bug 820497 - update popup notification for click-to-play more often r=jaws
[gecko.git] / config / expandlibs_exec.py
1 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
5 '''expandlibs-exec.py applies expandlibs rules, and some more (see below) to
6 a given command line, and executes that command line with the expanded
7 arguments.
9 With the --extract argument (useful for e.g. $(AR)), it extracts object files
10 from static libraries (or use those listed in library descriptors directly).
12 With the --uselist argument (useful for e.g. $(CC)), it replaces all object
13 files with a list file. This can be used to avoid limitations in the length
14 of a command line. The kind of list file format used depends on the
15 EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE variable: 'list' for MSVC style lists (@file.list)
16 or 'linkerscript' for GNU ld linker scripts.
17 See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=584474#c59 for more details.
19 With the --symbol-order argument, followed by a file name, it will add the
20 relevant linker options to change the order in which the linker puts the
21 symbols appear in the resulting binary. Only works for ELF targets.
22 '''
23 from __future__ import with_statement
24 import sys
25 import os
26 from expandlibs import ExpandArgs, relativize, isObject, ensureParentDir, ExpandLibsDeps
27 import expandlibs_config as conf
28 from optparse import OptionParser
29 import subprocess
30 import tempfile
31 import shutil
32 import subprocess
33 import re
35 # The are the insert points for a GNU ld linker script, assuming a more
36 # or less "standard" default linker script. This is not a dict because
37 # order is important.
39 ('.text', '.fini'),
40 ('.rodata', '.rodata1'),
41 ('.data.rel.ro', '.dynamic'),
42 ('.data', '.data1'),
45 class ExpandArgsMore(ExpandArgs):
46 ''' Meant to be used as 'with ExpandArgsMore(args) as ...: '''
47 def __enter__(self):
48 self.tmp = []
49 return self
51 def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
52 '''Automatically remove temporary files'''
53 for tmp in self.tmp:
54 if os.path.isdir(tmp):
55 shutil.rmtree(tmp, True)
56 else:
57 os.remove(tmp)
59 def extract(self):
60 self[0:] = self._extract(self)
62 def _extract(self, args):
63 '''When a static library name is found, either extract its contents
64 in a temporary directory or use the information found in the
65 corresponding lib descriptor.
66 '''
67 ar_extract = conf.AR_EXTRACT.split()
68 newlist = []
69 for arg in args:
70 if os.path.splitext(arg)[1] == conf.LIB_SUFFIX:
71 if os.path.exists(arg + conf.LIBS_DESC_SUFFIX):
72 newlist += self._extract(self._expand_desc(arg))
73 elif os.path.exists(arg) and len(ar_extract):
74 tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=os.curdir)
75 self.tmp.append(tmp)
76 subprocess.call(ar_extract + [os.path.abspath(arg)], cwd=tmp)
77 objs = []
78 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp):
79 objs += [relativize(os.path.join(root, f)) for f in files if isObject(f)]
80 newlist += objs
81 else:
82 newlist += [arg]
83 else:
84 newlist += [arg]
85 return newlist
87 def makelist(self):
88 '''Replaces object file names with a temporary list file, using a
89 list format depending on the EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE variable
90 '''
91 objs = [o for o in self if isObject(o)]
92 if not len(objs): return
93 fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".list",dir=os.curdir)
94 if conf.EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE == "linkerscript":
95 content = ['INPUT("%s")\n' % obj for obj in objs]
96 ref = tmp
97 elif conf.EXPAND_LIBS_LIST_STYLE == "list":
98 content = ["%s\n" % obj for obj in objs]
99 ref = "@" + tmp
100 else:
101 os.close(fd)
102 os.remove(tmp)
103 return
104 self.tmp.append(tmp)
105 f = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
106 f.writelines(content)
107 f.close()
108 idx = self.index(objs[0])
109 newlist = self[0:idx] + [ref] + [item for item in self[idx:] if item not in objs]
110 self[0:] = newlist
112 def _getFoldedSections(self):
113 '''Returns a dict about folded sections.
114 When section A and B are folded into section C, the dict contains:
115 { 'A': 'C',
116 'B': 'C',
117 'C': ['A', 'B'] }'''
118 if not conf.LD_PRINT_ICF_SECTIONS:
119 return {}
121 proc = subprocess.Popen(self + [conf.LD_PRINT_ICF_SECTIONS], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
122 (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
123 result = {}
124 # gold's --print-icf-sections output looks like the following:
125 # ld: ICF folding section '.section' in file 'file.o'into '.section' in file 'file.o'
126 # In terms of words, chances are this will change in the future,
127 # especially considering "into" is misplaced. Splitting on quotes
128 # seems safer.
129 for l in stderr.split('\n'):
130 quoted = l.split("'")
131 if len(quoted) > 5 and quoted[1] != quoted[5]:
132 result[quoted[1]] = quoted[5]
133 if quoted[5] in result:
134 result[quoted[5]].append(quoted[1])
135 else:
136 result[quoted[5]] = [quoted[1]]
137 return result
139 def _getOrderedSections(self, ordered_symbols):
140 '''Given an ordered list of symbols, returns the corresponding list
141 of sections following the order.'''
142 if not conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE in ['linkerscript', 'section-ordering-file']:
143 raise Exception('EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE "%s" is not supported' % conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE)
144 finder = SectionFinder([arg for arg in self if isObject(arg) or os.path.splitext(arg)[1] == conf.LIB_SUFFIX])
145 folded = self._getFoldedSections()
146 sections = set()
147 ordered_sections = []
148 for symbol in ordered_symbols:
149 symbol_sections = finder.getSections(symbol)
150 all_symbol_sections = []
151 for section in symbol_sections:
152 if section in folded:
153 if isinstance(folded[section], str):
154 section = folded[section]
155 all_symbol_sections.append(section)
156 all_symbol_sections.extend(folded[section])
157 else:
158 all_symbol_sections.append(section)
159 for section in all_symbol_sections:
160 if not section in sections:
161 ordered_sections.append(section)
162 sections.add(section)
163 return ordered_sections
165 def orderSymbols(self, order):
166 '''Given a file containing a list of symbols, adds the appropriate
167 argument to make the linker put the symbols in that order.'''
168 with open(order) as file:
169 sections = self._getOrderedSections([l.strip() for l in file.readlines() if l.strip()])
170 split_sections = {}
171 linked_sections = [s[0] for s in SECTION_INSERT_BEFORE]
172 for s in sections:
173 for linked_section in linked_sections:
174 if s.startswith(linked_section):
175 if linked_section in split_sections:
176 split_sections[linked_section].append(s)
177 else:
178 split_sections[linked_section] = [s]
179 break
180 content = []
181 # Order is important
182 linked_sections = [s for s in linked_sections if s in split_sections]
184 if conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE == 'section-ordering-file':
185 option = '-Wl,--section-ordering-file,%s'
186 content = sections
187 for linked_section in linked_sections:
188 content.extend(split_sections[linked_section])
189 content.append('%s.*' % linked_section)
190 content.append(linked_section)
192 elif conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE == 'linkerscript':
193 option = '-Wl,-T,%s'
194 section_insert_before = dict(SECTION_INSERT_BEFORE)
195 for linked_section in linked_sections:
196 content.append('SECTIONS {')
197 content.append(' %s : {' % linked_section)
198 content.extend(' *(%s)' % s for s in split_sections[linked_section])
199 content.append(' }')
200 content.append('}')
201 content.append('INSERT BEFORE %s' % section_insert_before[linked_section])
202 else:
203 raise Exception('EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE "%s" is not supported' % conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE)
205 fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.curdir)
206 f = os.fdopen(fd, "w")
207 f.write('\n'.join(content)+'\n')
208 f.close()
209 self.tmp.append(tmp)
210 self.append(option % tmp)
212 class SectionFinder(object):
213 '''Instances of this class allow to map symbol names to sections in
214 object files.'''
216 def __init__(self, objs):
217 '''Creates an instance, given a list of object files.'''
218 if not conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE in ['linkerscript', 'section-ordering-file']:
219 raise Exception('EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE "%s" is not supported' % conf.EXPAND_LIBS_ORDER_STYLE)
220 self.mapping = {}
221 for obj in objs:
222 if not isObject(obj) and os.path.splitext(obj)[1] != conf.LIB_SUFFIX:
223 raise Exception('%s is not an object nor a static library' % obj)
224 for symbol, section in SectionFinder._getSymbols(obj):
225 sym = SectionFinder._normalize(symbol)
226 if sym in self.mapping:
227 if not section in self.mapping[sym]:
228 self.mapping[sym].append(section)
229 else:
230 self.mapping[sym] = [section]
232 def getSections(self, symbol):
233 '''Given a symbol, returns a list of sections containing it or the
234 corresponding thunks. When the given symbol is a thunk, returns the
235 list of sections containing its corresponding normal symbol and the
236 other thunks for that symbol.'''
237 sym = SectionFinder._normalize(symbol)
238 if sym in self.mapping:
239 return self.mapping[sym]
240 return []
242 @staticmethod
243 def _normalize(symbol):
244 '''For normal symbols, return the given symbol. For thunks, return
245 the corresponding normal symbol.'''
246 if re.match('^_ZThn[0-9]+_', symbol):
247 return re.sub('^_ZThn[0-9]+_', '_Z', symbol)
248 return symbol
250 @staticmethod
251 def _getSymbols(obj):
252 '''Returns a list of (symbol, section) contained in the given object
253 file.'''
254 proc = subprocess.Popen(['objdump', '-t', obj], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
255 (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
256 syms = []
257 for line in stdout.splitlines():
258 # Each line has the following format:
259 # <addr> [lgu!][w ][C ][W ][Ii ][dD ][FfO ] <section>\t<length> <symbol>
260 tmp = line.split(' ',1)
261 # This gives us ["<addr>", "[lgu!][w ][C ][W ][Ii ][dD ][FfO ] <section>\t<length> <symbol>"]
262 # We only need to consider cases where "<section>\t<length> <symbol>" is present,
263 # and where the [FfO] flag is either F (function) or O (object).
264 if len(tmp) > 1 and len(tmp[1]) > 6 and tmp[1][6] in ['O', 'F']:
265 tmp = tmp[1][8:].split()
266 # That gives us ["<section>","<length>", "<symbol>"]
267 syms.append((tmp[-1], tmp[0]))
268 return syms
270 def main():
271 parser = OptionParser()
272 parser.add_option("--depend", dest="depend", metavar="FILE",
273 help="generate dependencies for the given execution and store it in the given file")
274 parser.add_option("--target", dest="target", metavar="FILE",
275 help="designate the target for dependencies")
276 parser.add_option("--extract", action="store_true", dest="extract",
277 help="when a library has no descriptor file, extract it first, when possible")
278 parser.add_option("--uselist", action="store_true", dest="uselist",
279 help="use a list file for objects when executing a command")
280 parser.add_option("--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
281 help="display executed command and temporary files content")
282 parser.add_option("--symbol-order", dest="symbol_order", metavar="FILE",
283 help="use the given list of symbols to order symbols in the resulting binary when using with a linker")
285 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
287 if not options.target:
288 options.depend = False
289 if options.depend:
290 deps = ExpandLibsDeps(args)
291 # Filter out common command wrappers
292 while os.path.basename(deps[0]) in ['ccache', 'distcc']:
293 deps.pop(0)
294 # Remove command
295 deps.pop(0)
296 with ExpandArgsMore(args) as args:
297 if options.extract:
298 args.extract()
299 if options.symbol_order:
300 args.orderSymbols(options.symbol_order)
301 if options.uselist:
302 args.makelist()
304 if options.verbose:
305 print >>sys.stderr, "Executing: " + " ".join(args)
306 for tmp in [f for f in args.tmp if os.path.isfile(f)]:
307 print >>sys.stderr, tmp + ":"
308 with open(tmp) as file:
309 print >>sys.stderr, "".join([" " + l for l in file.readlines()])
310 sys.stderr.flush()
311 ret = subprocess.call(args)
312 if ret:
313 exit(ret)
314 if not options.depend:
315 return
316 ensureParentDir(options.depend)
317 with open(options.depend, 'w') as depfile:
318 depfile.write("%s : %s\n" % (options.target, ' '.join(dep for dep in deps if os.path.isfile(dep) and dep != options.target)))
321 if __name__ == '__main__':
322 main()