wmail: FileNameConcat does exactly the same thing as MakePathName: get rid of it.
[dockapps.git] / wmcp / Makefile
3 INCLUDES =-I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include/X11R6/X11
4 LIBINC =-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/include/lib
5 LIBS = -lm -lX11 -lXpm -lXext
7 TARGET = wmcp
8 OBJECTS = wmcp.o
9 SOURCE = wmcp.c
11 scalpel:
12 if [ -e buttons.xpm ]; then rm buttons.xpm; fi
13 if [ -e pushed_buttons.xpm ]; then rm pushed_buttons.xpm; fi
14 if [ -e backdrop.xpm ]; then rm backdrop.xpm; fi
15 ln -s buttons-scalpel.xpm buttons.xpm
16 ln -s pushed_buttons-scalpel.xpm pushed_buttons.xpm
17 ln -s backdrop-scalpel.xpm backdrop.xpm
18 make clean
19 make ${TARGET}
21 gv:
22 if [ -e buttons.xpm ]; then rm buttons.xpm; fi
23 if [ -e pushed_buttons.xpm ]; then rm pushed_buttons.xpm; fi
24 if [ -e backdrop.xpm ]; then rm backdrop.xpm; fi
25 ln -s buttons-gv.xpm buttons.xpm
26 ln -s pushed_buttons-gv.xpm pushed_buttons.xpm
27 ln -s backdrop-gv.xpm backdrop.xpm
28 make clean
29 make ${TARGET}
31 ###################################################################
34 gcc -g -c -Wall ${INCLUDES} ${FLAGS} $< -o $*.o
37 gcc -g -o ${TARGET} ${OBJECTS} ${LIBINC} ${LIBS}
39 clean::
40 for i in ${OBJECTS}; do if [ -e $$i ] ; then rm $$i; fi; done
41 if [ -e ${TARGET} ] ; then rm ${TARGET}; fi