Fixing a small css issue in the user class.
[elgg.git] / lms / sendfile.php
1 <?php
3 // accept a file send from the lms
4 require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/includes.php');
5 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'lib/lmslib.php');
6 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'lib/uploadlib.php');
8 $textlib = textlib_get_instance();
10 // the POST parameters we expect are:
11 $installid = optional_param('installid');
12 $username = optional_param('username');
13 $filename = optional_param('filename');
14 $action = optional_param('action');
15 $size = optional_param('size',0,PARAM_INT);
16 $signature = optional_param('signature');
17 $foldername = optional_param('foldername');
19 // verify the signature and find our user...
20 $user = find_lms_user($installid,$username,$signature);
21 if (!is_object($user)) {
22 echo $user;
23 die();
26 switch ($action) {
27 case 'intention':
28 $incoming = new StdClass;
29 $incoming->installid = $installid;
30 $incoming->intentiondate = time();
31 $incoming->user_id = $user->ident;
32 $incoming->foldername = $foldername; // should relate to course name.
33 $incoming->size = $size;
34 $id = insert_record('files_incoming',$incoming);
36 // create the holding directory if it doesn't already exist...
37 $dir = 'lms/incoming/'.$user->ident;
39 if (!make_upload_directory($dir,false)) {
40 echo 'Could not create holding directory';
41 die();
43 $filename = $CFG->dataroot.$dir.'/'.$id.'-'.time().'.zip';
45 echo 'OK|'.$filename;
46 break;
48 case 'done':
49 // first try and find the 'incoming' record that matches.
50 $m = array();
51 if (!preg_match('/(\d+)\-(\d+).zip/',$filename,$m)) {
52 echo 'couldn\'t find information about the specified file';
53 break;
55 if (!$intention = get_record('files_incoming','ident',$m[1])) {
56 echo 'couldn\'t find information about the specified file';
57 break;
60 // check the date (should be within an hour)
61 if ($intention->intentiondate < (time()-(60*60))) {
62 echo 'intention too old';
63 break;
65 // find the file
66 $filepath = $CFG->dataroot.'lms/incoming/'.$intention->user_id.'/'.$filename;
67 if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
68 echo 'couldn\'t find file';
69 break;
71 // check filesize
72 $actualsize = filesize($filepath);
73 if ($actualsize != $intention->size) {
74 echo 'filesize of received file ('.$actualsize.') didn\'t match expected size ('.$intention->size.')';
75 break;
78 // make a temporary directory to unzip the file into
79 $tempdir = 'temp/lms/'.$intention->user_id.'/'.time();
80 if (!make_upload_directory($tempdir,false)) {
81 echo 'Could not create temporary directory structure to extract the files into';
82 break;
84 $tempdir = $CFG->dataroot . $tempdir;
86 if (!unzip_file($filepath,$tempdir,false)) {
87 echo 'Could not unzip the file to the temporary directory';
88 break;
91 // read & parse the manifest file
92 $manifest = $tempdir.'/manifest.txt';
93 if (!file_exists($manifest)) {
94 echo 'Could not find the manifest file';
95 break;
98 if (!$contents = file($manifest)) {
99 echo 'Could not read the contents of the manifest file';
100 break;
103 if (count($contents) == 0) {
104 echo 'Manifest file was empty!';
105 break;
108 $files = array(); // (temp) we need to rejuggle filenames to handle collisions.
109 $fileinfo = array(); // this is our proper data structure.
110 $ul_username = $user->username;
111 $upload_folder = $textlib->substr($ul_username,0,1);
112 $destination = "files/" . $upload_folder . "/" . $ul_username ;
113 $relativedestination = $destination;
114 make_upload_directory($destination,false);
115 $destination = $CFG->dataroot . $destination;
117 // first do some basic validation.
118 foreach ($contents as $line) {
119 $bits = explode('|',$line,2); // limit set to 2 so we just get filename|decription
120 if (count($bits) != 2) { // houston, we have a problem!
121 echo "Something wrong in manifest file, with line $line";
122 break 2;
124 if (!file_exists($tempdir.'/'.$bits[0])) {
125 echo "Manifest file points to ".$bits[0]." but it doesn't exist!";
126 break 2;
128 $files[] = $bits[0];
131 // rejuggle to handle filename conflicts...
132 $files = resolve_filename_collisions($destination,$files);
134 // keys should still match, make up the proper data structure...
135 foreach ($files as $k => $f) {
136 $file = new StdClass;
137 $file->filename = $f;
138 $line = $contents[$k];
139 $bits = explode('|',$line,2); // limit set to 2 so we just get filename|decription
140 $file->description = $bits[1];
141 $file->originalname = $bits[0];
142 $fileinfo[] = $file;
145 begin_sql(); // do it transactionally if we CAN
147 // start looking for the database stuff we need....
148 $folder = lms_get_folder($installid,$intention->foldername,$user);
150 foreach ($fileinfo as $tosave) {
151 // first move the file to where it should go.
152 if (!copy($tempdir.'/'.$tosave->originalname,$destination.'/'.$tosave->filename)) {
153 echo 'Failed to save some files to the final destination!';
154 rollback_sql();
155 break 2;
157 $f = new StdClass;
158 $f->owner = $user->ident;
159 $f->files_owner = $user->ident;
160 $f->folder = $folder->ident;
161 $f->originalname = $tosave->originalname;
162 $f->title = $tosave->originalname;
163 $f->description = $tosave->description;
164 $f->location = $relativedestination.'/'.$tosave->filename;
165 $f->access = 'user'.$user->ident; // ew again.
166 $f->size = filesize($destination.'/'.$tosave->filename);
167 $f->time_uploaded = time();
168 if (!insert_record('files',$f)) {
169 echo 'Failed to save some file information to the database! Some files may have copied across ok';
170 rollback_sql();
171 break 2;
175 commit_sql();
177 // remove all the temporary stuff and delete the record from the queue.
178 delete_records('files_incoming','ident',$intention->ident);
179 delete_records_select('files_incoming','intentiondate < ?',array(time()-60*60));
181 @unlink($filepath); // we may not have permissions to do this ...
182 remove_dir($tempdir);
184 echo 'OK';
185 break;