From fdb596cd42539e0f1bf853a057b7b01c44c9d870 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Doug Torrance Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 23:19:54 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] wmweather+: Remove from repository. This dockapp is still maintained by its original upstream author, Brad Jorsch, and a newer version (2.15) is available at [1]. Therefore, it is not appropriate for the Window Maker dockapps repository. [1] --- | 9 - wmweather+/COPYING | 339 --------------- wmweather+/ChangeLog | 247 ----------- wmweather+/HINTS | 74 ---- wmweather+/ | 21 - wmweather+/README | 43 -- wmweather+/animation.c | 138 ------ wmweather+/animation.h | 23 - wmweather+/avn.c | 373 ---------------- wmweather+/avn.h | 8 - wmweather+/b0rken/ | 3 - wmweather+/b0rken/lstat.c | 1 - wmweather+/b0rken/malloc.c | 15 - wmweather+/b0rken/memcmp.c | 13 - wmweather+/b0rken/mktime.c | 527 ---------------------- wmweather+/b0rken/snprintf.c | 43 -- wmweather+/b0rken/stat.c | 1 - wmweather+/b0rken/strtod.c | 1 - wmweather+/b0rken/vsnprintf.c | 95 ---- wmweather+/bootstrap | 6 - wmweather+/characters.xpm | 15 - wmweather+/ | 84 ---- wmweather+/convert.c | 443 ------------------- wmweather+/convert.h | 67 --- wmweather+/die.c | 57 --- wmweather+/die.h | 7 - wmweather+/diff.c | 62 --- wmweather+/diff.h | 5 - wmweather+/dock.c | 773 -------------------------------- wmweather+/dock.h | 2 - wmweather+/download.c | 267 ------------ wmweather+/download.h | 13 - wmweather+/eta.c | 365 ---------------- wmweather+/eta.h | 8 - wmweather+/example.conf | 9 - wmweather+/font.c | 147 ------- wmweather+/font.h | 7 - wmweather+/forecast.c | 311 ------------- wmweather+/forecast.h | 47 -- wmweather+/getLine.c | 67 --- wmweather+/getLine.h | 4 - wmweather+/m4/ | 2 - wmweather+/m4/libpcre.m4 | 57 --- wmweather+/m4/libwraster.m4 | 61 --- wmweather+/m4/snprintf.m4 | 120 ----- wmweather+/m4/vsnprintf.m4 | 149 ------- wmweather+/m4/xpm.m4 | 190 -------- wmweather+/metar.c | 436 ------------------- wmweather+/metar.h | 27 -- wmweather+/moon.c | 179 -------- wmweather+/moon.h | 2 - wmweather+/mrf.c | 318 -------------- wmweather+/mrf.h | 8 - wmweather+/radar.c | 266 ------------ wmweather+/radar.h | 10 - wmweather+/subst.c | 188 -------- wmweather+/subst.h | 23 - wmweather+/sunzenith.c | 138 ------ wmweather+/sunzenith.h | 1 - wmweather+/warnings.c | 306 ------------- wmweather+/warnings.h | 6 - wmweather+/wmgeneral/ | 10 - wmweather+/wmgeneral/mouse_regions.c | 131 ------ wmweather+/wmgeneral/mouse_regions.h | 19 - wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.c | 134 ------ wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.h | 29 -- wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.c | 192 -------- wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.h | 20 - wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.c | 343 --------------- wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h | 37 -- wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral.c | 124 ------ wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.c | 122 ------ wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h | 7 - wmweather+/ | 418 ------------------ wmweather+/wmweather+.c | 822 ----------------------------------- wmweather+/wmweather+.h | 41 -- wmweather+/wmweather_master.xpm | 221 ---------- 77 files changed, 9897 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 wmweather+/COPYING delete mode 100644 wmweather+/ChangeLog delete mode 100644 wmweather+/HINTS delete mode 100644 wmweather+/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/README delete mode 100644 wmweather+/animation.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/animation.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/avn.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/avn.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/lstat.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/malloc.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/memcmp.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/mktime.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/snprintf.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/stat.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/strtod.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/b0rken/vsnprintf.c delete mode 100755 wmweather+/bootstrap delete mode 100644 wmweather+/characters.xpm delete mode 100644 wmweather+/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/convert.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/convert.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/die.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/die.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/diff.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/diff.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/dock.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/dock.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/download.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/download.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/eta.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/eta.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/example.conf delete mode 100644 wmweather+/font.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/font.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/forecast.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/forecast.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/getLine.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/getLine.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/libpcre.m4 delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/libwraster.m4 delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/snprintf.m4 delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/vsnprintf.m4 delete mode 100644 wmweather+/m4/xpm.m4 delete mode 100644 wmweather+/metar.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/metar.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/moon.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/moon.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/mrf.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/mrf.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/radar.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/radar.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/subst.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/subst.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/sunzenith.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/sunzenith.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/warnings.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/warnings.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/mouse_regions.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/mouse_regions.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/ delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmweather+.c delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmweather+.h delete mode 100644 wmweather+/wmweather_master.xpm diff --git a/ b/ index 4f3e0ad..9da4884 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -434,15 +434,6 @@ url = dockapps = 24 category = Date/Time -[wmweather+] -image = "wmweather+.png,wmweather+2.png,wmweather+4.png" -description = "wmweather+ will download the National Weather Serivce METAR bulletins, ANV and MRF forecasts, and any weather map for display in a WindowMaker dockapp. Think wmweather with a smaller font, forecasts, a weather map, and a sky condition display. - -Please see the sourceforge page for the latest version." -url = -dockapps = 112 -category = General/Others - [wmWeather] image = wmWeather.gif description = "Shows local weather conditions." diff --git a/wmweather+/COPYING b/wmweather+/COPYING deleted file mode 100644 index d159169..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/COPYING +++ /dev/null @@ -1,339 +0,0 @@ - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - - Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA - Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies - of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. - - Preamble - - The licenses for most software are designed to take away your -freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public -License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free -software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This -General Public License applies to most of the Free Software -Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to -using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by -the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to -your programs, too. - - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. - - To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you -distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. - - For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether -gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that -you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the -source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their -rights. - - We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and -(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, -distribute and/or modify the software. - - Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so -that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original -authors' reputations. - - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free -program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the -program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any -patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. - - The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and -modification follow. - - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - - 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains -a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed -under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, -refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" -means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: -that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, -either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another -language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in -the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". - -Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not -covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of -running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program -is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the -Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). -Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. - - 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's -source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you -conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate -copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the -notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; -and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License -along with the Program. - -You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and -you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. - - 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion -of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and -distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 -above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: - - a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices - stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. - - b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in - whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any - part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third - parties under the terms of this License. - - c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively - when run, you must cause it, when started running for such - interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an - announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a - notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide - a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under - these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this - License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but - does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on - the Program is not required to print an announcement.) - -These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If -identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, -and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in -themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those -sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you -distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based -on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of -this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the -entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. - -Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest -your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to -exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or -collective works based on the Program. - -In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program -with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of -a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under -the scope of this License. - - 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, -under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of -Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: - - a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable - source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections - 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, - - b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three - years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your - cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete - machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be - distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium - customarily used for software interchange; or, - - c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer - to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is - allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you - received the program in object code or executable form with such - an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) - -The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for -making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source -code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any -associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to -control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a -special exception, the source code distributed need not include -anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary -form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the -operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component -itself accompanies the executable. - -If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering -access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent -access to copy the source code from the same place counts as -distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not -compelled to copy the source along with the object code. - - 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program -except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt -otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is -void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. -However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under -this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such -parties remain in full compliance. - - 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not -signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or -distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are -prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by -modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the -Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and -all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying -the Program or works based on it. - - 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the -Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the -original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to -these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further -restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to -this License. - - 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent -infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), -conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or -otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not -excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot -distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this -License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you -may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent -license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by -all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then -the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to -refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. - -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under -any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to -apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other -circumstances. - -It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any -patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any -such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the -integrity of the free software distribution system, which is -implemented by public license practices. Many people have made -generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed -through that system in reliance on consistent application of that -system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing -to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot -impose that choice. - -This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to -be a consequence of the rest of this License. - - 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in -certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Program under this License -may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding -those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among -countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates -the limitation as if written in the body of this License. - - 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions -of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will -be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to -address new problems or concerns. - -Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program -specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any -later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions -either of that version or of any later version published by the Free -Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of -this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software -Foundation. - - 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free -programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author -to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free -Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes -make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals -of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and -of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - - NO WARRANTY - - 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY -FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN -OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES -PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED -OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS -TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE -PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, -REPAIR OR CORRECTION. - - 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING -WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR -REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, -INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING -OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED -TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY -YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER -PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE -POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - - How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs - - If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest -possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it -free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. - - To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest -to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least -the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. - - - Copyright (C) - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along - with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. - -Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. - -If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this -when it starts in an interactive mode: - - Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author - Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it - under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. - -The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate -parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may -be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be -mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. - -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: - - Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program - `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. - - , 1 April 1989 - Ty Coon, President of Vice - -This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into -proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may -consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the -library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General -Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/wmweather+/ChangeLog b/wmweather+/ChangeLog deleted file mode 100644 index ba7ba90..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/ChangeLog +++ /dev/null @@ -1,247 +0,0 @@ -wmweather+ (2.12) unstable; urgency=low - - * Remove curl handle from the multihandle before closing the file - descriptor and before doing the callbacks. Otherwise we might get another - completion message, which will cause double-free errors and such. - - -- Brad Jorsch Tue, 17 Aug 2010 15:27:37 -0400 - -wmweather+ (2.11) unstable; urgency=low - - * Apply 01_wmweather+_patch_displaydelay.dpatch from Debian - * Fix Debian bug #419644 in a different way: First, change snprintf and - vsnprintf handling to be more like AC_FUNC_MALLOC handles malloc. Second, - just always call FUNC_VSNPRINTF_LIBOBJ instead of being conditional on - snprintf. - - -- Brad Jorsch Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:30:05 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.10) unstable; urgency=low - - * Remove libwww, add libcurl. - - -- Brad Jorsch Sun, 06 Jan 2008 22:42:07 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.9) unstable; urgency=low - - * Add support for the new FW/SC distinction in some of the forecast data. - Also do it for METAR, even though the two are supposedly the same there. - * Fix some nasty double-free bugs in download.c if terminate_handler were to - be called before HTLoadAbsolute/HTPostAbsolute returned. - - -- Brad Jorsch Mon, 17 May 2004 23:55:48 -0400 - -wmweather+ (2.8) unstable; urgency=low - - * The downloader now tracks active downloads, and refuses to start a second - download when one is already active for a particular target file. Also, - downloads now time out after 10 minutes. - - -- Brad Jorsch Mon, 29 Mar 2004 22:22:31 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.7) unstable; urgency=low - - * Oops, forgot to fix the manpage when the URIs changed in v2.5. - - -- Brad Jorsch Fri, 21 Nov 2003 20:55:07 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.6) unstable; urgency=low - - * Use atexit() to clean up downloaded files. - * Alter forecast parsers to be less picky. 'AVN' and 'MRF' are changing to - 'GFS' and 'GFSX' on Dec 16, and looking for just "MOS GUIDANCE" instead of - "xxx MOS GUIDANCE" should work about as well. - - -- Brad Jorsch Fri, 21 Nov 2003 20:55:07 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.5) unstable; urgency=low - - * Added the "-display-mode" option. This fixes part of Debian bug #200110. - * Tack the PID on to downloaded files, so multiple instances of wmweather+ - won't stomp on each other. This fixes the rest of Debian bug #200110 - * Rewrote the longitude-guessing code, now it just depends on time_t being - an arithmetic type (which mkgmtime() did already). - * Replace the old b0rken/mktime.c with the one from GNU tar. The old one has - a SysVism that wasn't working too well for BSD people, who need the - replacement because mktime() on BSD fails for 'impossible' times (i.e. the - hour skipped when DST begins). - * Change forecast URIs, because NOAA changed them. - * Add a 'forget-warning-zones' option, which IMO adequately covers Debian - bug #214482. And it allows you to override zones on the command line too. - - -- Brad Jorsch Tue, 28 Oct 2003 13:35:24 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.4) unstable; urgency=low - - * Remove a bunch of unused variables. - * Initialize a few things the compiler can't tell will always be initialized - before they're used. - - dock.c update_dock(): i will be initialized if either j&1 or j&2, and - only used if j&3. j is not volatile, so this will always initialize i. - - forecast.c locate_current(): current is set to NULL at the beginning of - the function. curdiff is set whenever current is, and is only used when - current!=NULL. - * Added .nf commands to the manpage, so man won't complain about long - pseudo-URLs (Fixes Debian bug #184306). - * Fixed various assumptions about char signedness (i.e. I made them - explicitly signed char) (Fixes Debian bug #181245). - * Added multiple warning zones, so for example you can look at both kyz036 - and kyc209 for warnings (Partially fixes Debian bug #185651). - - The summary isn't so much a warning summary, as a summary of the weather - over the past day or so. - - Unless those "warnings not in the expected place" were due to the kyc209 - versus kyz036 issue, I can't determine where the files might actually - have been. Sorry. - * Updated some of the docs. - * autoconf changed the name of the malloc cache variable... - * Added a replacement mktime. Hopefully it works right. - - -- Brad Jorsch Sat, 22 Mar 2003 12:45:10 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.3) unstable; urgency=low - - * Fix a compiler warning, thanks to Martin Godisch - * Remove the debian directory at the request of the Debian maintainer; if - you want those files, they are available at - * Removed documentation of useless -geometry option - * Fixed crash on right-click when no warning zone was given - - -- Brad Jorsch Tue, 28 Jan 2003 12:47:07 -0500 - -wmweather+ (2.2) unstable; urgency=low - - * It seems I forgot to create a b0rken/malloc.c - - -- Brad Jorsch Tue, 1 Oct 2002 16:36:12 -0400 - -wmweather+ (2.1) unstable; urgency=low - - * Make the 'malformed location' error message more clear. - * Fix stupid crash in forecast.c (didn't wrap properly when iterating over - an array) - * Fix is_forecast_current, mktime wants 0-based month. - - -- Brad Jorsch Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:02:29 -0400 - -wmweather+ (2.0) unstable; urgency=low - - * In no particular order: - * Animations can now display a label indicating the percent being shown. The - forecast window uses this extensively. - * All URIs can now be changed via command line/config file options. - * Added ./configure checks for b0rken snprintf/vsnprintf. - * Added ETA forecasts. These are mixed in with the AVN forecasts in the - rotation, sorted by time. - * Added display of the forecast type, which shows up at the bottom of the - forecast window where wind chill, heat index, and so on appear. - * When not animating, the percent chance cutoff can be adjusted using the - mouse wheel (as mapped to buttons 4 and 5). - * Made all forecast and warning options optional. Thus, if you don't specify - e.g. avn-station, no AVN forecasts will be downloaded. - * Regularized options: -radar is now -radar-uri, and -zone is now - -warning-zone. - * Support for POST for the radar image. - * Support for system-wide configs. - * -email is now optional too. - * Lots of code cleanups. - - -- Brad Jorsch Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:25:58 -0400 - -wmweather+ (1.11) unstable; urgency=low - - * Fix a few URIs. - * Fix rounding errors in the pressure conversion functions (returned floats - don't need to be rounded, damnit!) - * Fix a bug in the warning code (displaying the wrong warnings) - - -- Brad Jorsch Sun, 15 Sep 2002 18:35:18 -0400 - -wmweather+ (1.10) unstable; urgency=low - - * Handle libwww fds going bad, so the select will still function. - - -- Brad Jorsch Sun, 8 Sep 2002 11:22:05 -0400 - -wmweather+ (1.9) unstable; urgency=low - - * Remove dependancy on libftp, we use libwww's FTP module now. - * Rewrote the file downloader to take advantage of libwww's callbacks - (instead of waiting for the file to appear). - * Adjusted the m4 files to be more informative, and to check for libwraster - in /usr/X11R6 (stupid place for it, but oh well). - * Add some international METAR support. Mainly things reported in different - units. - * Make dock.c signals safe! - - -- Brad Jorsch Thu, 5 Sep 2002 22:01:42 -0400 - -wmweather+ (1.8) unstable; urgency=low - - * Added failure conditions to - * Actually use LIBOBJS. Change to automake-1.6 since 1.4 is b0rken. - - -- Brad Jorsch Sun, 1 Sep 2002 20:31:55 -0400 - -wmweather+ (1.7) unstable; urgency=low - - * Initial Debianization - * Autoconfiscated - * Updated wmgeneral from wmpasman - * Fixed a bug in createXBMfromXPM - * Use createXBMfromXPM to get the mask. It's easier. - - -- Brad Jorsch Thu, 15 Aug 2002 15:31:46 -0400 - -version 1.6 - - * Apparently, AVN uses JUNE instead of JUN. Let's guess it uses JULY too - while we're at it. - - -- Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:52:27 -0500 - -version 1.5 - - * Fixed heat index so it'll display when the temp is below 100 ;) - - -- Tue, 16 Apr 2002 21:22:07 -0500 - -version 1.4 - - * Changed the METAR display around a little bit. Local time is now primary. - * Changed the warning output to indicate the file the warning is from. - * minor code cleanups - - -- Sat, 8 Sep 2001 17:14:32 -0500 - -version 1.3 - - * Display a moon instead of a sun when it's supposed to be night. We even - calculate a rough moon phase and calculate the solar zenith to determine - whether the sun is up or not. - * Adjusted some of the graphics again. master is even smaller now! - * Make the forecast bottom line change priority every few seconds (in other - words, if more than one line could be displayed it will alternate between - them). - - -- Thu, 6 Sep 2001 22:55:10 -0500 - -version 1.2 - - * Fixed SEPT bug - - -- Sat, 1 Sep 2001 21:10:22 -0500 - -version 1.1 - - * Made the master xpm smaller. - * Changed the font handling so only 1 copy of the characters is needed. - * Changed some of the wmgeneral stuff more. - - -- Tue, 28 Aug 2001 12:46:54 -0500 - -version 1.0 - - * Wrote the thing over the past few weeks. I probably should have been - adding changelog entries all along, oh well. - - -- Tue, 21 Aug 2001 18:36:32 -0500 diff --git a/wmweather+/HINTS b/wmweather+/HINTS deleted file mode 100644 index d85f992..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/HINTS +++ /dev/null @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -Hints for wmweather+ - -(blatantly copied from the Hints for WMPPP ;) - -Generic --------------------------------------------------------------- -wmweather+ supports various commandline options, 'wmweather+ -h' prints -help about them. Actually, any unrecognized option will print the same help. - -WindowMaker --------------------------------------------------------------- -WindowMaker users simply drag and drop the wmweather+ on -the WindowMaker Dock (preferred) or the Clip. - -Now press the rightmouse button on wmweather+'s outer edges and -select "Settings..." from the popup menu that appears. - -Enable the 'Start when WindowMaker is started' option, then -click on the 'OK' button in the Docked Applications Panel. - -Afterstep --------------------------------------------------------------- -Afterstep users put something like this in their .steprc -"Wharf wmweather+ - MaxSwallow "wmweather+" wmweather+ &" - -Other WindowManagers --------------------------------------------------------------- -For other windowmanagers, wmweather+ runs nicely as a 64x64 -pixel shaped icon on your desktop. - -BTW, FVWM can swallow it too, so we've heard ;-) - -Dragging wmweather+ --------------------------------------------------------------- -Be sure to drag wmweather+ on it's outer edges, wmweather+ is a bit -picky due to the large gfx pixmap it keeps ;-) - -Network Usage --------------------------------------------------------------- -wmweather+ is really rather useless without network access, since it -has to download everything it wants to display... - -Command Line --------------------------------------------------------------- -Remember to quote your arguments properly. For example, this command: - wmweather+ -s KORD -location 48N 78W -Will be interpreted as passing the value "48N" to the "-location" option. -wmweather+ will then complain that the location is badly formed. Instead, try -quoting any options containing spaces like this: - wmweather+ -s KORD -location "48N 78W" - -Config File --------------------------------------------------------------- -You may have noticed wmweather+ has an insane number of command line -options. You may also have noticed the comment in the manpage along the -lines of "The configuration file is simply one option (with value if -necessary) per line, leading dashes optional. Empty lines and lines -beginning with the '#' character are ignored." This means just what it says: -your configuration file should contain your command line options, with one -option per line. - -See the file example.conf for a sample configuration file. - -Font Size --------------------------------------------------------------- -If you think the fonts are too small, you are welcome to redesign the -display and the font. Please keep in mind the following constraints: - * The window size is limited to 64x64. Taking off the border, that means - you get about 54x54 pixels to work with. - * I require the app to display at least the station ID, the effective - date and time of the observarion/forecast, the weather graphic, the - temperature (and high and low for forecasts), the relative humidity, and - the wind speed+direction. At least one extra line is needed for - pressure/heat index/wind chill/precip amount as appropriate. diff --git a/wmweather+/ b/wmweather+/ deleted file mode 100644 index 0a170b6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign -ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 - -SUBDIRS = b0rken m4 wmgeneral - -bin_PROGRAMS = wmweather+ - -wmweather__SOURCES = animation.c animation.h avn.c avn.h convert.c convert.h \ - die.c die.h diff.c diff.h dock.c dock.h download.c download.h \ - eta.c eta.h font.c font.h forecast.c forecast.h getLine.c getLine.h \ - metar.c metar.h moon.c moon.h mrf.c mrf.h radar.c radar.h subst.c \ - subst.h sunzenith.c sunzenith.h warnings.c warnings.h wmweather+.c \ - wmweather+.h characters.xpm wmweather_master.xpm -wmweather__LDADD = wmgeneral/libwmgeneral.a wmgeneral/libwmgeneral-x11.a b0rken/libb0rken.a @XLIBS@ - -man_MANS = wmweather+.1 -EXTRA_DIST = HINTS bootstrap example.conf $(man_MANS) - -reallyclean: distclean - -rm -rf autom4te.cache - -rm */ aclocal.m4* config.guess config.sub configure install-sh missing mkinstalldirs diff --git a/wmweather+/README b/wmweather+/README deleted file mode 100644 index 5957efb..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/README +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -COMPILATION -=========== - -You will need the following libraries (with proper headers) installed -in order to compile this app. If you're using Debian, try packages like -the ones indicated. - libwraster libwraster2, libwraster2-dev - libpcre libpcre3, libpcre3-dev - libm libc6, libc6-dev - libXpm xlibs, xlibs-dev - libX11 xlibs, xlibs-dev - libcurl libcurl4, libcurl4-dev - -For the most part, you should just have to do "./configure && make install" -and the thing will build everything and install it. - -The only really interesting compile-time parameters would be the P and X -variables in animation.c, if you don't like the 10-second cycle or -something. - -If you get errors about a missing libwraster, check the following: - 1) Do you have both the library AND the header installed? If the command - "locate wraster.h" doesn't come back with a header file in one of the - normal places, you'll have trouble. - 2) Check for a line like the following in your ./configure output: - checking if libwraster is wanted... yes: libraries /usr/lib includes /usr/include - In this case, we will look for the files /usr/lib/ and - /usr/include/wraster.h. If for some reason you have these files in a - place other than ./configure looks for them, use the --with-libwraster - option to specify the proper prefix. If you have something really dumb - like /usr/include/wraster.h and /usr/X11R6/lib/, try adding - specific -I and -L options to your CFLAGS variable. - -If you get errors about a missing pcre.h, and you have your header in -/usr/include/pcre/pcre.h instead of /usr/include/pcre.h, you will have to -add "-I/usr/include/pcre" to your CFLAGS variable when running ./configure. - -If you get an error about anything missing in the b0rken subdirectory, the -problem is most likely that some library function or another is broken on -your system, configure detected this fact, a replacement was requested, and -no replacement is available. You are welcome to submit a patch. - -For run-time hints, please see the HINTS file. diff --git a/wmweather+/animation.c b/wmweather+/animation.c deleted file mode 100644 index 5838718..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/animation.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" -#include "wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h" - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "animation.h" -#include "moon.h" -#include "font.h" - -#define P 4 /* Percent to increment by */ -#define X 4 /* Frames to wait before incrementing */ -#define M (((100/P)+1)*X) - -static int heights[5]={ 11, 12, 14, 14, 19 }; - -void SetAnimation(struct animation *a, int x, int y, int sky, int obs, int vis, - int frz, int snow, int rain, int tstorm, int svtstorm, - double moon){ - int i; - - a->changed=1; - a->active=1; - a->x=x; - a->y=y; - if(sky>=0 && sky<6) a->sky=sky*27; - else a->sky=-1; - if(vis<7 && obs>0 && vis>0 && obs<4){ - a->obs=obs*27-27; - a->vis=256-236*(vis-1)/6; - } else a->vis=0; - - a->items[0]=frz; - a->items[1]=snow; - a->items[2]=rain; - a->items[3]=tstorm; - a->items[4]=svtstorm; - for(i=0; i<5; i++){ - if(a->items[i]==0) continue; - if(a->items[i]%P) a->items[i]=a->items[i]/P+1; - else a->items[i]=a->items[i]/P; - a->items[i]*=X; - if(a->items[i]!=0) a->changed=1; - } - a->ac=0; - a->moon=moon; -} - -void DoAnimation(struct animation *a){ - int i; - int top, h; - - /* Turned off? */ - if(!a->active) return; - - /* Any parameters changed? If yes, draw */ - if(a->changed) goto doit; - - /* Nothing changed, quit if not animating */ - if(!a->do_animate) return; - - /* We are animating. If it's the first frame of a cycle, draw it */ - a->ac++; if(a->ac>=M){ a->ac=0; goto doit; } - - /* Not the first frame, see if anything changed. If so, draw it */ - for(i=0; i<5; i++){ - if(a->ac>=a->items[i] && a->ac<=a->items[i]+X) goto doit; - } - - /* Just draw the counter... */ - if(a->show_counter) goto do_counter; - - /* Nothing to draw, quit */ - return; - -doit: - if(a->min_pct!=a->old_pct){ - if(a->min_pct%P) a->pct=(a->min_pct/P+1)*X; - else a->pct=(a->min_pct/P)*X; - a->old_pct=a->min_pct; - } - a->changed=0; - - if(!a->do_animate) a->ac=a->pct; - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 31, a->x, a->y); - if(a->sky!=-1){ - copySunMoon(a->x, a->y, a->moon); - combineWithTrans(a->sky, 64, 26, 25, a->x, a->y); - } - if(a->vis>0) combineWithOpacity(a->obs, 89, 26, 25, a->x, a->y, a->vis); - for(i=0; i<5; i++){ - if(a->items[i]==0 || a->ac>=a->items[i]+X) continue; - h=heights[i]; - top=h; - if(a->acac/X; - } else if(a->ac>=a->items[i] && a->acitems[i]+X){ - h-=h*(a->ac%X)/X; - top=h; - } - combineWithTrans(i*27, 129-top, 26, h, a->x, a->y+31-top); - } - if(a->show_counter){{ - char foo[5]; -do_counter: - if(!a->do_animate){ - snprintf(foo, 5, "%d%%", a->min_pct); - } else { - for(i=0; i<100 && a->ac>((i+P-1)/P)*X; i++); - snprintf(foo, 5, "%d%%", i); - } - i=GetStringWidth(foo); - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, i+2, 7, a->x+(26-i-2)/2, a->y+12); - DrawString(a->x+(26-i)/2, a->y+13, foo, 2); - }} -} diff --git a/wmweather+/animation.h b/wmweather+/animation.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1906eb1..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/animation.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -struct animation { - int do_animate:1; /* animate, or use min_pct? */ - int show_counter:1; /* display the percentage counter? */ - unsigned int min_pct:7; /* when not animating, show any occurence with more - than this percent chance */ - int changed:1; /* Set this if you change any of the above */ - - int active:1; - int x, y; - int sky; - int obs; - int vis; - int items[5]; - int ac; - double moon; - unsigned int old_pct:7; - int pct; -}; - -void SetAnimation(struct animation *a, int x, int y, int sky, int obs, int vis, - int frz, int snow, int rain, int tstorm, int svtstorm, - double moon); -void DoAnimation(struct animation *a); diff --git a/wmweather+/avn.c b/wmweather+/avn.c deleted file mode 100644 index 32a04e4..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/avn.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "forecast.h" -#include "getLine.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "diff.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "sunzenith.h" -#include "moon.h" -#include "subst.h" - -/* Important variables */ -#define AVN_MAX 21 -static time_t avn_time=0; -static char *avn_file=NULL; -static char *avn_newfile=NULL; -static char *avn_req[2]={ NULL, NULL }; -static struct forecast forecasts[AVN_MAX]; - - -/********* init functions ************/ -static int parse_avn(char *file); - -static void reset_avn(void){ - int i; - - for(i=0; i=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && diff(avn_newfile, avn_file) && parse_avn(avn_newfile)){ - avn_time=find_next_time(avn_newfile, "MOS GUIDANCE", 720); - rename(avn_newfile, avn_file); - } else { - unlink(avn_newfile); - if(!parse_avn(avn_file)) reset_avn(); - } - } -} - -void avn_cleanup(void){ - if(avn_file==NULL) return; - unlink(avn_newfile); - unlink(avn_file); -} - -void update_avn(int force){ - time_t t; - - if(avn_file==NULL) return; - - t=time(NULL)/60; - if(!force && avn_time>t) return; - - avn_time=find_next_time(avn_file, "MOS GUIDANCE", 15); - download_file(avn_newfile, avn_req[0], avn_req[1], force?DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS:0, avn_callback, NULL); -} - - -/********* parse functions ************/ - -#define NEXT(s) free(s); \ - len=getLine(&s, fp); \ - if(strstr(s, "")!=NULL) len=0; - -#define DIE() return (free(s), fclose(fp), 0) -#define SPLIT(s) { \ - ID[0]=s[0]; \ - ID[1]=s[1]; \ - ID[2]=s[2]; \ - ID[3]='\0'; \ - for(n=0, c=s+4; c12){ - c=strchr(c+1, '/'); - if(c==NULL) DIE(); - for(mon=1; mon<=12; mon++){ - if(!strncmp(c+1, monthnames[mon], 3) && isspace(*(c+4))) break; - if(!strncmp(c+1, monthnames2[mon], 4) && isspace(*(c+5))){ - i=5; - break; - } - } - } - day=atoi(c+i); - if(day<1) DIE(); - if(c>s+4) day--; - if(mon90) - forecasts[n].moon=calc_moon(m, j, z, h*100); - } - - while(1){ - NEXT(s); - if(len<=10) break; - SPLIT(s); - - if(!strcmp(ID, "X/N")) j=1; - else if(!strcmp(ID, "N/X")) j=2; - else j=0; - if(j!=0){ - for(n=0; n>1); - for(m=0; m=19) - || (forecasts[m].day==k && forecasts[m].hour<19))) - forecasts[m].high=i; - if((j&1)==0 && - ((forecasts[m].day==k-1 && forecasts[m].hour>=8) - || (forecasts[m].day==k && forecasts[m].hour<8))) - forecasts[m].low=i; - } - j++; - } - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "TMP")){ - ASSIGN(temp); - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "DPT")){ - ASSIGN(dewpt); - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "WDR")){ - for(n=0; n0 && m0 && m=0; n--){ - if(forecasts[n].day - -void *malloc(); - -void *rpl_malloc(size_t size){ - if(size==0) size=1; - return malloc(size); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/b0rken/memcmp.c b/wmweather+/b0rken/memcmp.c deleted file mode 100644 index c06b865..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/b0rken/memcmp.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -/* Cheapo version of memcmp */ - -#include - -int memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n){ - int i, j; - - for(i=0; i -#endif - -#ifdef _LIBC -# define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1 -# define STDC_HEADERS 1 -#endif - -/* Assume that leap seconds are possible, unless told otherwise. - If the host has a `zic' command with a `-L leapsecondfilename' option, - then it supports leap seconds; otherwise it probably doesn't. */ -#ifndef LEAP_SECONDS_POSSIBLE -# define LEAP_SECONDS_POSSIBLE 1 -#endif - -#include /* Some systems define `time_t' here. */ -#include - -#if HAVE_LIMITS_H -# include -#endif - -#if DEBUG -# include -# if STDC_HEADERS -# include -# endif -/* Make it work even if the system's libc has its own mktime routine. */ -# define mktime my_mktime -#endif /* DEBUG */ - -#ifndef __P -# if defined __GNUC__ || (defined __STDC__ && __STDC__) -# define __P(args) args -# else -# define __P(args) () -# endif /* GCC. */ -#endif /* Not __P. */ - -#ifndef CHAR_BIT -# define CHAR_BIT 8 -#endif - -/* The extra casts work around common compiler bugs. */ -#define TYPE_SIGNED(t) (! ((t) 0 < (t) -1)) -/* The outer cast is needed to work around a bug in Cray C - It is necessary at least when t == time_t. */ -#define TYPE_MINIMUM(t) ((t) (TYPE_SIGNED (t) \ - ? ~ (t) 0 << (sizeof (t) * CHAR_BIT - 1) : (t) 0)) -#define TYPE_MAXIMUM(t) ((t) (~ (t) 0 - TYPE_MINIMUM (t))) - -#ifndef INT_MIN -# define INT_MIN TYPE_MINIMUM (int) -#endif -#ifndef INT_MAX -# define INT_MAX TYPE_MAXIMUM (int) -#endif - -#ifndef TIME_T_MIN -# define TIME_T_MIN TYPE_MINIMUM (time_t) -#endif -#ifndef TIME_T_MAX -# define TIME_T_MAX TYPE_MAXIMUM (time_t) -#endif - -#define TM_YEAR_BASE 1900 -#define EPOCH_YEAR 1970 - -#ifndef __isleap -/* Nonzero if YEAR is a leap year (every 4 years, - except every 100th isn't, and every 400th is). */ -# define __isleap(year) \ - ((year) % 4 == 0 && ((year) % 100 != 0 || (year) % 400 == 0)) -#endif - -/* How many days come before each month (0-12). */ -const unsigned short int __mon_yday[2][13] = - { - /* Normal years. */ - { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 }, - /* Leap years. */ - { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 } - }; - - -#ifdef _LIBC -# define my_mktime_localtime_r __localtime_r -#else -/* If we're a mktime substitute in a GNU program, then prefer - localtime to localtime_r, since many localtime_r implementations - are buggy. */ -static struct tm * -my_mktime_localtime_r (const time_t *t, struct tm *tp) -{ - struct tm *l = localtime (t); - if (! l) - return 0; - *tp = *l; - return tp; -} -#endif /* ! _LIBC */ - - -/* Yield the difference between (YEAR-YDAY HOUR:MIN:SEC) and (*TP), - measured in seconds, ignoring leap seconds. - YEAR uses the same numbering as TM->tm_year. - All values are in range, except possibly YEAR. - If TP is null, return a nonzero value. - If overflow occurs, yield the low order bits of the correct answer. */ -static time_t -ydhms_tm_diff (int year, int yday, int hour, int min, int sec, - const struct tm *tp) -{ - if (!tp) - return 1; - else - { - /* Compute intervening leap days correctly even if year is negative. - Take care to avoid int overflow. time_t overflow is OK, since - only the low order bits of the correct time_t answer are needed. - Don't convert to time_t until after all divisions are done, since - time_t might be unsigned. */ - int a4 = (year >> 2) + (TM_YEAR_BASE >> 2) - ! (year & 3); - int b4 = (tp->tm_year >> 2) + (TM_YEAR_BASE >> 2) - ! (tp->tm_year & 3); - int a100 = a4 / 25 - (a4 % 25 < 0); - int b100 = b4 / 25 - (b4 % 25 < 0); - int a400 = a100 >> 2; - int b400 = b100 >> 2; - int intervening_leap_days = (a4 - b4) - (a100 - b100) + (a400 - b400); - time_t years = year - (time_t) tp->tm_year; - time_t days = (365 * years + intervening_leap_days - + (yday - tp->tm_yday)); - return (60 * (60 * (24 * days + (hour - tp->tm_hour)) - + (min - tp->tm_min)) - + (sec - tp->tm_sec)); - } -} - -/* Use CONVERT to convert *T to a broken down time in *TP. - If *T is out of range for conversion, adjust it so that - it is the nearest in-range value and then convert that. */ -static struct tm * -ranged_convert (struct tm *(*convert) (const time_t *, struct tm *), - time_t *t, struct tm *tp) -{ - struct tm *r; - - if (! (r = (*convert) (t, tp)) && *t) - { - time_t bad = *t; - time_t ok = 0; - struct tm tm; - - /* BAD is a known unconvertible time_t, and OK is a known good one. - Use binary search to narrow the range between BAD and OK until - they differ by 1. */ - while (bad != ok + (bad < 0 ? -1 : 1)) - { - time_t mid = *t = (bad < 0 - ? bad + ((ok - bad) >> 1) - : ok + ((bad - ok) >> 1)); - if ((r = (*convert) (t, tp))) - { - tm = *r; - ok = mid; - } - else - bad = mid; - } - - if (!r && ok) - { - /* The last conversion attempt failed; - revert to the most recent successful attempt. */ - *t = ok; - *tp = tm; - r = tp; - } - } - - return r; -} - - -/* Convert *TP to a time_t value, inverting - the monotonic and mostly-unit-linear conversion function CONVERT. - Use *OFFSET to keep track of a guess at the offset of the result, - compared to what the result would be for UTC without leap seconds. - If *OFFSET's guess is correct, only one CONVERT call is needed. */ -time_t -__mktime_internal (struct tm *tp, - struct tm *(*convert) (const time_t *, struct tm *), - time_t *offset) -{ - time_t t, dt, t0, t1, t2; - struct tm tm; - - /* The maximum number of probes (calls to CONVERT) should be enough - to handle any combinations of time zone rule changes, solar time, - leap seconds, and oscillations around a spring-forward gap. - POSIX.1 prohibits leap seconds, but some hosts have them anyway. */ - int remaining_probes = 6; - - /* Time requested. Copy it in case CONVERT modifies *TP; this can - occur if TP is localtime's returned value and CONVERT is localtime. */ - int sec = tp->tm_sec; - int min = tp->tm_min; - int hour = tp->tm_hour; - int mday = tp->tm_mday; - int mon = tp->tm_mon; - int year_requested = tp->tm_year; - int isdst = tp->tm_isdst; - - /* Ensure that mon is in range, and set year accordingly. */ - int mon_remainder = mon % 12; - int negative_mon_remainder = mon_remainder < 0; - int mon_years = mon / 12 - negative_mon_remainder; - int year = year_requested + mon_years; - - /* The other values need not be in range: - the remaining code handles minor overflows correctly, - assuming int and time_t arithmetic wraps around. - Major overflows are caught at the end. */ - - /* Calculate day of year from year, month, and day of month. - The result need not be in range. */ - int yday = ((__mon_yday[__isleap (year + TM_YEAR_BASE)] - [mon_remainder + 12 * negative_mon_remainder]) - + mday - 1); - - int sec_requested = sec; -#if LEAP_SECONDS_POSSIBLE - /* Handle out-of-range seconds specially, - since ydhms_tm_diff assumes every minute has 60 seconds. */ - if (sec < 0) - sec = 0; - if (59 < sec) - sec = 59; -#endif - - /* Invert CONVERT by probing. First assume the same offset as last time. - Then repeatedly use the error to improve the guess. */ - - tm.tm_year = EPOCH_YEAR - TM_YEAR_BASE; - tm.tm_yday = tm.tm_hour = tm.tm_min = tm.tm_sec = 0; - t0 = ydhms_tm_diff (year, yday, hour, min, sec, &tm); - - for (t = t1 = t2 = t0 + *offset; - (dt = ydhms_tm_diff (year, yday, hour, min, sec, - ranged_convert (convert, &t, &tm))); - t1 = t2, t2 = t, t += dt) - if (t == t1 && t != t2 - && (isdst < 0 || tm.tm_isdst < 0 - || (isdst != 0) != (tm.tm_isdst != 0))) - /* We can't possibly find a match, as we are oscillating - between two values. The requested time probably falls - within a spring-forward gap of size DT. Follow the common - practice in this case, which is to return a time that is DT - away from the requested time, preferring a time whose - tm_isdst differs from the requested value. In practice, - this is more useful than returning -1. */ - break; - else if (--remaining_probes == 0) - return -1; - - /* If we have a match, check whether tm.tm_isdst has the requested - value, if any. */ - if (dt == 0 && isdst != tm.tm_isdst && 0 <= isdst && 0 <= tm.tm_isdst) - { - /* tm.tm_isdst has the wrong value. Look for a neighboring - time with the right value, and use its UTC offset. - Heuristic: probe the previous three calendar quarters (approximately), - looking for the desired isdst. This isn't perfect, - but it's good enough in practice. */ - int quarter = 7889238; /* seconds per average 1/4 Gregorian year */ - int i; - - /* If we're too close to the time_t limit, look in future quarters. */ - if (t < TIME_T_MIN + 3 * quarter) - quarter = -quarter; - - for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) - { - time_t ot = t - i * quarter; - struct tm otm; - ranged_convert (convert, &ot, &otm); - if (otm.tm_isdst == isdst) - { - /* We found the desired tm_isdst. - Extrapolate back to the desired time. */ - t = ot + ydhms_tm_diff (year, yday, hour, min, sec, &otm); - ranged_convert (convert, &t, &tm); - break; - } - } - } - - *offset = t - t0; - -#if LEAP_SECONDS_POSSIBLE - if (sec_requested != tm.tm_sec) - { - /* Adjust time to reflect the tm_sec requested, not the normalized value. - Also, repair any damage from a false match due to a leap second. */ - t += sec_requested - sec + (sec == 0 && tm.tm_sec == 60); - if (! (*convert) (&t, &tm)) - return -1; - } -#endif - - if (TIME_T_MAX / INT_MAX / 366 / 24 / 60 / 60 < 3) - { - /* time_t isn't large enough to rule out overflows in ydhms_tm_diff, - so check for major overflows. A gross check suffices, - since if t has overflowed, it is off by a multiple of - TIME_T_MAX - TIME_T_MIN + 1. So ignore any component of - the difference that is bounded by a small value. */ - - double dyear = (double) year_requested + mon_years - tm.tm_year; - double dday = 366 * dyear + mday; - double dsec = 60 * (60 * (24 * dday + hour) + min) + sec_requested; - - /* On Irix4.0.5 cc, dividing TIME_T_MIN by 3 does not produce - correct results, ie., it erroneously gives a positive value - of 715827882. Setting a variable first then doing math on it - seems to work. ( */ - - const time_t time_t_max = TIME_T_MAX; - const time_t time_t_min = TIME_T_MIN; - - if (time_t_max / 3 - time_t_min / 3 < (dsec < 0 ? - dsec : dsec)) - return -1; - } - - *tp = tm; - return t; -} - - -static time_t localtime_offset; - -/* Convert *TP to a time_t value. */ -time_t -mktime (tp) - struct tm *tp; -{ -#ifdef _LIBC - /* POSIX.1 8.1.1 requires that whenever mktime() is called, the - time zone names contained in the external variable `tzname' shall - be set as if the tzset() function had been called. */ - __tzset (); -#endif - - return __mktime_internal (tp, my_mktime_localtime_r, &localtime_offset); -} - -#ifdef weak_alias -weak_alias (mktime, timelocal) -#endif - -#if DEBUG - -static int -not_equal_tm (a, b) - struct tm *a; - struct tm *b; -{ - return ((a->tm_sec ^ b->tm_sec) - | (a->tm_min ^ b->tm_min) - | (a->tm_hour ^ b->tm_hour) - | (a->tm_mday ^ b->tm_mday) - | (a->tm_mon ^ b->tm_mon) - | (a->tm_year ^ b->tm_year) - | (a->tm_mday ^ b->tm_mday) - | (a->tm_yday ^ b->tm_yday) - | (a->tm_isdst ^ b->tm_isdst)); -} - -static void -print_tm (tp) - struct tm *tp; -{ - if (tp) - printf ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d yday %03d wday %d isdst %d", - tp->tm_year + TM_YEAR_BASE, tp->tm_mon + 1, tp->tm_mday, - tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec, - tp->tm_yday, tp->tm_wday, tp->tm_isdst); - else - printf ("0"); -} - -static int -check_result (tk, tmk, tl, lt) - time_t tk; - struct tm tmk; - time_t tl; - struct tm *lt; -{ - if (tk != tl || !lt || not_equal_tm (&tmk, lt)) - { - printf ("mktime ("); - print_tm (&tmk); - printf (")\nyields ("); - print_tm (lt); - printf (") == %ld, should be %ld\n", (long) tl, (long) tk); - return 1; - } - - return 0; -} - -int -main (argc, argv) - int argc; - char **argv; -{ - int status = 0; - struct tm tm, tmk, tml; - struct tm *lt; - time_t tk, tl; - char trailer; - - if ((argc == 3 || argc == 4) - && (sscanf (argv[1], "%d-%d-%d%c", - &tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday, &trailer) - == 3) - && (sscanf (argv[2], "%d:%d:%d%c", - &tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec, &trailer) - == 3)) - { - tm.tm_year -= TM_YEAR_BASE; - tm.tm_mon--; - tm.tm_isdst = argc == 3 ? -1 : atoi (argv[3]); - tmk = tm; - tl = mktime (&tmk); - lt = localtime (&tl); - if (lt) - { - tml = *lt; - lt = &tml; - } - printf ("mktime returns %ld == ", (long) tl); - print_tm (&tmk); - printf ("\n"); - status = check_result (tl, tmk, tl, lt); - } - else if (argc == 4 || (argc == 5 && strcmp (argv[4], "-") == 0)) - { - time_t from = atol (argv[1]); - time_t by = atol (argv[2]); - time_t to = atol (argv[3]); - - if (argc == 4) - for (tl = from; tl <= to; tl += by) - { - lt = localtime (&tl); - if (lt) - { - tmk = tml = *lt; - tk = mktime (&tmk); - status |= check_result (tk, tmk, tl, tml); - } - else - { - printf ("localtime (%ld) yields 0\n", (long) tl); - status = 1; - } - } - else - for (tl = from; tl <= to; tl += by) - { - /* Null benchmark. */ - lt = localtime (&tl); - if (lt) - { - tmk = tml = *lt; - tk = tl; - status |= check_result (tk, tmk, tl, tml); - } - else - { - printf ("localtime (%ld) yields 0\n", (long) tl); - status = 1; - } - } - } - else - printf ("Usage:\ -\t%s YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS [ISDST] # Test given time.\n\ -\t%s FROM BY TO # Test values FROM, FROM+BY, ..., TO.\n\ -\t%s FROM BY TO - # Do not test those values (for benchmark).\n", - argv[0], argv[0], argv[0]); - - return status; -} - -#endif /* DEBUG */ - -/* -Local Variables: -compile-command: "gcc -DDEBUG -DHAVE_LIMITS_H -DSTDC_HEADERS -Wall -W -O -g mktime.c -o mktime" -End: -*/ diff --git a/wmweather+/b0rken/snprintf.c b/wmweather+/b0rken/snprintf.c deleted file mode 100644 index 073f4c2..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/b0rken/snprintf.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#if defined(HAVE_WORKING_SNPRINTF) - -/* snprintf works, nothing to do */ - -#else - -/* snprintf is b0rken, use vsnprintf */ - -#include -#include - -int rpl_snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...){ - va_list ap; - int r; - - fprintf(stderr, "Using snprintf replacement\n"); - - va_start(ap, format); - r=vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return r; -} - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/b0rken/stat.c b/wmweather+/b0rken/stat.c deleted file mode 100644 index 2a12993..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/b0rken/stat.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -#error Please supply a version of stat. diff --git a/wmweather+/b0rken/strtod.c b/wmweather+/b0rken/strtod.c deleted file mode 100644 index 509554e..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/b0rken/strtod.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -#error Please supply a version of strtod. diff --git a/wmweather+/b0rken/vsnprintf.c b/wmweather+/b0rken/vsnprintf.c deleted file mode 100644 index 3ab68bd..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/b0rken/vsnprintf.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#ifdef vsnprintf -# undef vsnprintf -#endif - -#include -#include - -#if defined(HAVE_WORKING_VSNPRINTF) - -/* vsnprintf works, nothing to do */ - -#elif !defined(VSNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL) - -/* vsnprintf is b0rken, but the return value is ok (thus, the only problem is - * NULL) */ - -int rpl_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap){ - if(str==NULL || size==0){{ - char foo[3]; - return vsnprintf(foo, 3, format, ap); - }} else { - return vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - } -} - -#elif !defined(VSNPRINTF_IS_VSPRINTF) && defined(HAVE_VPRINTF) - -/* vsnprintf's retval is bogus, so we compensate. */ - -static FILE *devnull; - -#ifndef va_copy -# ifdef __va_copy -# define va_copy(dest, src) __va_copy(dest, src) -# else -# include -# define va_copy(dest, src) memcpy(&dest, &src, sizeof(va_list)) -# endif -#endif - -int rpl_vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap){ - va_list ap2; - int r; - - va_copy(ap2, ap); - -#ifdef VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK - vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); -#else - if(str==NULL || size==0){{ - char foo[3]; - vsnprintf(foo, 3, format, ap); - }} else { - vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - } -#endif - - if(devnull==NULL){ - if((devnull=fopen("/dev/null", "w"))==NULL){ - perror("Couldn't open /dev/null for writing"); - exit(72); - } - } - - r=vfprintf(devnull, format, ap2); - va_end(ap2); - return r; -} - -#else - -/* OK, we're screwed */ - -# error "vsnprintf is so broken we can't compensate. Sorry." - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/bootstrap b/wmweather+/bootstrap deleted file mode 100755 index 65d32d5..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/bootstrap +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -#! /bin/sh - -aclocal-1.10 -I m4 \ -&& autoheader \ -&& automake-1.10 --gnu --add-missing \ -&& autoconf diff --git a/wmweather+/characters.xpm b/wmweather+/characters.xpm deleted file mode 100644 index 998e1c6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/characters.xpm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -/* XPM */ -static char * characters_xpm[] = { -"179 7 5 1", -" c None", -". c #000000 s Background", -"+ c #0C4E66 s Low", -"@ c #1EC3FF s High", -"# c #127599 s Mid", -"...................................................................................................................................................................................", -".+@+.@@+..@@.@@..@@@.@@@..@@.@.@.@@@...@.@.@.@.....@.@...#@#.@@+.+@+.@@+.+@@.@@@.@.@.@.@.@.#.@.@.@.@.@@@.+@+..@..@@+.@@+.@.@.@@@..@..@@@.+@+.#@#...@.@..@.@..@.@..@.+.......@.@..@.", -".@.@.@.@.@...@.@.@...@...@...@.@..@....@.@.@.@....@...@..@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@.@....@..@.@.@.@...@.@.@.@.@.+#@.@.@..@....@...@.@.@.@...@.....@.@.@.@.@...@.@@@@.@@.@.@..@.@......@...@.@.", -".@@@.@@+.@...@.@.@@..@@..@.@.@@@..@....@.@@..@...@.....@.@.@.@@+.@.@.@@+.+@+..@..@.@.@.@..@...@...@..+@..@.@..@...@+.#@+.@@@.@@+.@@#..@..#@#.#@@..@..@##@.@.@@.@##@.....@@.@...@...", -".@.@.@.@.@...@.@.@...@...@.@.@.@..@..@.@.@.@.@....@...@..@.@.@...@@@.@.@...@..@..@.@.@.@.@...@.@..@..@...@.@..@..@.....@...@...@.@.@..@..@.@...@.@...@..@.@..@.@@@@.@.+....@...@...", -".@.@.@@+..@@.@@..@@@.@....@@.@.@.@@@.+@+.@.@.@@@...@.@...#@#.@...+@@.@.@.@@+..@..@@@..@..#.@.@.@..@..@@@.+@+..@..@@@.@@+...@.@@+.#@#..@..+@+..@..@...@..@.@..@.@..@.+.@.....@.@....", -"..................................................................................................................................................................................."}; diff --git a/wmweather+/ b/wmweather+/ deleted file mode 100644 index 73bd4b7..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. -AC_INIT(wmweather+.c) -AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) -AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(wmweather+, 2.12) - -# We need GNU sources for certain features -AH_VERBATIM([_GNU_SOURCE], -[/* Enable GNU extensions on systems that have them */ -#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE -# define _GNU_SOURCE -#endif]) - -DATE=`date '+%B %e, %Y'` -AC_SUBST(DATE) -AC_SUBST(VERSION) - -# for wmgeneral -WMGENERAL_GUI="libwmgeneral-x11.a" -AC_SUBST(WMGENERAL_GUI) - -# Checks for programs. -AC_PROG_AWK -AC_PROG_CC -AC_PROG_INSTALL -AC_PROG_LN_S -AC_PROG_RANLIB - -# Checks for libraries. -AC_CHECK_LIB([m],[cos]) -CHECK_LIBPCRE(, AC_MSG_ERROR(libpcre is required)) -LIBCURL_CHECK_CONFIG(yes,,,AC_MSG_ERROR(libcurl is required)) - -# Checks for header files. -AC_PATH_XTRA -AC_FIND_XPM -if test "$LINK_XPM" = ""; then - AC_MSG_ERROR(cannot find libxpm) -fi -CHECK_LIBWRASTER(, AC_MSG_ERROR(libwraster is required)) -AC_HEADER_STDC -if test "$ac_cv_header_stdc" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN(standard C headers not found); fi -AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT -if test "$ac_cv_header_sys_wait_h" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN(sys/wait.h not found); fi -AC_CHECK_HEADERS([fcntl.h limits.h stdlib.h string.h unistd.h sys/time.h],, AC_MSG_WARN($ac_header not found)) -AC_HEADER_TIME - -# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. -AC_C_CONST -AC_C_INLINE -AC_TYPE_PID_T -AC_TYPE_SIZE_T -AC_CHECK_TYPES([ssize_t]) -AH_BOTTOM( -[#if !HAVE_SSIZE_T -typedef signed ssize_t; -#endif]) -AC_STRUCT_TM - -# Checks for library functions. -AC_FUNC_FORK -if test "$ac_cv_func_fork_works" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN(fork() doesn't seem to work); fi -AC_FUNC_MALLOC -if test "$ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN(malloc() doesn't seem to work); fi -AC_FUNC_MEMCMP -AC_FUNC_MKTIME -AC_TYPE_SIGNAL -AC_FUNC_STAT -AC_FUNC_STRTOD -AC_FUNC_VPRINTF -if test "$ac_cv_func_vprintf" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN(vprintf() doesn't seem to exist); fi -AC_CHECK_FUNCS([atexit dup2 mkdir pow select strchr strcspn strdup strerror strrchr strspn strstr strtol],, AC_MSG_WARN($ac_func doesn't seem to be available)) -FUNC_SNPRINTF_LIBOBJ -FUNC_VSNPRINTF_LIBOBJ - -CFLAGS="$CFLAGS \$(X_CFLAGS) \$(LIBCURL_CPPFLAGS)" -LIBS="$LIBS \$(LIBCURL)" -XLIBS="\$(X_PRE_LIBS) \$(X_LIBS) \$(LINK_XPM) -lX11 -lXext \$(X_EXTRA_LIBS)" -AC_SUBST(XLIBS) - -AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile wmweather+.1]) -AC_CONFIG_FILES([b0rken/Makefile]) -AC_CONFIG_FILES([m4/Makefile]) -AC_CONFIG_FILES([wmgeneral/Makefile]) -AC_OUTPUT diff --git a/wmweather+/convert.c b/wmweather+/convert.c deleted file mode 100644 index caf64db..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/convert.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,443 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include "convert.h" - -/* - * To indicate unavailable data - * 999 is used for temperature - * x<0 is used for rh, pressure, and windspeed - */ - - -/* Calculations */ - -int rh_C(int temp_C, int dewpt_C){ - float f; - - if(temp_C==999 || dewpt_C==999) return 999; - - f=1782.75*(dewpt_C-temp_C)/((237.7+dewpt_C)*(237.7+temp_C)); - return round(pow(10, f+2)); -} - -int rh_F(int temp_F, int dewpt_F){ - float f; - - if(temp_F==999 || dewpt_F==999) return 999; - - f=3208.95*(dewpt_F-temp_F)/((395.86+dewpt_F)*(395.86+temp_F)); - return round(pow(10, f+2)); -} - -int heatindex_C(int temp_C, int rh){ -#if 1 - if(temp_C==999 || temp_C<21 || rh<0) return 999; - return heatindex_F(temp_C2F(temp_C), rh); -#else - int temp2, rh2; - - if(temp_C==999 || temp_C<38 || rh<0) return 999; - - temp2=temp_C*temp_C; - rh2=rh*rh; - return round(16.18754948 + 2.900509394*temp_C - 0.0221545692*temp2 + 4.20938791*rh - 0.26300889*temp_C*rh + 0.0039811176*temp2*rh - 0.02956469*rh2 + 0.001305828*temp_C*rh2 - 6.4476e-06*temp2*rh2); -#endif -} - -int heatindex_F(int temp_F, int rh){ - int temp2, temp3, rh2, rh3; - - if(temp_F==999 || temp_F<70 || rh<0) return 999; - - temp2=temp_F*temp_F; - temp3=temp2*temp_F; - rh2=rh*rh; - rh3=rh2*rh; - return round(16.923 + .185212*temp_F + 5.37941*rh - .100254*temp_F*rh + (9.41695e-3)*temp2 + (7.28898e-3)*rh2 + (3.45372e-4)*temp2*rh - (8.14971e-4)*temp_F*rh2 + (1.02102e-5)*temp2*rh2 - (3.8646e-5)*temp3 + (2.91583e-5)*rh3 + (1.42721e-6)*temp3*rh + (1.97483e-7)*temp_F*rh3 - (2.18429e-8)*temp3*rh2 + (8.43296e-10)*temp2*rh3 - (4.81975e-11)*temp3*rh3); -#if 0 - return round(-42.379 + 2.04901523*temp_F + 10.14333127*rh - 0.22475541*temp_F*rh - .00683783*temp2 - .05481717*rh2 + .00122874*temp2*rh + .00085282*temp_F*rh2 - .00000199*temp2*rh2); -#endif -} - -int windchill_C(int temp_C, int windspeed){ - if(temp_C==999 || windspeed<0) return 999; - - return windchill_F(temp_C2F(temp_C), windspeed); -} - -int windchill_F(int temp_F, int windspeed){ - double ret; - if(temp_F==999 || windspeed<0) return 999; - - ret=35.74 + 0.6215*temp_F + (-35.75 + 0.4275*temp_F)*pow(windspeed*50292/57875.0, 0.16); - if(ret>temp_F) return temp_F; - return round(ret); -} - -/* Length Conversions */ - -int in2cm(int in){ - if(in<0) return in; - return round(in*2.54); -} - -float m2mi(int meters){ - if(meters<0) return meters; - return meters*125/201168; -} - -/* Windspeed Conversions */ - -int knots2mph(int knots){ - if(knots<0) return knots; - return round(knots*57875/50292.0); -} - -int knots2kph(int knots){ - if(knots<0) return knots; - return round(knots*463/250.0); -} - -int kph2knots(int kph){ - if(kph<0) return kph; - return round(kph*250/463.0); -} - -int knots2mps(int knots){ - if(knots<0) return knots; - return round(knots*463/900.0); -} - -int mps2knots(int mps){ - if(mps<0) return mps; - return round(mps*900/463.0); -} - -int knots2beaufort(int knots){ - if(knots<0) return knots; - if(knots<1) return 0; - if(knots<=3) return 1; - if(knots<=6) return 2; - if(knots<=10) return 3; - if(knots<=16) return 4; - if(knots<=21) return 5; - if(knots<=27) return 6; - if(knots<=33) return 7; - if(knots<=40) return 8; - if(knots<=47) return 9; - if(knots<=55) return 10; - if(knots<=63) return 11; - return 12; -} - - -/* Temperature Conversions */ - -int temp_C2F(int temp_C){ - if(temp_C==999) return 999; - return round(temp_C*9/5.0+32); -} - -int temp_F2C(int temp_F){ - if(temp_F==999) return 999; - return round((temp_F-32)*5/9.0); -} - - -/* Pressure Conversions */ - -float inHg2mmHg(float inHg){ - if(inHg<0) return inHg; - return inHg*25.4; -} - -float inHg2hPa(float inHg){ - if(inHg<0) return inHg; - return inHg*33.8639; -} - -float inHg2atm(float inHg){ - if(inHg<0) return inHg; - return inHg*.033421052632; -} - -float hPa2inHg(float hPa){ - if(hPa<0) return hPa; - return hPa/33.8639; -} - - -/* Time Conversions */ - -/* NOTE: y%400==100 because y=year-1900 */ -#define is_leap(y) (y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==100)) - -/* mktime for UTC, more or less. - * Differences: - * - no range checking - * - never recalculates tm_wday or tm_yday - */ -time_t mkgmtime(struct tm *tm){ - static long msec[]={0, 2678400, 5097600, 7776000, 10368000, 13046400, 15638400, 18316800, 20995200, 23587200, 26265600, 28857600}; - time_t t; - int i; - - t=0; - if(tm->tm_year>70){ - for(i=70; itm_year; i++){ - t+=31536000; - if(is_leap(i)) t+=86400; - } - } else if(tm->tm_year<70){ - for(i=69; i>=tm->tm_year; i--){ - t-=31536000; - if(is_leap(i)) t-=86400; - } - } - t+=msec[tm->tm_mon]; - if(tm->tm_mon>1 && is_leap(tm->tm_year)) t+=86400; - t+=(((tm->tm_mday-1)*24+tm->tm_hour)*60+tm->tm_min)*60+tm->tm_sec; - - return t; -} - -int utc2local(int hm, int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ - time_t t=time(NULL); - struct tm *tm; - - tm=gmtime(&t); - tm->tm_hour=hm/100; - tm->tm_min=hm%100; - if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; - if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; - if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; - - t=mkgmtime(tm); - tm=localtime(&t); - - if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; - if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; - if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; - if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; - return tm->tm_hour*100+tm->tm_min; -} - -int local2utc(int hm, int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ - time_t t=time(NULL); - struct tm *tm; - - tm=localtime(&t); - tm->tm_hour=hm/100; - tm->tm_min=hm%100; - if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; - if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; - if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; - - t=mktime(tm); - tm=gmtime(&t); - - if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; - if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; - if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; - if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; - return tm->tm_hour*100+tm->tm_min; -} - -void fix_date(int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday){ - time_t t=time(NULL); - struct tm *tm; - - tm=gmtime(&t); - if(month!=NULL && *month!=-1) tm->tm_mon=*month-1; - if(day!=NULL && *day!=-1) tm->tm_mday=*day; - if(year!=NULL && *year!=-1) tm->tm_year=*year; - - t=mkgmtime(tm); - tm=gmtime(&t); - - if(month!=NULL) *month=tm->tm_mon+1; - if(day!=NULL) *day=tm->tm_mday; - if(year!=NULL) *year=tm->tm_year; - if(wday!=NULL) *wday=tm->tm_wday; -} - -int hm2min(int hm){ - return hm/100*60+hm%100; -} - -/* Letter Case (destructive!) */ - -char *str_upper(char *str){ - char *c; - - for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ - *c=toupper(*c); - } - return str; -} - -char *str_lower(char *str){ - char *c; - - for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ - *c=tolower(*c); - } - return str; -} - - -/* Angle conversions */ - -/* Convert radian angle to degrees */ -double rad2deg(double angle) { - return 180.0*angle/PI; -} - -/* Convert degree angle to radians */ -double deg2rad(double angle) { - return PI*angle/180.0; -} - - -/* Date conversions */ - -/* Numerical day-of-year from month, day and year */ -int mdy2doy(int mn, int dy, int y) { - return 275*mn/9 - ((y%4==0 && (y%100!=0 || y%400==100))?1:2)*(mn + 9)/12 + dy-30; -} - -/* Julian day from month/day/year */ -double mdy2jd(int year, int month, int day) { - int A, B; - - year+=1900; - if (month <= 2) { - year -= 1; - month += 12; - } - A=year/100; - B=2 - A + A/4; - - return (int)(365.25*(year + 4716)) + (int)(30.6001*(month+1)) + day + B - 1524.5; -} - -/* convert Julian Day to centuries since J2000.0. */ -double jd2jcent(double jd) { - return (jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0; -} - -/* convert centuries since J2000.0 to Julian Day. */ -double jcent2jd(double t) { - return t * 36525.0 + 2451545.0; -} - - -/* Lat/Long conversions */ - -static double parse_dd_or_dms(char *s, char **e){ - double deg; - - *e=s; - if(strchr(s, 'x') || strchr(s, 'X')) return NAN; - if(!strchr(s, '\'')){ - if(!isdigit(*s) && *s!='.') return NAN; - return strtod(s, e); - } - - if(!isdigit(*s)) return NAN; - deg=strtol(s, e, 10); - if(*e==s || *e==NULL || **e!='\'') return deg; - s=++(*e); - if(!isdigit(*s)) return deg; - deg+=strtol(s, e, 10)/60.0; - if(*e==s || *e==NULL || **e!='\'') return deg; - s=++(*e); - if(!isdigit(*s) && *s!='.') return NAN; - deg+=strtod(s, e)/3600.0; - if(*e!=s && *e!=NULL && **e=='\'') (*e)++; - return deg; -} - -int str2dd(char *s, double *lat, double *lon){ - char *e; - int dir=0; - char c; - - c=toupper(*s); - if(c=='+' || c=='N'){ - s++; dir=1; - } - if(c=='-' || c=='S'){ - s++; dir=-1; - } - - *lat=parse_dd_or_dms(s, &e); - if(isnan(*lat) || e==NULL || e==s || *e=='\0') return 0; - if(!dir){ - c=toupper(*e); - if(c=='N') dir=1; - if(c=='S') dir=-1; - if(dir) e++; - } - if(dir<0) *lat=-*lat; - - while(isspace(*e)) e++; - if(*e=='\0') return 0; - - s=e; dir=0; - c=toupper(*s); - if(c=='+' || c=='W'){ - s++; dir=1; - } - if(c=='-' || c=='E'){ - s++; dir=-1; - } - - *lon=parse_dd_or_dms(s, &e); - if(isnan(*lon) || e==s) return 0; - if(e==NULL || *e=='\0') return 1; - if(dir==0){ - c=toupper(*e); - if(c=='W') dir=1; - if(c=='E') dir=-1; - if(dir!=0) e++; - } - if(dir<0) *lon=-*lon; - - return (*e=='\0'); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/convert.h b/wmweather+/convert.h deleted file mode 100644 index 0582c62..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/convert.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef PI -# define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029L -#endif - -/* - * Note that all floating point calculations are rounded with .5 going up. - * Since C automatically truncates, adding .5 to every calculation does - * rounding for us nicely. - * - * To indicate unavailable data - * 999 is used for temperature - * x<0 is used for rh, pressure, and windspeed - */ - -/* Calculations */ -int rh_C(int temp_C, int dewpt_C); -int rh_F(int temp_F, int dewpt_F); -int heatindex_C(int temp_C, int rh); -int heatindex_F(int temp_F, int rh); -int windchill_C(int temp_C, int windspeed); /* knots */ -int windchill_F(int temp_F, int windspeed); /* knots */ - -/* Length Conversions */ -int in2cm(int in); -float m2mi(int meters); - -/* Windspeed Conversions */ -int knots2mph(int knots); -int knots2kph(int knots); -int knots2mps(int knots); -int knots2beaufort(int knots); -int kph2knots(int kph); -int mps2knots(int mps); - -/* Temperature Conversions */ -int temp_C2F(int temp_C); -int temp_F2C(int temp_F); - -/* Pressure Conversions */ -float inHg2mmHg(float inHg); -float inHg2hPa(float inHg); -float inHg2atm(float inHg); -float hPa2inHg(float hPa); - -/* Time Conversions */ -time_t mkgmtime(struct tm *tm); -int utc2local(int hm, int *mon, int *day, int *year, int *wday); -int local2utc(int hm, int *mon, int *day, int *year, int *wday); -void fix_date(int *month, int *day, int *year, int *wday); -int hm2min(int hm); - -/* Letter Case (destructive!) */ -char *str_upper(char *str); -char *str_lower(char *str); - -/* Angle conversions */ -double rad2deg(double angle); -double deg2rad(double angle); - -/* Date conversions */ -int mdy2doy(int mn, int dy, int y); -double mdy2jd(int year, int month, int day); -double jd2jcent(double jd); -double jcent2jd(double t); - -/* Lat/Long conversions */ -int str2dd(char *s, double *lat, double *lon); diff --git a/wmweather+/die.c b/wmweather+/die.c deleted file mode 100644 index 8ea74a9..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/die.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "die.h" - -void vwarn(char *fmt, va_list ap){ - fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", ProgName); - vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); - if (errno) fprintf(stderr, ": %s", strerror(errno)); - fprintf(stderr, "\n"); -} - -void warn(char *fmt, ...){ - va_list argv; - - va_start(argv, fmt); - vwarn(fmt, argv); - va_end(argv); -} - - -void vdie(char *fmt, va_list ap){ - vwarn(fmt, ap); - exit(1); -} - -void die(char *fmt, ...){ - va_list argv; - - va_start(argv, fmt); - vwarn(fmt, argv); - va_end(argv); - exit(1); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/die.h b/wmweather+/die.h deleted file mode 100644 index 4bc8492..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/die.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#include - -void warn(char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2))); -void die(char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2), __noreturn__)); - -void vwarn(char *fmt, va_list ap) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 0))); -void vdie(char *fmt, va_list ap) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 0), __noreturn__)); diff --git a/wmweather+/diff.c b/wmweather+/diff.c deleted file mode 100644 index 5f5b1a4..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/diff.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" - -int diff(char *file1, char *file2){ - FILE *fp1, *fp2; - size_t len1, len2; - struct stat statbuf; - int ret; - int len=BIGBUF_LEN/2; - char *s1=(char *)bigbuf, *s2=(char *)(bigbuf+len); - - if((fp1=fopen(file1, "r"))==NULL) return -1; - if((fp2=fopen(file2, "r"))==NULL){ fclose(fp1); return -1; } - if(fstat(fileno(fp1), &statbuf)<0 || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)){ - fclose(fp1); - fclose(fp2); - return -1; - } - len1=statbuf.st_size; - if(fstat(fileno(fp2), &statbuf)<0 || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)){ - fclose(fp1); - fclose(fp2); - return -1; - } - len2=statbuf.st_size; - if(len1!=len2){ fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 1; } - if(len1==0){ fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 0; } - while(!feof(fp1) && !feof(fp2)){ - len1=fread(s1, sizeof(char), len, fp1); - len2=fread(s2, sizeof(char), len, fp2); - if(len1!=len2 || memcmp(s1, s2, len1)){ - fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 1; - } - } - ret=(!feof(fp1) || !feof(fp2)); - fclose(fp1); - fclose(fp2); - return ret; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/diff.h b/wmweather+/diff.h deleted file mode 100644 index e5ea5e0..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/diff.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -/* Returns 0 if the files are identical - * 1 if they differ - * -1 if fopen or fstat fails, or if files are not both regular files - */ -int diff(char *file1, char *file2); diff --git a/wmweather+/dock.c b/wmweather+/dock.c deleted file mode 100644 index 289a21e..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/dock.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,773 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" -#include "wmgeneral/mouse_regions.h" -#include "wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h" - -#include "wmweather_master.xpm" -static int wmweather_mask_width; -static int wmweather_mask_height; -static char *wmweather_mask_bits; - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "metar.h" -#include "avn.h" -#include "eta.h" -#include "mrf.h" -#include "warnings.h" -#include "forecast.h" -#include "radar.h" -#include "animation.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "font.h" - -/* Globals */ -int current_mode; -struct forecast *cur_forecast; -int window_X, window_Y; - -#define X 4 -#define P 4 -#define M (((100/P)+1)*X) -static struct forecast *last_fcst; -static int last_font=-1; -static time_t last_time=0; -static int but_stat=-1; -static int dclick=0; -static int dclick_counter=-1; -static time_t update_time; -static int forecast_priority, last_priority; -static struct animation anim; -static int counter_timer=0; -static int show_counter; -static int min_pct; -static int sigs=0; - - -/* Prototypes */ - -void DrawDisplay(int force); - - -/* Functions */ - -void sigusr2(int i){ - sigs |= 2; - if(signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGUSR2 signal handler!"); -} - -void sigusr1(int i){ - sigs |= 1; - if(signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGUSR1 signal handler!"); -} - -void sigfunc(int i){ - sigs |= i<<8; - if(signal(i, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting %d signal handler!", i); -} - -void do_cleanup(void){ - metar_cleanup(); - warnings_cleanup(); - avn_cleanup(); - eta_cleanup(); - mrf_cleanup(); - radar_cleanup(); -} - -void init_dock(int argc, char **argv){ - sscanf(wmweather_master_xpm[0], "%d %d %*s", &wmweather_mask_width, &wmweather_mask_height); - wmweather_mask_bits=malloc((wmweather_mask_width+7)/8*wmweather_mask_height); - if(!wmweather_mask_bits) die("malloc failed"); - createXBMfromXPM(wmweather_mask_bits, wmweather_master_xpm, wmweather_mask_width, wmweather_mask_height); - openDockWindow(argc, argv, wmweather_master_xpm, wmweather_mask_bits, wmweather_mask_width, wmweather_mask_height); - - AddMouseRegion(0, 5, 5, 23, 14); /* Cur button */ - AddMouseRegion(1, 23, 5, 41, 14); /* Fcst burron */ - AddMouseRegion(2, 41, 5, 59, 14); /* Map button */ - AddMouseRegion(3, 5, 17, 59, 59); /* Large window */ - AddMouseRegion(4, 5, 17, 11, 24); /* left forecast arrow */ - AddMouseRegion(5, 53, 17, 59, 24); /* right forecast arrow */ - AddMouseRegion(6, 14, 17, 50, 24); /* forecast little window */ - AddMouseRegion(7, 5, 27, 59, 59); /* forecast big window */ - - init_metar(); - if(warning_zones) init_warnings(); - if(avn_station) init_avn(); - if(eta_station) init_eta(); - if(mrf_station) init_mrf(); - init_radar(); - errno=0; - if(atexit(do_cleanup)) warn("atexit() failed, files will not be cleaned up\n"); - - current_mode=starting_mode; - window_X=0; window_Y=0; - cur_forecast=NULL; - last_fcst=NULL; - last_font=-1; - last_time=0; - anim.do_animate=start_do_animation; - anim.show_counter=0; - anim.changed=1; - anim.min_pct=1; - anim.old_pct=0; - min_pct=20; - show_counter=0; - but_stat=-1; - dclick=0; - dclick_counter=-1; - update_time=0; - forecast_priority=4; - last_priority=-1; - - if(signal(SIGUSR1, sigusr1)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGUSR1 signal handler!"); - if(signal(SIGUSR2, sigusr2)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGUSR2 signal handler!"); - if(signal(SIGHUP, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGHUP signal handler!"); - if(signal(SIGINT, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGINT signal handler!"); - if(signal(SIGPIPE, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGPIPE signal handler!"); - if(signal(SIGTERM, sigfunc)==SIG_ERR) - warn("Error setting SIGTERM signal handler!"); - - DrawDisplay(1); -} - - -void update_dock(){ - XEvent Event; - int i=0, j; - int exposeflag=0; - - j=sigs; - sigs=0; - if(j){ - if(j&~3) exit(j); - if(j&1) i=current_mode; - if(j&2) i=-1; - if(j&3){ - switch(i){ - case 0: - update_metar(1); - break; - case 1: - update_avn(1); - update_eta(1); - update_mrf(1); - break; - case 2: - update_radar(1); - break; - default: - update_metar(1); - update_avn(1); - update_eta(1); - update_mrf(1); - update_radar(1); - break; - } - } - } - - if(update_time0) if(!--counter_timer){ - anim.changed=1; - show_counter=anim.show_counter=0; - } - - if(dclick_counter>-1) dclick_counter--; - - while(XPending(display)){ - XNextEvent(display, &Event); - switch (Event.type){ - case GraphicsExpose: - case NoExpose: - case Expose: - exposeflag=1; - break; - case DestroyNotify: - XCloseDisplay(display); - exit(0); - break; - case ButtonPress: - but_stat = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); - if((dclick!=but_stat+1 && dclick!=-but_stat-1) || dclick_counter<0){ - dclick=-but_stat-1; - dclick_counter=4; - } else if(dclick==-but_stat-1) dclick=but_stat+1; - - switch(but_stat){ - case 0: - case 1: - case 2: - if(current_mode!=but_stat){ - current_mode=but_stat; - if(!anim.do_animate && !show_counter){ - show_counter=1; - counter_timer=10; - } - DrawDisplay(1); - } - break; - case 3: - case 7: - switch(Event.xbutton.button){ - case 2: - if(current_mode==2){ - if(radar_cross!=NULL){ - do_radar_cross=1; - DrawDisplay(1); - } - } else { - anim.changed=1; - anim.show_counter=0; - anim.do_animate=!anim.do_animate; - anim.min_pct=1; - if(!anim.do_animate && current_mode==1){ - anim.min_pct=min_pct; - show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; - counter_timer=20; - } - } - break; - - case 4: - if(current_mode==1 && !anim.do_animate && min_pct<100){ - if(Event.xbutton.state&ShiftMask){ - min_pct+=10; - if(min_pct>100) min_pct=100; - } else min_pct++; - anim.min_pct=min_pct; - show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; - counter_timer=20; - anim.changed=1; - } - break; - - case 5: - if(current_mode==1 && !anim.do_animate && min_pct>0){ - if(Event.xbutton.state&ShiftMask){ - min_pct-=10; - if(min_pct<0) min_pct=0; - } else min_pct--; - anim.min_pct=min_pct; - anim.show_counter=1; - counter_timer=20; - anim.changed=1; - } - break; - - case 6: - if(current_mode==1){ - show_counter=anim.show_counter=1; - anim.changed=1; - counter_timer=0; - } - break; - } - break; - - case 4: - copyPixmapArea(123, 96, 6, 7, 65, 17); - break; - case 5: - copyPixmapArea(129, 96, 6, 7, 113, 17); - break; - } - break; - - case ButtonRelease: - i = CheckMouseRegion(Event.xbutton.x, Event.xbutton.y); - if(dclick_counter<0) dclick=0; - - if(but_stat==4){ - copyPixmapArea(123, 89, 6, 7, 65, 17); - } - if(but_stat==5){ - copyPixmapArea(129, 89, 6, 7, 113, 17); - } - if(current_mode==2 && (but_stat==3 || but_stat==7) - && Event.xbutton.button==2){ - do_radar_cross=0; - DrawDisplay(1); - } - - if(but_stat == i && but_stat >= 0){ - switch(but_stat){ - case 3: - case 7: - if(Event.xbutton.button==1){ - if(dclick==but_stat+1) kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1); - else if(warning_zones) output_warnings(0); - } - if(Event.xbutton.button==2){ - if(dclick==but_stat+1 && current_mode==1){ - show_counter=anim.show_counter=!anim.show_counter; - anim.changed=1; - counter_timer=0; - } - } - if(Event.xbutton.button==3 && warning_zones) output_warnings(1); - if(Event.xbutton.button==6){ - show_counter=anim.show_counter=0; - anim.changed=1; - } - break; - case 4: - current_forecast_next(-1); - forecast_priority=4; - last_priority=0; - DrawDisplay(0); - break; - case 5: - current_forecast_next(1); - forecast_priority=4; - last_priority=0; - DrawDisplay(0); - break; - case 6: - if(Event.xbutton.button==3) current_forecast_next(-1); - if(Event.xbutton.button==2){{ - struct forecast *f=current_forecast_get(); - struct forecast *g; - current_forecast_next(1); - while((g=current_forecast_get())!=f){ - if((f->hour<0 && g->hour>=0) || - (f->hour>=0 && g->hour<0)) break; - current_forecast_next(1); - } - }} - if(Event.xbutton.button==1) current_forecast_next(1); - forecast_priority=4; - last_priority=0; - DrawDisplay(0); - break; - } - but_stat=-1; - } - break; - } - } - if(exposeflag){ - setMaskXY(-window_X, -window_Y); - RedrawWindowXY(window_X, window_Y); - } - DoAnimation(&anim); -} - - -void DrawDisplay(int force){ - int font=0; - int x, y, z; - struct forecast *f; - time_t t; - struct tm *tm; - - if(current_warnings) font=1; - if(force || last_font!=font) last_time=-1; - last_font=font; - - switch(current_mode){ - case 0: - if(last_time==current.last_update) break; - last_time=current.last_update; - EnableMouseRegion(3); - DisableMouseRegion(4); - DisableMouseRegion(5); - DisableMouseRegion(6); - DisableMouseRegion(7); - window_X=0; window_Y=0; - - copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 5, 5); - copyPixmapArea(124, 9, 18, 9, 5, 5); - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 54, 42, 5, 17); - - DrawString(7, 17, metar_station, font+1); - if(current.month>0 && current.month<13 &&!=-1){ - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s %d", monthnames[(int)current.month],; - DrawString(32, 17, bigbuf, font+1); - } - if(current.time!=-1){ - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%04dL (%04dZ)", current.time, local2utc(current.time, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)); - DrawString(7, 23, bigbuf, font+1); - } - if(current.temp!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?temp_C2F(current.temp):current.temp; - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%d", x); - DrawString(32, 29, bigbuf, font); - } - if(current.rh!=-1){ - DrawChar(55, 29, '%', font); - DrawNumber(54, 29, current.rh, font); - } - if(current.windspeed==0){ - x=GetStringWidth("CALM"); - DrawString(32+(26-x)/2, 35, "CALM", font); - } else { - if(current.winddir>=0 && current.winddir<=16){ - x=GetStringWidth(directions[current.winddir]); - DrawString(45-x, 35, directions[current.winddir], font); - } - switch(windspeed_mode){ - case 0: - x=knots2mph(current.windspeed); - break; - case 1: - x=knots2kph(current.windspeed); - break; - case 3: - x=knots2mps(current.windspeed); - break; - case 4: - x=knots2beaufort(current.windspeed); - break; - } - if(x>=0 && x<1000) - DrawNumber(58, 35, x, font); - } - if(current.pressure>0){ - switch(pressure_mode){ - case 1: - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%4.0f", inHg2hPa(current.pressure)); - break; - case 2: - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.1f", inHg2mmHg(current.pressure)); - break; - case 3: - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.3f", inHg2atm(current.pressure)); - break; - default: - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "P:%5.2f", current.pressure); - break; - } - DrawString(32, 41, bigbuf, font); - } - if(current.heatindex!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?current.heatindex:temp_F2C(current.heatindex); - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "HI: %d", x); - DrawString(32, 47, bigbuf, font); - } - if(current.windchill!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?current.windchill:temp_F2C(current.windchill); - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "WC: %d", x); - DrawString(32, 53, bigbuf, font); - } - - anim.show_counter=0; - anim.min_pct=1; - SetAnimation(&anim, 5, 28,, current.obs, current.vis, - current.frz, current.snow, current.rain, current.tstorm, 0, - current.moon); - - break; - - case 1: - f=current_forecast_get(); - if(last_fcst!=f) last_time=-1; - last_fcst=f; - if(f!=NULL){ - if(last_time==f->last_update) - goto case_1_end; /* still check bottom line priority */ - else last_time=f->last_update; - } - - DisableMouseRegion(3); - EnableMouseRegion(4); - EnableMouseRegion(5); - EnableMouseRegion(6); - EnableMouseRegion(7); - window_X=60; window_Y=0; - last_priority=-1; - - copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 65, 5); - copyPixmapArea(142, 9, 18, 9, 83, 5); - copyPixmapArea(123, 89, 6, 7, 65, 17); - copyPixmapArea(129, 89, 6, 7, 113, 17); - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 36, 7, 74, 17); - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 54, 32, 65, 27); - - if(f==NULL) break; - - t=time(NULL); - tm=localtime(&t); - bigbuf[0]='\0'; - if(tm->tm_mon+1==f->month && tm->tm_mday==f->day){ - if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TODAY"); - else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TODAY %dL", f->hour); - } else { - x=tm->tm_mon+1; - y=tm->tm_mday+1; - fix_date(&x, &y, NULL, NULL); - if(x==f->month && y==f->day){ - if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TOMORROW"); - else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "TMRW %dL", f->hour); - } else { - z=0; - if(f->wday!=-1){ - for(z=0; z<5; z++){ - y++; - fix_date(&x, &y, NULL, NULL); - if(x==f->month && y==f->day){ - if(f->hour<0) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s", - wdaynames[(int)f->wday]); - else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %dL", - wdaynames[(int)f->wday], f->hour); - z=99; - } - } - } - if(z<99 && f->month>0 && f->day>0){ - if(f->hour<0) - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %d", - monthnames[(int)f->month], f->day); - else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%.3s %d %dL", - monthnames[(int)f->month], f->day, - f->hour); - } - } - } - x=GetStringWidth(bigbuf); - DrawString(60+(64-x)/2, 18, bigbuf, font); - - x=GetStringWidth(f->station); - DrawString(118-x, 28, f->station, font+1); - - if(f->high!=999 || f->low!=999){ - DrawChar(104, 35, '/', font); - if(f->high!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?f->high:temp_F2C(f->high); - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - DrawNumber(103, 35, x, font); - } - if(f->low!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?f->low:temp_F2C(f->low); - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - DrawNumber(118, 35, x, font); - } - } - if(f->temp!=999){ - x=(temp_mode==0)?f->temp:temp_F2C(f->temp); - if(x<-99) x=-99; - if(x>199) x=199; - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%d", x); - DrawString(92, 41, bigbuf, font); - } - if(f->rh!=-1){ - DrawChar(115, 41, '%', font); - DrawNumber(114, 41, f->rh, font); - } - if(f->windspeed==0){ - x=GetStringWidth("CALM"); - DrawString(92+(26-x)/2, 47, "CALM", font); - } else { - if(f->winddir>=0 && f->winddir<=16){ - x=GetStringWidth(directions[f->winddir]); - DrawString(105-x, 47, directions[f->winddir], font); - } - switch(windspeed_mode){ - case 0: - x=knots2mph(f->windspeed); - break; - case 1: - x=knots2kph(f->windspeed); - break; - case 3: - x=knots2mps(f->windspeed); - break; - case 4: - x=knots2beaufort(f->windspeed); - break; - } - if(x>=0 && x<1000) - DrawNumber(118, 47, x, font); - } - - anim.show_counter=show_counter; - anim.min_pct=min_pct; - SetAnimation(&anim, 65, 28, f->sky, f->obs, f->vis, - f->frz, f->snow, f->rain, f->tstorm, f->svtstorm, - f->moon); - -case_1_end: - if(f==NULL || forecast_priority==last_priority) break; - - /* This is a little tricky. We use the switch as a calculated goto - * (ick) to determine which order to try things in. Fall-through is - * intended. */ - switch(forecast_priority){ - default: - /* WTF? Oh well, just start at the beginning */ - - case 0: - if(f->heatindex>=80 && f->heatindex!=999){ - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); - x=(temp_mode==0)?f->heatindex:temp_F2C(f->heatindex); - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "HI: %d", x); - DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); - forecast_priority=0; - break; - } - - case 1: - if(f->windchill<=40 && f->windchill!=999){ - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); - x=(temp_mode==0)?f->windchill:temp_F2C(f->windchill); - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "WC: %d", x); - DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); - forecast_priority=1; - break; - } - - case 2: - if(f->snowamt>0){ - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); - if(f->snowamt==1){ x=1; y=2; } - else if(f->snowamt==8){ x=8; y=-1; } - else { x=f->snowamt; y=x+2; } - if(length_mode==1){ - x=in2cm(x); y=in2cm(y); - } - if(x>9 && y>9) x=9; - if(y==-1) snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "SN:>%d", x); - else snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "SN:%d-%d", x, y); - DrawString(92, 53, bigbuf, font); - forecast_priority=2; - break; - } - - case 3: - if(f->precipamt>0){ - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); - switch(f->precipamt){ - case 1: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.01-.1", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 0-.25", font); - break; - case 2: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.1-.25", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.25-.6", font); - break; - case 3: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.25-.5", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P:.6-1.3", font); - break; - case 4: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: .5-1", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 1-2.5", font); - break; - case 5: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 1-2", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: 2.5-5", font); - break; - case 6: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >2", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >5", font); - break; - case 7: - if(length_mode==0) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >3", font); - if(length_mode==1) DrawString(92, 53, "P: >7.6", font); - break; - } - forecast_priority=3; - break; - } - - case 4: - copyPixmapArea(124, 18, 26, 5, 92, 53); - x=GetStringWidth("<")+1; - y=GetStringWidth(f->ID)+1; - z=GetStringWidth(">"); - DrawChar(118-x-y-z, 53, '<', font+1); - DrawString(118-y-z, 53, f->ID, font+1); - DrawChar(118-z, 53, '>', font+1); - forecast_priority=4; - break; - } - last_priority=forecast_priority; - break; - - case 2: - if(last_time==radar_update_time) break; - last_time=radar_update_time; - EnableMouseRegion(3); - DisableMouseRegion(4); - DisableMouseRegion(5); - DisableMouseRegion(6); - DisableMouseRegion(7); - window_X=0; window_Y=0; - - copyPixmapArea(124, 0, 54, 9, 5, 5); - copyPixmapArea(160, 9, 18, 9, 41, 5); - put_radar(6, 18, font); - -; - break; - } - DoAnimation(&anim); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/dock.h b/wmweather+/dock.h deleted file mode 100644 index 87c32ee..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/dock.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -void init_dock(int argc, char **argv); -void update_dock(); diff --git a/wmweather+/download.c b/wmweather+/download.c deleted file mode 100644 index 0a90a00..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/download.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,267 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "die.h" -#include "download.h" - -static CURLM *multi_handle=NULL; -static int still_running=0; -struct download_info { - CURL *handle; - FILE *fp; - void (*callback)(char *filename, void *data); - char *filename; - void *data; - int flags; - struct download_info *next; - struct download_info *prev; -}; -static struct download_info *active_list=NULL; - -static void add_active(struct download_info *d){ - d->next=active_list; - d->prev=NULL; - if(active_list!=NULL) active_list->prev=d; - active_list=d; -} - -static void remove_active(struct download_info *d){ - if(active_list==d) active_list=d->next; - if(d->prev!=NULL) d->prev->next=d->next; - if(d->next!=NULL) d->next->prev=d->prev; - d->next=NULL; - d->prev=NULL; -} - -static struct download_info *find_active_file(char *f){ - struct download_info *d; - for(d=active_list; d!=NULL; d=d->next){ - if(!strcmp(d->filename,f)) return d; - } - return NULL; -} - -static void handle_done(CURLMsg *msg){ - struct download_info *info; - long status; - - if(curl_easy_getinfo(msg->easy_handle, CURLINFO_PRIVATE, &info)!=CURLE_OK || info==NULL){ - warn("Could not retrieve info handle from CURL handle. WTF?"); - for(info=active_list; info && info->handle!=msg->easy_handle; info=info->next); - if(info==NULL){ - warn("Could not find it in the active list either. WTF?"); - curl_multi_remove_handle(multi_handle, msg->easy_handle); - curl_easy_cleanup(msg->easy_handle); - return; - } - } - - remove_active(info); - curl_multi_remove_handle(multi_handle, info->handle); - fclose(info->fp); - - if(msg->data.result!=CURLE_OK){ - if(msg->data.result==CURLE_HTTP_RETURNED_ERROR){ - if(curl_easy_getinfo(info->handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &status)!=CURLE_OK) status=600; - if(status!=404 || !(info->flags&DOWNLOAD_NO_404)) - warn("HTTP download of %s returned %d", info->filename, status); - } else { - warn("Download of %s failed: %s", info->filename, curl_easy_strerror(msg->data.result)); - } - unlink(info->filename); - } else { - (*info->callback)(info->filename, info->data); - } - - curl_easy_cleanup(info->handle); - free(info->filename); - free(info); -} - - -void download_init(char *email){ - if(multi_handle==NULL){ - if(curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL)) - die("Could not initialize CURL"); - multi_handle=curl_multi_init(); - if(multi_handle==NULL) die("Could not create a CURL multihandle"); - } -} - -void download_process(unsigned long sleeptime){ - fd_set rd, wr, er; - struct timeval tv; - int maxfd, n, x; - CURLMsg *msg; - - if(sleeptime>0){ - FD_ZERO(&rd); - FD_ZERO(&wr); - FD_ZERO(&er); - curl_multi_fdset(multi_handle, &rd, &wr, &er, &maxfd); - - tv.tv_sec=0; - tv.tv_usec=sleeptime; - if(sleeptime>=1000000){ - tv.tv_sec=sleeptime/1000000; - tv.tv_usec=sleeptime%1000000; - } - - n=select(maxfd+1, &rd, &wr, &er, &tv); - if(n==0) return; - if(n<0){ - switch(errno){ - case EINTR: - case ENOMEM: - /* transient errors, hope it's good next time */ - break; - - default: - warn("WTF? select errno=%d", errno); - break; - } - usleep(sleeptime); - return; - } - } - while(curl_multi_perform(multi_handle, &x)==CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM); - while((msg=curl_multi_info_read(multi_handle, &x))){ - switch(msg->msg){ - case CURLMSG_DONE: - handle_done(msg); - break; - default: - warn("Unknown CURL message type %d", msg->msg); - break; - } - } -} - -int download_kill(char *filename){ - struct download_info *info; - info=find_active_file(filename); - if(info==NULL) return ENOENT; - remove_active(info); - curl_multi_remove_handle(multi_handle, info->handle); - warn("Download of %s interrupted", info->filename); - unlink(info->filename); - curl_easy_cleanup(info->handle); - free(info->filename); - fclose(info->fp); - free(info); - return 0; -} - -int download_file(char *filename, char *from_addr, char *postdata, int flags, void (*callback)(char *filename, void *data), void *data){ - struct download_info *info=NULL; - FILE *fp; - - if(callback==NULL || filename==NULL || from_addr==NULL) return 1; - - if(flags&DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS){ - download_kill(filename); - } else { - info=find_active_file(filename); - if(info!=NULL){ - errno=0; - warn("Cannot download %s: download already in progress", filename); - return 1; - } - } - - if((info=malloc(sizeof(*info)))==NULL){ - warn("Malloc error in download_file"); - goto fail; - } - info->handle=NULL; - info->fp=NULL; - info->callback=callback; - info->filename=NULL; - info->data=data; - info->flags=flags; - info->next=NULL; - info->prev=NULL; - - if((info->filename=strdup(filename))==NULL) goto fail; - if((info->fp=fopen(info->filename, "wb"))==NULL){ - warn("Error opening %s for output", info->filename); - goto fail; - } - - info->handle=curl_easy_init(); - if(info->handle==NULL){ - warn("Error creating a CURL handle"); - goto fail; - } - if(curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_URL, from_addr)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, info->fp)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10*60)!=CURLE_OK || - curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, info)!=CURLE_OK - ){ - warn("Error setting CURL options"); - goto fail; - } - if(postdata!=NULL){ - if(curl_easy_setopt(info->handle, CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, postdata)!=CURLE_OK - ){ - warn("Error setting CURL post options"); - goto fail; - } - } - if(curl_multi_add_handle(multi_handle, info->handle)!=CURLM_OK){ - warn("Could not add handle for %s to multihandle", info->filename); - goto fail; - } - add_active(info); - - /* Call download_process with 0 to force at least one call to - * curl_multi_process, because curl won't actually create a socket until - * that function is called and download_process won't otherwise call - * curl_multi_process until the socket is created... - */ - download_process(0); - - return 0; - -fail: - if(info){ - if(info->handle) curl_easy_cleanup(info->handle); - info->handle=NULL; - if(info->fp) fclose(info->fp); - info->fp=NULL; - if(info->filename){ - unlink(info->filename); - free(info->filename); - } - info->filename=NULL; - free(info); - } - return 1; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/download.h b/wmweather+/download.h deleted file mode 100644 index 492a6b7..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/download.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef DOWNLOAD_H -#define DOWNLOAD_H - -/* flags for download_file */ -#define DOWNLOAD_NO_404 1 -#define DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS 2 - -void download_init(char *email); -void download_process(unsigned long sleep_time); -int download_kill(char *filename); -int download_file(char *filename, char *from_addr, char *postdata, int flags, void (*callback)(char *filename, void *data), void *data); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/eta.c b/wmweather+/eta.c deleted file mode 100644 index e59c31b..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/eta.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,365 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "forecast.h" -#include "getLine.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "diff.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "sunzenith.h" -#include "moon.h" -#include "subst.h" - -/* Important variables */ -#define ETA_MAX 21 -static time_t eta_time=0; -static char *eta_file=NULL; -static char *eta_newfile=NULL; -static char *eta_req[2]={ NULL, NULL }; -static struct forecast forecasts[ETA_MAX]; - - -/********* init functions ************/ -static int parse_eta(char *file); - -static void reset_eta(void){ - int i; - - for(i=0; i=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && diff(eta_newfile, eta_file) && parse_eta(eta_newfile)){ - eta_time=find_next_time(eta_newfile, "MOS GUIDANCE", 720); - rename(eta_newfile, eta_file); - } else { - unlink(eta_newfile); - if(!parse_eta(eta_file)) reset_eta(); - } - } -} - -void eta_cleanup(void){ - if(eta_file==NULL) return; - unlink(eta_newfile); - unlink(eta_file); -} - -void update_eta(int force){ - time_t t; - - if(eta_file==NULL) return; - - t=time(NULL)/60; - if(!force && eta_time>t) return; - - eta_time=find_next_time(eta_file, "MOS GUIDANCE", 15); - download_file(eta_newfile, eta_req[0], eta_req[1], force?DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS:0, eta_callback, NULL); -} - - -/********* parse functions ************/ - -#define NEXT(s) free(s); \ - len=getLine(&s, fp); \ - if(strstr(s, "")!=NULL) len=0; - -#define DIE() return (free(s), fclose(fp), 0) -#define SPLIT(s) { \ - ID[0]=s[0]; \ - ID[1]=s[1]; \ - ID[2]=s[2]; \ - ID[3]='\0'; \ - memset(split,'\0',sizeof(split)); \ - for(n=0, c=s+4; c12){ - c=strchr(c+1, '/'); - if(c==NULL) DIE(); - for(mon=1; mon<=12; mon++){ - if(!strncmp(c+1, monthnames[mon], 3) && isspace(*(c+4))) break; - if(!strncmp(c+1, monthnames2[mon], 4) && isspace(*(c+5))){ - i=5; - break; - } - } - } - day=atoi(c+i); - if(day<1) DIE(); - if(c>s+4) day--; - if(mon90) - forecasts[n].moon=calc_moon(m, j, z, h*100); - } - - while(1){ - NEXT(s); - if(len<=10) break; - SPLIT(s); - - if(!strcmp(ID, "X/N")) j=1; - else if(!strcmp(ID, "N/X")) j=2; - else j=0; - if(j!=0){ - for(n=0; n>1); - for(m=0; m=19) - || (forecasts[m].day==k && forecasts[m].hour<19))) - forecasts[m].high=i; - if((j&1)==0 && - ((forecasts[m].day==k-1 && forecasts[m].hour>=8) - || (forecasts[m].day==k && forecasts[m].hour<8))) - forecasts[m].low=i; - } - j++; - } - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "TMP")){ - ASSIGN(temp); - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "DPT")){ - ASSIGN(dewpt); - continue; - } - if(!strcmp(ID, "WDR")){ - for(n=0; n0 && m0 && m - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "font.h" - -#include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" -extern XpmIcon wmgen; -extern GC NormalGC; -extern Window Root; - -#include "characters.xpm" - -static Pixmap fonts[3]={ None, None, None }; -static char *colors[3][4]={ - { "#000000", "#0C4E66", "#127599", "#1EC3FF" }, - { "#000000", "#664D0B", "#997411", "#FFC21D" }, - { "#000000", "#662B31", "#99414A", "#FF6D7B" } -}; - -void init_font(int i){ - XpmIcon x; - XpmColorSymbol cols[4]={ - {"Background", NULL, 0}, - {"Low", NULL, 0}, - {"Mid", NULL, 0}, - {"High", NULL, 0} - }; - int j; - - if(fonts[i]!=None) return; - for(j=0; j<4; j++){ - cols[j].pixel=GetColor(colors[i][j]); - } - x.attributes.numsymbols=5; - x.attributes.colorsymbols=cols; - x.attributes.exactColors=False; - x.attributes.closeness=40000; - x.attributes.valuemask=(XpmColorSymbols | XpmExactColors | XpmCloseness); - GetXPM(&x, characters_xpm); - fonts[i]=x.pixmap; - XFreePixmap(display, x.mask); -} - -int DrawString(int x, int y, char *str, int font){ - int w; - char *c; - - w=0; - for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ - w+=DrawChar(x+w, y, *c, font); - w++; - } - - return w-1; -} - -int GetStringWidth(char *str){ - int w; - char *c; - - w=0; - for(c=str; *c!='\0'; c++){ - w+=DrawChar(-1, -1, *c, -1); - w++; - } - - return w-1; -} - -int DrawNumber(int x, int y, int n, int font){ - int w; - int flag=0; - char c; - - if(n<0){ - flag=1; - n=-n; - } - - w=0; - do { - w+=3; - c='0'+(n%10); - DrawChar(x-w, y, c, font); - n/=10; - w++; - } while(n>0); - if(flag){ - w+=2; - DrawChar(x-w, y, '-', font); - w++; - } - - return w-1; -} - -int DrawChar(int x, int y, char c, int font){ - int sx, w; - - c=toupper(c); - w=3; - if(c>='A' && c<='Z'){ - sx=(c-'A')*4+1; - if(c=='M'){ w=4; sx=149; } - if(c=='N'){ w=4; sx=154; } - if(c=='W'){ w=4; sx=159; } - } else if(c>='0' && c<='9') sx=(c-'0')*4+105; - else if(c==':'){ w=1; sx=164; } - else if(c=='('){ w=2; sx=171; } - else if(c==')'){ w=2; sx=174; } - else if(c=='%') sx=89; - else if(c=='-'){ w=2; sx=168; } - else if(c=='.'){ w=1; sx=166; } - else if(c=='<') sx=49; - else if(c=='>') sx=53; - else if(c=='/') sx=145; - else if(c=='\''){ w=1; sx=177; } - else return 0; - - if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x+w<192 && y<174 && font>=0 && font<3){ - init_font(font); - XCopyArea(display, fonts[font], wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, sx, 1, w, 5, x, y); - } - return w; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/font.h b/wmweather+/font.h deleted file mode 100644 index 2240bde..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/font.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -int DrawString(int x, int y, char *str, int font); -int GetStringWidth(char *str); -int DrawNumber(int x, int y, int n, int font); -int DrawChar(int x, int y, char c, int font); - -/* This is called automatically if necessary */ -void init_font(int i); diff --git a/wmweather+/forecast.c b/wmweather+/forecast.c deleted file mode 100644 index f57d8c6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/forecast.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,311 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "forecast.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "getLine.h" -#include "die.h" - -/* Important variables */ -static struct forecast **forecasts=NULL; -static int num_forecasts=0; -static pcre *date=NULL; -static int ovecsize=1; -static int changed=0; - -/* functions */ - -time_t find_next_time(char *file, char *pat, int minutes){ - FILE *fp; - char *s; - time_t t, mintime; - - mintime=time(NULL)/60+15; - if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return mintime; - - s=NULL; - while(!feof(fp)){ - getLine(&s, fp); - if(strstr(s, pat)!=NULL) break; - free(s); - s=NULL; - } - fclose(fp); - if(s==NULL) return mintime; - t=parse_time_string(s)/60+minutes; - free(s); - return (t>mintime)?t:mintime; -} - -time_t parse_time_string(char *s){ - struct tm tm; - int ovector[ovecsize]; - int ovalue; - char *e; - int i; - - if(date==NULL){ - date=pcre_compile("\\b(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)\\s+(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)\\s*UTC\\b", 0, (const char **)&e, &i, NULL); - if(date==NULL){ - warn("find_next PCRE error: %s at %i", e, i); - return -1; - } - pcre_fullinfo(date, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &ovecsize); - ovecsize=(ovecsize+1)*3; - return parse_time_string(s); - } - - ovalue=pcre_exec(date, NULL, s, strlen(s), 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue<=0) return -1; - - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 1, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; - tm.tm_mon=atoi(e)-1; - pcre_free_substring(e); - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 2, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; - tm.tm_mday=atoi(e); - pcre_free_substring(e); - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 3, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; - tm.tm_year=atoi(e)-1900; - pcre_free_substring(e); - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 4, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; - tm.tm_hour=atoi(e); - pcre_free_substring(e); - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, 5, (const char **)&e)<0) return 0; - tm.tm_min=atoi(e); - pcre_free_substring(e); - tm.tm_sec=0; - - return mkgmtime(&tm); -} - -void add_forecast(struct forecast *f, char *ID, char *station){ - if((forecasts=realloc(forecasts, ++num_forecasts*sizeof(*forecasts)))==NULL) - die("realloc in add_forecast"); - - if(ID==NULL){ - memset(f->ID, '\0', 4); - } else { - strncpy(f->ID, ID, 3); - f->ID[3]='\0'; - } - f->station=station; - forecasts[num_forecasts-1]=f; - changed=1; -} - -void reset_forecast(struct forecast *f){ - f->last_update=time(NULL); - f->month=0; - f->day=-1; - f->year=SHRT_MIN; - f->wday=-1; - f->hour=-1; - f->low=999; - f->high=999; - f->temp=999; - f->dewpt=999; - f->rh=-1; - f->winddir=-1; - f->windspeed=-1; - f->heatindex=999; - f->windchill=999; - f->precipamt=-1; - f->snowamt=-1; - f->sky=-1; - f->vis=7; - f->obs=0; - f->pcp_total=0; - f->frz=0; - f->snow=0; - f->rain=0; - f->tstorm=0; - f->svtstorm=0; - f->moon=NAN; - f->time=-1; - changed=1; -} - -static int is_forecast_valid(const struct forecast *a){ - return (a->ID[0]!='\0' && - a->month>0 && a->month<=12 && - a->day>0 && a->day<=31 && - a->year!=SHRT_MIN); -} - -static int is_forecast_current(struct forecast *f, time_t now){ - time_t t; - - t=forecast_time(f); - t+=(f->hour<0)?86399:3599; - return t>now; -} - -static int compar(const void *aa, const void *bb){ - struct forecast *a=*(struct forecast **)aa; - struct forecast *b=*(struct forecast **)bb; - int i, j; - - /* First, any undefined forecast is greater than any defined forecast */ - i=is_forecast_valid(a); - j=is_forecast_valid(b); - if(!i && !j) return 0; /* all undef forecasts are equal */ - if(!i) return 1; - if(!j) return -1; - - /* Any whole-day forecast is greater than any partial forecast */ - if(a->hour<0 && b->hour>=0) return 1; - if(a->hour>=0 && b->hour<0) return -1; - - /* Ok, compare dates now */ - if(a->year>b->year) return 1; - if(a->yearyear) return -1; - if(a->month>b->month) return 1; - if(a->monthmonth) return -1; - if(a->day>b->day) return 1; - if(a->dayday) return -1; - if(a->hour>b->hour) return 1; - if(a->hourhour) return -1; - - /* Last resort, sort in alphabetical order by ID */ - return strcasecmp(a->ID, b->ID); -} - -static void sort_forecasts(void){ - if(forecasts==NULL) return; - qsort(forecasts, num_forecasts, sizeof(struct forecast *), compar); - changed=0; -} - -time_t forecast_time(struct forecast *f){ - struct tm tm; - - if(f->time!=-1) return f->time; - tm.tm_year=f->year; - tm.tm_mon=f->month-1; - tm.tm_mday=f->day; - tm.tm_hour=(f->hour<0)?0:f->hour; - tm.tm_min=tm.tm_sec=0; - return (f->time=mktime(&tm)); -} - -static char current_ID[4]={ '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }; -static int current_index=-1; -static struct forecast *current=NULL; -static time_t current_time=0; -static int current_hour=0; - -static void set_current(int i){ - current_index=i; - if(i<0 || i>num_forecasts){ - current=NULL; - memset(current_ID, 0, 4); - current_time=0; - current_hour=0; - } else { - current=forecasts[i]; - memcpy(current_ID, current->ID, 4); - current_time=forecast_time(current); - current_hour=current->hour; - } -} - -static void locate_current(void){ - int i; - time_t now, target; - int target_hour; - long curdiff=0; - long tmpdiff; - char target_ID[4]; - - now=time(NULL); - if(!changed && current!=NULL && is_forecast_current(current, now)) return; - - sort_forecasts(); - target=current_time; - target_hour=current_hour; - memcpy(target_ID, current_ID, 4); - set_current(-1); - - for(i=0; ihour>=0) || - (target_hour>=0 && forecasts[i]->hour<0)) - tmpdiff+=31556926; - if(memcmp(forecasts[i]->ID, target_ID, 4)) tmpdiff++; - if(current==NULL || tmpdiffnum_forecasts) current_index=0; - for(i=mod(current_index+dir, num_forecasts); ; i=mod(i+dir, num_forecasts)){ - if(is_forecast_valid(forecasts[i]) && is_forecast_current(forecasts[i], now)){ - set_current(i); - return; - } - if(i==current_index){ - set_current(-1); - return; - } - } -} diff --git a/wmweather+/forecast.h b/wmweather+/forecast.h deleted file mode 100644 index 7c1e6c4..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/forecast.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef FORECAST_H -#define FORECAST_H - -/* functions to manage the 'current forecast' */ -struct forecast *current_forecast_get(void); -void current_forecast_next(int dir); - -struct forecast { - char ID[4]; /* Forecast type ("AVN", "MRF", etc) */ - char *station; /* station name */ - time_t last_update; /* last updated time */ - signed char month; /* 0, 1 - 12 */ - signed char day; /* -1, 1 - 31 */ - short year; /* -1, number */ - signed char wday; /* -1, 0-6 */ - signed char hour; /* -1, 0 - 23 (local) */ - short low; /* 999, -210 - 390 (degrees F) */ - short high; /* 999, -210 - 390 (degrees F) */ - short temp; /* 999, -210 - 390 (degrees F) */ - short dewpt; /* 999, -210 - 390 (degrees F) */ - signed char rh; /* -1, 0 - 100 (%) */ - short winddir; /* -1, 0 - 16 (direction) */ - short windspeed; /* -1, 0 - MAX */ - short heatindex; /* 999, -99 - 199 (degrees F) */ - short windchill; /* 999, -99 - 199 (degrees F) */ - short precipamt; /* -1, 0 - 7 (amount code) */ - short snowamt; /* -1, 0 - 8 (amount code) */ - signed char sky; /* -1, 0-4 (condition) */ - signed char vis; /* 7, 1-7 (status code) */ - signed char obs; /* 0, 0-3 (type) */ - signed char pcp_total; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - signed char frz; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - signed char snow; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - signed char rain; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - signed char tstorm; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - signed char svtstorm; /* 0, 0-100 (percent chance) */ - double moon; /* NAN, -1 - 1 (percent and wax/wane) */ - time_t time; /* -1, time_t value */ -}; - -void add_forecast(struct forecast *f, char *ID, char *station); -time_t forecast_time(struct forecast *f); -time_t parse_time_string(char *s); -time_t find_next_time(char *file, char *pat, int minutes); -void reset_forecast(struct forecast *f); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/getLine.c b/wmweather+/getLine.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9fdd5b9..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/getLine.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2000 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include - -/* inspired by read_line from Eric S. Raymond's fetchmail program, by - * way of Aaron Sethman's odsclient. */ -int getLine(char **s, FILE *fd){ - int len=8196; - int toread=len; - int l=0; - char *ptr, *p, *q; - - *s=NULL; - if(feof(fd)) return -1; - - q=ptr=malloc(len); - if(ptr==NULL) return -1; - *q=0; - p=q=ptr; - while(fgets(p, toread, fd)!=NULL){ - l=strlen(ptr); - q=strchr(p, '\n'); - if(q!=NULL){ l=q-ptr+1; break; } - len*=2; - toread=len-l; - p=realloc(ptr, len); - if(p==NULL){ - free(ptr); - return -1; - } - ptr=p; - q=p=ptr+l; - } - while(q>ptr && (*q=='\0' || isspace(*q))){ - *q='\0'; - l--; - q--; - } - for(p=ptr; isspace(*p); p++, l--); - if((*s=malloc(l+1))==NULL){ - free(ptr); - return -1; - } - memcpy(*s, p, l+1); - free(ptr); - return l; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/getLine.h b/wmweather+/getLine.h deleted file mode 100644 index a8f5505..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/getLine.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -#include - -/* Gets a single line of input, stripping leading and trailing whitespace */ -int getLine(char **s, FILE *fd); diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/ b/wmweather+/m4/ deleted file mode 100644 index f871dd0..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -SUBDIRS = -EXTRA_DIST = libpcre.m4 libwraster.m4 snprintf.m4 vsnprintf.m4 xpm.m4 diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/libpcre.m4 b/wmweather+/m4/libpcre.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index 94faefe..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/libpcre.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -dnl @synopsis CHECK_LIBPCRE([ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) -dnl -dnl This macro searches for an installed libpcre library. If nothing -dnl was specified when calling configure, it searches first in /usr/local -dnl and then in /usr. If the --with-libpcre=DIR is specified, it will try -dnl to find it in DIR/include/pcre.h and DIR/lib/libpcre.a. If --without-libpcre -dnl is specified, the library is not searched at all. -dnl -dnl It defines the symbol HAVE_LIBPCRE if the library is found. You should -dnl use autoheader to include a definition for this symbol in a config.h -dnl file. -dnl -dnl Sources files should then use something like -dnl -dnl #ifdef HAVE_LIBPCRE -dnl #include -dnl #endif /* HAVE_LIBPCRE */ -dnl -dnl @version 1.0 -dnl based on CHECK_ZLIB by Loic Dachary -dnl - -AC_DEFUN([CHECK_LIBPCRE], -# -# Handle user hints -# - [AC_MSG_CHECKING(if libpcre is wanted) - AC_ARG_WITH(libpcre, - [ --with-libpcre=DIR root directory path of libpcre installation [defaults to - /usr/local or /usr if not found in /usr/local] - --without-libpcre to disable libpcre usage completely], - [if test "$withval" != no ; then - LIBPCRE_HOME="$withval" - AC_MSG_RESULT([yes: libraries ${LIBPCRE_HOME}/lib includes ${LIBPCRE_HOME}/include]) - else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) - fi], - [LIBPCRE_HOME=/usr/local - if test ! -f "${LIBPCRE_HOME}/include/pcre.h" - then - LIBPCRE_HOME=/usr - fi - AC_MSG_RESULT([yes: libraries ${LIBPCRE_HOME}/lib includes ${LIBPCRE_HOME}/include]) - ]) - -# -# Locate libpcre, if wanted -# - if test -n "${LIBPCRE_HOME}" - then - LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${LIBPCRE_HOME}/lib" - CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${LIBPCRE_HOME}/include" - AC_CHECK_LIB(pcre, pcre_compile, $1, $2) - else - $2 - fi - ]) diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/libwraster.m4 b/wmweather+/m4/libwraster.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index cdf7277..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/libwraster.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@ -dnl @synopsis CHECK_LIBWRASTER([ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) -dnl -dnl This macro searches for an installed libwraster library. If nothing -dnl was specified when calling configure, it searches first in /usr/local -dnl and then in /usr. If the --with-libwraster=DIR is specified, it will try -dnl to find it in DIR/include/wraster.h and DIR/lib/libwraster.a. If --without-libwraster -dnl is specified, the library is not searched at all. -dnl -dnl It defines the symbol HAVE_LIBWRASTER if the library is found. You should -dnl use autoheader to include a definition for this symbol in a config.h -dnl file. -dnl -dnl Sources files should then use something like -dnl -dnl #ifdef HAVE_LIBWRASTER -dnl #include -dnl #endif /* HAVE_LIBWRASTER */ -dnl -dnl @version 1.0 -dnl based on CHECK_ZLIB by Loic Dachary -dnl - -AC_DEFUN([CHECK_LIBWRASTER], -# -# Handle user hints -# - [AC_MSG_CHECKING(if libwraster is wanted) - AC_ARG_WITH(libwraster, - [ --with-libwraster=DIR root directory path of libwraster installation [defaults to - /usr/local or /usr if not found in /usr/local] - --without-libwraster to disable libwraster usage completely], - [if test "$withval" != no ; then - LIBWRASTER_HOME="$withval" - AC_MSG_RESULT([yes: libraries ${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/lib includes ${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/include]) - else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) - fi], - [LIBWRASTER_HOME=/usr/local - if test ! -f "${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/include/wraster.h" - then - LIBWRASTER_HOME=/usr - if test ! -f "${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/include/wraster.h" - then - LIBWRASTER_HOME=/usr/X11R6 - fi - fi - AC_MSG_RESULT([yes: libraries ${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/lib includes ${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/include]) - ]) - -# -# Locate libwraster, if wanted -# - if test -n "${LIBWRASTER_HOME}" - then - LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/lib" - CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${LIBWRASTER_HOME}/include" - AC_CHECK_LIB(wraster, RCreateContext, $1, $2) - else - $2 - fi - ]) diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/snprintf.m4 b/wmweather+/m4/snprintf.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index 03567bc..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/snprintf.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -# FUNC_SNPRINTF_EXISTS -# -------------------- -# Checks if snprintf exists. x_cv_func_snprintf_exists is set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF_EXISTS], -[AC_CHECK_FUNC(snprintf, [x_cv_func_snprintf_exists=yes], [x_cv_func_snprintf_exists=no])])# FUNC_SNPRINTF_EXISTS - -# FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE -# ------------------ -# Checks if snprintf honors its size argument. SNPRINTF_IS_SPRINTF is defined -# if not. x_cv_func_snprintf_size is set to yes or no. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_SNPRINTF_EXISTS, so if that fails this will -# also fail (and define SNPRINTF_IS_SPRINTF). -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_SNPRINTF_EXISTS]) -if test $x_cv_func_snprintf_exists != yes; then x_cv_func_snprintf_size=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if snprintf honors the size argument], x_cv_func_snprintf_size, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...); -#endif -]], -[[char foo[]="ABC"; snprintf(foo, 2, "%d", 12); -exit((foo[0]=='1' && foo[1]=='\0' && foo[2]=='C')?0:1);]])], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_size=yes], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_size=no], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_size=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_snprintf_size != yes && AC_DEFINE(SNPRINTF_IS_SPRINTF, 1, [Define if snprintf ignores the size argument]) -])# FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE - -# FUNC_SNPRINTF_RETVAL -# ------------------ -# Checks if snprintf returns the number of bytes that would have been written, -# as specified by C99. SNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL is defined if not. -# x_cv_func_snprintf_retval is set to yes or no. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE, so if that fails this will fail -# too and SNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL will be set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF_RETVAL], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE]) -if test $x_cv_func_snprintf_size != yes; then x_cv_func_snprintf_retval=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if snprintf return value is sane], x_cv_func_snprintf_retval, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...); -#endif -]], -[[char foo[10]; exit((snprintf(foo, 1, "%d", 9876)==4)?0:1);]])], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_retval=yes], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_retval=no], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_retval=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_snprintf_retval != yes && AC_DEFINE(SNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL, 1, [Define if snprintf's return value isn't as specified by C99]) -])# FUNC_SNPRINTF_RETVAL - -# FUNC_SNPRINTF_NULL_OK -# --------------------- -# Checks whether snprintf acceps a NULL string if size is zero. Sets -# x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok. If so, define SNPRINTF_NULL_OK. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE, so if that fails this will fail -# too and SNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL will be set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF_NULL_OK], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_SNPRINTF_SIZE]) -if test $x_cv_func_snprintf_size != yes; then x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if snprintf(NULL, 0, ...) works], x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int snprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...); -#endif -]], -[int r=snprintf(NULL, 0, "%d", 100); exit((r==3 || r==-1)?0:1);])], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok=yes], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok=no], -[x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok = yes && AC_DEFINE(SNPRINTF_NULL_OK, 1, [Define if snprintf(NULL, 0, ...) works properly]) -])# FUNC_SNPRINTF_NULL_OK - -# FUNC_SNPRINTF([ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) -# ------------- -# Checks various aspects of snprintf. In particular: -# * Does it exist? -# * Is the size honored? -# * Is the return value correct? -# * Is NULL with length 0 ok? -# If all the above pass, HAVE_WORKING_SNPRINTF is defined and -# x_cv_func_snprintf_working is set to yes. Otherwise, it's set to no. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_SNPRINTF_RETVAL]) -AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_SNPRINTF_NULL_OK]) -if test $x_cv_func_snprintf_retval = yes -a $x_cv_func_snprintf_null_ok = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WORKING_SNPRINTF, 1, [Define if snprintf works properly]) - x_cv_func_snprintf_working=yes - $1 -else - x_cv_func_snprintf_working=no - $2 -fi -])# FUNC_SNPRINTF - -# FUNC_SNPRINTF_LIBOBJ -# -------------------- -# If FUNC_SNPRINTF fails, does AC_LIBOBJ -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_SNPRINTF_LIBOBJ], -[FUNC_SNPRINTF(, [AC_LIBOBJ([snprintf]) -AC_DEFINE([snprintf], [rpl_snprintf], [Define to rpl_snprintf if the replacement function should be used.])])]) -])#FUNC_SNPRINTF_LIBOBJ - - diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/vsnprintf.m4 b/wmweather+/m4/vsnprintf.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index a5de274..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/vsnprintf.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,149 +0,0 @@ -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_EXISTS -# -------------------- -# Checks if vsnprintf exists. x_cv_func_vsnprintf_exists is set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_EXISTS], -[AC_REQUIRE([AC_FUNC_VPRINTF]) -if test $ac_cv_func_vprintf != yes; then x_cv_func_vsnprintf_exists=no; else -AC_CHECK_FUNC(vsnprintf, [x_cv_func_vsnprintf_exists=yes], [x_cv_func_vsnprintf_exists=no]) -fi -])# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_EXISTS - -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE -# ------------------ -# Checks if vsnprintf honors its size argument. VSNPRINTF_IS_VSPRINTF is defined -# if not. x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size is set to yes or no. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_VSNPRINTF_EXISTS, so if that fails this will -# also fail (and define VSNPRINTF_IS_VSPRINTF). -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_EXISTS]) -if test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_exists != yes; then x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if vsnprintf honors the size argument], x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#include -#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap); -#endif -int doit(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...){ - va_list ap; - int r; - va_start(ap, format); - r=vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return r; -} -]], -[[char foo[]="ABC"; doit(foo, 2, "%d", 12); -exit((foo[0]=='1' && foo[1]=='\0' && foo[2]=='C')?0:1);]])], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size=yes], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size=no], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size != yes && AC_DEFINE(VSNPRINTF_IS_VSPRINTF, 1, [Define if vsnprintf ignores the size argument]) -])# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE - -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_RETVAL -# ------------------ -# Checks if vsnprintf returns the number of bytes that would have been written, -# as specified by C99. VSNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL is defined if not. -# x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval is set to yes or no. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE, so if that fails this will fail -# too and VSNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL will be set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_RETVAL], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE]) -if test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size != yes; then x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if vsnprintf return value is sane], x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#include -#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap); -#endif -int doit(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...){ - va_list ap; - int r; - va_start(ap, format); - r=vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return r; -} -]], -[[char foo[10]; exit((doit(foo, 1, "%d", 9876)==4)?0:1);]])], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval=yes], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval=no], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval != yes && AC_DEFINE(VSNPRINTF_BOGUS_RETVAL, 1, [Define if vsnprintf's return value isn't as specified by C99]) -])# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_RETVAL - -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK -# --------------------- -# Checks whether vsnprintf acceps a NULL string if size is zero. Sets -# x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok. If so, define VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK. -# -# Note that this depends on FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE, so if that fails this will -# fail too and VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK will not be set. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_SIZE]) -if test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_size != yes; then x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok=no; else -AC_CACHE_CHECK([if vsnprintf(NULL, 0, ...) works], x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok, -[AC_RUN_IFELSE( -[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( -[[#include -#if STDC_HEADERS || HAVE_STDIO_H -# include -#else -int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, va_list ap); -#endif -int doit(char *str, size_t size, const char *format, ...){ - va_list ap; - int r; - va_start(ap, format); - r=vsnprintf(str, size, format, ap); - va_end(ap); - return r; -} -]], -[int r=doit(NULL, 0, "%d", 100); exit((r==3 || r==-1)?0:1);])], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok=yes], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok=no], -[x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok=no])]) -fi -test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok = yes && AC_DEFINE(VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK, 1, [Define if vsnprintf(NULL, 0, ...) works properly]) -])# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK - -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF([ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) -# ------------- -# Checks various aspects of vsnprintf. In particular: -# * Does it exist? -# * Is the size honored? -# * Is the return value correct? -# * Is NULL with length 0 ok? -# If all the above pass, HAVE_WORKING_VSNPRINTF is defined and -# x_cv_func_vsnprintf_working is set to yes. Otherwise, it's set to no. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF], -[AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_RETVAL]) -AC_REQUIRE([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_NULL_OK]) -if test $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_retval = yes -a $x_cv_func_vsnprintf_null_ok = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_WORKING_VSNPRINTF, 1, [Define if vsnprintf works properly]) - x_cv_func_snprintf_working=yes - $1 -else - x_cv_func_snprintf_working=no - $2 -fi -])# FUNC_VSNPRINTF - -# FUNC_VSNPRINTF_LIBOBJ -# -------------------- -# If FUNC_VSNPRINTF fails, does AC_LIBOBJ. -AC_DEFUN([FUNC_VSNPRINTF_LIBOBJ], -[FUNC_VSNPRINTF(, [AC_LIBOBJ([vsnprintf]) -AC_DEFINE([vsnprintf], [rpl_vsnprintf], [Define to rpl_vsnprintf if the replacement function should be used.])])]) -])#FUNC_VSNPRINTF_LIBOBJ diff --git a/wmweather+/m4/xpm.m4 b/wmweather+/m4/xpm.m4 deleted file mode 100644 index c196dcf..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/m4/xpm.m4 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,190 +0,0 @@ -dnl AC_FIND_XPM -dnl --------------- -dnl -dnl Find Xpm libraries and headers. -dnl Put Xpm include directory in xpm_includes, -dnl put Xpm library directory in xpm_libraries, -dnl and add appropriate flags to X_CFLAGS and X_LIBS. -dnl -dnl -AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_XPM], -[ -AC_REQUIRE([AC_PATH_XTRA]) -xpm_includes= -xpm_libraries= -AC_ARG_WITH(xpm, -[ --without-xpm do not use the Xpm library]) -dnl Treat --without-xpm like -dnl --without-xpm-includes --without-xpm-libraries. -if test "$with_xpm" = "no" -then -xpm_includes=no -xpm_libraries=no -fi -AC_ARG_WITH(xpm-includes, -[ --with-xpm-includes=DIR Xpm include files are in DIR], -xpm_includes="$withval") -AC_ARG_WITH(xpm-libraries, -[ --with-xpm-libraries=DIR - Xpm libraries are in DIR], -xpm_libraries="$withval") -AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Xpm) -# -# -# Search the include files. Note that XPM can come in (as -# in X11R6) or in if installed locally. -# -if test "$xpm_includes" = ""; then -AC_CACHE_VAL(ice_cv_xpm_includes, -[ -ice_xpm_save_LIBS="$LIBS" -ice_xpm_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" -ice_xpm_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" -ice_xpm_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" -# -LIBS="$X_PRE_LIBS -lXpm -lXt -lX11 $X_EXTRA_LIBS $LIBS" -CFLAGS="$X_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" -CPPFLAGS="$X_CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS" -LDFLAGS="$X_LIBS $LDFLAGS" -# -AC_TRY_COMPILE([ -#include -],[int a;], -[ -# X11/xpm.h is in the standard search path. -ice_cv_xpm_includes= -], -[ -# X11/xpm.h is not in the standard search path. -# Locate it and put its directory in `xpm_includes' -# -# /usr/include/Motif* are used on HP-UX (Motif). -# /usr/include/X11* are used on HP-UX (X and Xaw). -# /usr/dt is used on Solaris (Motif). -# /usr/openwin is used on Solaris (X and Xaw). -# Other directories are just guesses. -for dir in "$x_includes" "${prefix}/include" /usr/include /usr/local/include \ - /usr/include/Motif2.0 /usr/include/Motif1.2 /usr/include/Motif1.1 \ - /usr/include/X11R6 /usr/include/X11R5 /usr/include/X11R4 \ - /usr/dt/include /usr/openwin/include \ - /usr/dt/*/include /opt/*/include /usr/include/Motif* \ - /usr/*/include/X11R6 /usr/*/include/X11R5 /usr/*/include/X11R4 \ - "${prefix}"/*/include /usr/*/include /usr/local/*/include \ - "${prefix}"/include/* /usr/include/* /usr/local/include/*; do -if test -f "$dir/X11/xpm.h" || test -f "$dir/xpm.h"; then -ice_cv_xpm_includes="$dir" -break -fi -done -if test "$ice_cv_xpm_includes" = "/usr/include"; then -ice_cv_xpm_includes= -fi -]) -# -LIBS="$ice_xpm_save_LIBS" -CFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_CFLAGS" -CPPFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_CPPFLAGS" -LDFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_LDFLAGS" -]) -xpm_includes="$ice_cv_xpm_includes" -fi -# -# -# Now for the libraries. -# -if test "$xpm_libraries" = ""; then -AC_CACHE_VAL(ice_cv_xpm_libraries, -[ -ice_xpm_save_LIBS="$LIBS" -ice_xpm_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" -ice_xpm_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" -ice_xpm_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" -# -LIBS="$X_PRE_LIBS -lXpm -lXt -lX11 $X_EXTRA_LIBS $LIBS" -CFLAGS="$X_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" -CPPFLAGS="$X_CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS" -LDFLAGS="$X_LIBS $LDFLAGS" -# -# -# We use XtToolkitInitialize() here since it takes no arguments -# and thus also works with a C++ compiler. -AC_TRY_LINK([ -#include -#include -],[XtToolkitInitialize();], -[ -# libxpm.a is in the standard search path. -ice_cv_xpm_libraries= -], -[ -# libXpm.a is not in the standard search path. -# Locate it and put its directory in `xpm_libraries' -# -# -# /usr/lib/Motif* are used on HP-UX (Motif). -# /usr/lib/X11* are used on HP-UX (X and Xpm). -# /usr/dt is used on Solaris (Motif). -# /usr/openwin is used on Solaris (X and Xpm). -# Other directories are just guesses. -for dir in "$x_libraries" "${prefix}/lib" /usr/lib /usr/local/lib \ - /usr/lib/Motif2.0 /usr/lib/Motif1.2 /usr/lib/Motif1.1 \ - /usr/lib/X11R6 /usr/lib/X11R5 /usr/lib/X11R4 /usr/lib/X11 \ - /usr/dt/lib /usr/openwin/lib \ - /usr/dt/*/lib /opt/*/lib /usr/lib/Motif* \ - /usr/*/lib/X11R6 /usr/*/lib/X11R5 /usr/*/lib/X11R4 /usr/*/lib/X11 \ - "${prefix}"/*/lib /usr/*/lib /usr/local/*/lib \ - "${prefix}"/lib/* /usr/lib/* /usr/local/lib/*; do -if test -d "$dir" && test "`ls $dir/libXpm.* 2> /dev/null`" != ""; then -ice_cv_xpm_libraries="$dir" -break -fi -done -]) -# -LIBS="$ice_xpm_save_LIBS" -CFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_CFLAGS" -CPPFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_CPPFLAGS" -LDFLAGS="$ice_xpm_save_LDFLAGS" -]) -# -xpm_libraries="$ice_cv_xpm_libraries" -fi -# -# Add Xpm definitions to X flags -# -if test "$xpm_includes" != "" && test "$xpm_includes" != "$x_includes" && test "$xpm_includes" != "no" -then -X_CFLAGS="-I$xpm_includes $X_CFLAGS" -fi -if test "$xpm_libraries" != "" && test "$xpm_libraries" != "$x_libraries" && test "$xpm_libraries" != "no" -then -case "$X_LIBS" in - *-R\ *) X_LIBS="-L$xpm_libraries -R $xpm_libraries $X_LIBS";; - *-R*) X_LIBS="-L$xpm_libraries -R$xpm_libraries $X_LIBS";; - *) X_LIBS="-L$xpm_libraries $X_LIBS";; -esac -fi -# -# -xpm_libraries_result="$xpm_libraries" -xpm_includes_result="$xpm_includes" - -if test "$xpm_libraries_result" != "no" && test "$xpm_includes_result" != "no" -then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XPM, 1, "Define if you have libxpm") - LINK_XPM="-lXpm" -else LINK_XPM="" -fi - -AC_SUBST(LINK_XPM) - -test "$xpm_libraries_result" = "" && - xpm_libraries_result="in default path" -test "$xpm_includes_result" = "" && - xpm_includes_result="in default path" -test "$xpm_libraries_result" = "no" && - xpm_libraries_result="(none)" -test "$xpm_includes_result" = "no" && - xpm_includes_result="(none)" -AC_MSG_RESULT( - [libraries $xpm_libraries_result, headers $xpm_includes_result]) -])dnl diff --git a/wmweather+/metar.c b/wmweather+/metar.c deleted file mode 100644 index f847132..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/metar.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,436 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "metar.h" -#include "warnings.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "sunzenith.h" -#include "moon.h" -#include "subst.h" - -/* Important variables */ -static time_t metar_time=0; - -static char *metar_newfile=NULL; -static char *metar_file=NULL; -static char *metar_req[2]={ NULL, NULL }; - -struct current_weather current; - -/* Regular Expressions */ -static pcre *station_time; -static pcre *wind; -static pcre *weather; -static pcre *vis[4]; -static pcre *temp; -static pcre *pressure; -static int ovecsize; - -/* prototypes */ -static int parse_metar(char *file); - -/* functions */ - -static void reset_current(struct current_weather *c){ - c->last_update=time(NULL); - c->month=0; - c->date=-1; - c->time=-1; - c->temp=999; - c->rh=-1; - c->winddir=-1; - c->windspeed=-1; - c->pressure=-1; - c->heatindex=999; - c->windchill=999; - c->sky=-1; - c->vis=7; - c->obs=0; - c->frz=0; - c->snow=0; - c->rain=0; - c->tstorm=0; - c->moon=NAN; -} - -#define compile(var, re) \ - var=pcre_compile(re, 0, (const char **)&e, &i, NULL); \ - if(var==NULL) die("init_metar PCRE error: %s at %i", e, i); \ - pcre_fullinfo(var, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &i); \ - if(i>ovecsize) ovecsize=i; - -void init_metar(void){ - int i; - char *e; - struct subst_val subs[]={ - { 's', STRING, &metar_station }, - { 0, 0, 0 } - }; - - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "%s.metar.txt", metar_station); - metar_file=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, "", metar_station); - metar_newfile=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); - - if((metar_req[0]=subst(metar_uri, subs))==NULL) die("init_metar"); - if(metar_post!=NULL && (metar_req[1]=subst(metar_post, subs))==NULL) die("init_metar"); - - metar_time=0; - - ovecsize=0; - - strncpy(bigbuf, metar_station, BIGBUF_LEN-25); - bigbuf[BIGBUF_LEN-25]='\0'; - strcat(bigbuf, " ((?:\\d\\d)?)(\\d\\d\\d\\d)Z( .* )"); - compile(station_time, bigbuf); - compile(wind, " (VRB|\\d\\d\\d)(\\d\\d\\d?)(?:G\\d\\d\\d?)?(KT|MPS|KMH)((?: \\d\\d\\dV\\d\\d\\d)?) "); - compile(weather, " ((?:-|\\+|VC)?)((?:MI|PR|BC|DR|BL|SH|TS|FZ)?)((?:DZ|RA|SN|SG|IC|PE|PL|GR|GS|UP){0,3})((?:BR|FG|FU|VA|DU|SA|HZ|PY)?)((?:PO|SQ|FC|SS|DS)?)\\b"); - compile(vis[0], " (\\d+)SM "); - compile(vis[1], " (\\d+)/(\\d+)SM "); - compile(vis[2], " (\\d+) (\\d+)/(\\d+)SM "); - compile(vis[3], " (\\d{4})[NS]?[EW]? "); - compile(temp, " (M?\\d\\d\\d?)/((?:M?\\d\\d\\d?)?) "); - compile(pressure, " ([AQ])(\\d\\d\\d\\d) "); - - ovecsize=(ovecsize+1)*3; - - /* Remove stale file */ - unlink(metar_file); - unlink(metar_newfile); - reset_current(¤t); - current.last_update = 0; // This was not a real "update", just an init -} -#undef compile - -static void metar_callback(char *filename, void *v){ - struct stat statbuf; - - if(stat(metar_newfile, &statbuf)>=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && parse_metar(metar_newfile)){ - rename(metar_newfile, metar_file); - } else { - unlink(metar_newfile); - if(!parse_metar(metar_file)) reset_current(¤t); - } - } - - update_warnings(v!=NULL); -} - -void metar_cleanup(void){ - unlink(metar_newfile); - unlink(metar_file); -} - -void update_metar(int force){ - time_t t; - - t=time(NULL)/60; - if(!force && metar_time>t) return; - - metar_time=t+15; - download_file(metar_newfile, metar_req[0], metar_req[1], force?DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS:0, metar_callback, force?"":NULL); -} - - -#define get_substr(n, c) \ - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, n, (const char **)&c)<0){ pcre_free_substring(s); return 0; } - -static int parse_metar(char *file){ - FILE *fp; - char *s, *c; - int ovector[ovecsize]; - int ovalue; - int len; - float f; - int i, j; - - reset_current(¤t); - if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return 0; - len=fread(bigbuf, sizeof(char), BIGBUF_LEN-2, fp); - fclose(fp); - if(len<1) return 0; - for(i=0; i0){ - get_substr(4, c); - if(c[0]!='\0'){ - current.winddir=0; - } else { - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(1, c); - if(c[0]=='V') current.winddir=0; - else current.winddir=((int)((atoi(c)+11.25)/22.5))%16+1; - } - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(2, c); - current.windspeed=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(3, c); - if(c[0]=='M'){ /* MPS */ - current.windspeed=mps2knots(current.windspeed); - } else if(c[0]=='K' && c[1]=='M'){ /* KMH */ - current.windspeed=kph2knots(current.windspeed); - } - } - - /* vis */ - f=99; - c=strstr(s, " M1/4SM "); - if(c!=NULL){ - f=0; - goto wind_done; - } - ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[2], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(2, c); - i=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(3, c); - j=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(1, c); - f=atoi(c)+(float)i/j; - pcre_free_substring(c); - goto wind_done; - } - ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[1], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(2, c); - i=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(1, c); - f=(float)atoi(c)/i; - pcre_free_substring(c); - goto wind_done; - } - ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[0], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(1, c); - f=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - goto wind_done; - } - c=strstr(s, " CAVOK "); - if(c!=NULL){ - f=99; -; - goto wind_done; - } - ovalue=pcre_exec(vis[3], NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(1, c); - f=m2mi(atoi(c)); - pcre_free_substring(c); - goto wind_done; - } -wind_done: - if(f<=6) current.vis=6; - if(f<=5) current.vis=5; - if(f<3) current.vis=4; - if(f<1) current.vis=3; - if(f<=.5) current.vis=2; - if(f<=.25) current.vis=1; - - /* temp, rh */ - ovalue=pcre_exec(temp, NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(1, c); - if(c[0]=='M') c[0]='-'; - current.temp=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(2, c); - if(c[0]!='\0'){ - if(c[0]=='M') c[0]='-'; - current.rh=rh_C(current.temp, atoi(c)); - } - pcre_free_substring(c); - } - - /* pressure */ - ovalue=pcre_exec(pressure, NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0){ - get_substr(2, c); - i=atoi(c); - pcre_free_substring(c); - get_substr(1, c); - if(c[0]=='Q'){ - current.pressure=hPa2inHg(i); - } else { - current.pressure=i/100.0; - } - pcre_free_substring(c); - } - - /* sky */ - if(strstr(s, " SKC")!=NULL || strstr(s, " CLR")!=NULL); - if(strstr(s, " FEW")!=NULL); - if(strstr(s, " SCT")!=NULL); - if(strstr(s, " BKN")!=NULL); - if(strstr(s, " OVC")!=NULL || strstr(s, " VV")!=NULL); - - /* obs, frz, snow, rain, tstorm */ - /* There can be multiple weather chunks, so we while loop */ - j=0; - while((ovalue=pcre_exec(weather, NULL, s, len, j, 0, ovector, ovecsize))>0){{ - char *in, *de, *pp, *ob, *ot; - - j=ovector[0]+1; - get_substr(0, c); - i=(c[1]=='\0'); - pcre_free_substring(c); - if(i) continue; - - - get_substr(1, in); - get_substr(2, de); - get_substr(3, pp); - get_substr(4, ob); - get_substr(5, ot); - -#define IN(haystack, needle) ((needle[0]=='\0')?0:strstr(haystack, needle)) - if(current.obs<1 && strcmp(de, "FZ") && IN("BR|FG", ob)) - current.obs=1; - if(current.obs<2 && IN("FU|VA|DU|SA|HZ|PY", ob)) - current.obs=2; - if(current.obs<3 && IN("PO|SS|DS", ot)) - current.obs=3; - if(current.obs<3 && IN("DR|BL", de) - && (strstr(pp, "SN") || IN("DU|SA|PY", ob))) - current.obs=3; - if(!strcmp(ot, "FC")){ -; - current.obs=99; - current.vis=7; - } -#undef IN - - i=66; - if(in[0]=='-' || in[0]=='V') i=33; - if(in[0]=='+') i=99; - if(!strcmp(de, "SH")) i=33; - if(current.frztm_mon+1; - if(tm->tm_mdaytm_year--; } - y=year=tm->tm_year; - mon=current.month; -; - time2=current.time; - current.time=utc2local((int)current.time, ¤t.month, ¤, &y, NULL); - - if(latitude!=999 && calcSolarZenith(latitude, longitude, year, mon, day, hm2min(time2))>90) - current.moon=calc_moon(current.month,, y, current.time); - } - return 1; -} - - -#undef get_substr diff --git a/wmweather+/metar.h b/wmweather+/metar.h deleted file mode 100644 index 6e360c6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/metar.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -struct current_weather { - time_t last_update; - int month; /* 0, 1 - 12 */ - int date; /* -1, 1 - 31 (GMT) */ - short time; /* -1, 0000 - 2359 */ - short temp; /* 999, -210 - 390 (degrees C) */ - signed char rh; /* -1, 0 - 100 (%) */ - short winddir; /* -1, 0 - 16 (direction) */ - short windspeed; /* -1, 0 - MAX (knots) */ - float pressure; /* -1, 0 - MAX (inHg) */ - short heatindex; /* 999, -99 - 199 (degrees F) */ - short windchill; /* 999, -99 - 199 (degrees F) */ - signed char sky; /* -1, 0-4 (condition) */ - signed char vis; /* 7, 1-7 (status code) */ - signed char obs; /* 0, 0-3 (type) */ - signed char frz; /* 0, 0, 33, 66, 99 (intensity) */ - signed char snow; /* 0, 0, 33, 66, 99 (intensity) */ - signed char rain; /* 0, 0, 33, 66, 99 (intensity) */ - signed char tstorm; /* 0, 0, 33, 66, 99 (intensity) */ - double moon; /* NAN, -1 - 1 (percent and wax/wane) */ -}; - -extern struct current_weather current; - -void init_metar(void); -void update_metar(int force); -void metar_cleanup(void); diff --git a/wmweather+/moon.c b/wmweather+/moon.c deleted file mode 100644 index f6a589b..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/moon.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,179 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -/* One-line algorithm from - * It's a bit rough, but it works well enough */ - -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "convert.h" - -#include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" - -static double fpart(double t){ - return t-trunc(t); -} - -double calc_moon(int month, int day, int year, int hm){ - time_t t=time(NULL); - struct tm *tm; - double p; - - tm=gmtime(&t); - tm->tm_hour=hm/100; - tm->tm_min=hm%100; - tm->tm_sec=0; - tm->tm_mon=month-1; - tm->tm_mday=day; - tm->tm_year=year; - t=mkgmtime(tm); - - /* This next line is the algorithm. */ - p=fpart(((t/86400.0-11323.0)*850.0+5130.5769)/25101.0); - if(p>.5) return -.5+cos(2*PI*p)/2; - return .5-cos(2*PI*p)/2; -} - - -#define darkside 0.19921875 -#define lightside (1-0.19921875) -#define maxwidth 17 -static int widths[]={ 7, 11, 13, 15, 15, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 15, 15, 13, 11, 7, -1 }; -extern int screen; -extern XpmIcon wmgen; -extern GC NormalGC; - -/* Duplicates quite a bit of code from combineWithOpacity for speed */ -void copySunMoon(int x, int y, double percent){ - XImage *pix; - unsigned int w, h, bar; - int foo; - Window baz; - int rmask, gmask, bmask; - unsigned long spixel; - int xx, terminator, oflag; - int flag; - double frac; - - if(isnan(percent)){ - copyPixmapArea(164, 64, 26, 25, x, y); - return; - } - - XGetGeometry(display, wmgen.pixmap, &baz, &foo, &foo, &w, &h, &bar, &bar); - pix=XGetImage(display, wmgen.pixmap, 0, 0, w, h, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); - - if (pix->depth == DefaultDepth(display, screen)) {{ - Visual *visual=DefaultVisual(display, screen); - rmask = visual->red_mask; - gmask = visual->green_mask; - bmask = visual->blue_mask; - }} else { - rmask = pix->red_mask; - gmask = pix->green_mask; - bmask = pix->blue_mask; - } - - x+=4; y+=4; - flag=(percent<0); - if(flag) percent=-percent; - for(h=0; widths[h]>0; h++){ - xx=(maxwidth-widths[h])>>1; - if(flag){ - oflag=1; - terminator=widths[h]*percent; - } else { - oflag=0; - terminator=widths[h]-widths[h]*percent; - } - frac=lightside*fpart(widths[h]*percent)+darkside; - for(w=0; wwidth, pix->height); - - XDestroyImage(pix); -} - -#if 0 -void copySunMoon(int x, int y, double percent){ - int w, h; - int xx; - int frac; - int flag; - - if(isnan(percent)){ - copyPixmapArea(164, 64, 26, 25, x, y); - return; - } - - combineWithOpacity(164, 89, 26, 25, x, y, 51); - x+=4; y+=4; - flag=(percent<0); - if(flag) percent=-percent; - for(h=0; h<=8; h++){ - w=widths[h]*percent; - frac=(widths[h]*percent-w)*100; - if(flag) xx=(17-widths[h])/2; - else xx=(17+widths[h])/2-w; - copyPixmapArea(141+xx, 93+h, w, 1, x+xx, y+h); - copyPixmapArea(141+xx, 109-h, w, 1, x+xx, y+16-h); - if(flag){ - combineWithOpacity(141+xx+w, 93+h, 1, 1, x+xx+w, y+h, frac); - combineWithOpacity(141+xx+w, 109-h, 1, 1, x+xx+w, y+16-h, frac); - } else { - combineWithOpacity(141+xx-1, 93+h, 1, 1, x+xx-1, y+h, frac); - combineWithOpacity(141+xx-1, 109-h, 1, 1, x+xx-1, y+16-h, frac); - } - } -} -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/moon.h b/wmweather+/moon.h deleted file mode 100644 index 5e40803..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/moon.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -double calc_moon(int month, int day, int year, int hm); -void copySunMoon(int x, int y, double percent); diff --git a/wmweather+/mrf.c b/wmweather+/mrf.c deleted file mode 100644 index 9b9d5d5..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/mrf.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,318 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "forecast.h" -#include "getLine.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "diff.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "subst.h" - -/* Important variables */ -#define MRF_MAX 7 -static time_t mrf_time=0; -static char *mrf_file=NULL; -static char *mrf_newfile=NULL; -static char *mrf_req[2]={ NULL, NULL }; -static struct forecast forecasts[MRF_MAX]; - - -/********* init functions ************/ -static int parse_mrf(char *file); - -static void reset_mrf(void){ - int i; - - for(i=0; i=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && diff(mrf_newfile, mrf_file) && parse_mrf(mrf_newfile)){ - mrf_time=find_next_time(mrf_newfile, "MOS GUIDANCE", 1440); - rename(mrf_newfile, mrf_file); - } else { - unlink(mrf_newfile); - if(!parse_mrf(mrf_file)) reset_mrf(); - } - } -} - -void mrf_cleanup(void){ - if(mrf_file==NULL) return; - unlink(mrf_newfile); - unlink(mrf_file); -} - -void update_mrf(int force){ - time_t t; - - if(mrf_file==NULL) return; - - t=time(NULL)/60; - if(!force && mrf_time>t) return; - - mrf_time=find_next_time(mrf_file, "MOS GUIDANCE", 15); - download_file(mrf_newfile, mrf_req[0], mrf_req[1], 0, mrf_callback, NULL); -} - - -#define NEXT(s) free(s); \ - len=getLine(&s, fp); \ - if(strstr(s, "")!=NULL) len=0; - -#define DIE() return (free(s), fclose(fp), 0) -#define INT(c) (tmp[0]=*c, tmp[1]=*(c+1), tmp[2]=*(c+2), tmp[3]=0, atoi(tmp)) - -static int parse_mrf(char *file){ - FILE *fp; - char *s, *c; - int len; - int mon, day; - int i, j, m, x, y; - int flag; - char tmp[4]={0, 0, 0, 0}; - - flag=0; - reset_mrf(); - if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return 0; - - /* Look for something like an MRF coded forecast */ - c=NULL; - while(!feof(fp)){ - len=getLine(&s, fp); - if((c=strstr(s, "MOS GUIDANCE"))!=NULL) break; - free(s); - } - if(c==NULL) return (fclose(fp), 0); - c=strchr(c, '/'); - if(c==NULL || !isdigit(*(c-1)) || !isdigit(*(c+1))) DIE(); - mon=atoi(c-2); - x=atoi(c+1); - if(mon<1 || mon>12 || x<1 || x>31) DIE(); - c=strchr(c+1, '/'); - if(c==NULL || !isdigit(*(c-1)) || !isdigit(*(c+1))) DIE(); - y=atoi(c+1)-1900; - - NEXT(s); - if(len<10) DIE(); - if(strncmp(s, "FHR", 3)) DIE(); - - NEXT(s); - if(len<10) DIE(); - for(i=0; i<7; i++){ - if(!strncmp(s, wdaynames[i], 3)) break; - } - if(i>=7) DIE(); - day=atoi(s+4); - if(x>25 && day<5) mon++; - if(x<5 && day>25) mon--; - for(m=0; m - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h" -#include "wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "radar.h" -#include "die.h" - -/* Important variables */ -static time_t radar_time=0; -static char *radar_file=NULL; -static char *radar_newfile=NULL; -static int cropx, cropy, cropw, croph; -static int crossx, crossy; -time_t radar_update_time; -Pixmap radar; -int do_radar_cross; - -extern XpmIcon wmgen; -extern GC NormalGC; -extern int screen; -extern int d_depth; - -/* prototypes */ -static int parse_radar(char *file); - - -/* functions */ - -static void reset_radar(Pixmap *r){ - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, *r, NormalGC, 124, 18, 52, 40, 0, 0); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, *r, NormalGC, 108, 89, 15, 14, 18, 13); -} - - -static void parse_cross(void){ - char *p1, *p2; - - if(radar_cross==NULL) return; - crossx=strtol(radar_cross, &p1, 10); - if(crossx<0 || crossx>=52 || p1==NULL || p1==radar_cross || *p1!='x'){ - radar_cross=NULL; - return; - } - crossy=strtol(++p1, &p2, 10); - if(crossy<0 || crossy>=40 || (p2!=NULL && *p2!='\0')){ - radar_cross=NULL; - return; - } -} - -static void parse_crop(void){ - char *p1, *p2; - - if(radar_crop==NULL) return; - cropx=strtol(radar_crop, &p1, 10); - if(p1==NULL || p1==radar_crop || *p1!='x'){ - radar_crop=NULL; - return; - } - cropy=strtol(++p1, &p2, 10); - if(p2==NULL || p2==p1 || *p2!='+'){ - radar_crop=NULL; - return; - } - cropw=strtol(p2, &p1, 10); - if(cropw<1 || p1==NULL || *p1!='+'){ - radar_crop=NULL; - return; - } - croph=strtol(p1, &p2, 10); - if(croph<1 || (p2!=NULL && *p2!='\0')){ - radar_crop=NULL; - return; - } -} - - -void init_radar(void){ - char *e; - - radar=XCreatePixmap(display, wmgen.pixmap, 52, 40, d_depth); - reset_radar(&radar); - - if(radar_uri==NULL) return; - - e=strrchr(radar_uri, '/'); - if(e==NULL) e=radar_uri; - else e++; - snprintf(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN-21, "%s.", e); - for(e=bigbuf; *e!='\0'; e++){ - if(!isalnum(*e) && *e!='.' && *e!='-' && *e!='+' && *e!='%' - && *e!='?' && *e!='=' && *e!='&') *e='_'; - } - strcpy(e, "radar-image"); - radar_file=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); - strcpy(e, "new-radar-image"); - radar_newfile=get_pid_filename(bigbuf); - - radar_update_time=radar_time==0; - - parse_crop(); - parse_cross(); - do_radar_cross=0; - - /* Delete stale files, if any */ - unlink(radar_file); - unlink(radar_newfile); -} - -static void radar_callback(char *filename, void *v){ - struct stat statbuf; - - if(stat(radar_newfile, &statbuf)>=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && parse_radar(radar_newfile)){ - rename(radar_newfile, radar_file); - } else { - unlink(radar_newfile); - if(!parse_radar(radar_file)) reset_radar(&radar); - } - } -} - -void radar_cleanup(void){ - if(radar_file==NULL) return; - unlink(radar_newfile); - unlink(radar_file); -} - -void update_radar(int force){ - time_t t; - - if(radar_file==NULL) return; - - t=time(NULL)/60; - if(!force && radar_time>t) return; - - radar_time=t+30; - download_file(radar_newfile, radar_uri, radar_post, force?DOWNLOAD_KILL_OTHER_REQUESTS:0, radar_callback, NULL); -} - -static RContext *rc=NULL; - -static int parse_radar(char *file){ - RImage *r, *n; - float w, h; - RColor col={ 0, 0, 0, 255}; - int x, y, ww, hh; - - errno=0; - radar_update_time=time(NULL); - reset_radar(&radar); - if(rc==NULL){ - rc=RCreateContext(display, screen, NULL); - if(rc==NULL){ - warn("parse_radar context creation: %s", RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); - return 0; - } - } - - r=RLoadImage(rc, file, 0); - if(!r) return 0; - - if(radar_crop!=NULL){ - x=cropx; y=cropy; - ww=cropw; hh=croph; - if(x<0) x+=r->width; - if(y<0) y+=r->height; - if(x<0){ ww+=x; x=0; } - if(y<0){ hh+=y; y=0; } - - if(x>=r->width || y>=r->width || ww<=0 || hh<=0){ - RReleaseImage(r); - warn("parse_radar radar_crop exceeds image dimensions"); - return 0; - } - - n=RGetSubImage(r, x, y, ww, hh); - RReleaseImage(r); - r=n; - if(!r){ - warn("parse_radar crop: %s", RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); - return 0; - } - } - - if(r->width>52 || r->height>40 || (r->width!=52 && r->height!=40)){ - w=r->width/52; - h=r->height/40; - if(w>h) h=w; - else w=h; - - n=RSmoothScaleImage(r, r->width/w, r->height/h); - RReleaseImage(r); - r=n; - if(!r){ - warn("parse_radar scale: %s", RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); - return 0; - } - } - - if(r->width!=52 || r->height!=40){ - n=RMakeCenteredImage(r, 52, 40, &col); - RReleaseImage(r); - r=n; - if(!r){ - warn("parse_radar center: %s", RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); - return 0; - } - } - - if(!RConvertImage(rc, r, &radar)){ - RReleaseImage(r); - warn("parse_radar convert: %s", RMessageForError(RErrorCode)); - return 0; - } - RReleaseImage(r); - return 1; -} - -void put_radar(int x, int y, int font){ - int i; - - XCopyArea(display, radar, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 0, 0, 52, 40, x, y); - if(font==0) i=0; - else i=1; - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 124, 60+i, 54, 1, x-1, y-1); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 124, 60+i, 54, 1, x-1, y+40); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 162+i, 64, 1, 40, x-1, y); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, 162+i, 64, 1, 40, x+52, y); - if(radar_cross && do_radar_cross){ - combineWithOpacity(124, 60+i, 52, 1, x, y+crossy, 128); - combineWithOpacity(162+i, 64, 1, 40, x+crossx, y, 128); - } -} diff --git a/wmweather+/radar.h b/wmweather+/radar.h deleted file mode 100644 index d826975..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/radar.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -#include - -extern time_t radar_update_time; -extern Pixmap radar; -extern int do_radar_cross; - -void init_radar(void); -void update_radar(int force); -void put_radar(int x, int y, int font); -void radar_cleanup(void); diff --git a/wmweather+/subst.c b/wmweather+/subst.c deleted file mode 100644 index 242b110..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/subst.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,188 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "die.h" -#include "subst.h" - -#define GROW(var, len){{ \ - void *c; \ - len<<=1; \ - if(len==0) len=1; \ - if((var=realloc(c=var, len))==NULL){ \ - out=c; \ - warn("realloc error"); \ - goto fail; \ - } \ -}} - -#define COPY(c) { \ - if(k>=formatlen) GROW(format, formatlen); \ - format[k++]=c; \ -} - -char *subst(const char *s, struct subst_val *substitutes){ - int i, j, k, n, m; - char *out=NULL; - size_t outlen=0; - char *format=NULL; - size_t formatlen=0; - int flags; - ssize_t str_start; - - for(i=j=0; s[i]!='\0'; i++){ - if(s[i]!='%'){ - if(j>=outlen) GROW(out, outlen); - out[j++]=s[i]; - continue; - } - if(s[i+1]=='%'){ - if(j>=outlen) GROW(out, outlen); - out[j++]=s[i++]; - continue; - } - - n=i; - k=0; - COPY('%'); - - /* skip flags */ - flags=0; - while(strchr("#0- +'!", s[++n])){ - if(s[n]=='!'){ - flags|=1; - } else { - COPY(s[n]); - } - } - - /* min width? */ - if(isdigit(s[n]) && s[n]!='0'){ - COPY(s[n]); - while(isdigit(s[++n])){ COPY(s[n]); } - } - - /* precision? */ - if(s[n]=='.'){ - COPY('.'); - while(isdigit(s[++n])){ COPY(s[n]); } - } - - str_start=0; - if(s[n]=='>'){ - if(s[n+1]=='-'){ - flags|=2; - n++; - } - while(isdigit(s[++n])){ - str_start=str_start*10+s[n]-'0'; - } - if(flags&2) str_start=-str_start; - } - - for(m=0; s[n]!=substitutes[m].id && substitutes[m].id!='\0'; m++); - if(substitutes[m].id=='\0'){ - warn("Unknown substitition character '%c' (at %d)\n", s[n], i); - goto fail; - } - - switch(substitutes[m].type){ - case HEX: - case FLOAT_E: - case FLOAT_F: - case FLOAT_G: - case FLOAT_A: - if(flags&1){ - COPY(toupper(substitutes[m].type)); - break; - } - /* fall through*/ - - default: - COPY(substitutes[m].type); - break; - } - COPY('\0'); - -#define PRINT(var) { while((k=j+snprintf(out+j, outlen-j, format, var))>=outlen) GROW(out, outlen); j=k; } - switch(substitutes[m].type){ - case INT: - PRINT(*(signed int *)substitutes[m].val); - break; - - case UINT: - case OCTAL: - case HEX: - PRINT(*(unsigned int *)substitutes[m].val); - break; - - case FLOAT_E: - case FLOAT_F: - case FLOAT_G: - case FLOAT_A: - PRINT(*(double *)substitutes[m].val); - break; - - case CHAR: - PRINT(*(char *)substitutes[m].val); - if(flags&1) out[j-1]=toupper(out[j-1]); - break; - - case STRING: - { - char *s=*(char **)substitutes[m].val; - if(str_start<0){ - str_start+=strlen(s); - if(str_start<0) str_start=0; - } else if(str_start>strlen(s)){ - s=""; - str_start=0; - } - s+=str_start; - i=j; - PRINT(s); - if(flags&1){ - for(; i=outlen) GROW(out, outlen); - out[j]='\0'; - return out; - -fail: - free(format); - free(out); - return NULL; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/subst.h b/wmweather+/subst.h deleted file mode 100644 index db77d4f..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/subst.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef SUBST_H -#define SUBST_H - -struct subst_val { - char id; /* if id=='X', %X will be substituted */ - enum { - INT ='i', /* val => signed int */ - UINT ='u', /* val => unsigned int */ - OCTAL ='o', /* val => unsigned int */ - HEX ='x', /* val => unsigned int */ - FLOAT_E ='e', /* val => double */ - FLOAT_F ='f', /* val => double */ - FLOAT_G ='g', /* val => double */ - FLOAT_A ='a', /* val => double */ - CHAR ='c', /* val => char */ - STRING ='s' /* val => char * */ - } type; - void *val; -}; - -char *subst(const char *s, struct subst_val *substitutes); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/sunzenith.c b/wmweather+/sunzenith.c deleted file mode 100644 index 61be2fe..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/sunzenith.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -/* Algorithms from */ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include "convert.h" - -/* Purpose: calculate the Geometric Mean Longitude of the Sun (degrees) */ -double calcGeomMeanLongSun(double t) { - double L0 = 280.46646 + t * (36000.76983 + 0.0003032 * t); - while(L0 > 360.0) { - L0 -= 360.0; - } - while(L0 < 0.0) { - L0 += 360.0; - } - return L0; -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the Geometric Mean Anomaly of the Sun (degrees) */ -double calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(double t) { - return 357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * t); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the eccentricity of earth's orbit */ -double calcEccentricityEarthOrbit(double t) { - return 0.016708634 - t * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * t); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the equation of center for the sun (degrees) */ -double calcSunEqOfCenter(double t) { - double m = deg2rad(calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t)); - - return sin(m) * (1.914602 - t * (0.004817 + 0.000014 * t)) + sin(m+m) * (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) + sin(m+m+m) * 0.000289; -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the true longitude of the sun (degrees) */ -double calcSunTrueLong(double t) { - return calcGeomMeanLongSun(t) + calcSunEqOfCenter(t); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the apparent longitude of the sun (degrees) */ -double calcSunApparentLong(double t) { - return calcSunTrueLong(t) - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * sin(deg2rad(125.04-1934.136*t)); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the mean obliquity of the ecliptic (degrees) */ -double calcMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(double t) { - return 23.0 + (26.0 + ((21.448 - t*(46.8150 + t*(0.00059 - t*(0.001813))))/60.0))/60.0; -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the corrected obliquity of the ecliptic (degrees) */ -double calcObliquityCorrection(double t) { - return calcMeanObliquityOfEcliptic(t) + 0.00256*cos(deg2rad(125.04-1934.136*t)); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the declination of the sun (degrees) */ -double calcSunDeclination(double t) { - return rad2deg(asin(sin(deg2rad(calcObliquityCorrection(t))) * - sin(deg2rad(calcSunApparentLong(t))))); -} - - -/* Purpose: calculate the difference between true solar time and mean - * solar time (minutes) - */ -double calcEquationOfTime(double t) { - double l0 = deg2rad(calcGeomMeanLongSun(t)); - double e = calcEccentricityEarthOrbit(t); - double m = deg2rad(calcGeomMeanAnomalySun(t)); - double y = tan(deg2rad(calcObliquityCorrection(t))/2.0); - double sinm = sin(m); - - y *= y; - - return rad2deg(y*sin(2.0*l0) - 2.0*e*sinm + 4.0*e*y*sinm*cos(2.0*l0) - - 0.5*y*y*sin(4.0*l0) - 1.25*e*e*sin(2.0*m))*4.0; -} - - -double calcSolarZenith(double latitude, double longitude, int year, int month, int day, int timeUTC){ - double T, trueSolarTime, hourAngle, solarDec, csz, zenith, exoatmElevation, te, refractionCorrection; - - T=jd2jcent(mdy2jd(year, month, day) + timeUTC/1440.0); - trueSolarTime = timeUTC + calcEquationOfTime(T) - 4.0 * longitude; - hourAngle = trueSolarTime / 4.0 - 180.0; - solarDec = calcSunDeclination(T); - csz = sin(deg2rad(latitude)) * sin(deg2rad(solarDec)) + - cos(deg2rad(latitude)) * cos(deg2rad(solarDec)) * - cos(deg2rad(hourAngle)); - zenith=rad2deg(acos(csz)); - exoatmElevation = 90.0 - zenith; - if (exoatmElevation > 85.0) { - refractionCorrection = 0.0; - } else { - te = tan(deg2rad(exoatmElevation)); - if (exoatmElevation > 5.0) { - refractionCorrection = 58.1/te - 0.07/(te*te*te) + - 0.000086/(te*te*te*te*te); - } else if (exoatmElevation > -0.575) { - refractionCorrection = 1735.0 + exoatmElevation*(-518.2 + exoatmElevation*(103.4 + exoatmElevation*(-12.79 + exoatmElevation*0.711))); - } else { - refractionCorrection = -20.774 / te; - } - refractionCorrection = refractionCorrection / 3600.0; - } - return zenith - refractionCorrection; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/sunzenith.h b/wmweather+/sunzenith.h deleted file mode 100644 index d5c7494..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/sunzenith.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -double calcSolarZenith(double latitude, double longitude, int year, int month, int day, int timeUTC); diff --git a/wmweather+/warnings.c b/wmweather+/warnings.c deleted file mode 100644 index f0b1451..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/warnings.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,306 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "getLine.h" -#include "diff.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "subst.h" - -/* Important variables */ -static char *warning_filename1=NULL; -static char *warning_endptr1=NULL; - -static char *filenames[]={ - "tornado", "flash_flood>warning", "flash_flood>watch", - "flash_flood>statement", "flood>warning", "flood>coastal", - "flood>statement", "severe_weather_stmt", "special_weather_stmt", - "thunderstorm", "special_marine", "urgent_weather_message", "non_precip", - "fire_weather", "lake_shore", NULL -}; -static char **reqs[sizeof(filenames)/sizeof(*filenames)-1][2]; - -unsigned long current_warnings; -static unsigned long *zone_current_warnings; - -/* Regular Expressions */ -static pcre *expires; -static int ovecsize; - -/* prototypes */ -static int check_warning(char *file); - - -/* functions */ - -#define compile(var, re) \ - var=pcre_compile(re, 0, (const char **)&e, &i, NULL); \ - if(var==NULL) die("init_warnings PCRE error: %s at %i", e, i); \ - pcre_fullinfo(var, NULL, PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT, &i); \ - if(i>ovecsize) ovecsize=i; - -void init_warnings(void){ - int i, j, z=0; - char *e; - struct subst_val subs[]={ - { 'z', STRING, NULL }, - { 'f', STRING, &bigbuf }, - { 0, 0, 0 } - }; - - /* Count zones, and find length of longest */ - for(i=0; warning_zones[i]!=NULL; i++){ - j=strlen(warning_zones[i]); - if(j>z) z=j; - } - - /* Allocate char ptrs for each filename for each zone */ - for(j=0; filenames[j]!=NULL; j++){ - reqs[j][0]=malloc(sizeof(char *)*i); - reqs[j][1]=malloc(sizeof(char *)*i); - if(reqs[j][0]==NULL || reqs[j][1]==NULL) die("init_warnings malloc"); - } - zone_current_warnings=calloc(i, sizeof(*zone_current_warnings)); - if(zone_current_warnings==NULL) die("init_warnings malloc"); - - /* Allocate filename base */ - e=get_pid_filename(""); - i=strlen(e); - warning_filename1=malloc(i+z+32); - if(warning_filename1==NULL) - die("init_warnings malloc"); - - strcpy(warning_filename1, e); - free(e); - warning_endptr1=warning_filename1+i; - - /* Setup misc vars */ - current_warnings=0; - ovecsize=0; - compile(expires, "Expires:(\\d+)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d);"); - ovecsize=(ovecsize+1)*3; - - /* Remove stale files, and allocate URIs */ - for(z=0; warning_zones[z]!=NULL; z++){ - subs[0].val=warning_zones+z; - for(i=0; filenames[i]!=NULL; i++){ - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "%s.%s.txt", warning_zones[z], filenames[i]); - unlink(warning_filename1); - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "", warning_zones[z], filenames[i]); - unlink(warning_filename1); - strncpy(bigbuf, filenames[i], BIGBUF_LEN); - bigbuf[BIGBUF_LEN-1]='\0'; - for(j=0; bigbuf[j]; j++){ - if(bigbuf[j]=='>') bigbuf[j]='/'; - } - if((reqs[i][0][z]=subst(warning_uri, subs))==NULL) die("init_warning"); - reqs[i][1][z]=NULL; - if(warning_post!=NULL && (reqs[i][1][z]=subst(warning_post, subs))==NULL) die("init_warning"); - } - } -} -#undef compile - -struct callback_data { - int zone; - int warning; -}; - -static void warning_callback(char *filename, void *v){ - struct stat statbuf; - struct callback_data *d=(struct callback_data *)v; - - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "%s.%s.txt", warning_zones[d->zone], filenames[d->warning]); - if(stat(filename, &statbuf)>=0){ - if(S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) && statbuf.st_size!=0 - && check_warning(filename) - && diff(filename, warning_filename1)){ - current_warnings|=1<warning; - zone_current_warnings[d->zone]|=1<warning; - rename(filename, warning_filename1); - } else { - unlink(filename); - } - } -} - -void warnings_cleanup(void){ - int i, z; - - if(warning_filename1==NULL) return; - for(z=0; warning_zones[z]!=NULL; z++){ - for(i=0; filenames[i]!=NULL; i++){ - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "%s.%s.txt", warning_zones[z], filenames[i]); - unlink(warning_filename1); - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "", warning_zones[z], filenames[i]); - unlink(warning_filename1); - } - } -} - -void update_warnings(int force){ -// time_t t; - struct stat statbuf; - int i, z; - struct callback_data *d; - - if(warning_filename1==NULL) return; -// t=time(NULL)/60; -// if(!force && warning_time>t) return; - -// warning_time=t+15; - - for(z=0; warning_zones[z]!=NULL; z++){ - for(i=0; filenames[i]!=NULL; i++){ - /* expire old wanrings */ - sprintf(warning_endptr1, "%s.%s.txt", warning_zones[z], filenames[i]); - if(stat(warning_filename1, &statbuf)>=0){ - if(!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) || statbuf.st_size==0 - || !check_warning(warning_filename1)){ - unlink(warning_filename1); - current_warnings&=~(1<zone=z; - d->warning=i; - download_file(warning_filename1, reqs[i][0][z], reqs[i][1][z], DOWNLOAD_NO_404, warning_callback, d); - } - } -} - - -#define get_substr(n, c) \ - if(pcre_get_substring(s, ovector, ovalue, n, (const char **)&c)<0){ free(s); return 0; } - -static int check_warning(char *file){ - FILE *fp; - char *s, *c; - int len; - int i; - time_t t; - struct tm *tm; - int ovector[ovecsize]; - int ovalue; - - if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL) return 0; - ovalue=-1; - while((len=getLine(&s, fp))>0){ - ovalue=pcre_exec(expires, NULL, s, len, 0, 0, ovector, ovecsize); - if(ovalue>0) break; - free(s); - } - fclose(fp); - if(ovalue<=0) return 0; - - t=time(NULL); - tm=gmtime(&t); - get_substr(1, c); i=atoi(c)-1900; pcre_free_substring(c); - if(tm->tm_yeartm_year>i){ free(s); return 0; } - get_substr(2, c); i=atoi(c)-1; pcre_free_substring(c); - if(tm->tm_montm_mon>i){ free(s); return 0; } - get_substr(3, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); - if(tm->tm_mdaytm_mday>i){ free(s); return 0; } - get_substr(4, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); - if(tm->tm_hourtm_hour>i){ free(s); return 0; } - get_substr(5, c); i=atoi(c); pcre_free_substring(c); - if(tm->tm_min<=i){ free(s); return 1; } - free(s); return 0; -} - -void output_warnings(int all){ - FILE *fp; - int i, z, len; - pid_t pid; - int pipefd[2]; - - if(!all && current_warnings==0) return; - - if(pipe(pipefd)) die("output_warnings pipe creation"); - - /* Fork to display the file */ - pid=fork(); - if(pid==-1){ - warn("output_warnings fork"); - return; - } - /* CHILD: Redirects stdin/stderr/stdout and execs the viewer */ - if(pid==0){ - close(pipefd[1]); - dup2(pipefd[0], STDIN_FILENO); - dup2(devnull, STDOUT_FILENO); - execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", viewer, NULL); - die("output_warnings exec"); - } - - /* PARENT writes warnings to the pipe and returns */ - close(pipefd[0]); - for(z=0; warning_zones[z]!=NULL; z++){ - if(!zone_current_warnings[z]) continue; - for(i=0; filenames[i]!=NULL; i++){ - if(!all && !(zone_current_warnings[z]&(1<256 colors - 11/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Removed a bug from parse_rcfile. You could - not use "start" in a command if a label was - also start. - * Changed the needed geometry string. - We don't use window size, and don't support - negative positions. - 03/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added parse_rcfile2 - 02/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added -geometry support (untested) - 28/08/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added createXBMfromXPM routine - * Saves a lot of work with changing xpm's. - 02/05/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * changed the read_rc_file to parse_rcfile, as suggested by Marcelo E. Magallon - * debugged the parse_rc file. - 30/04/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Ripped similar code from all the wm* programs, - and put them in a single file. - -*/ - -#include "mouse_regions.h" - - /*****************/ - /* Mouse Regions */ -/*****************/ - -typedef struct { - int enable; - int top; - int bottom; - int left; - int right; -} MOUSE_REGION; - -MOUSE_REGION mouse_region[MAX_MOUSE_REGION]; - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* AddMouseRegion *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void AddMouseRegion(int index, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { - - if (index < MAX_MOUSE_REGION) { - mouse_region[index].enable = 1; - mouse_region[index].top = top; - mouse_region[index].left = left; - mouse_region[index].bottom = bottom; - mouse_region[index].right = right; - } -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* CheckMouseRegion *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -int CheckMouseRegion(int x, int y) { - int i; - int found; - - found = 0; - - for (i=0; i= mouse_region[i].left && - y <= mouse_region[i].bottom && - y >= mouse_region[i].top) - found = 1; - } - if (!found) return -1; - return (i-1); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* EnableMouseRegion *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void EnableMouseRegion(int i) { - if(i256 colors - 11/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Removed a bug from parse_rcfile. You could - not use "start" in a command if a label was - also start. - * Changed the needed geometry string. - We don't use window size, and don't support - negative positions. - 03/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added parse_rcfile2 - 02/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added -geometry support (untested) - 28/08/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added createXBMfromXPM routine - * Saves a lot of work with changing xpm's. - 02/05/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * changed the read_rc_file to parse_rcfile, as suggested by Marcelo E. Magallon - * debugged the parse_rc file. - 30/04/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Ripped similar code from all the wm* programs, - and put them in a single file. - -*/ - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "rcfile.h" - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* parse_rcfile *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void parse_rcfile(const char *filename, rckeys *keys) { - - char *p,*q; - char temp[128]; - char *tokens = " :\t\n"; - FILE *fp; - int i,key; - - fp = fopen(filename, "r"); - if (fp) { - while (fgets(temp, 128, fp)) { - key = 0; - q = strdup(temp); - q = strtok(q, tokens); - while (key >= 0 && keys[key].label) { - if ((!strcmp(q, keys[key].label))) { - p = strstr(temp, keys[key].label); - p += strlen(keys[key].label); - p += strspn(p, tokens); - if ((i = strcspn(p, "#\n"))) p[i] = 0; - free(*keys[key].var); - *keys[key].var = strdup(p); - key = -1; - } else key++; - } - free(q); - } - fclose(fp); - } -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* parse_rcfile2 *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void parse_rcfile2(const char *filename, rckeys2 *keys) { - - char *p; - char temp[128]; - char *tokens = " :\t\n"; - FILE *fp; - int i,key; - char *family = NULL; - - fp = fopen(filename, "r"); - if (fp) { - while (fgets(temp, 128, fp)) { - key = 0; - while (key >= 0 && keys[key].label) { - if ((p = strstr(temp, keys[key].label))) { - p += strlen(keys[key].label); - p += strspn(p, tokens); - if ((i = strcspn(p, "#\n"))) p[i] = 0; - free(*keys[key].var); - *keys[key].var = strdup(p); - key = -1; - } else key++; - } - } - fclose(fp); - } - free(family); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.h b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.h deleted file mode 100644 index 59d98f6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/rcfile.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef RCFILE_H_INCLUDED -#define RCFILE_H_INCLUDED - - /************/ - /* Typedefs */ -/************/ - -typedef struct _rckeys rckeys; - -struct _rckeys { - const char *label; - char **var; -}; - -typedef struct _rckeys2 rckeys2; - -struct _rckeys2 { - const char *family; - const char *label; - char **var; -}; - - /***********************/ - /* Function Prototypes */ -/***********************/ - -void parse_rcfile(const char *, rckeys *); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.c b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7fb1be3..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,192 +0,0 @@ -#include "../config.h" - -/* - Best viewed with vim5, using ts=4 - - wmgeneral was taken from wmppp. - - It has a lot of routines which most of the wm* programs use. - - ------------------------------------------------------------ - - Author: Brad Jorsch, - - --- - CHANGES: - --- - 15/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * Pulled createXBMfromXPM into its own file, because it's the same in - both -gtk and -x11. - - 11/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * This is based on wmgeneral-x11.c (formerly wmgeneral.c), it - implements a subset of the interface using Gtk+ 2.0 - -*/ - -#include - -#include -#include - -#include "wmgeneral-gtk.h" - - /******************/ - /* Gtk+ Variables */ -/******************/ - -static GtkWidget *dockwin, *iconwin; -static GdkPixmap *pixmap, *mask; -static GdkGC *pixmap_gc, *mask_gc; -static void (*click_func)(GdkEventButton *ev); - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* RedrawWindow *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void RedrawWindow(void) { - gdk_draw_drawable(dockwin->window, pixmap_gc, pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64); - gdk_draw_drawable(iconwin->window, pixmap_gc, pixmap, 0, 0, 0, 0, 64, 64); -} - -static gint redraw_dock(gpointer d){ - RedrawWindow(); - return 0; -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* RedrawWindowXY *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void RedrawWindowXY(int x, int y) { - gdk_draw_drawable(dockwin->window, pixmap_gc, pixmap, x, y, 0, 0, 64, 64); - gdk_draw_drawable(iconwin->window, pixmap_gc, pixmap, x, y, 0, 0, 64, 64); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* copyXPMArea *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void copyPixmapArea(int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy){ - gdk_draw_drawable(pixmap, pixmap_gc, pixmap, sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* copyXBMArea *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void copyMaskArea(int sx, int sy, int w, int h, int dx, int dy){ - gdk_draw_drawable(mask, mask_gc, mask, sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h); -} - - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* setMaskXY *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void setMaskXY(int x, int y) { - gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask(dockwin, mask, x, y); - gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask(iconwin, mask, x, y); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* setClickCallback *| -\******************************************************************************/ -void setClickCallback(void (*func)(GdkEventButton *ev)){ - click_func=func; -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* openXwindow *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -static GdkWindow *get_gdk_leader(GdkWindow *win){ - GdkAtom atom, type; - gint len; - guchar *data; - GdkWindow *leader=NULL; - - atom=gdk_atom_intern("WM_CLIENT_LEADER", TRUE); - type=gdk_atom_intern("WINDOW", TRUE); - if(atom==GDK_NONE || type==GDK_NONE) return NULL; - if(!gdk_property_get(win, atom, type, 0, 4, FALSE, NULL, NULL, &len, &data)) return NULL; if(len==4) leader=gdk_window_foreign_new(*(GdkNativeWindow *)data); - g_free(data); - return leader; -} - -static GdkFilterReturn button_filter(XEvent *x, GdkEvent *ev, gpointer data){ - /* Bleh, Gdk insists on trying to translate buttons 4-7 into Scroll events. - * Which would be ok, except for the part where it just _throws_ _away_ the - * releases! Damnit... So, we cheat and change any buttons >3 into - * button+4, and change it back in the click handler. */ - if((x->type==ButtonPress || x->type==ButtonRelease) && x->xbutton.button>3){ - x->xbutton.button+=4; - } - return GDK_FILTER_CONTINUE; -} - -static void dock_click(GtkWidget *w, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer d){ - if(ev->button>7) ev->button-=4; - if(click_func!=NULL) click_func(ev); -} - -#define die(args...) { fprintf(stderr, args); exit(1); } - -void openDockWindow(int argc, char *argv[], char *pixmap_bytes[], char *pixmask_bits, int pixmask_width, int pixmask_height){ - GdkColormap *cmap; - GdkColor white, black; - GdkWindow *leader; - XWMHints hints; - - click_func=NULL; - if((dockwin=gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL))==NULL) die("Couldn't create window"); - if((iconwin=gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL))==NULL) die("Couldn't create window"); - gtk_widget_set_size_request(dockwin, 64, 64); - gtk_widget_set_size_request(iconwin, 64, 64); - gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(dockwin, TRUE); - gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(iconwin, TRUE); - gtk_widget_add_events(dockwin, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK); - gtk_widget_add_events(iconwin, GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK | GDK_SCROLL_MASK); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dockwin), "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(redraw_dock), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(iconwin), "expose-event", G_CALLBACK(redraw_dock), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dockwin), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(dock_click), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(iconwin), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(dock_click), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dockwin), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(dock_click), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(iconwin), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(dock_click), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dockwin), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(exit), NULL); - g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(iconwin), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(exit), NULL); - gtk_widget_realize(dockwin); - gtk_widget_realize(iconwin); - gdk_window_add_filter(dockwin->window, (GdkFilterFunc)button_filter, NULL); - gdk_window_add_filter(iconwin->window, (GdkFilterFunc)button_filter, NULL); - if((leader=get_gdk_leader(dockwin->window))==NULL) die("Couldn't obtain Gdk leader window"); - gdk_window_set_icon(leader, iconwin->window, NULL, NULL); - gdk_window_reparent(iconwin->window, leader, 0, 0); - gdk_window_unref(leader); - - hints.initial_state = WithdrawnState; - hints.flags = StateHint; - XSetWMHints(GDK_DISPLAY(), GDK_WINDOW_XWINDOW(dockwin->window), &hints); - - cmap=gdk_colormap_get_system(); -; -; -; -; -; -; - gdk_color_alloc(cmap, &white); - gdk_color_alloc(cmap, &black); - mask=gdk_pixmap_create_from_data(NULL, pixmask_bits, pixmask_width, pixmask_height, 1, &white, &black); - pixmap=gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d(NULL, cmap, NULL, NULL, pixmap_bytes); - - pixmap_gc=gdk_gc_new(iconwin->window); - mask_gc=gdk_gc_new(mask); - - setMaskXY(0, 0); - RedrawWindow(); - - gtk_widget_show(iconwin); - gtk_widget_show(dockwin); - gdk_window_withdraw(dockwin->window); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.h b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.h deleted file mode 100644 index 99c0ea8..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-gtk.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef WMGENERAL_GTK_H_INCLUDED -#define WMGENERAL_GTK_H_INCLUDED - -#include - - /***********************/ - /* Function Prototypes */ -/***********************/ - -void openDockWindow(int argc, char *argv[], char **, char *, int, int); -void RedrawWindow(void); -void RedrawWindowXY(int x, int y); -void setClickCallback(void (*func)(GdkEventButton *ev)); - -void createXBMfromXPM(char *, char **, int, int); -void copyPixmapArea(int, int, int, int, int, int); -void copyMaskArea(int, int, int, int, int, int); -void setMaskXY(int, int); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.c b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.c deleted file mode 100644 index 7d60af6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,343 +0,0 @@ -#include "../config.h" - -/* - Best viewed with vim5, using ts=4 - - wmgeneral was taken from wmppp. - - It has a lot of routines which most of the wm* programs use. - - ------------------------------------------------------------ - - Author: Martijn Pieterse ( - - --- - CHANGES: - --- - 15/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * Pulled createXBMfromXPM into its own file, because it's the same in - both -gtk and -x11. - - 11/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * Removed the rc-file and mouse region stuff to their own files. - * Renamed this file to "wmgeneral-x11.c" - * Renamed a few of the functions - - 28/08/2001 (Brad Jorsch, - * Added EnableMouseRegion and DisableMouseRegion - * Got annoyed with the 81-character lines. Fixed it. If you don't like - it, find a different copy of wmgeneral.c ;) - * GraphicsExpose events are enabled here. - * GetXPM is exported. It optionally takes an XpmColorSymbol array. - * GetColor is exported. - - 30/09/2000 (Brad Jorsch, - * You know, wmgen.mask sounds like a much nicer place to store the - mask... why don't we do that? - - 21/09/1999 (Brad Jorsch, - * Changed openXwindow to use only the filename, sans path, - as the name and class properties of the app. - - 14/09/1998 (Dave Clark, - * Updated createXBMfromXPM routine - * Now supports >256 colors - 11/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Removed a bug from parse_rcfile. You could - not use "start" in a command if a label was - also start. - * Changed the needed geometry string. - We don't use window size, and don't support - negative positions. - 03/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added parse_rcfile2 - 02/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added -geometry support (untested) - 28/08/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added createXBMfromXPM routine - * Saves a lot of work with changing xpm's. - 02/05/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * changed the read_rc_file to parse_rcfile, as suggested by Marcelo E. Magallon - * debugged the parse_rc file. - 30/04/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Ripped similar code from all the wm* programs, - and put them in a single file. - -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmgeneral-x11.h" - - /*****************/ - /* X11 Variables */ -/*****************/ - -Window Root; -int screen; -int x_fd; -int d_depth; -XSizeHints mysizehints; -XWMHints mywmhints; -Pixel back_pix, fore_pix; -char *Geometry = ""; -Window iconwin, win; -GC NormalGC; -GC RedrawGC; -XpmIcon wmgen; - - /***********************/ - /* Function Prototypes */ -/***********************/ - -void RedrawWindow(void); - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* GetXPM *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void GetXPM(XpmIcon *wmgen, char *pixmap_bytes[]) { - - XWindowAttributes attributes; - int err; - - /* For the colormap */ - XGetWindowAttributes(display, Root, &attributes); - - wmgen->attributes.valuemask |= (XpmReturnPixels | XpmReturnExtensions); - err = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(display, Root, pixmap_bytes, &(wmgen->pixmap), - &(wmgen->mask), &(wmgen->attributes)); - - if (err != XpmSuccess) { - fprintf(stderr, "Not enough free colorcells.\n"); - exit(1); - } -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* GetColor *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -Pixel GetColor(char *name) { - - XColor color; - XWindowAttributes attributes; - - XGetWindowAttributes(display, Root, &attributes); - - color.pixel = 0; - if (!XParseColor(display, attributes.colormap, name, &color)) { - fprintf(stderr, " can't parse %s.\n", name); - } else if (!XAllocColor(display, attributes.colormap, &color)) { - fprintf(stderr, " can't allocate %s.\n", name); - } - return color.pixel; -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* flush_expose *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -static int flush_expose(Window w) { - - XEvent dummy; - int i=0; - - while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(display, w, Expose, &dummy)) - i++; - - return i; -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* RedrawWindow *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void RedrawWindow(void) { - - flush_expose(iconwin); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, iconwin, RedrawGC, - 0,0, wmgen.attributes.width, wmgen.attributes.height, 0,0); - flush_expose(win); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, win, RedrawGC, - 0,0, wmgen.attributes.width, wmgen.attributes.height, 0,0); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* RedrawWindowXY *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void RedrawWindowXY(int x, int y) { - - flush_expose(iconwin); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, iconwin, RedrawGC, - x,y, wmgen.attributes.width, wmgen.attributes.height, 0,0); - flush_expose(win); - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, win, RedrawGC, - x,y, wmgen.attributes.width, wmgen.attributes.height, 0,0); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* copyXPMArea *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void copyPixmapArea(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy) { - - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.pixmap, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, x, y, sx, sy, dx, dy); - -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* copyXBMArea *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void copyMaskArea(int x, int y, int sx, int sy, int dx, int dy) { - - XCopyArea(display, wmgen.mask, wmgen.pixmap, NormalGC, x, y, sx, sy, dx, dy); -} - - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* setMaskXY *| -\******************************************************************************/ - -void setMaskXY(int x, int y) { - - XShapeCombineMask(display, win, ShapeBounding, x, y, wmgen.mask, ShapeSet); - XShapeCombineMask(display, iconwin, ShapeBounding, x, y, wmgen.mask, ShapeSet); -} - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* openXwindow *| -\******************************************************************************/ -void openDockWindow(int argc, char *argv[], char *pixmap_bytes[], char *pixmask_bits, int pixmask_width, int pixmask_height) { - - unsigned int borderwidth = 1; - XClassHint classHint; - char *display_name = NULL; - char *wname; - XTextProperty name; - - XGCValues gcv; - unsigned long gcm; - - char *geometry = NULL; - - int dummy=0; - int i, wx, wy; - - wname=strrchr(argv[0], '/'); - if(wname==NULL) wname=argv[0]; - else wname++; - - for (i=1; argv[i]; i++) { - if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-display")) { - display_name = argv[i+1]; - i++; - } - if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-geometry")) { - geometry = argv[i+1]; - i++; - } - } - - if (!(display = XOpenDisplay(display_name))) { - fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open display %s\n", - wname, XDisplayName(display_name)); - exit(1); - } - screen = DefaultScreen(display); - Root = RootWindow(display, screen); - d_depth = DefaultDepth(display, screen); - x_fd = XConnectionNumber(display); - - /* Convert XPM to XImage */ - GetXPM(&wmgen, pixmap_bytes); - - /* Create a window to hold the stuff */ - mysizehints.flags = USSize | USPosition; - mysizehints.x = 0; - mysizehints.y = 0; - - back_pix = GetColor("white"); - fore_pix = GetColor("black"); - - XWMGeometry(display, screen, Geometry, NULL, borderwidth, &mysizehints, - &mysizehints.x, &mysizehints.y,&mysizehints.width,&mysizehints.height, &dummy); - - mysizehints.width = 64; - mysizehints.height = 64; - - win = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, Root, mysizehints.x, mysizehints.y, - mysizehints.width, mysizehints.height, borderwidth, fore_pix, back_pix); - - iconwin = XCreateSimpleWindow(display, win, mysizehints.x, mysizehints.y, - mysizehints.width, mysizehints.height, borderwidth, fore_pix, back_pix); - - /* Activate hints */ - XSetWMNormalHints(display, win, &mysizehints); - classHint.res_name = wname; - classHint.res_class = wname; - XSetClassHint(display, win, &classHint); - - XSelectInput(display, win, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask); - XSelectInput(display, iconwin, ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask | StructureNotifyMask); - - if (XStringListToTextProperty(&wname, 1, &name) == 0) { - fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't allocate window name\n", wname); - exit(1); - } - - XSetWMName(display, win, &name); - - /* Create GC for drawing */ - - gcm = GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures; - gcv.foreground = fore_pix; - gcv.background = back_pix; - gcv.graphics_exposures = True; - NormalGC = XCreateGC(display, Root, gcm, &gcv); - gcv.graphics_exposures = False; - RedrawGC = XCreateGC(display, Root, gcm, &gcv); - - /* ONLYSHAPE ON */ - - if(pixmask_bits!=NULL){ - XFreePixmap(display, wmgen.mask); - wmgen.mask = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, win, pixmask_bits, pixmask_width, pixmask_height); - } - - XShapeCombineMask(display, win, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, wmgen.mask, ShapeSet); - XShapeCombineMask(display, iconwin, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, wmgen.mask, ShapeSet); - - /* ONLYSHAPE OFF */ - - mywmhints.initial_state = WithdrawnState; - mywmhints.icon_window = iconwin; - mywmhints.icon_x = mysizehints.x; - mywmhints.icon_y = mysizehints.y; - mywmhints.window_group = win; - mywmhints.flags = StateHint | IconWindowHint | IconPositionHint | WindowGroupHint; - - XSetWMHints(display, win, &mywmhints); - - XSetCommand(display, win, argv, argc); - XMapWindow(display, win); - - if (geometry) { - if (sscanf(geometry, "+%d+%d", &wx, &wy) != 2) { - fprintf(stderr, "Bad geometry string.\n"); - exit(1); - } - XMoveWindow(display, win, wx, wy); - } -} diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1b51639..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral-x11.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -#ifndef WMGENERAL_X11_H_INCLUDED -#define WMGENERAL_X11_H_INCLUDED - -#include - - /************/ - /* Typedefs */ -/************/ - -typedef struct { - Pixmap pixmap; - Pixmap mask; - XpmAttributes attributes; -} XpmIcon; - - /*******************/ - /* Global variable */ -/*******************/ - -Display *display; - - /***********************/ - /* Function Prototypes */ -/***********************/ - -void openDockWindow(int argc, char *argv[], char **, char *, int, int); -void RedrawWindow(void); -void RedrawWindowXY(int x, int y); - -Pixel GetColor(char *); -void GetXPM(XpmIcon *, char **); -void createXBMfromXPM(char *, char **, int, int); -void copyPixmapArea(int, int, int, int, int, int); -void copyMaskArea(int, int, int, int, int, int); -void setMaskXY(int, int); - -#endif diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral.c b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral.c deleted file mode 100644 index 808ae0d..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/wmgeneral.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,124 +0,0 @@ -#include "../config.h" - -/* - Best viewed with vim5, using ts=4 - - wmgeneral was taken from wmppp. - - It has a lot of routines which most of the wm* programs use. - - ------------------------------------------------------------ - - Author: Martijn Pieterse ( - - --- - CHANGES: - --- - 15/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * Updated createXBMfromXPM to handle the case where the XBM is to be - wider than the XPM, or the XBM width is not a multiple of 8. - * Pulled createXBMfromXPM into its own file, because it's the same in - both -gtk and -x11. - - 11/08/2002 (Brad Jorsch, - * Removed the rc-file and mouse region stuff to their own files. - * Renamed this file to "wmgeneral-x11.c" - * Renamed a few of the functions - - 28/08/2001 (Brad Jorsch, - * Added EnableMouseRegion and DisableMouseRegion - * Got annoyed with the 81-character lines. Fixed it. If you don't like - it, find a different copy of wmgeneral.c ;) - * GraphicsExpose events are enabled here. - * GetXPM is exported. It optionally takes an XpmColorSymbol array. - * GetColor is exported. - - 30/09/2000 (Brad Jorsch, - * You know, wmgen.mask sounds like a much nicer place to store the - mask... why don't we do that? - - 21/09/1999 (Brad Jorsch, - * Changed openXwindow to use only the filename, sans path, - as the name and class properties of the app. - - 14/09/1998 (Dave Clark, - * Updated createXBMfromXPM routine - * Now supports >256 colors - 11/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Removed a bug from parse_rcfile. You could - not use "start" in a command if a label was - also start. - * Changed the needed geometry string. - We don't use window size, and don't support - negative positions. - 03/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added parse_rcfile2 - 02/09/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added -geometry support (untested) - 28/08/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Added createXBMfromXPM routine - * Saves a lot of work with changing xpm's. - 02/05/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * changed the read_rc_file to parse_rcfile, as suggested by Marcelo E. Magallon - * debugged the parse_rc file. - 30/04/1998 (Martijn Pieterse, - * Ripped similar code from all the wm* programs, - and put them in a single file. - -*/ - -#include - -/******************************************************************************\ -|* createXBMfromXPM *| -\******************************************************************************/ -void createXBMfromXPM(char *xbm, char **xpm, int sx, int sy) { - - int i,j,k; - int width, height, numcol, depth; - int zero=0; - unsigned char bwrite; - int bcount; - int curpixel; - - while(sx&7){ sx++; } - - sscanf(*xpm, "%d %d %d %d", &width, &height, &numcol, &depth); - width*=depth; - - for (k=0; k!=depth; k++) - { - zero <<=8; - zero |= xpm[1][k]; - } - - for (i=numcol+1; i < numcol+sy+1; i++) { - bcount = 0; - bwrite = 0; - for (j=0; j>= 1; - - if(j -#include - -#include "wmgeneral-x11.h" - -extern int screen; -extern XpmIcon wmgen; -extern GC NormalGC; - -static int get_shift(unsigned mask){ - int i=0; - - while(!mask&1){ - mask>>=1; - i++; - } - return i; -} - -void combineWithTrans(int sx, int sy, unsigned w, unsigned h, int dx, int dy){ - XImage *pix, *mask; - unsigned int ww, hh, bar; - int foo; - Window baz; - unsigned x, y; - - XGetGeometry(display, wmgen.pixmap, &baz, &foo, &foo, &ww, &hh, &bar, &bar); - pix=XGetImage(display, wmgen.pixmap, 0, 0, ww, hh, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); - XGetGeometry(display, wmgen.mask, &baz, &foo, &foo, &ww, &hh, &bar, &bar); - mask=XGetImage(display, wmgen.mask, 0, 0, ww, hh, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); - - for(y=0; ywidth, pix->height); - - XDestroyImage(pix); - XDestroyImage(mask); -} - -void combineWithOpacity(int sx, int sy, unsigned w, unsigned h, int dx, int dy, int o){ - XImage *pix, *mask; - unsigned int ww, hh, bar; - int foo; - Window baz; - int rmask, gmask, bmask; - int rshift, gshift, bshift; - unsigned long spixel, dpixel; - unsigned x, y; - int c_o; - - if(o==0) return; - if(o==256){ - combineWithTrans(sx, sy, w, h, dx, dy); - return; - } - - XGetGeometry(display, wmgen.pixmap, &baz, &foo, &foo, &ww, &hh, &bar, &bar); - pix=XGetImage(display, wmgen.pixmap, 0, 0, ww, hh, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); - XGetGeometry(display, wmgen.mask, &baz, &foo, &foo, &ww, &hh, &bar, &bar); - mask=XGetImage(display, wmgen.mask, 0, 0, ww, hh, AllPlanes, ZPixmap); - - if (pix->depth == DefaultDepth(display, screen)) {{ - Visual *visual=DefaultVisual(display, screen); - rmask = visual->red_mask; - gmask = visual->green_mask; - bmask = visual->blue_mask; - }} else { - rmask = pix->red_mask; - gmask = pix->green_mask; - bmask = pix->blue_mask; - } - - c_o=256-o; - rshift=get_shift(rmask); - gshift=get_shift(gmask); - bshift=get_shift(bmask); -/* NOTE: >>s then <>s)*o+((dpixel&m)>>s)*c_o)>>8)<width, pix->height); - - XDestroyImage(pix); - XDestroyImage(mask); -} diff --git a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h b/wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h deleted file mode 100644 index 1d44646..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmgeneral/xpm_trans.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -/* Like copyXPMArea, but only copies non-masked pixels */ -void combineWithTrans(int sx, int sy, unsigned w, unsigned h, int dx, int dy); - -/* Like combineWithTrans, except it combines pixels by this formula: - * new = (src * o + dest * (256 - o)) / 256 - */ -void combineWithOpacity(int sx, int sy, unsigned w, unsigned h, int dx, int dy, int o); diff --git a/wmweather+/ b/wmweather+/ deleted file mode 100644 index 985c218..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,418 +0,0 @@ Sh -.if t .Sp 5 -.PP -\fB\\$1\fR -.PP -.. -.TH wmweather+ 1x "@DATE@" -.SH NAME -wmweather+ \- A dock app for displaying weather information -.P -.SH SYNOPSIS -.B wmweather+ -.RB [\| options \|] -.SH DESCRIPTION -\fBwmweather+\fP downloads current conditions, forecast data, and optionally a -radar image. It will also watch for various warnings and display them using an -external command. -.SH OPTIONS -Note that later options override earlier ones, and command line options -override configuration file options. All multi-character options may be -specified with one or two leading dashes. The configuration file is simply one -option (with value if necessary) per line, leading dashes optional. Empty lines -and lines beginning with the '#' character are ignored. -.SS General Options -.TP -.BI "-display " -Name of display to use. -.TP -.BI "-c " -Specify a configuration file instead of the default. This option is ignored in -the configuration file. -.TP -.BI "-display-mode " -Specify the starting display mode. Valid values are "cur"/"current", -"fcst"/"forecast", and "map"/"radar". -.TP -.BI "-location " -Specify a latitude and longitude, for example "41'59'00N 87'55'00W" or -"N41.9833333333333 W87.9166666666667". You may use either the decimal or DMS -notation, with either a prefixed sign or a prefixed or suffixed N/S/E/W. If -this option isn't given, the program will assume you live on the equator and -guess your longitude based on your system timezone offset. -.TP -.BR "-e\fR,\fP\ -email "
-Specify the anonymous FTP password. -.TP -.BR -v ", " -version -Display version number and exit. -.TP -.BI "-viewer " -External program for viewing weather warnings. This command must take the text -to display from standard input. It will be executed as '/bin/sh -c -\fI\fP' with stdout redirected to /dev/null. If not specified, it will -default to "xless". -.TP -.BR -animate ", " -noanimate -Turn animation on or off. Animation may still be toggled with the middle mouse -button as described below. The default is on. -.SS Station Options -.TP -.BI "-s\fR,\fP\ -station " -Station ID for all stations. Equivalent to -.RI "'-metar-station " " -avn-station " -.RI " -eta-station " " -mrf-station " '. -.TP -.BI "-metar-station " -Station ID for METAR observations. See \fBCurrent Conditions\fP for more -information. A value must be provided. -.TP -.BI "-avn-station " -Station ID for AVN forecasts. See \fBForecasts\fP for more information. -.TP -.BI "-eta-station " -Station ID for ETA forecasts. See \fBForecasts\fP for more information. -.TP -.BI "-mrf-station " -Station ID for MRF forecasts. See \fBForecasts\fP for more information. -.TP -.BI "-warning-zone " -Zone ID for weather warnings. See \fBWarnings\fP for more information. This -option may be repeated for multiple zones. -.TP -.BI "-forget-warning-zones" -Cause wmweather+ to forget all warning zones found to this point. Useful for -user configuration files to override the warning zones specified in the -system-wide configuration. -.P -.BI "-metar-uri " -.BI "-avn-uri " -.BI "-eta-uri " -.BI "-mrf-uri " -.BI "-warning-uri " -.RS -URI to download the specified data from. See \fBURIs\fP for more information. -.RE -.P -.BI "-metar-post " -.BI "-avn-post " -.BI "-eta-post " -.BI "-mrf-post " -.BI "-warning-post " -.RS -Post data for downloading the specified data. See \fBURIs\fP for more -information. Note that the post option must follow the corresponding URI -option. Note that the post data will \fInot\fP be URL-encoded for you. -.RE -.TP -.B -noradar -Do not display a radar image. This is the default. -.P -.BI "-radar-uri " -.BI "-radar-post " -.RS -Retrieve an image from the specified URI. See \fBRadar Map\fP for more -information. -.RE -.TP -.BI "-radar-crop " -How to crop the radar image. -.IR X x Y + W + H -format. See \fBRadar Map\fP for more information. -.TP -.BI "-radar-cross " -Where to draw radar crosshairs. -.IR X x Y -format. See \fBRadar Map\fP for more -information. -.SS Measurement Options -.TP -.BR -m ", " -metric -Same as '-cm -hPa -kph -tempc'. -.TP -.B -in -Display precipitation amounts in inches. This is the default. -.TP -.B -cm -Display precipitation amounts in centimeters. -.TP -.B -inHg -Display pressure in inches of mercury. This is the default. -.TP -.BR -hPa ", " -mbar -Display pressure in hectopascal (millibars) -.TP -.B -mmHg -Display pressure in millimeters of mercury. -.TP -.B -atm -Display pressure in atmospheres. -.TP -.B -mph -Display windspeed in miles/hour. This is the default. -.TP -.B -kph -Display windspeed in kilometers/hour. -.TP -.B -knots -Display windspeed in knots. -.TP -.B -mps -Display windspeed in meters/second. -.TP -.B -beaufort -Display windspeed on the Beaufort scale. -.TP -.B -tempf -Display temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. This is the default. -.TP -.B -tempc -Display temperature in degrees Celcius. -.SH DISPLAY -The dockapp has three display modes: Current Conditions, Forecasts, and Radar -Map. Modes are selected by the buttons across the top of the icon. Weather -Warning status is indicated by the font color. At any point -double-(left)clicking the main display will send SIGUSR1 to the process (see -\fBSIGNALS\fP). -.Sh "Current Conditions" -This mode displays the current conditions as given in the METAR report for the -selected station, as downloaded from -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -Downloads are attempted every 15 minutes. Find your station at -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -.P -The station ID is displayed at the top left of the display. The observation -date (local) is to the right, and the time (local and UTC) occupies the line -below. Under that, to the right is the temperature and relative humidity, the -wind direction and speed, the atmospheric pressure (indicated by "P"), the -heat index (indicated by "HI"), and the wind chill (indicated by "WC"). -.P -To the left is a graphical display of the current weather. The sky condition is -indicated as clear (sun), partly cloudy (sun with small clouds), mostly cloudy -(sun behind a large cloud), or overcast (large cloud). This image may be -covered by fog (foggy overlay), dust/sand/haze (brownish particles), or blowing -snow/dust/sand (blue wind-lines), with the level of transparency indicating the -degree of visibility. If a funnel cloud or tornado was reported, a tornado -graphic will be displayed instead of the sky condition. -.P -Beneath this graphic, icons will depict rain (raindrop), snow (snowflake), -freezing precipitation (hailstones), and thunderstorms (lightning bolt). If -animation is enabled, the icons will appear and vanish on a ten second cycle -to indicate precipitation intensity. Animation may be enabled or disabled by -middle-clicking the display. -.Sh Forecasts -This mode displays the current conditions as given in the AVN, ETA, and MRF -data for the selected stations, as downloaded from -.UR - -.UE -.RI , -.UR - -.UE -and -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -AVN and ETA reports are downloaded at startup, 0000Z, and 1200Z. MRF reports -are downloaded at startup and 0000Z. In the event of failure, downloads will be -retried every 15 minutes. See the URIs given to find your stations. -.P -The display is divided into two sections. A small window at the top indicates -the date and hour (local time) for which this forecast is valid. Left-clicking -this window or clicking the small arrow-button to the right will advance to -the next forecast; right-clicking or clicking the small arrow-button to the -left will move to the previous forecast. Middle-clicking will return to the -first forecast in the list. -.P -The larger display at the bottom shows the forecast for the selected date and -time. To the right from top to bottom are the station ID, the daily high and -low temperatures, the predicted temperature and relative humidity, and the -wind direction and speed. The final line may display the heat index (HI), the -wind chill (WC), the amount of snow to fall in that period (SN), the amount of -liquid-equivalent precipitation to fall in that period (P), or the forecast -type (e.g. "AVN" or "MRF"). -.P -To the left is a weather display similar to that for the Current Conditions. -The animation here indicates the percent chance of rain, snow, freezing -precipitation, thunderstorms, and severe thunderstorms (large lightning bolt). -Animation may be turned on or off with the middle button. When animation is -off, the mouse wheel may be used to adjust the cutoff chance for the display -(hold Shift to adjust faster). The cutoff will be displayed briefly when first -turning off animation, when first displaying forecasts, whenever button 6 -(typically, the 'side' button) is held down in the large display. Permanent -cutoff display may be toggled by double-middle-clicking the large display. -.Sh "Radar Map" -The radar image will be downloaded every 30 minutes from the URI specified. -Then, if -radar-crop was specified in the form -.IR X x Y + W + H , -a subimage of witdh \fIW\fP and height \fIH\fP will be taken, with the -upper-left pixel taken from -.RI ( X ", " Y ). -If \fIX\fP or \fIY\fP is negative, it will be measured from the right/bottom of -the image instead of the top/left. The image is then resized to fit within the -52x40 rectangle available. A border around the image indicates the current font -color. If -radar-cross was specified in the form -.IR X x Y , -crosshairs will then be -drawn over the pixel -.RI ( X ", " Y ) -when the middle button is held on the radar map. -.P -If -noradar was specified or no radar data is available, an image to that -effect will be displayed instead. -.P -Some nice images are available from -.UR - -.UE -and -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -Be kind, since the display is so small pick the smallest version of the image -to download. -.Sh "Weather Warnings" -Various weather warnings, watches, and statements for the specified zone are -downloaded from -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -Downloads are attempted at the same time METAR observations are retrieved. Find -your zone at -.UR - -.UE -or -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -Note that some areas issue weather warnings by multiple geopolitical units -(e.g. "zones" and "counties"). The -warning-zone option may be specified -multiple times, so all appropriate files may be inspected. -.P -If any new warnings are downloaded, all text will be displayed in an -orange/red scheme instead of the normal blue/orange. The new warnings may then -be viewed by left-clicking the large display window in any mode. At any point, -all current warnings may be displayed by right-clicking the large display. -.SH "URIs" -The URIs from which the various observations, forecasts, and images are -downloaded can be easily customized by supplying values for the various -.I -*-uri -options. The following substitution variables are available: -.TP -.B %s -The station ID for the specified data type (note that warnings have no station -ID). -.TP -.B %z -The zone ID, for warnings. -.TP -.B %f -The warning type, for warnings (e.g. "tornado", "special_weather_stmt"). -.P -The substitutions can be manipulated with the standard -.BR printf (3) -modifiers for strings, in particular the -.BR # ", " 0 ", " - ", " -.BR "' '" ", " + ", and " ' -flags, the -.BR "field width" , -and the -.B precision -fields are accepted. Also, an additional flag -.B ! -is recognized to use the capitalized versions of various numeric flags (e.g. -\fBX\fP versus \fBx\fP) and to capitalize character or string values, and an -additional syntax -.BI ">" "" -after the precision is recognized to start at an offset into the string value -(negative values indicate offset from the end of the string). -.P -The current defaults are: -.TP -metar-uri - -.TP -avn-uri - -.TP -eta-uri - -.TP -mrf-uri - -.TP -warning-uri - -.SH FILES -.TP -.I $HOME/.wmweather+/ -Directory used to store downloaded data files. These files may be deleted at -any time. -.TP -.I $HOME/.wmweather+/conf -User configuration. -.TP -.I /etc/wmweather+.conf -System configuration. -.TP -.I $HOME/.wmweather+/.dir-test -Created and deleted to test write access to \fI$HOME/.wmweather+/\fP -.SH SIGNALS -.TP -.I SIGUSR1 -Forces downloads for the current mode to be attempted immediately. -.TP -.I SIGUSR2 -Forces all downloads to be attempted immediately. -.SH BUGS -Before reporting a bug, please check the HINTS file (in particular, -proxy instructions are in that file). Also, please verify that you have -the latest version of wmweather+, and that your bug has not already been -reported. Bugs may be filed at -.UR - -.UE -.RI . -.SH AUTHORS -\fBwmweather+\fP was written by \fIBrad Jorsch -\fP, using the wmgeneral code by \fIMartijn -Pieterse \fP. -.P -Email regarding wmweather+ should be sent to -\\fP. -.SH INSPIRATION -wmWeather was a good idea, but it didn't give me enough information. However, -no code from wmWeather was used in writing wmweather+. diff --git a/wmweather+/wmweather+.c b/wmweather+/wmweather+.c deleted file mode 100644 index 476f33f..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmweather+.c +++ /dev/null @@ -1,822 +0,0 @@ -#include "config.h" - -/* Copyright (C) 2002 Brad Jorsch - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify - it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by - the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or - (at your option) any later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. - - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA -*/ - -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#include -#if TM_IN_SYS_TIME -# if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME -# include -# include -# else -# if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H -# include -# else -# include -# endif -# endif -#else -#include -#endif - -#include -#include -#include - -#include "wmweather+.h" -#include "convert.h" -#include "download.h" -#include "dock.h" -#include "die.h" -#include "animation.h" - - -char *ProgName; -char *bigbuf; -int devnull; -char *monthnames[]={ "", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC" }; -char *monthnames2[]={ "", "", "", "", "", "", "JUNE", "JULY", "", "SEPT", "", "", "" }; -char *wdaynames[]={ "SUNDAY", "MONDAY", "TUESDAY", "WEDN'SDAY", "THURSDAY", "FRIDAY", "SATURDAY"}; -char *directions[]={"VRB", "N", "NNE", "NE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "SW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NW", "NNW"}; - -char *error; -char *unknown_option="Unknown option"; - -#define F(a) fprintf(stderr, a "\n"); - -/*************************************************** - * Configuration parameters - ***************************************************/ -char *email_address=NULL; -char *metar_station=NULL; -char *metar_uri=NULL; -char *metar_post=NULL; -char **warning_zones=NULL; -char *warning_uri=NULL; -char *warning_post=NULL; -char *avn_station=NULL; -char *avn_uri=NULL; -char *avn_post=NULL; -char *eta_station=NULL; -char *eta_uri=NULL; -char *eta_post=NULL; -char *mrf_station=NULL; -char *mrf_uri=NULL; -char *mrf_post=NULL; -char *radar_uri=NULL; -char *radar_post=NULL; -char *radar_crop=NULL; -char *radar_cross=NULL; -char *viewer=NULL; -int pressure_mode=0; -int windspeed_mode=0; -int temp_mode=0; -int length_mode=0; -double latitude=999, longitude=999; -int start_do_animation=1; -int starting_mode=0; - - -/********************************** - * Prototypes - **********************************/ -void usage(int i) __THROW __attribute__ ((__noreturn__)); -void printversion(void); -int readconf(char *file); -int parse_option(char *option, char *value); -char *get_filename(char *file); - -/********************************** - * Functions - **********************************/ - -void sigchld(int i){ - while(waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG)>0); -} - -int parse_option(char *option, char *value){ - int i; - void *v; - - errno=0; - error=unknown_option; - if(option[0]=='-') option++; - if(option[0]=='-' && option[1]!='\0' && option[2]!='\0') option++; - if(option[0]=='\0') return 0; - if(value!=NULL && value[0]=='\0') value=NULL; - - switch (option[0]){ - case 'a': - if(!strncmp(option, "avn-", 4)){ - if(!strcmp(option+4, "station")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="avn-station given with no station ID"; - return 0; - } - if(avn_station!=NULL) free(avn_station); - avn_station=strdup(value); - if(avn_station==NULL) die("avn-station strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="avn-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(avn_uri!=NULL) free(avn_uri); - avn_uri=strdup(value); - if(avn_uri==NULL) die("avn-uri strdup"); - if(avn_post!=NULL) free(avn_post); - avn_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="avn-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(avn_uri==NULL){ - error="avn-post must come after avn-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(avn_post!=NULL) free(avn_post); - avn_post=strdup(value); - if(avn_post==NULL) die("avn-post strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "atm")){ - pressure_mode=3; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "animate")){ - start_do_animation=1; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'b': - if(!strcmp(option, "beaufort")){ - windspeed_mode=4; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'c': - if(option[1]=='\0') return 2; /* -c handled earlier */ - else if(!strcmp(option, "cm")){ - length_mode=1; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'd': - if(!strcmp(option, "display-mode")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="display-mode given with no mode specified"; - return 0; - } - if(!strcasecmp(value, "cur") || !strcasecmp(value, "current")){ - starting_mode=0; - return 2; - } else if(!strcasecmp(value, "fcst") || !strcasecmp(value, "forecast")){ - starting_mode=1; - return 2; - } else if(!strcasecmp(value, "map") || !strcasecmp(value, "radar")){ - starting_mode=2; - return 2; - } else { - error="display-mode given with unrecognized mode"; - return 0; - } - } else if(!strcmp(option, "display")){ - return 1; - } - break; - case 'e': - if(!strncmp(option, "eta-", 4)){ - if(!strcmp(option+4, "station")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="eta-station given with no station ID"; - return 0; - } - if(eta_station!=NULL) free(eta_station); - eta_station=strdup(value); - if(eta_station==NULL) die("eta-station strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="eta-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(eta_uri!=NULL) free(eta_uri); - eta_uri=strdup(value); - if(eta_uri==NULL) die("eta-uri strdup"); - if(eta_post!=NULL) free(eta_post); - eta_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="eta-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(eta_uri==NULL){ - error="eta-post must come after eta-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(eta_post!=NULL) free(eta_post); - eta_post=strdup(value); - if(eta_post==NULL) die("eta-post strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } else if(option[1]=='\0' || !strcmp(option, "email")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="-e/email given with no address"; - return 0; - } - if(email_address!=NULL) free(email_address); - email_address=strdup(value); - if(email_address==NULL) die("email strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - case 'f': - if(!strncmp(option, "forget-", 7)){ - if(!strcmp(option+7, "warning-zones")){ - if(warning_zones) free(warning_zones); - warning_zones=NULL; - return 1; - } - break; - } - break; - case 'h': - if(!strcmp(option, "hPa")){ - pressure_mode=1; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'i': - if(!strcmp(option, "inHg")){ - pressure_mode=0; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "in")){ - length_mode=0; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'k': - if(!strcmp(option, "kph")){ - windspeed_mode=1; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "knots")){ - windspeed_mode=2; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'l': - if(!strcmp(option, "location")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="location given with no value"; - return 0; - } - if(!str2dd(value, &latitude, &longitude)){ - error="location should be of the form \"dd'mm'ssN dd'mm'ssW\" or \"dd.ddddN dd.dddddW\"\n Note that, if you're using '-location' on the command line, you will need\n to quote the value, e.g. '-location \"dd.ddddN dd.dddddW\"'"; - return 0; - } - if(latitude>90 || latitude<-90 || longitude>180 || longitude<-180){ - error="latitude or longitude out of range"; - return 0; - } - return 2; - } - break; - case 'm': - if(option[1]=='\0' || !strcmp(option, "metric")){ - pressure_mode=windspeed_mode=temp_mode=length_mode=1; - return 1; - } else if(!strncmp(option, "metar-", 6)){ - if(!strcmp(option+6, "station")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="metar-station given with no station ID"; - return 0; - } - if(metar_station!=NULL) free(metar_station); - metar_station=strdup(value); - if(metar_station==NULL) die("metar-station strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+6, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="metar-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(metar_uri!=NULL) free(metar_uri); - metar_uri=strdup(value); - if(metar_uri==NULL) die("metar-uri strdup"); - if(metar_post!=NULL) free(metar_post); - metar_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+6, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="metar-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(metar_uri==NULL){ - error="metar-post must come after metar-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(metar_post!=NULL) free(metar_post); - metar_post=strdup(value); - if(metar_post==NULL) die("metar-post strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } else if(!strncmp(option, "mrf-", 4)){ - if(!strcmp(option+4, "station")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="mrf-station given with no station ID"; - return 0; - } - if(mrf_station!=NULL) free(mrf_station); - mrf_station=strdup(value); - if(mrf_station==NULL) die("mrf-station strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="mrf-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(mrf_uri!=NULL) free(mrf_uri); - mrf_uri=strdup(value); - if(mrf_uri==NULL) die("mrf-uri strdup"); - if(mrf_post!=NULL) free(mrf_post); - mrf_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+4, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="mrf-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(mrf_uri==NULL){ - error="mrf-post must come after mrf-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(mrf_post!=NULL) free(mrf_post); - mrf_post=strdup(value); - if(mrf_post==NULL) die("mrf-post strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "mmHg")){ - pressure_mode=2; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "mph")){ - windspeed_mode=0; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "mps")){ - windspeed_mode=3; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "mbar")){ - pressure_mode=1; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'n': - if(!strcmp(option, "noradar")){ - if(radar_uri!=NULL) free(radar_uri); - radar_uri=NULL; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "noanimate")){ - start_do_animation=0; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'r': - if(!strcmp(option, "radar")){ - warn("'radar' is deprecated, please use 'radar-uri' instead"); - return parse_option("radar-uri", value); - } else if(!strncmp(option, "radar-", 6)){ - if(!strcmp(option+6, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="radar-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(radar_uri!=NULL) free(radar_uri); - radar_uri=strdup(value); - if(radar_uri==NULL) die("radar-uri strdup"); - if(radar_post!=NULL) free(radar_post); - radar_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+6, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="radar-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(radar_uri==NULL){ - error="radar-post must come after radar-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(radar_post!=NULL) free(radar_post); - radar_post=strdup(value); - if(radar_post==NULL) die("radar-post strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+6, "crop")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="radar-crop given with no value"; - return 0; - } - if(radar_crop!=NULL) free(radar_crop); - radar_crop=strdup(value); - if(radar_crop==NULL) die("radar-crop strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+6, "cross")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="radar-cross given with no value"; - return 0; - } - if(radar_cross!=NULL) free(radar_cross); - radar_cross=strdup(value); - if(radar_cross==NULL) die("radar-cross strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } - break; - case 's': - if(option[1]=='\0' || !strcmp(option, "station")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="-s/station given with no value"; - return 0; - } - if(parse_option("metar-station", value)==2 - && parse_option("avn-station", value)==2 - && parse_option("eta-station", value)==2 - && parse_option("mrf-station", value)==2) - return 2; - return 0; - } - break; - case 't': - if(!strcmp(option, "tempf")){ - temp_mode=0; - return 1; - } else if(!strcmp(option, "tempc")){ - temp_mode=1; - return 1; - } - break; - case 'v': - if(option[1]=='\0' || !strcmp(option, "version")){ - printversion(); - exit(0); - } else if(!strcmp(option, "viewer")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="viewer given with no value"; - return 0; - } - if(viewer!=NULL) free(viewer); - viewer=strdup(value); - if(viewer==NULL) die("viewer strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - case 'w': - if(!strncmp(option, "warning-", 8)){ - if(!strcmp(option+8, "zone")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="warning-zone given with no zone ID"; - return 0; - } - if(warning_zones!=NULL){ - for(i=0; warning_zones[i]!=NULL; i++); - } else { - i=0; - } - v=realloc(warning_zones, sizeof(*warning_zones)*(i+2)); - if(v==NULL) die("warning-zone realloc"); - warning_zones=v; - warning_zones[i+1]=NULL; - warning_zones[i]=strdup(value); - if(warning_zones[i]==NULL) die("warning-zone strdup"); - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+8, "uri")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="warning-uri given with no URI"; - return 0; - } - if(warning_uri!=NULL) free(warning_uri); - warning_uri=strdup(value); - if(warning_uri==NULL) die("warning-uri strdup"); - if(warning_post!=NULL) free(warning_post); - warning_post=NULL; - return 2; - } else if(!strcmp(option+8, "post")){ - if(value==NULL){ - error="warning-post given with no data"; - return 0; - } - if(warning_uri==NULL){ - error="warning-post must come after warning-uri"; - return 0; - } - if(warning_post!=NULL) free(warning_post); - warning_post=strdup(value); - if(warning_post==NULL) die("warning-post strdup"); - return 2; - } - break; - } - break; - case 'z': - if(!strcmp(option, "zone")){ - warn("'zone' is deprecated, please use 'warning-zone' instead"); - return parse_option("warning-zone", value); - } - break; - default: - break; - } - return 0; -} - -int readconf(char *file){ - char *c, *d; - int i, l, flag=1; - FILE *fp; - - if(file==NULL){ - flag=0; - file=get_filename("conf"); - } - - if((fp=fopen(file, "r"))==NULL){ - if(!flag){ - free(file); - return 0; - } - return 1; - } - - l=0; - while(fgets(bigbuf, BIGBUF_LEN, fp)!=NULL){ - l++; - for(i=strlen(bigbuf)-1; i>=0; i--){ - if (!isspace(bigbuf[i])) break; - bigbuf[i]='\0'; - } - c=bigbuf+strspn(bigbuf, " \t"); - if(*c=='#' || *c=='\0') continue; - d=c+strcspn(c, " \t"); - if(*d=='\0') d=NULL; - else { - *d='\0'; - d++; - d+=strspn(d+1, " \t"); - if(*d=='\0') d=NULL; - } - if(!parse_option(c, d)){ - warn("%s[%d]: %s", file, l, error); - return 2; - } - } - fclose(fp); - if(!flag) free(file); - return 0; -} - - -int check_dir(void){ - char *c; - struct stat statbuf; - int i; - - c=get_filename(""); - i=stat(c, &statbuf); - if(i<0){ - if(errno==ENOENT){ - if(mkdir(c, 0777)<0) die("Couldn't create directory %s", c); - errno=0; - warn("Created directory %s", c); - i=stat(c, &statbuf); - } - if(i<0) die("Couldn't stat %s", c); - } - if(!S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) die("%s is not a directory", c); - free(c); - c=get_filename(".dir-test"); - if(unlink(c)<0 && errno!=ENOENT) die("Couldn't delete %s", c); - if((i=stat(c, &statbuf))!=-1 || errno!=ENOENT){ - if(i!=-1) errno=EEXIST; - die("Couldn't verify nonexistence of %s", c); - } - if((i=creat(c, 0))<0) die("Couldn't create %s", c); - close(i); - if(stat(c, &statbuf)<0) die("Couldn't stat %s", c); - unlink(c); - free(c); - return 1; -} - -void sigint(int i){ - exit(0); -} - -int main(int argc, char **argv){ - int i, j; - char *c; - - ProgName = argv[0]; - if((c=strrchr(ProgName, '/'))!=NULL && *(c+1)!='\0'){ - ProgName=c+1; - } - - if((bigbuf=malloc(BIGBUF_LEN))==NULL) die("bigbuf malloc"); - check_dir(); - - devnull=open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); - if(devnull<0) die("opening /dev/null"); - /* Parse Command Line */ - - c=NULL; - for(i=1;i1) exit(1); - if((i=readconf(c))==1) warn("Couldn't open %s", c); - if(i) exit(1); - - for(i=1;i89.8){ - F("Latitude greater then 89.9N automatically truncated.\n"); - latitude=89.8; - } else if(latitude<-89.8){ - F("Latitude greater then 89.9S automatically truncated.\n"); - latitude=-89.8; - } - if(i) exit(1); - if(viewer==NULL) viewer="xless"; - if(metar_uri==NULL) metar_uri=""; - if(avn_uri==NULL) avn_uri=""; - if(eta_uri==NULL) eta_uri=""; - if(mrf_uri==NULL) mrf_uri=""; - if(warning_uri==NULL) warning_uri=""; - - download_init(email_address); - init_dock(argc, argv); - while(1){ - update_dock(); - download_process(100000); - } -} - -void usage(int i) { - F("Option Value Description"); - F("------ ----- -----------"); - F("-c Specify a configuration file"); - F("-e
Alias for -email"); - F("-email
Specify anonymous FTP password"); - F("-location Specify latitude and longitude. See manpage."); - F("-v Alias for -version"); - F("-version Display version number"); - F("-viewer Program to display text from stdin"); - F("-[no]animate Turn animation on or off"); - F(""); - F("-s Alias for -station"); - F("-station Station ID (all stations)"); - F("-metar-station Station ID for METAR observations"); - F("-avn-station Station ID for AVN forecasts"); - F("-eta-station Station ID for ETA forecasts"); - F("-mrf-station Station ID for MRF forecasts"); - F("-warning-zone Zone ID for weather warnings"); - F("-*-uri URI for the weather data (see docs for details)"); - F("-*-post Post data for the weather data (see docs)"); - F(" '*' can be metar, avn, eta, mrf, warning"); - F("-noradar Do not display a radar image."); - F("-radar-uri URI for radar image"); - F("-radar-post Post data for radar image"); - F("-radar-crop How to crop the radar image. XxY+W+H format."); - F("-radar-cross Where to draw radar crosshairs. XxY format."); - F(""); - F("-m Alias for -metric"); - F("-metric Same as -cm -hPa -kph -tempc"); - F(""); - F("-in Display precipitation amounts in inches"); - F("-cm Display precipitation amounts in centimeters"); - F(""); - F("-inHg Display pressure in inHg"); - F("-hPa Display pressure in hPa (millibars)"); - F("-mbar Alias for -hPa"); - F("-mmHg Display pressure in mmHg"); - F("-atm Display pressure in atmospheres"); - F(""); - F("-mph Display windspeed in miles/hour"); - F("-kph Display windspeed in kilometers/hour"); - F("-knots Display windspeed in knots"); - F("-mps Display windspeed in meters/second"); - F("-beaufort Display windspeed on the Beaufort scale"); - F(""); - F("-tempf Display temperature in degrees Fahrenheit"); - F("-tempc Display temperature in degrees Celcius"); - - exit(i); -} - -void printversion(void) { - fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", VERSION); -} - -char *get_filename(char *file){ - char *f, *c; - - c=getenv("HOME"); - if((f=malloc(strlen(c)+strlen(file)+14))==NULL) die("get_filename"); - strcpy(f, c); - strcat(f, "/.wmweather+/"); - strcat(f, file); - return f; -} - -char *get_pid_filename(char *file){ - char *f, *c; - static unsigned short seq=0; - char buf[15]; - - snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%08X.%04X-", getpid(), seq++); - c=getenv("HOME"); - if((f=malloc(strlen(c)+strlen(file)+14+14))==NULL) die("get_pid_filename"); - strcpy(f, c); - strcat(f, "/.wmweather+/"); - strcat(f, buf); - strcat(f, file); - return f; -} diff --git a/wmweather+/wmweather+.h b/wmweather+/wmweather+.h deleted file mode 100644 index e4103d6..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmweather+.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -#define BIGBUF_LEN 4096 - -char *get_filename(char *file); -char *get_pid_filename(char *file); - -extern char *ProgName; -extern int devnull; -extern char *bigbuf; -extern char *monthnames[]; -extern char *monthnames2[]; -extern char *wdaynames[]; -extern char *directions[]; - -extern char *email_address; -extern char *metar_station; -extern char *metar_uri; -extern char *metar_post; -extern char **warning_zones; -extern char *warning_uri; -extern char *warning_post; -extern char *avn_station; -extern char *avn_uri; -extern char *avn_post; -extern char *eta_station; -extern char *eta_uri; -extern char *eta_post; -extern char *mrf_station; -extern char *mrf_uri; -extern char *mrf_post; -extern char *radar_uri; -extern char *radar_post; -extern char *radar_crop; -extern char *radar_cross; -extern char *viewer; -extern int pressure_mode; -extern int windspeed_mode; -extern int temp_mode; -extern int length_mode; -extern double latitude, longitude; -extern int start_do_animation; -extern int starting_mode; diff --git a/wmweather+/wmweather_master.xpm b/wmweather+/wmweather_master.xpm deleted file mode 100644 index 90ee75f..0000000 --- a/wmweather+/wmweather_master.xpm +++ /dev/null @@ -1,221 +0,0 @@ -/* XPM */ -static char * wmweather_master_xpm[] = { -"190 129 89 1", -" c None", -". c #F6F2FE", -"+ c #82828A", -"@ c #AEAAAE", -"# c #020202", -"$ c #AAAAAA", -"% c #C6C6C6", -"& c #CACACA", -"* c #1EC2FE", -"= c #FE7E7E", -"- c #FEFEFE", -"; c #FEC202", -"> c #B2B2B2", -", c #B6B6B6", -"' c #767602", -") c #C2C202", -"! c #FEFA02", -"~ c #FEDA02", -"{ c #FEFE02", -"] c #828202", -"^ c #AEAEAF", -"/ c #DADADA", -"( c #E6E6E6", -"_ c #FAFAFA", -": c #F2F2F2", -"< c #6A5E22", -"[ c #D2D2D2", -"} c #EAEAEA", -"| c #CECECE", -"1 c #C2C2C2", -"2 c #9AFEFA", -"3 c #DEDEDE", -"4 c #E2E2E2", -"5 c #06021A", -"6 c #060216", -"7 c #22222A", -"8 c #767677", -"9 c #D6D6D6", -"0 c #828282", -"a c #090616", -"b c #45464B", -"c c #9E9E9F", -"d c #929293", -"e c #969696", -"f c #A2A2A2", -"g c #A6A6A6", -"h c #5D5E61", -"i c #0A0A16", -"j c #EEEEEE", -"k c #4E4E4E", -"l c #9A9A99", -"m c #6A6A6B", -"n c #626265", -"o c #7C7C7A", -"p c #F6F6F6", -"q c #36363A", -"r c #65666A", -"s c #565656", -"t c #6E6E6F", -"u c #89898A", -"v c #727273", -"w c #161622", -"x c #7F7E7E", -"y c #8E8E8D", -"z c #BABABA", -"A c #504F52", -"B c #4A4A4B", -"C c #5A5A5E", -"D c #505056", -"E c #BEBEBE", -"F c #1E1D21", -"G c #EAEAE6", -"H c #FA02FE", -"I c #323232", -"J c #028AFE", -"K c #0296FE", -"L c #029AFE", -"M c #027AFE", -"N c #0286FE", -"O c #0276FE", -"P c #0266E2", -"Q c #029EFE", -"R c #026EF5", -"S c #0292FE", -"T c #0282FE", -"U c #027EFE", -"V c #026AEE", -"W c #0262DE", -"X c #025ED2", -" .................+.................+.................+ ", -" .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# ", -" .$$$##$#$#$##$$$$#.$###$$##$##$###$#.$$##$##$$#$$##$$# ", -" .@@#$$@#@#@#$#@@@#.@#$$@#$$@#$@$#$@#.@@#$#$#@#$#@#$#@# ", -" ######################################################## ######################################################## .$$#@$$#$#$##$$$$#.$##$$#@$$##@$#$$#.$$#$#$#$###$##$$# ", -" #.................+.................+.................+% #.................+.................+.................+% .@@#$@@#@#@#$#@@@#.@#$@@#$@@$#$@#@@#.@@#@#@#@#$#@#$@@# ", -" #.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#& #.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$#& .$$@##$###$#$#$$$#.$#$$$@##@##$$#$$#.$$#$#$#$#$#$#$$$# ", -" #.@@@##@#@#@##@@@@#.@###@@##@##@###@#.@@##@##@@#@@##@@#% #.@@@##@#@#@##@@@@#.@###@@##@##@###@#.@@##@##@@#@@##@@#% .@@$$$@$$$@$@$@@@#.@$@@@$$$$$$@@$@@#.@@$@$@$@$@$@$@@@# ", -" #.$$#$$$#$#$#$#$$$#.$#$$$#$$$#$$$#$$#.$$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#& #.$$#$$$#$#$#$#$$$#.$#$$$#$$$#$$$#$$#.$$#$#$#$#$#$#$#$#& +#################+#################+################# ", -" #.@@#@@@#@#@##$@@@#.@##@@#@@@##@@#@@#.@@#@#@#@###@##$@#% #.@@#@@@#@#@##$@@@#.@##@@#@@@##@@#@@#.@@#@#@#@###@##$@#% #################+#################+#################+ ", -" #.$$#$$$#$#$#@#$$$#.$#$$$#$$$$#$$#$$#.$$#$#$#$#$#$#@$$#& #.$$#$$$#$#$#@#$$$#.$#$$$#$$$$#$$#$$#.$$#$#$#$#$#$#@$$#& #$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.#$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 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