Backed out changeset 0a133d5fd155 (bug 1864534) for causing screenshot related failur...
[gecko.git] / testing / performance / perftest_WPT_firefox_init_file.js
1 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3 // file, You can obtain one at
4 /* eslint-env node */
5 "use strict";
6 function setUp() {}
8 function tearDown() {}
10 function test() {}
12 module.exports = {
13   setUp,
14   tearDown,
15   test,
16   owner: "Performance Testing Team",
17   name: "webpagetest-firefox",
18   description:
19     "Run webpagetest performance pageload tests on Firefox against Alexa top 50 websites",
20   longDescription: `This mozperftest gets webpagetest to run pageload tests on Firefox against the 50 most popular
21   websites and provide data. The full list of data returned from webpagetest: firstContentfulPaint,
22   timeToContentfulPaint, visualComplete90, firstPaint, visualComplete99, visualComplete, SpeedIndex, bytesIn, bytesOut,
23   TTFB, fullyLoadedCPUms, fullyLoadedCPUpct, domElements, domContentLoadedEventStart, domContentLoadedEventEnd,
24   loadEventStart, loadEventEnd`,
25   options: {
26     test_parameters: {
27       location: "ec2-us-east-1",
28       browser: "Firefox",
29       connection: "Cable",
30       timeout_limit: 21600,
31       wait_between_requests: 5,
32       statistics: ["average", "median", "standardDeviation"],
33       label: "",
34       runs: 3,
35       fvonly: 0,
36       private: 0,
37       web10: 0,
38       script: "",
39       block: "",
40       video: 1,
41       tcpdump: 0,
42       noimages: 0,
43       keepua: 1,
44       uastring: "",
45       htmlbody: 0,
46       custom: "",
47       ignoreSSL: 0,
48       appendua: "",
49       injectScript: "",
50       disableAVIF: 0,
51       disableWEBP: 0,
52       disableJXL: 0,
53     },
54     test_list: [
55       "",
56       "",
57       "",
58       "",
59       "",
60       "",
61       "",
62       "",
63       "",
64       "",
65       "",
66       "",
67       "",
68       "",
69       "",
70       "",
71       "",
72       "",
73       "",
74       "",
75       "",
76       "",
77       "",
78       "",
79       "",
80       "",
81       "",
82       "",
83       "",
84       "",
85       "",
86       "",
87       "",
88       "",
89       "",
90       "",
91     ],
92     browser_metrics: [
93       "firstContentfulPaint",
94       "timeToContentfulPaint",
95       "visualComplete90",
96       "firstPaint",
97       "visualComplete99",
98       "visualComplete",
99       "SpeedIndex",
100       "bytesIn",
101       "bytesOut",
102       "TTFB",
103       "fullyLoadedCPUms",
104       "fullyLoadedCPUpct",
105       "domElements",
106       "domContentLoadedEventStart",
107       "domContentLoadedEventEnd",
108       "loadEventStart",
109       "loadEventEnd",
110     ],
111   },