better actor reader
[dd2d.git] / xmain.d
1 // main driver
2 module gfxcore;
4 private:
5 import glbinds;
6 import glutils;
8 import wadarc;
11 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
12 import arsd.color;
13 import arsd.png;
16 __gshared SimpleWindow sdwindow;
19 public enum vlWidth = 800;
20 public enum vlHeight = 600;
21 public enum scale = 1;
22 __gshared bool scanlines = false;
24 public enum vlEffectiveWidth = vlWidth*scale;
25 public enum vlEffectiveHeight = vlHeight*scale;
28 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
29 __gshared Texture texMain;
30 __gshared Texture lightDot;
32 __gshared FBO fboOccluders, fboShadowMap;
34 __gshared Shader shadScanlines, shadToPolar, shadBlur;
37 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
38 enum LightSize = 256;
41 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
42 void initOpenGL () {
43 glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
44 glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
45 glDisable(GL_DITHER);
46 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
47 glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
49 // load textures
50 texMain = new Texture("shadow_experiment/cat4.png");
51 //lightDot = new Texture("shadow_experiment/dot.png");
52 lightDot = new Texture("shadow_experiment/light.png");
54 // create shaders
55 shadScanlines = new Shader("scanlines", loadTextFile("data/shaders/srscanlines.frag"));
56 shadToPolar = new Shader("topolar", loadTextFile("data/shaders/srlight_topolar.frag"));
57 shadBlur = new Shader("blur", loadTextFile("data/shaders/srlight_blur.frag"));
59 // create occluders FBO
60 fboOccluders = new FBO(LightSize, LightSize);
62 // create 1d shadowmap FBO
63 fboShadowMap = new FBO(LightSize, 1);
65 // setup matrices
66 glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
67 glLoadIdentity();
69 glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0+0);
70 glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
71 orthoCamera(vlWidth, vlHeight);
75 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
76 void renderLight (int lightX, int lightY) {
77 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
78 // draw shadow casters to fboOccludersId, light should be in the center
79 glUseProgram(0);
80 fboOccluders.exec({
81 glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
82 //glEnable(GL_BLEND);
84 //glDisable(GL_BLEND);
85 glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
87 //orthoCamera(vlWidth, vlHeight);
88 orthoCamera(LightSize, LightSize);
89 drawAtXY(texMain, LightSize/2-lightX, LightSize/2-lightY);
90 //drawAtXY(texMain.tid, LightSize/2-lightX, LightSize/2-lightY, texMain.width/2, texMain.height/2);
91 // 512 : 256
92 // move camera
93 //orthoCamera(fboOccluders.width, fboOccluders.height);
94 //drawAtXY(texMain.tid, -lightX/2+LightSize/2, lightY/2-LightSize/2, LightSize/2, LightSize/2, mirrorX:false, mirrorY:true);
95 //drawAtXY(texMain.tid, 0, 0, fboOccluders.width, fboOccluders.height, mirrorX:false, mirrorY:true, scale:2.0f);
96 //drawAtXY(texMain.tid, 0, 0, fboOccluders.width, fboOccluders.height, mirrorX:false, mirrorY:true);
97 });
99 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
100 // build 1d shadow map to fboShadowMapId
101 fboShadowMap.exec({
102 shadToPolar.exec({
103 //glDisable(GL_BLEND);
104 glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
105 //glUniform2f(shadToPolar["lightTexSize"], LightSize, LightSize);
106 shadToPolar["lightTexSize"] = SVec2F(LightSize, LightSize);
107 glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
109 orthoCamera(LightSize, 1);
110 //drawFullViewTextureUD(fboOccluders.tid, LightSize, 1/*LightSize*/);
111 drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tex.tid, 0, 0, LightSize, 1);
115 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
116 // scanlines shader
117 shadBlur.exec({
118 shadBlur["shadowDoBloor"] = true;
119 shadBlur["scanlines"] = scanlines;
120 shadBlur["lightTexSize"] = SVec2F(LightSize, LightSize);
121 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
122 glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
123 // set light color
124 glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
125 //orthoCameraTr(vlWidth, vlHeight, cast(float)lightX-cast(float)LightSize/2.0f, cast(float)lightY-cast(float)LightSize/2.0f);
126 //drawFullViewTextureSS(fboShadowMap.tid, LightSize, LightSize);
127 orthoCamera(vlWidth, vlHeight);
128 drawAtXY(fboShadowMap.tex.tid, lightX-LightSize/2, lightY-LightSize/2, LightSize, LightSize, mirrorY:true);
133 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
134 __gshared int lightX = vlWidth/2, lightY = vlHeight/2;
137 public void main () {
138 static void setDP () {
139 version(rdmd) {
140 setDataPath("data");
141 } else {
142 import std.file : thisExePath;
143 import std.path : dirName;
144 setDataPath(thisExePath.dirName);
148 setDP();
150 setOpenGLContextVersion(3, 2);
152 sdwindow = new SimpleWindow(vlEffectiveWidth, vlEffectiveHeight, "OpenGL 2d soft shadows", OpenGlOptions.yes, Resizablity.fixedSize);
154 sdwindow.visibleForTheFirstTime = delegate () {
155 sdwindow.setAsCurrentOpenGlContext(); // make this window active
156 sdwindow.vsync = false;
157 //sdwindow.useGLFinish = false;
158 initOpenGL();
159 sdwindow.redrawOpenGlScene();
162 sdwindow.redrawOpenGlScene = delegate () {
163 // clear background (so we can see lights and shadows ;-)
164 glDisable(GL_BLEND);
165 glClearColor(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f, 1.0f);
168 // additive lights
169 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
170 glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
172 renderLight(lightX, lightY);
174 //glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
175 //glUseProgram(0);
177 // scanlines shader
178 shadScanlines.exec({
179 shadScanlines["scanlines"] = scanlines;
181 // overlay normal scene
182 glEnable(GL_BLEND);
185 orthoCamera(vlWidth, vlHeight);
187 // main level
188 //drawFullViewTexture(texMain);
189 drawAtXY(texMain, 0, 0);
191 // shadow casters FBO
192 //drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tex, lightX-LightSize/2, lightY-LightSize/2);
193 drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tex, vlWidth-fboOccluders.tex.width, 0);
194 //drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tid, 0, 0, vlWidth, vlHeight);
196 // distance FBO
197 //drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tex, lightX-LightSize/2, lightY-LightSize/2);
198 drawAtXY(fboShadowMap.tex, vlWidth-fboShadowMap.tex.width, LightSize);
199 //drawAtXY(fboOccluders.tid, 0, 0, vlWidth, vlHeight);
201 // mark light area
202 drawAtXYC(lightDot, lightX-LightSize/2, lightY-LightSize/2);
203 drawAtXYC(lightDot, lightX+LightSize/2, lightY-LightSize/2);
204 drawAtXYC(lightDot, lightX, lightY);
205 drawAtXYC(lightDot, lightX-LightSize/2, lightY+LightSize/2);
206 drawAtXYC(lightDot, lightX+LightSize/2, lightY+LightSize/2);
210 enum MSecsPerFrame = 1000/30; /* 30 is FPS */
212 uint[8] frameTimes = 1000;
214 sdwindow.eventLoop(MSecsPerFrame,
215 delegate () {
216 if (sdwindow.closed) return;
217 sdwindow.redrawOpenGlSceneNow();
219 delegate (KeyEvent event) {
220 if (sdwindow.closed) return;
221 if (event.pressed && event.key == Key.Escape) {
222 flushGui();
223 sdwindow.close();
226 delegate (MouseEvent event) {
227 lightX = event.x/scale;
228 lightY = vlHeight-event.y/scale-1;
230 delegate (dchar ch) {
231 if (ch == 's') scanlines = !scanlines;
232 if (ch == 'q') { flushGui(); sdwindow.close(); }
235 if (!sdwindow.closed) { flushGui(); sdwindow.close(); }
236 flushGui();