Bug 1837275 [wpt PR 40429] - Test order of toggle events in addition to order of...
[gecko.git] / taskcluster / ci / perftest / windows.yml
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
4 ---
5 job-defaults:
6     worker-type: t-win10-64-1803-hw
7     fetches:
8         build:
9             - artifact: target.perftests.tests.tar.gz
10             - artifact: target.zip
11         toolchain:
12             - win64-node
13             - win64-geckodriver
14     platform: windows10-64-shippable/opt
15     require-build:
16         windows10-64-shippable/opt: build-win64-shippable/opt
17     scopes:
18         - secrets:get:project/releng/gecko/build/level-{level}/conditioned-profiles
20 try-browsertime:
21     description: Run ./mach perftest on windows
22     treeherder:
23         symbol: perftest(win-bt)
24     run:
25         command: >-
26             mkdir -p $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts &&
27             cd $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR &&
28             python3.exe python/mozperftest/mozperftest/runner.py
29             --on-try
30             --browsertime-binary ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/firefox/firefox.exe
31             --flavor desktop-browser
32             --browsertime-geckodriver ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/geckodriver.exe
33             --browsertime-node ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/node/node.exe
34             --output $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts
36 domcount:
37     description: Run DOM test
38     treeherder:
39         symbol: perftest(win-dom)
40     attributes:
41         batch: false
42         cron: true
43     run:
44         command: >-
45             mkdir -p $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts &&
46             cd $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR &&
47             python3.exe python/mozperftest/mozperftest/runner.py
48             browser/base/content/test/perftest_browser_xhtml_dom.js
49             --browsertime-binary ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/firefox/firefox.exe
50             --flavor desktop-browser
51             --perfherder
52             --perfherder-metrics name:totalDOMCount,unit:count name:panelMenuCount,unit:count name:lightDOMCount,unit:count name:lightDOMDetails,unit:count
53             --browsertime-geckodriver ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/geckodriver.exe
54             --browsertime-node ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/node/node.exe
55             --output $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts
58 livesites:
59     description: Live site performance testing
60     variants: [http3]
61     treeherder:
62         symbol: perftest({symbol})
63     attributes:
64         batch: false
65         cron: true
66     perftest:
67         - [cloudflare, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_cloudflareblog.js]
68         # broken: bug 1678588
69         # - [fb-scroll, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_facebook_scroll.js]
70         - [g-image, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_google_image.js]
71         # broken: bug 1799655
72         # - [g-search, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_google_search.js]
73         - [lq-fetch, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_lucasquicfetch.js]
74         # broken: bug 1695871
75         # - [ytw, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_youtube_watch.js]
76         # - [ytw-scroll, netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_youtube_watch_scroll.js]
77     perftest-metrics:
78         by-perftest:
79             cloudflare:
80                 # Example of how the specify settings for each metric
81                 resources:
82                     extraOptions: []
83                 firstPaint: {}
84                 navigationTiming: {}
85                 pageTimings: {}
86                 timeToContentfulPaint: {}
87             # broken: bug 1678588
88             # fb-scroll: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint, requestsPerSecond]
89             g-image: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint, imagesPerSecond, imageLoadTime]
90             # g-search: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint]
91             lq-fetch: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, timeToContentfulPaint, resourceLoadTime, imagesLoaded, imagesMissed]
92             # broken: bug 1695871
93             # ytw: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint, droppedFrames, decodedFrames]
94             # ytw-scroll: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint, droppedFrames, decodedFrames]
95             default: [navigationTiming, pageTimings, resources, firstPaint, timeToContentfulPaint]
96     # Leave this here so people know this exists when looking
97     # for examples
98     perftest-perfherder-global:
99         extraOptions: []
100     perftest-extra-options:
101         by-perftest:
102             cloudflare:
103                 - --perfherder-split-by browserScripts.pageinfo.url
104             # g-search:
105             #     - --perfherder-split-by browserScripts.pageinfo.url
106             lq-fetch:
107                 - --perfherder-split-by browserScripts.pageinfo.url
108             default: []
109     perftest-btime-variants:
110         by-perftest:
111             cloudflare:
112                 - ["10s", browsertime.waitTime=10000]
113                 - ["25s", browsertime.waitTime=25000]
114                 - ["35s", browsertime.waitTime=35000]
115                 - ["60s", browsertime.waitTime=60000]
116             # broken: bug 1678588
117             # fb-scroll:
118             #     - ["10s", browsertime.waitTime=10000]
119             #     - ["25s", browsertime.waitTime=25000]
120             #     - ["35s", browsertime.waitTime=35000]
121             #     - ["60s", browsertime.waitTime=60000]
122             # g-search:
123             #     - ["10s", browsertime.waitTime=10000]
124             #     - ["25s", browsertime.waitTime=25000]
125             #     - ["35s", browsertime.waitTime=35000]
126             #     - ["60s", browsertime.waitTime=60000]
127             lq-fetch:
128                 - [null, "browsertime.waitTime=1000,browsertime.cycles=5"]
129             # broken: bug 1695871
130             # ytw:
131             #     - [null, browsertime.waitTime=20000]
132             # ytw-scroll:
133             #     - [null, browsertime.waitTime=20000]
134             default:
135                 - [null, browsertime.waitTime=1000]
136     run:
137         command: >-
138             mkdir -p $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts &&
139             cd $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR &&
140             python3.exe python/mozperftest/mozperftest/runner.py
141             {perftest_testname}
142             --browsertime-binary ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/firefox/firefox.exe
143             --browsertime-iterations 10
144             --flavor desktop-browser
145             --perfherder
146             --perfherder-metrics {perftest_metrics}
147             --perfherder-simplify-names
148             --browsertime-geckodriver ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/geckodriver.exe
149             --browsertime-node ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/node/node.exe
150             --output $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts
152 controlled:
153     description: Controlled performance testing
154     treeherder:
155         symbol: perftest(controlled)
156     worker:
157         max-run-time: 14400
158     attributes:
159         batch: false
160         cron: false
161     run:
162         command: >-
163             mkdir -p $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts &&
164             cd $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR &&
165             python3.exe python/mozperftest/mozperftest/runner.py
166             netwerk/test/perf/perftest_http3_controlled.js
167             --browsertime-binary ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/firefox/firefox.exe
168             --browsertime-iterations 1
169             --browsertime-cycles 96
170             --hooks netwerk/test/perf/hooks_throttling.py
171             --flavor desktop-browser
172             --perfherder
173             --perfherder-metrics name:navigationTiming,unit:ms name:pageTimings,unit:ms name:resources,unit:ms name:firstPaint,unit:ms name:timeToContentfulPaint,unit:ms
174             --perfherder-simplify-names
175             --browsertime-geckodriver ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/geckodriver.exe
176             --browsertime-node ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/node/node.exe
177             --output $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts
179 perfstats:
180     description: Run PerfStats pageload test
181     treeherder:
182         symbol: perftest(win-perfstats)
183     attributes:
184         batch: false
185         cron: false
186     run:
187         command: >-
188             mkdir -p $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts &&
189             cd $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR &&
190             python3.exe python/mozperftest/mozperftest/runner.py
191             --browsertime-binary ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/firefox/firefox.exe
192             --flavor desktop-browser
193             --browsertime-geckodriver ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/geckodriver.exe
194             --browsertime-node ${MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/node/node.exe
195             --output $MOZ_FETCHES_DIR/../artifacts
196             --perfherder
197             --perfherder-metrics name:HttpChannelCompletion,unit:ms name:HttpChannelCompletion_Cache,unit:ms name:HttpChannelCompletion_Network,unit:ms name:DisplayListBuilding,unit:ms name:Reflowing,unit:ms name:Styling,unit:ms
198             --browsertime-iterations 10
199             --hooks testing/performance/hooks_perfstats.py
200             testing/performance/perftest_perfstats.js