Avoid crash on composition (backport from trunk).
[emacs.git] / lisp / cedet / ede / generic.el
1 ;;; ede/generic.el --- Base Support for generic build systems
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eric@siege-engine.com>
7 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
9 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; There are a lot of build systems out there, and EDE can't support
25 ;; them all fully. The ede-generic.el system is the base for
26 ;; supporting alternate build systems in a simple way, automatically.
28 ;; The structure is for the ede-generic baseclass, which is augmented
29 ;; by simple sub-classes that can be created by users on an as needed
30 ;; basis. The generic system will have targets for many language
31 ;; types, and create the targets on an as needed basis. All
32 ;; sub-project types will recycle the same generic target types.
34 ;; The generic target types will only be implemented for languages
35 ;; where having EDE support actually matters, with a single MISC to
36 ;; represent anything else.
40 ;; If enabling ede-generic support starts identifying too many
41 ;; projects, drop a file called `.ede-ignore' into any directory where
42 ;; you do not want a project to be.
44 ;; Customization:
46 ;; Since these projects are all so increadibly generic, a user will
47 ;; need to configure some aspects of the project by hand. In order to
48 ;; enable this without configuring the project objects directly (which
49 ;; are auto-generated) a special ede-generic-confg object is defined to
50 ;; hold the basics. Generic projects will identify and use these
51 ;; config files.
53 ;; Adding support for new projects:
55 ;; To add support to EDE Generic for new project types is very quick.
56 ;; See the end of this file for examples such as CMake and SCons.
58 ;; Support consists of one class for your project, specifying the file
59 ;; name used by the project system you want to support. It also
60 ;; should implement th method `ede-generic-setup-configuration' to
61 ;; prepopulate the configurable portion of the generic project with
62 ;; build details.
64 ;; Lastly, call `ede-generic-new-autoloader' to setup your project so
65 ;; EDE can use it.
67 ;; Adding support for new types of source code:
69 ;; Sources of different types are supported with a simple class which
70 ;; subclasses `ede-generic-target'. The slots `shortname' and
71 ;; `extension' should be given new initial values.
73 ;; Optionally, any target method used by EDE can then be overriden.
74 ;; The ede-generic-target-c-cpp has some example methods setting up
75 ;; the pre-processor map and system include path.
77 ;; NOTE: It is not necessary to modify ede-generic.el to add any of
78 ;; the above described support features.
80 (require 'eieio-opt)
81 (require 'ede)
82 (require 'semantic/db)
84 ;;; Code:
86 ;; Start with the configuration system
87 (defclass ede-generic-config (eieio-persistent)
88 ((extension :initform ".ede")
89 (file-header-line :initform ";; EDE Generic Project Configuration")
90 (project :initform nil
91 :documentation
92 "The project this config is bound to.")
93 ;; Generic customizations
94 (build-command :initarg :build-command
95 :initform "make -k"
96 :type string
97 :custom string
98 :group (default build)
99 :documentation
100 "Command used for building this project.")
101 (debug-command :initarg :debug-command
102 :initform "gdb "
103 :type string
104 :custom string
105 :group (default build)
106 :documentation
107 "Command used for debugging this project.")
108 ;; C target customixations
109 (c-include-path :initarg :c-include-path
110 :initform nil
111 :type list
112 :custom (repeat (string :tag "Path"))
113 :group c
114 :documentation
115 "The include path used by C/C++ projects.")
116 (c-preprocessor-table :initarg :c-preprocessor-table
117 :initform nil
118 :type list
119 :custom (repeat (cons (string :tag "Macro")
120 (string :tag "Value")))
121 :group c
122 :documentation
123 "Preprocessor Symbols for this project.")
124 (c-preprocessor-files :initarg :c-preprocessor-files
125 :initform nil
126 :type list
127 :custom (repeat (string :tag "Include File")))
129 "User Configuration object for a generic project.")
131 (defun ede-generic-load (dir &optional rootproj)
132 "Return a Generic Project object if there is a match.
133 Return nil if there isn't one.
134 Argument DIR is the directory it is created for.
135 ROOTPROJ is nil, since there is only one project."
136 ;; Doesn't already exist, so lets make one.
137 (let* ((alobj ede-constructing)
138 (this nil))
139 (when (not alobj) (error "Cannot load generic project without the autoload instance"))
141 (setq this
142 (funcall (oref alobj class-sym)
143 (symbol-name (oref alobj class-sym))
144 :name (file-name-nondirectory
145 (directory-file-name dir))
146 :version "1.0"
147 :directory (file-name-as-directory dir)
148 :file (expand-file-name (oref alobj :proj-file)) ))
149 (ede-add-project-to-global-list this)
152 ;;; Base Classes for the system
153 (defclass ede-generic-target (ede-target)
154 ((shortname :initform ""
155 :type string
156 :allocation :class
157 :documentation
158 "Something prepended to the target name.")
159 (extension :initform ""
160 :type string
161 :allocation :class
162 :documentation
163 "Regular expression representing the extension used for this target.
164 subclasses of this base target will override the default value.")
166 "Baseclass for all targets belonging to the generic ede system."
167 :abstract t)
169 (defclass ede-generic-project (ede-project)
170 ((buildfile :initform ""
171 :type string
172 :allocation :class
173 :documentation "The file name that identifies a project of this type.
174 The class allocated value is replace by different sub classes.")
175 (config :initform nil
176 :type (or null ede-generic-config)
177 :documentation
178 "The configuration object for this project.")
180 "The baseclass for all generic EDE project types."
181 :abstract t)
183 (defmethod initialize-instance ((this ede-generic-project)
184 &rest fields)
185 "Make sure the targets slot is bound."
186 (call-next-method)
187 (unless (slot-boundp this 'targets)
188 (oset this :targets nil))
191 (defmethod ede-generic-get-configuration ((proj ede-generic-project))
192 "Return the configuration for the project PROJ."
193 (let ((config (oref proj config)))
194 (when (not config)
195 (let ((fname (expand-file-name "EDEConfig.el"
196 (oref proj :directory))))
197 (if (file-exists-p fname)
198 ;; Load in the configuration
199 (setq config (eieio-persistent-read fname))
200 ;; Create a new one.
201 (setq config (ede-generic-config
202 "Configuration"
203 :file fname))
204 ;; Set initial values based on project.
205 (ede-generic-setup-configuration proj config))
206 ;; Link things together.
207 (oset proj config config)
208 (oset config project proj)))
209 config))
211 (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-project) config)
212 "Default configuration setup method."
213 nil)
215 (defmethod ede-commit-project ((proj ede-generic-project))
216 "Commit any change to PROJ to its file."
217 (let ((config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)))
218 (ede-commit config)))
220 ;;; A list of different targets
221 (defclass ede-generic-target-c-cpp (ede-generic-target)
222 ((shortname :initform "C/C++")
223 (extension :initform "\\([ch]\\(pp\\|xx\\|\\+\\+\\)?\\|cc\\|hh\\|CC?\\)"))
224 "EDE Generic Project target for C and C++ code.
225 All directories need at least one target.")
227 (defclass ede-generic-target-el (ede-generic-target)
228 ((shortname :initform "ELisp")
229 (extension :initform "el"))
230 "EDE Generic Project target for Emacs Lisp code.
231 All directories need at least one target.")
233 (defclass ede-generic-target-fortran (ede-generic-target)
234 ((shortname :initform "Fortran")
235 (extension :initform "[fF]9[05]\\|[fF]\\|for"))
236 "EDE Generic Project target for Fortran code.
237 All directories need at least one target.")
239 (defclass ede-generic-target-texi (ede-generic-target)
240 ((shortname :initform "Texinfo")
241 (extension :initform "texi"))
242 "EDE Generic Project target for texinfo code.
243 All directories need at least one target.")
245 ;; MISC must always be last since it will always match the file.
246 (defclass ede-generic-target-misc (ede-generic-target)
247 ((shortname :initform "Misc")
248 (extension :initform ""))
249 "EDE Generic Project target for Misc files.
250 All directories need at least one target.")
252 ;;; Automatic target aquisition.
253 (defun ede-generic-find-matching-target (class dir targets)
254 "Find a target that is a CLASS and is in DIR in the list of TARGETS."
255 (let ((match nil))
256 (dolist (T targets)
257 (when (and (object-of-class-p T class)
258 (string= (oref T :path) dir))
259 (setq match T)
261 match))
263 (defmethod ede-find-target ((proj ede-generic-project) buffer)
264 "Find an EDE target in PROJ for BUFFER.
265 If one doesn't exist, create a new one for this directory."
266 (let* ((ext (file-name-extension (buffer-file-name buffer)))
267 (classes (eieio-build-class-alist 'ede-generic-target t))
268 (cls nil)
269 (targets (oref proj targets))
270 (dir default-directory)
271 (ans nil)
273 ;; Pick a matching class type.
274 (when ext
275 (dolist (C classes)
276 (let* ((classsym (intern (car C)))
277 (extreg (oref classsym extension)))
278 (when (and (not (string= extreg ""))
279 (string-match (concat "^" extreg "$") ext))
280 (setq cls classsym)))))
281 (when (not cls) (setq cls 'ede-generic-target-misc))
282 ;; find a pre-existing matching target
283 (setq ans (ede-generic-find-matching-target cls dir targets))
284 ;; Create a new instance if there wasn't one
285 (when (not ans)
286 (setq ans (make-instance
288 :name (oref cls shortname)
289 :path dir
290 :source nil))
291 (object-add-to-list proj :targets ans)
293 ans))
295 ;;; C/C++ support
296 (defmethod ede-preprocessor-map ((this ede-generic-target-c-cpp))
297 "Get the pre-processor map for some generic C code."
298 (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent this))
299 (root (ede-project-root proj))
300 (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj))
301 filemap
303 ;; Preprocessor files
304 (dolist (G (oref config :c-preprocessor-files))
305 (let ((table (semanticdb-file-table-object
306 (ede-expand-filename root G))))
307 (when table
308 (when (semanticdb-needs-refresh-p table)
309 (semanticdb-refresh-table table))
310 (setq filemap (append filemap (oref table lexical-table)))
312 ;; The core table
313 (setq filemap (append filemap (oref config :c-preprocessor-table)))
315 filemap
318 (defmethod ede-system-include-path ((this ede-generic-target-c-cpp))
319 "Get the system include path used by project THIS."
320 (let* ((proj (ede-target-parent this))
321 (config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)))
322 (oref config c-include-path)))
324 ;;; Customization
326 (defmethod ede-customize ((proj ede-generic-project))
327 "Customize the EDE project PROJ."
328 (let ((config (ede-generic-get-configuration proj)))
329 (eieio-customize-object config)))
331 (defmethod ede-customize ((target ede-generic-target))
332 "Customize the EDE TARGET."
333 ;; Nothing unique for the targets, use the project.
334 (ede-customize-project))
336 (defmethod eieio-done-customizing ((config ede-generic-config))
337 "Called when EIEIO is done customizing the configuration object.
338 We need to go back through the old buffers, and update them with
339 the new configuration."
340 (ede-commit config)
341 ;; Loop over all the open buffers, and re-apply.
342 (ede-map-targets
343 (oref config project)
344 (lambda (target)
345 (ede-map-target-buffers
346 target
347 (lambda (b)
348 (with-current-buffer b
349 (ede-apply-target-options)))))))
351 (defmethod ede-commit ((config ede-generic-config))
352 "Commit all changes to the configuration to disk."
353 (eieio-persistent-save config))
355 ;;; Creating Derived Projects:
357 ;; Derived projects need an autoloader so that EDE can find the
358 ;; different projects on disk.
359 (defun ede-generic-new-autoloader (internal-name external-name
360 projectfile class)
361 "Add a new EDE Autoload instance for identifying a generic project.
362 INTERNAL-NAME is a long name that identifies thsi project type.
363 EXTERNAL-NAME is a shorter human readable name to describe the project.
364 PROJECTFILE is a file name that identifies a project of this type to EDE, such as
365 a Makefile, or SConstruct file.
366 CLASS is the EIEIO class that is used to track this project. It should subclass
367 the class `ede-generic-project' project."
368 (add-to-list 'ede-project-class-files
369 (ede-project-autoload internal-name
370 :name external-name
371 :file 'ede/generic
372 :proj-file projectfile
373 :load-type 'ede-generic-load
374 :class-sym class
375 :new-p nil)
376 ;; Generics must go at the end, since more specific types
377 ;; can create Makefiles also.
380 ;;;###autoload
381 (defun ede-enable-generic-projects ()
382 "Enable generic project loaders."
383 (interactive)
384 (ede-generic-new-autoloader "edeproject-makefile" "Make"
385 "Makefile" 'ede-generic-makefile-project)
386 (ede-generic-new-autoloader "edeproject-scons" "SCons"
387 "SConstruct" 'ede-generic-scons-project)
388 (ede-generic-new-autoloader "edeproject-cmake" "CMake"
389 "CMakeLists" 'ede-generic-cmake-project)
396 ;;; MAKEFILE
398 (defclass ede-generic-makefile-project (ede-generic-project)
399 ((buildfile :initform "Makefile")
401 "Generic Project for makefiles.")
403 (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-makefile-project) config)
404 "Setup a configuration for Make."
405 (oset config build-command "make -k")
406 (oset config debug-command "gdb ")
410 ;;; SCONS
411 (defclass ede-generic-scons-project (ede-generic-project)
412 ((buildfile :initform "SConstruct")
414 "Generic Project for scons.")
416 (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-scons-project) config)
417 "Setup a configuration for SCONS."
418 (oset config build-command "scons")
419 (oset config debug-command "gdb ")
423 ;;; CMAKE
424 (defclass ede-generic-cmake-project (ede-generic-project)
425 ((buildfile :initform "CMakeLists")
427 "Generic Project for cmake.")
429 (defmethod ede-generic-setup-configuration ((proj ede-generic-cmake-project) config)
430 "Setup a configuration for CMake."
431 (oset config build-command "cmake")
432 (oset config debug-command "gdb ")
435 (provide 'ede/generic)
437 ;; Local variables:
438 ;; generated-autoload-file: "loaddefs.el"
439 ;; generated-autoload-load-name: "ede/generic"
440 ;; End:
442 ;;; ede/generic.el ends here