Backed out 6 changesets (bug 1712140) for causing Linux related wpt failures in nsHtm...
[gecko.git] / testing / web-platform / meta / html / dom / idlharness.https.html.ini
1 prefs: [,,, dom.iframe_lazy_loading.enabled:true]
2 [idlharness.https.html?exclude=(Document|Window|HTML.*)]
3 [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
4 expected: FAIL
6 [AudioTrack interface: attribute language]
7 expected: FAIL
9 [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
10 expected: FAIL
12 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "imageSmoothingQuality" with the proper type]
13 expected: FAIL
15 [AudioTrack interface object length]
16 expected: FAIL
18 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onstorage]
19 expected: FAIL
21 [AudioTrackList interface object name]
22 expected: FAIL
24 [VideoTrack interface: attribute kind]
25 expected: FAIL
27 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation scrollPathIntoView()]
28 expected: FAIL
30 [AudioTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
31 expected: FAIL
33 [VideoTrackList interface object length]
34 expected: FAIL
36 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeprint]
37 expected: FAIL
39 [Location interface: window.location must have own property "ancestorOrigins"]
40 expected: FAIL
42 [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface object]
43 expected: FAIL
45 [External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
46 expected: FAIL
48 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation scrollPathIntoView(Path2D)]
49 expected: FAIL
51 [DOMStringList interface: calling item(unsigned long) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
52 expected: FAIL
54 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onoffline]
55 expected: FAIL
57 [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
58 expected: FAIL
60 [Navigator interface: calling unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString) on window.navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
61 expected: FAIL
63 [AudioTrackList interface object length]
64 expected: FAIL
66 [External must be primary interface of window.external]
67 expected: FAIL
69 [VideoTrackList interface: operation getTrackById(DOMString)]
70 expected: FAIL
72 [BarProp interface: attribute visible]
73 expected: FAIL
75 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpageshow]
76 expected: FAIL
78 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: calling scrollPathIntoView(Path2D) on document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
79 expected: FAIL
81 [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
82 expected: FAIL
84 [VideoTrack interface: attribute label]
85 expected: FAIL
87 [VideoTrackList interface: attribute selectedIndex]
88 expected: FAIL
90 [External interface object name]
91 expected: FAIL
93 [OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
94 expected: FAIL
96 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunload]
97 expected: FAIL
99 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: attribute imageSmoothingQuality]
100 expected: FAIL
102 [DOMStringList interface: calling contains(DOMString) on location.ancestorOrigins with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
103 expected: FAIL
105 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onbeforeunload]
106 expected: FAIL
108 [VideoTrackList interface object name]
109 expected: FAIL
111 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessageerror]
112 expected: FAIL
114 [VideoTrack interface: attribute language]
115 expected: FAIL
117 [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
118 expected: FAIL
120 [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
121 expected: FAIL
123 [DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "contains(DOMString)" with the proper type]
124 expected: FAIL
126 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onmessage]
127 expected: FAIL
129 [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
130 expected: FAIL
132 [Stringification of location.ancestorOrigins]
133 expected: FAIL
135 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView(Path2D)" with the proper type]
136 expected: FAIL
138 [DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "item(unsigned long)" with the proper type]
139 expected: FAIL
141 [AudioTrack interface: attribute id]
142 expected: FAIL
144 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onlanguagechange]
145 expected: FAIL
147 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onunhandledrejection]
148 expected: FAIL
150 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onrejectionhandled]
151 expected: FAIL
153 [Navigator interface: operation unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)]
154 expected: FAIL
156 [External interface: operation AddSearchProvider()]
157 expected: FAIL
159 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onhashchange]
160 expected: FAIL
162 [DOMStringList must be primary interface of location.ancestorOrigins]
163 expected: FAIL
165 [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onchange]
166 expected: FAIL
168 [AudioTrack interface object name]
169 expected: FAIL
171 [AudioTrack interface: attribute kind]
172 expected: FAIL
174 [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
175 expected: FAIL
177 [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
178 expected: FAIL
180 [External interface: operation IsSearchProviderInstalled()]
181 expected: FAIL
183 [VideoTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
184 expected: FAIL
186 [VideoTrackList interface: attribute length]
187 expected: FAIL
189 [VideoTrack interface object length]
190 expected: FAIL
192 [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
193 expected: FAIL
195 [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onremovetrack]
196 expected: FAIL
198 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpopstate]
199 expected: FAIL
201 [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface object]
202 expected: FAIL
204 [DOMStringList interface: location.ancestorOrigins must inherit property "length" with the proper type]
205 expected: FAIL
207 [External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
208 expected: FAIL
210 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onpagehide]
211 expected: FAIL
213 [VideoTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
214 expected: FAIL
216 [External interface: existence and properties of interface object]
217 expected: FAIL
219 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute onafterprint]
220 expected: FAIL
222 [AudioTrack interface: attribute label]
223 expected: FAIL
225 [Navigator interface: window.navigator must inherit property "unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString, USVString)" with the proper type]
226 expected: FAIL
228 [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
229 expected: FAIL
231 [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
232 expected: FAIL
234 [SVGSVGElement interface: attribute ononline]
235 expected: FAIL
237 [AudioTrackList interface: attribute onaddtrack]
238 expected: FAIL
240 [External interface object length]
241 expected: FAIL
243 [VideoTrack interface object name]
244 expected: FAIL
246 [VideoTrack interface: attribute selected]
247 expected: FAIL
249 [AudioTrackList interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
250 expected: FAIL
252 [AudioTrackList interface: attribute length]
253 expected: FAIL
255 [VideoTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
256 expected: FAIL
258 [VideoTrack interface: attribute id]
259 expected: FAIL
261 [AudioTrack interface: attribute enabled]
262 expected: FAIL
264 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "scrollPathIntoView()" with the proper type]
265 expected: FAIL
267 [AudioTrack interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
268 expected: FAIL
270 [Location interface: stringifier]
271 expected: FAIL
273 [External interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
274 expected: FAIL
276 [FormDataEvent interface object length]
277 expected: FAIL
279 [ImageData interface: attribute colorSpace]
280 expected: FAIL
282 [ImageData interface: new ImageData(10, 10) must inherit property "colorSpace" with the proper type]
283 expected: FAIL
285 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation isContextLost()]
286 expected: FAIL
288 [CanvasRenderingContext2D interface: document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d") must inherit property "isContextLost()" with the proper type]
289 expected: FAIL
291 [OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D interface: operation isContextLost()]
292 expected: FAIL
294 [SVGElement interface: attribute oncontextlost]
295 expected: FAIL
297 [SVGElement interface: attribute oncontextrestored]
298 expected: FAIL
300 [SVGElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
301 expected: FAIL
303 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute duration]
304 expected: FAIL
306 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
307 expected: FAIL
309 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
310 expected: FAIL
312 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
313 expected: FAIL
315 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
316 expected: FAIL
318 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute entryType]
319 expected: FAIL
321 [VisibilityStateEntry interface object length]
322 expected: FAIL
324 [VisibilityStateEntry interface object name]
325 expected: FAIL
327 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute name]
328 expected: FAIL
330 [VisibilityStateEntry interface: attribute startTime]
331 expected: FAIL
333 [Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface object]
334 expected: FAIL
336 [Navigation interface object length]
337 expected: FAIL
339 [Navigation interface object name]
340 expected: FAIL
342 [Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
343 expected: FAIL
345 [Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
346 expected: FAIL
348 [Navigation interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
349 expected: FAIL
351 [Navigation interface: operation entries()]
352 expected: FAIL
354 [Navigation interface: attribute currentEntry]
355 expected: FAIL
357 [Navigation interface: operation updateCurrentEntry(NavigationUpdateCurrentEntryOptions)]
358 expected: FAIL
360 [Navigation interface: attribute transition]
361 expected: FAIL
363 [Navigation interface: attribute canGoBack]
364 expected: FAIL
366 [Navigation interface: attribute canGoForward]
367 expected: FAIL
369 [Navigation interface: operation navigate(USVString, optional NavigationNavigateOptions)]
370 expected: FAIL
372 [Navigation interface: operation reload(optional NavigationReloadOptions)]
373 expected: FAIL
375 [Navigation interface: operation traverseTo(DOMString, optional NavigationOptions)]
376 expected: FAIL
378 [Navigation interface: operation back(optional NavigationOptions)]
379 expected: FAIL
381 [Navigation interface: operation forward(optional NavigationOptions)]
382 expected: FAIL
384 [Navigation interface: attribute onnavigate]
385 expected: FAIL
387 [Navigation interface: attribute onnavigatesuccess]
388 expected: FAIL
390 [Navigation interface: attribute onnavigateerror]
391 expected: FAIL
393 [Navigation interface: attribute oncurrententrychange]
394 expected: FAIL
396 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface object]
397 expected: FAIL
399 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface object length]
400 expected: FAIL
402 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface object name]
403 expected: FAIL
405 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
406 expected: FAIL
408 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
409 expected: FAIL
411 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
412 expected: FAIL
414 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute url]
415 expected: FAIL
417 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute key]
418 expected: FAIL
420 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute id]
421 expected: FAIL
423 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute index]
424 expected: FAIL
426 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute sameDocument]
427 expected: FAIL
429 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: operation getState()]
430 expected: FAIL
432 [NavigationHistoryEntry interface: attribute ondispose]
433 expected: FAIL
435 [NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface object]
436 expected: FAIL
438 [NavigationTransition interface object length]
439 expected: FAIL
441 [NavigationTransition interface object name]
442 expected: FAIL
444 [NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
445 expected: FAIL
447 [NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
448 expected: FAIL
450 [NavigationTransition interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
451 expected: FAIL
453 [NavigationTransition interface: attribute navigationType]
454 expected: FAIL
456 [NavigationTransition interface: attribute from]
457 expected: FAIL
459 [NavigationTransition interface: attribute finished]
460 expected: FAIL
462 [NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
463 expected: FAIL
465 [NavigateEvent interface object length]
466 expected: FAIL
468 [NavigateEvent interface object name]
469 expected: FAIL
471 [NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
472 expected: FAIL
474 [NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
475 expected: FAIL
477 [NavigateEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
478 expected: FAIL
480 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
481 expected: FAIL
483 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute destination]
484 expected: FAIL
486 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute canIntercept]
487 expected: FAIL
489 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute userInitiated]
490 expected: FAIL
492 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute hashChange]
493 expected: FAIL
495 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute signal]
496 expected: FAIL
498 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute formData]
499 expected: FAIL
501 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute downloadRequest]
502 expected: FAIL
504 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute info]
505 expected: FAIL
507 [NavigateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
508 expected: FAIL
510 [NavigateEvent interface: operation intercept(optional NavigationInterceptOptions)]
511 expected: FAIL
513 [NavigateEvent interface: operation scroll()]
514 expected: FAIL
516 [NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface object]
517 expected: FAIL
519 [NavigationDestination interface object length]
520 expected: FAIL
522 [NavigationDestination interface object name]
523 expected: FAIL
525 [NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
526 expected: FAIL
528 [NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
529 expected: FAIL
531 [NavigationDestination interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
532 expected: FAIL
534 [NavigationDestination interface: attribute url]
535 expected: FAIL
537 [NavigationDestination interface: attribute key]
538 expected: FAIL
540 [NavigationDestination interface: attribute id]
541 expected: FAIL
543 [NavigationDestination interface: attribute index]
544 expected: FAIL
546 [NavigationDestination interface: attribute sameDocument]
547 expected: FAIL
549 [NavigationDestination interface: operation getState()]
550 expected: FAIL
552 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
553 expected: FAIL
555 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object length]
556 expected: FAIL
558 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface object name]
559 expected: FAIL
561 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
562 expected: FAIL
564 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
565 expected: FAIL
567 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
568 expected: FAIL
570 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute navigationType]
571 expected: FAIL
573 [NavigationCurrentEntryChangeEvent interface: attribute from]
574 expected: FAIL
576 [PopStateEvent interface: attribute hasUAVisualTransition]
577 expected: FAIL
579 [PopStateEvent interface: new PopStateEvent("popstate", { data: {} }) must inherit property "hasUAVisualTransition" with the proper type]
580 expected: FAIL
582 [Element interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "setHTMLUnsafe(DOMString)" with the proper type]
583 expected: FAIL
585 [Element interface: calling setHTMLUnsafe(DOMString) on document.createElement("noscript") with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
586 expected: FAIL
588 [CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface object]
589 expected: FAIL
591 [CloseWatcher interface object length]
592 expected: FAIL
594 [CloseWatcher interface object name]
595 expected: FAIL
597 [CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
598 expected: FAIL
600 [CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
601 expected: FAIL
603 [CloseWatcher interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property]
604 expected: FAIL
606 [CloseWatcher interface: operation requestClose()]
607 expected: FAIL
609 [CloseWatcher interface: operation close()]
610 expected: FAIL
612 [CloseWatcher interface: operation destroy()]
613 expected: FAIL
615 [CloseWatcher interface: attribute oncancel]
616 expected: FAIL
618 [CloseWatcher interface: attribute onclose]
619 expected: FAIL
621 [ShadowRoot interface: operation setHTMLUnsafe(DOMString)]
622 expected: FAIL
624 [Element interface: operation setHTMLUnsafe(DOMString)]
625 expected: FAIL
628 [idlharness.https.html?include=(Document|Window)]
629 [Window interface: window must inherit property "originAgentCluster" with the proper type]
630 expected: FAIL
632 [Window interface: attribute originAgentCluster]
633 expected: FAIL
635 [Window interface: attribute oncontextlost]
636 expected: FAIL
638 [Window interface: attribute oncontextrestored]
639 expected: FAIL
641 [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncontextlost" with the proper type]
642 expected: FAIL
644 [Window interface: window must inherit property "oncontextrestored" with the proper type]
645 expected: FAIL
647 [Document interface: attribute oncontextlost]
648 expected: FAIL
650 [Document interface: attribute oncontextrestored]
651 expected: FAIL
653 [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncontextlost" with the proper type]
654 expected: FAIL
656 [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "oncontextrestored" with the proper type]
657 expected: FAIL
659 [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncontextlost" with the proper type]
660 expected: FAIL
662 [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "oncontextrestored" with the proper type]
663 expected: FAIL
665 [Document interface: documentWithHandlers must inherit property "oncontextlost" with the proper type]
666 expected: FAIL
668 [Document interface: documentWithHandlers must inherit property "oncontextrestored" with the proper type]
669 expected: FAIL
671 [Window interface: attribute onbeforematch]
672 expected: FAIL
674 [Window interface: window must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
675 expected: FAIL
677 [Document interface: attribute onbeforematch]
678 expected: FAIL
680 [Document interface: iframe.contentDocument must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
681 expected: FAIL
683 [Document interface: new Document() must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
684 expected: FAIL
686 [Document interface: documentWithHandlers must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
687 expected: FAIL
689 [Window interface: attribute navigation]
690 expected: FAIL
692 [Window interface: window must inherit property "navigation" with the proper type]
693 expected: FAIL
695 [Window interface: attribute clientInformation]
696 expected: FAIL
698 [Document interface: operation parseHTMLUnsafe(DOMString)]
699 expected: FAIL
701 [Document interface: calling parseHTMLUnsafe(DOMString) on iframe.contentDocument with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
702 expected: FAIL
704 [Document interface: calling parseHTMLUnsafe(DOMString) on new Document() with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
705 expected: FAIL
707 [Document interface: calling parseHTMLUnsafe(DOMString) on documentWithHandlers with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
708 expected: FAIL
711 [idlharness.https.html?include=HTML.*]
712 [HTMLVideoElement interface: attribute playsInline]
713 expected: FAIL
715 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
716 expected: FAIL
718 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
719 expected: FAIL
721 [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
722 expected: FAIL
724 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
725 expected: FAIL
727 [HTMLVideoElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "playsInline" with the proper type]
728 expected: FAIL
730 [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
731 expected: FAIL
733 [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute videoTracks]
734 expected: FAIL
736 [HTMLMediaElement interface: attribute audioTracks]
737 expected: FAIL
739 [HTMLMediaElement interface: operation getStartDate()]
740 expected: FAIL
742 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "videoTracks" with the proper type]
743 expected: FAIL
745 [HTMLMediaElement interface: new Audio() must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
746 expected: FAIL
748 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("video") must inherit property "audioTracks" with the proper type]
749 expected: FAIL
751 [HTMLMediaElement interface: document.createElement("audio") must inherit property "getStartDate()" with the proper type]
752 expected: FAIL
754 [HTMLElement interface: attribute oncontextlost]
755 expected: FAIL
757 [HTMLElement interface: attribute oncontextrestored]
758 expected: FAIL
760 [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncontextlost" with the proper type]
761 expected: FAIL
763 [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "oncontextrestored" with the proper type]
764 expected: FAIL
766 [HTMLLinkElement interface: attribute blocking]
767 expected: FAIL
769 [HTMLLinkElement interface: document.createElement("link") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
770 expected: FAIL
772 [HTMLStyleElement interface: attribute blocking]
773 expected: FAIL
775 [HTMLStyleElement interface: document.createElement("style") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
776 expected: FAIL
778 [HTMLScriptElement interface: attribute blocking]
779 expected: FAIL
781 [HTMLScriptElement interface: document.createElement("script") must inherit property "blocking" with the proper type]
782 expected: FAIL
784 [HTMLElement interface: attribute onbeforematch]
785 expected: FAIL
787 [HTMLElement interface: document.createElement("noscript") must inherit property "onbeforematch" with the proper type]
788 expected: FAIL
790 [HTMLLinkElement interface: attribute fetchPriority]
791 expected: FAIL
793 [HTMLLinkElement interface: document.createElement("link") must inherit property "fetchPriority" with the proper type]
794 expected: FAIL
796 [HTMLImageElement interface: attribute fetchPriority]
797 expected: FAIL
799 [HTMLImageElement interface: document.createElement("img") must inherit property "fetchPriority" with the proper type]
800 expected: FAIL
802 [HTMLImageElement interface: new Image() must inherit property "fetchPriority" with the proper type]
803 expected: FAIL
805 [HTMLScriptElement interface: attribute fetchPriority]
806 expected: FAIL
808 [HTMLScriptElement interface: document.createElement("script") must inherit property "fetchPriority" with the proper type]
809 expected: FAIL
811 [HTMLDetailsElement interface: attribute name]
812 expected: FAIL
814 [HTMLDetailsElement interface: document.createElement("details") must inherit property "name" with the proper type]
815 expected: FAIL
817 [HTMLTemplateElement interface: attribute shadowRootMode]
818 expected: FAIL
820 [HTMLTemplateElement interface: attribute shadowRootDelegatesFocus]
821 expected: FAIL
823 [HTMLTemplateElement interface: document.createElement("template") must inherit property "shadowRootMode" with the proper type]
824 expected: FAIL
826 [HTMLTemplateElement interface: document.createElement("template") must inherit property "shadowRootDelegatesFocus" with the proper type]
827 expected: FAIL