Bug 1867190 - Add prefs for PHC probablities r=glandium
[gecko.git] / js / src / vm / PortableBaselineInterpret.h
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
3 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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7 #ifndef vm_PortableBaselineInterpret_h
8 #define vm_PortableBaselineInterpret_h
11 * [SMDOC] Portable Baseline Interpreter
12 * =====================================
14 * The Portable Baseline Interpreter (PBL) is a portable interpreter
15 * that supports executing ICs by directly interpreting CacheIR.
17 * This interpreter tier fits into the hierarchy between the C++
18 * interpreter, which is fully generic and does not specialize with
19 * ICs, and the native baseline interpreter, which does attach and
20 * execute ICs but requires native codegen (JIT). The distinguishing
21 * feature of PBL is that it *does not require codegen*: it can run on
22 * any platform for which SpiderMonkey supports an interpreter-only
23 * build. This is useful both for platforms that do not support
24 * runtime addition of new code (e.g., running within a WebAssembly
25 * module with a `wasm32-wasi` build) or may disallow it for security
26 * reasons.
28 * The main idea of PBL is to emulate, as much as possible, how the
29 * native baseline interpreter works, so that the rest of the engine
30 * can work the same either way. The main aspect of this "emulation"
31 * comes with stack frames: unlike the native blinterp and JIT tiers,
32 * we cannot use the machine stack, because we are still executing in
33 * portable C++ code and the platform's C++ compiler controls the
34 * machine stack's layout. Instead, we use an auxiliary stack.
36 * Auxiliary Stack
37 * ---------------
39 * PBL creates baseline stack frames (see `BaselineFrame` and related
40 * structs) on an *auxiliary stack*, contiguous memory allocated and
41 * owned by the JSRuntime.
43 * This stack operates nearly identically to the machine stack: it
44 * grows downward, we push stack frames, we maintain a linked list of
45 * frame pointers, and a series of contiguous frames form a
46 * `JitActivation`, with the most recent activation reachable from the
47 * `JSContext`. The only actual difference is that the return address
48 * slots in the frame layouts are always null pointers, because there
49 * is no need to save return addresses: we always know where we are
50 * going to return to (either post-IC code -- the return point of
51 * which is known because we actually do a C++-level call from the
52 * JSOp interpreter to the IC interpreter -- or to dispatch the next
53 * JSOp).
55 * The same invariants as for native baseline code apply here: when we
56 * are in `PortableBaselineInterpret` (the PBL interpreter body) or
57 * `ICInterpretOps` (the IC interpreter) or related helpers, it is as
58 * if we are in JIT code, and local state determines the top-of-stack
59 * and innermost frame. The activation is not "finished" and cannot be
60 * traversed. When we need to call into the rest of SpiderMonkey, we
61 * emulate how that would work in JIT code, via an exit frame (that
62 * would ordinarily be pushed by a trampoline) and saving that frame
63 * as the exit-frame pointer in the VM state.
65 * To add a little compile-time enforcement of this strategy, and
66 * ensure that we don't accidentally call something that will want to
67 * traverse the (in-progress and not-completed) JIT activation, we use
68 * a helper class `VMFrame` that pushes and pops the exit frame,
69 * wrapping the callsite into the rest of SM with an RAII idiom. Then,
70 * we *hide the `JSContext`*, and rely on the idiom that `cx` is
71 * passed to anything that can GC or otherwise observe the JIT
72 * state. The `JSContext` is passed in as `cx_`, and we name the
73 * `VMFrame` local `cx` in the macro that invokes it; this `cx` then
74 * has an implicit conversion to a `JSContext*` value and reveals the
75 * real context.
77 * Interpreter Loops
78 * -----------------
80 * There are two interpreter loops: the JSOp interpreter and the
81 * CacheIR interpreter. These closely correspond to (i) the blinterp
82 * body that is generated at startup for the native baseline
83 * interpreter, and (ii) an interpreter version of the code generated
84 * by the `BaselineCacheIRCompiler`, respectively.
86 * Execution begins in the JSOp interpreter, and for any op(*) that
87 * has an IC site (`JOF_IC` flag), we invoke the IC interpreter. The
88 * IC interpreter runs a loop that traverses the IC stub chain, either
89 * reaching CacheIR bytecode and executing it in a virtual machine, or
90 * reaching the fallback stub and executing that (likely pushing an
91 * exit frame and calling into the rest of SpiderMonkey).
93 * (*) As an optimization, some opcodes that would have IC sites in
94 * native baseline skip their IC chains and run generic code instead
95 * in PBL. See "Hybrid IC mode" below for more details.
97 * IC Interpreter State
98 * --------------------
100 * While the JS opcode interpreter's abstract machine model and its
101 * mapping of those abstract semantics to real machine state are
102 * well-defined (by the other baseline tiers), the IC interpreter's
103 * mapping is less so. When executing in native baseline tiers,
104 * CacheIR is compiled to machine code that undergoes register
105 * allocation and several optimizations (e.g., handling constants
106 * specially, and eliding type-checks on values when we know their
107 * actual types). No other interpreter for CacheIR exists, so we get
108 * to define how we map the semantics to interpreter state.
110 * We choose to keep an array of uint64_t values as "virtual
111 * registers", each corresponding to a particular OperandId, and we
112 * store the same values that would exist in the native machine
113 * registers. In other words, we do not do any sort of register
114 * allocation or reclamation of storage slots, because we don't have
115 * any lookahead in the interpreter. We rely on the typesafe writer
116 * API, with newtype'd wrappers for different kinds of values
117 * (`ValOperandId`, `ObjOperandId`, `Int32OperandId`, etc.), producing
118 * typesafe CacheIR bytecode, in order to properly store and interpret
119 * unboxed values in the virtual registers.
121 * There are several subtle details usually handled by register
122 * allocation in the CacheIR compilers that need to be handled here
123 * too, mainly around input arguments and restoring state when
124 * chaining to the next IC stub. IC callsites place inputs into the
125 * first N OperandId registers directly, corresponding to what the
126 * CacheIR expects. There are some CacheIR opcodes that mutate their
127 * argument in-place (e.g., guarding that a Value is an Object strips
128 * the tag-bits from the Value and turns it into a raw pointer), so we
129 * cannot rely on these remaining unmodified if we need to invoke the
130 * next IC in the chain; instead, we save and restore the first N
131 * values in the chain-walking loop (according to the arity of the IC
132 * kind).
134 * Optimizations
135 * ------------
137 * There are several implementation details that are critical for
138 * performance, and thus should be carefully maintained or verified
139 * with any changes:
141 * - Caching values in locals: in order to be competitive with "native
142 * baseline interpreter", which has the advantage of using machine
143 * registers for commonly-accessed values such as the
144 * top-of-operand-stack and the JS opcode PC, we are careful to
145 * ensure that the C++ compiler can keep these values in registers
146 * in PBL as well. One might naively store `pc`, `sp`, `fp`, and the
147 * like in a context struct (of "virtual CPU registers") that is
148 * passed to e.g. the IC interpreter. This would be a mistake: if
149 * the values exist in memory, the compiler cannot "lift" them to
150 * locals that can live in registers, and so every push and pop (for
151 * example) performs a store. This overhead is significant,
152 * especially when executing more "lightweight" opcodes.
154 * We make use of an important property -- the balanced-stack
155 * invariant -- so that we can pass SP *into* calls but not take an
156 * updated SP *from* them. When invoking an IC, we expect that when
157 * it returns, SP will be at the same location (one could think of
158 * SP as a "callee-saved register", though it's not usually
159 * described that way). Thus, we can avoid a dependency on a value
160 * that would have to be passed back through memory.
162 * - Hybrid IC mode: the fact that we *interpret* ICs now means that
163 * they are more expensive to invoke. Whereas a small IC that guards
164 * two int32 arguments, performs an int32 add, and returns might
165 * have been a handful of instructions before, and the call/ret pair
166 * would have been very fast (and easy to predict) instructions at
167 * the machine level, the setup and context transition and the
168 * CacheIR opcode dispatch overhead would likely be much slower than
169 * a generic "if both int32, add" fastpath in the interpreter case
170 * for `JSOp::Add`.
172 * We thus take a hybrid approach, and include these static
173 * fastpaths for what would have been ICs in "native
174 * baseline". These are enabled by the `kHybridICs` global and may
175 * be removed in the future (transitioning back to ICs) if/when we
176 * can reduce the cost of interpreted ICs further.
178 * Right now, calls and property accesses use ICs:
180 * - Calls can often be special-cased with CacheIR when intrinsics
181 * are invoked. For example, a call to `String.length` can turn
182 * into a CacheIR opcode that directly reads a `JSString`'s length
183 * field.
184 * - Property accesses are so frequent, and the shape-lookup path
185 * is slow enough, that it still makes sense to guard on shape
186 * and quickly return a particular slot.
188 * - Static branch prediction for opcode dispatch: we adopt an
189 * interpreter optimization we call "static branch prediction": when
190 * one opcode is often followed by another, it is often more
191 * efficient to check for those specific cases first and branch
192 * directly to the case for the following opcode, doing the full
193 * switch otherwise. This is especially true when the indirect
194 * branches used by `switch` statements or computed gotos are
195 * expensive on a given platform, such as Wasm.
197 * - Inlining: on some platforms, calls are expensive, and we want to
198 * avoid them whenever possible. We have found that it is quite
199 * important for performance to inline the IC interpreter into the
200 * JSOp interpreter at IC sites: both functions are quite large,
201 * with significant local state, and so otherwise, each IC call
202 * involves a lot of "context switching" as the code generated by
203 * the C++ compiler saves registers and constructs a new native
204 * frame. This is certainly a code-size tradeoff, but we have
205 * optimized for speed here.
207 * - Amortized stack checks: a naive interpreter implementation would
208 * check for auxiliary stack overflow on every push. We instead do
209 * this once when we enter a new JS function frame, using the
210 * script's precomputed "maximum stack depth" value. We keep a small
211 * stack margin always available, so that we have enough space to
212 * push an exit frame and invoke the "over-recursed" helper (which
213 * throws an exception) when we would otherwise overflow. The stack
214 * checks take this margin into account, failing if there would be
215 * less than the margin available at any point in the called
216 * function.
218 * - Fastpaths for calls and returns: we are able to push and pop JS
219 * stack frames while remaining in one native (C++ interpreter
220 * function) frame, just as the C++ interpreter does. This means
221 * that there is a one-to-many mapping from native stack frame to JS
222 * stack frame. This does create some complications at points that
223 * pop frames: we might remain in the same C++ frame, or we might
224 * return at the C++ level. We handle this in a unified way for
225 * returns and exception unwinding as described below.
227 * Unwinding
228 * ---------
230 * Because one C++ interpreter frame can correspond to multiple JS
231 * frames, we need to disambiguate the two cases whenever leaving a
232 * frame: we may need to return, or we may stay in the current
233 * function and dispatch the next opcode at the caller's next PC.
235 * Exception unwinding compilcates this further. PBL uses the same
236 * exception-handling code that native baseline does, and this code
237 * computes a `ResumeFromException` struct that tells us what our new
238 * stack pointer and frame pointer must be. These values could be
239 * arbitrarily far "up" the stack in the current activation. It thus
240 * wouldn't be sufficient to count how many JS frames we have, and
241 * return at the C++ level when this reaches zero: we need to "unwind"
242 * the C++ frames until we reach the appropriate JS frame.
244 * To solve both issues, we remember the "entry frame" when we enter a
245 * new invocation of `PortableBaselineInterpret()`, and when returning
246 * or unwinding, if the new frame is *above* this entry frame, we
247 * return. We have an enum `PBIResult` that can encode, when
248 * unwinding, *which* kind of unwinding we are doing, because when we
249 * do eventually reach the C++ frame that owns the newly active JS
250 * frame, we may resume into a different action depending on this
251 * information.
253 * Completeness
254 * ------------
256 * Whenever a new JSOp is added, the opcode needs to be added to
257 * PBL. The compiler should enforce this: if no case is implemented
258 * for an opcode, then the label in the computed-goto table will be
259 * missing and PBL will not compile.
261 * In contrast, CacheIR opcodes need not be implemented right away,
262 * and in fact right now most of the less-common ones are not
263 * implemented by PBL. If the IC interpreter hits an unimplemented
264 * opcode, it acts as if a guard had failed, and transfers to the next
265 * stub in the chain. Every chain ends with a fallback stub that can
266 * handle every case (it does not execute CacheIR at all, but instead
267 * calls into the runtime), so this will always give the correct
268 * result, albeit more slowly. Implementing the remainder of the
269 * CacheIR opcodes, and new ones as they are added, is thus purely a
270 * performance concern.
272 * PBL currently does not implement async resume into a suspended
273 * generator. There is no particular reason that this cannot be
274 * implemented; it just has not been done yet. Such an action will
275 * currently call back into the C++ interpreter to run the resumed
276 * generator body. Execution up to the first yield-point can still
277 * occur in PBL, and PBL can successfully save the suspended state.
280 #include "jspubtd.h"
282 #include "jit/BaselineFrame.h"
283 #include "jit/BaselineIC.h"
284 #include "jit/JitContext.h"
285 #include "jit/JitScript.h"
286 #include "vm/Interpreter.h"
287 #include "vm/Stack.h"
289 namespace js {
290 namespace pbl {
292 // Trampoline invoked by EnterJit that sets up PBL state and invokes
293 // the main interpreter loop.
294 bool PortableBaselineTrampoline(JSContext* cx, size_t argc, Value* argv,
295 size_t numActuals, size_t numFormals,
296 jit::CalleeToken calleeToken,
297 JSObject* envChain, Value* result);
299 // Predicate: are all conditions satisfied to allow execution within
300 // PBL? This depends only on properties of the function to be invoked,
301 // and not on other runtime state, like the current stack depth, so if
302 // it returns `true` once, it can be assumed to always return `true`
303 // for that function. See `PortableBaselineInterpreterStackCheck`
304 // below for a complimentary check that does not have this property.
305 jit::MethodStatus CanEnterPortableBaselineInterpreter(JSContext* cx,
306 RunState& state);
308 // A check for availbale stack space on the PBL auxiliary stack that
309 // is invoked before the main trampoline. This is required for entry
310 // into PBL and should be checked before invoking the trampoline
311 // above. Unlike `CanEnterPortableBaselineInterpreter`, the result of
312 // this check cannot be cached: it must be checked on each potential
313 // entry.
314 bool PortablebaselineInterpreterStackCheck(JSContext* cx, RunState& state,
315 size_t numActualArgs);
317 struct State;
318 struct Stack;
319 struct StackVal;
320 struct StackValNative;
321 struct ICRegs;
322 class VMFrameManager;
324 enum class PBIResult {
326 Error,
327 Unwind,
328 UnwindError,
329 UnwindRet,
332 PBIResult PortableBaselineInterpret(JSContext* cx_, State& state, Stack& stack,
333 StackVal* sp, JSObject* envChain,
334 Value* ret);
336 enum class ICInterpretOpResult {
337 NextIC,
338 Return,
339 Error,
340 Unwind,
341 UnwindError,
342 UnwindRet,
345 ICInterpretOpResult MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE
346 ICInterpretOps(jit::BaselineFrame* frame, VMFrameManager& frameMgr,
347 State& state, ICRegs& icregs, Stack& stack, StackVal* sp,
348 jit::ICCacheIRStub* cstub, jsbytecode* pc);
350 } /* namespace pbl */
351 } /* namespace js */
353 #endif /* vm_PortableBaselineInterpret_h */