk_length:
212 self._sock.readline()
214 if decode_content and self._decompressobj:
215 yield self._decompressobj.flush()
217 self.close(socket_close=self._expect_close)
218 break
220 # Then read that many bytes.
221 while chunk_length > 0:
222 chunk = self._sock.recv(chunk_length).tobytes()
223 data += chunk
224 chunk_length -= len(chunk)
226 assert chunk_length == 0
228 # Now, consume the newline.
229 self._sock.readline()
231 # We may need to decode the body.
232 if decode_content and self._decompressobj and data:
233 data = self._decompressobj.decompress(data)
235 yield data
237 return
239 def close(self, socket_close=False):
241 Close the response. This causes the Response to lose access to the
242 backing socket. In some cases, it can also cause the backing connection
243 to be torn down.
245 :param socket_close: Whether to close the backing socket.
246 :returns: Nothing.
248 if socket_close and self._parent is not None:
249 # The double call is necessary because we need to dereference the
250 # weakref. If the weakref is no longer valid, that's fine, there's
251 # no connection object to tell.
252 parent = self._parent()
253 if parent is not None:
254 parent.close()
256 self._sock = None
258 def _read_expect_closed(self, decode_content):
260 Implements the logic for an unbounded read on a socket that we expect
261 to be closed by the remote end.
263 # In this case, just read until we cannot read anymore. Then, close the
264 # socket, becuase we know we have to.
265 chunks = []
266 while True:
267 try:
268 chunk = self._sock.recv(65535).tobytes()
269 if not chunk:
270 break
271 except ConnectionResetError:
272 break
273 else:
274 chunks.append(chunk)
276 self.close(socket_close=True)
278 # We may need to decompress the data.
279 data = b''.join(chunks)
280 if decode_content and self._decompressobj:
281 data = self._decompressobj.decompress(data)
282 data += self._decompressobj.flush()
284 return data
286 def _normal_read_chunked(self, amt, decode_content):
288 Implements the logic for calling ``read()`` on a chunked response.
290 # If we're doing a full read, read it as chunked and then just join
291 # the chunks together!
292 if amt is None:
293 return self._buffered_data + b''.join(self.read_chunked())
295 if self._chunker is None:
296 self._chunker = self.read_chunked()
298 # Otherwise, we have a certain amount of data we want to read.
299 current_amount = len(self._buffered_data)
301 extra_data = [self._buffered_data]
302 while current_amount < amt:
303 try:
304 chunk = next(self._chunker)
305 except StopIteration:
306 self.close(socket_close=self._expect_close)
307 break
309 current_amount += len(chunk)
310 extra_data.append(chunk)
312 data = b''.join(extra_data)
313 self._buffered_data = data[amt:]
314 return data[:amt]
316 # The following methods implement the context manager protocol.
317 def __enter__(self):
318 return self
320 def __exit__(self, *args):
321 self.close()
322 return False # Never swallow exceptions.