Fix memory leak where Struct, _LongBase, _StrBase, String leaked their __dict__ on...
[dbus-python-phuang.git] / _dbus_bindings / containers.c
1 /* D-Bus container types: Array, Dict and Struct.
3 * Copyright (C) 2006 Collabora Ltd.
5 * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * GNU General Public License for more details.
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23 #include <Python.h>
24 #include <structmember.h>
26 #include <stdint.h>
28 #include "dbus_bindings-internal.h"
29 #include "types-internal.h"
31 /* Array ============================================================ */
33 PyDoc_STRVAR(Array_tp_doc,
34 "An array of similar items, implemented as a subtype of list.\n"
35 "\n"
36 "As currently implemented, an Array behaves just like a list, but\n"
37 "with the addition of a ``signature`` property set by the constructor;\n"
38 "conversion of its items to D-Bus types is only done when it's sent in\n"
39 "a Message. This might change in future so validation is done earlier.\n"
40 "\n"
41 "Constructor::\n"
42 "\n"
43 " dbus.Array([iterable][, signature][, variant_level])\n"
44 "\n"
45 "``variant_level`` must be non-negative; the default is 0.\n"
46 "\n"
47 "``signature`` is the D-Bus signature string for a single element of the\n"
48 "array, or None. If not None it must represent a single complete type, the\n"
49 "type of a single array item; the signature of the whole Array may be\n"
50 "obtained by prepending ``a`` to the given signature.\n"
51 "\n"
52 "If None (the default), when the Array is sent over\n"
53 "D-Bus, the item signature will be guessed from the first element.\n"
54 "\n"
55 ":IVariables:\n"
56 " `variant_level` : int\n"
57 " Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object\n"
58 " is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a\n"
59 " variant containing an array, this is represented in Python by an\n"
60 " Array with variant_level==2.\n"
63 static struct PyMemberDef Array_tp_members[] = {
64 {"signature", T_OBJECT, offsetof(DBusPyArray, signature), READONLY,
65 "The D-Bus signature of each element of this Array (a Signature "
66 "instance)"},
67 {"variant_level", T_LONG, offsetof(DBusPyArray, variant_level),
69 "The number of nested variants wrapping the real data. "
70 "0 if not in a variant."},
71 {NULL},
74 static void
75 Array_tp_dealloc (DBusPyArray *self)
77 Py_XDECREF(self->signature);
78 self->signature = NULL;
79 (PyList_Type.tp_dealloc)((PyObject *)self);
82 static PyObject *
83 Array_tp_repr(DBusPyArray *self)
85 PyObject *parent_repr = (PyList_Type.tp_repr)((PyObject *)self);
86 PyObject *sig_repr = PyObject_Repr(self->signature);
87 PyObject *my_repr = NULL;
88 long variant_level = self->variant_level;
90 if (!parent_repr) goto finally;
91 if (!sig_repr) goto finally;
92 if (variant_level > 0) {
93 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s, "
94 "variant_level=%ld)",
95 self->super.ob_type->tp_name,
96 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
97 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr),
98 variant_level);
100 else {
101 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s)",
102 self->super.ob_type->tp_name,
103 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
104 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr));
106 finally:
107 Py_XDECREF(parent_repr);
108 Py_XDECREF(sig_repr);
109 return my_repr;
112 static PyObject *
113 Array_tp_new (PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
115 PyObject *variant_level = NULL;
116 DBusPyArray *self = (DBusPyArray *)(PyList_Type.tp_new)(cls, args, kwargs);
118 /* variant_level is immutable, so handle it in __new__ rather than
119 __init__ */
120 if (!self) return NULL;
121 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
122 self->signature = Py_None;
123 self->variant_level = 0;
124 if (kwargs) {
125 variant_level = PyDict_GetItem(kwargs, dbus_py_variant_level_const);
127 if (variant_level) {
128 self->variant_level = PyInt_AsLong(variant_level);
129 if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
130 Py_DECREF((PyObject *)self);
131 return NULL;
134 return (PyObject *)self;
137 static int
138 Array_tp_init (DBusPyArray *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
140 PyObject *obj = dbus_py_empty_tuple;
141 PyObject *signature = NULL;
142 PyObject *tuple;
143 PyObject *variant_level;
144 /* variant_level is accepted but ignored - it's immutable, so
145 * __new__ handles it */
146 static char *argnames[] = {"iterable", "signature", "variant_level", NULL};
148 if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|OOO:__init__", argnames,
149 &obj, &signature, &variant_level)) {
150 return -1;
153 /* convert signature from a borrowed ref of unknown type to an owned ref
154 of type Signature (or None) */
155 if (!signature) signature = Py_None;
156 if (signature == Py_None
157 || PyObject_IsInstance(signature, (PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type)) {
158 Py_INCREF(signature);
160 else {
161 signature = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type,
162 "(O)", signature);
163 if (!signature) return -1;
166 if (signature != Py_None) {
167 const char *c_str = PyString_AS_STRING(signature);
169 if (!dbus_signature_validate_single(c_str, NULL)) {
170 Py_DECREF(signature);
171 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
172 "There must be exactly one complete type in "
173 "an Array's signature parameter");
174 return -1;
178 tuple = Py_BuildValue("(O)", obj);
179 if (!tuple) {
180 Py_DECREF(signature);
181 return -1;
183 if ((PyList_Type.tp_init)((PyObject *)self, tuple, NULL) < 0) {
184 Py_DECREF(tuple);
185 Py_DECREF(signature);
186 return -1;
188 Py_DECREF(tuple);
190 Py_XDECREF(self->signature);
191 self->signature = signature;
192 return 0;
195 PyTypeObject DBusPyArray_Type = {
198 "dbus.Array",
199 sizeof(DBusPyArray),
201 (destructor)Array_tp_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
202 0, /* tp_print */
203 0, /* tp_getattr */
204 0, /* tp_setattr */
205 0, /* tp_compare */
206 (reprfunc)Array_tp_repr, /* tp_repr */
207 0, /* tp_as_number */
208 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
209 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
210 0, /* tp_hash */
211 0, /* tp_call */
212 0, /* tp_str */
213 0, /* tp_getattro */
214 0, /* tp_setattro */
215 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
217 Array_tp_doc, /* tp_doc */
218 0, /* tp_traverse */
219 0, /* tp_clear */
220 0, /* tp_richcompare */
221 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
222 0, /* tp_iter */
223 0, /* tp_iternext */
224 0, /* tp_methods */
225 Array_tp_members, /* tp_members */
226 0, /* tp_getset */
227 0, /* tp_base */
228 0, /* tp_dict */
229 0, /* tp_descr_get */
230 0, /* tp_descr_set */
231 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
232 (initproc)Array_tp_init, /* tp_init */
233 0, /* tp_alloc */
234 Array_tp_new, /* tp_new */
237 /* Dict ============================================================= */
239 PyDoc_STRVAR(Dict_tp_doc,
240 "An mapping whose keys are similar and whose values are similar,\n"
241 "implemented as a subtype of dict.\n"
242 "\n"
243 "As currently implemented, a Dictionary behaves just like a dict, but\n"
244 "with the addition of a ``signature`` property set by the constructor;\n"
245 "conversion of its items to D-Bus types is only done when it's sent in\n"
246 "a Message. This may change in future so validation is done earlier.\n"
247 "\n"
248 "Constructor::\n"
249 "\n"
250 " Dictionary(mapping_or_iterable=(), signature=None, variant_level=0)\n"
251 "\n"
252 "``variant_level`` must be non-negative; the default is 0.\n"
253 "\n"
254 "``signature`` is either a string or None. If a string, it must consist\n"
255 "of exactly two complete type signatures, representing the 'key' type\n"
256 "(which must be a primitive type, i.e. one of \"bd"
257 #ifdef WITH_DBUS_FLOAT32
259 #endif
260 "ginoqstuxy\")\n"
261 "and the 'value' type. The signature of the whole Dictionary will be\n"
262 "``a{xx}`` where ``xx`` is replaced by the given signature.\n"
263 "\n"
264 "If it is None (the default), when the Dictionary is sent over\n"
265 "D-Bus, the key and value signatures will be guessed from an arbitrary\n"
266 "element of the Dictionary.\n"
267 "\n"
268 ":IVariables:\n"
269 " `variant_level` : int\n"
270 " Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object\n"
271 " is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a\n"
272 " variant containing an array of DICT_ENTRY, this is represented in\n"
273 " Python by a Dictionary with variant_level==2.\n"
276 static struct PyMemberDef Dict_tp_members[] = {
277 {"signature", T_OBJECT, offsetof(DBusPyDict, signature), READONLY,
278 "The D-Bus signature of each key in this Dictionary, followed by "
279 "that of each value in this Dictionary, as a Signature instance."},
280 {"variant_level", T_LONG, offsetof(DBusPyDict, variant_level),
282 "The number of nested variants wrapping the real data. "
283 "0 if not in a variant."},
284 {NULL},
287 static void
288 Dict_tp_dealloc (DBusPyDict *self)
290 Py_XDECREF(self->signature);
291 self->signature = NULL;
292 (PyDict_Type.tp_dealloc)((PyObject *)self);
295 static PyObject *
296 Dict_tp_repr(DBusPyDict *self)
298 PyObject *parent_repr = (PyDict_Type.tp_repr)((PyObject *)self);
299 PyObject *sig_repr = PyObject_Repr(self->signature);
300 PyObject *my_repr = NULL;
301 long variant_level = self->variant_level;
303 if (!parent_repr) goto finally;
304 if (!sig_repr) goto finally;
305 if (variant_level > 0) {
306 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s, "
307 "variant_level=%ld)",
308 self->super.ob_type->tp_name,
309 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
310 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr),
311 variant_level);
313 else {
314 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s)",
315 self->super.ob_type->tp_name,
316 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
317 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr));
319 finally:
320 Py_XDECREF(parent_repr);
321 Py_XDECREF(sig_repr);
322 return my_repr;
325 static PyObject *
326 Dict_tp_new(PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
328 DBusPyDict *self = (DBusPyDict *)(PyDict_Type.tp_new)(cls, args, kwargs);
329 PyObject *variant_level = NULL;
331 /* variant_level is immutable, so handle it in __new__ rather than
332 __init__ */
333 if (!self) return NULL;
334 Py_INCREF(Py_None);
335 self->signature = Py_None;
336 self->variant_level = 0;
337 if (kwargs) {
338 variant_level = PyDict_GetItem(kwargs, dbus_py_variant_level_const);
340 if (variant_level) {
341 self->variant_level = PyInt_AsLong(variant_level);
342 if (PyErr_Occurred()) {
343 Py_DECREF((PyObject *)self);
344 return NULL;
347 return (PyObject *)self;
350 static int
351 Dict_tp_init(DBusPyDict *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
353 PyObject *obj = dbus_py_empty_tuple;
354 PyObject *signature = NULL;
355 PyObject *tuple;
356 PyObject *variant_level; /* ignored here - __new__ uses it */
357 static char *argnames[] = {"mapping_or_iterable", "signature",
358 "variant_level", NULL};
360 if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwargs, "|OOO:__init__", argnames,
361 &obj, &signature, &variant_level)) {
362 return -1;
365 /* convert signature from a borrowed ref of unknown type to an owned ref
366 of type Signature (or None) */
367 if (!signature) signature = Py_None;
368 if (signature == Py_None
369 || PyObject_IsInstance(signature, (PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type)) {
370 Py_INCREF(signature);
372 else {
373 signature = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type,
374 "(O)", signature);
375 if (!signature) return -1;
378 if (signature != Py_None) {
379 const char *c_str = PyString_AS_STRING(signature);
381 switch (c_str[0]) {
382 case DBUS_TYPE_BYTE:
384 case DBUS_TYPE_INT16:
385 case DBUS_TYPE_UINT16:
386 case DBUS_TYPE_INT32:
387 case DBUS_TYPE_UINT32:
388 case DBUS_TYPE_INT64:
389 case DBUS_TYPE_UINT64:
391 #ifdef WITH_DBUS_FLOAT32
393 #endif
397 break;
398 default:
399 Py_DECREF(signature);
400 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
401 "The key type in a Dictionary's signature "
402 "must be a primitive type");
403 return -1;
406 if (!dbus_signature_validate_single(c_str + 1, NULL)) {
407 Py_DECREF(signature);
408 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
409 "There must be exactly two complete types in "
410 "a Dictionary's signature parameter");
411 return -1;
415 tuple = Py_BuildValue("(O)", obj);
416 if (!tuple) {
417 Py_DECREF(signature);
418 return -1;
421 if ((PyDict_Type.tp_init((PyObject *)self, tuple, NULL)) < 0) {
422 Py_DECREF(tuple);
423 Py_DECREF(signature);
424 return -1;
426 Py_DECREF(tuple);
428 Py_XDECREF(self->signature);
429 self->signature = signature;
430 return 0;
433 PyTypeObject DBusPyDict_Type = {
436 "dbus.Dictionary",
437 sizeof(DBusPyDict),
439 (destructor)Dict_tp_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
440 0, /* tp_print */
441 0, /* tp_getattr */
442 0, /* tp_setattr */
443 0, /* tp_compare */
444 (reprfunc)Dict_tp_repr, /* tp_repr */
445 0, /* tp_as_number */
446 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
447 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
448 0, /* tp_hash */
449 0, /* tp_call */
450 0, /* tp_str */
451 0, /* tp_getattro */
452 0, /* tp_setattro */
453 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
455 Dict_tp_doc, /* tp_doc */
456 0, /* tp_traverse */
457 0, /* tp_clear */
458 0, /* tp_richcompare */
459 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
460 0, /* tp_iter */
461 0, /* tp_iternext */
462 0, /* tp_methods */
463 Dict_tp_members, /* tp_members */
464 0, /* tp_getset */
465 0, /* tp_base */
466 0, /* tp_dict */
467 0, /* tp_descr_get */
468 0, /* tp_descr_set */
469 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
470 (initproc)Dict_tp_init, /* tp_init */
471 0, /* tp_alloc */
472 Dict_tp_new, /* tp_new */
475 /* Struct =========================================================== */
477 static PyObject *struct_signatures;
479 PyDoc_STRVAR(Struct_tp_doc,
480 "An structure containing items of possibly distinct types.\n"
481 "\n"
482 "Constructor::\n"
483 "\n"
484 " dbus.Struct(iterable, signature=None, variant_level=0) -> Struct\n"
485 "\n"
486 "D-Bus structs may not be empty, so the iterable argument is required and\n"
487 "may not be an empty iterable.\n"
488 "\n"
489 "``signature`` is either None, or a string representing the contents of the\n"
490 "struct as one or more complete type signatures. The overall signature of\n"
491 "the struct will be the given signature enclosed in parentheses, ``()``.\n"
492 "\n"
493 "If the signature is None (default) it will be guessed\n"
494 "from the types of the items during construction.\n"
495 "\n"
496 "``variant_level`` must be non-negative; the default is 0.\n"
497 "\n"
498 ":IVariables:\n"
499 " `variant_level` : int\n"
500 " Indicates how many nested Variant containers this object\n"
501 " is contained in: if a message's wire format has a variant containing a\n"
502 " variant containing a struct, this is represented in Python by a\n"
503 " Struct with variant_level==2.\n"
506 static PyObject *
507 Struct_tp_repr(PyObject *self)
509 PyObject *parent_repr = (PyTuple_Type.tp_repr)((PyObject *)self);
510 PyObject *sig;
511 PyObject *sig_repr = NULL;
512 PyObject *key;
513 long variant_level;
514 PyObject *my_repr = NULL;
516 if (!parent_repr) goto finally;
517 key = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(self);
518 if (!key) goto finally;
519 sig = PyDict_GetItem(struct_signatures, key);
520 Py_DECREF(key);
521 if (!sig) sig = Py_None;
522 sig_repr = PyObject_Repr(sig);
523 if (!sig_repr) goto finally;
524 variant_level = dbus_py_variant_level_get(self);
525 if (variant_level > 0) {
526 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s, "
527 "variant_level=%ld)",
528 self->ob_type->tp_name,
529 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
530 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr),
531 variant_level);
533 else {
534 my_repr = PyString_FromFormat("%s(%s, signature=%s)",
535 self->ob_type->tp_name,
536 PyString_AS_STRING(parent_repr),
537 PyString_AS_STRING(sig_repr));
540 finally:
541 Py_XDECREF(parent_repr);
542 Py_XDECREF(sig_repr);
543 return my_repr;
546 static PyObject *
547 Struct_tp_new (PyTypeObject *cls, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
549 PyObject *signature = NULL;
550 long variantness = 0;
551 PyObject *self, *key;
552 static char *argnames[] = {"signature", "variant_level", NULL};
554 if (PyTuple_Size(args) != 1) {
555 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
556 "__new__ takes exactly one positional parameter");
557 return NULL;
559 if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(dbus_py_empty_tuple, kwargs,
560 "|Ol:__new__", argnames,
561 &signature, &variantness)) {
562 return NULL;
564 if (variantness < 0) {
565 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
566 "variant_level must be non-negative");
567 return NULL;
570 self = (PyTuple_Type.tp_new)(cls, args, NULL);
571 if (!self)
572 return NULL;
573 if (PyTuple_Size(self) < 1) {
574 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "D-Bus structs may not be empty");
575 Py_DECREF(self);
576 return NULL;
579 if (!dbus_py_variant_level_set(self, variantness)) {
580 Py_DECREF(self);
581 return NULL;
584 /* convert signature from a borrowed ref of unknown type to an owned ref
585 of type Signature (or None) */
586 if (!signature) signature = Py_None;
587 if (signature == Py_None
588 || PyObject_IsInstance(signature, (PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type)) {
589 Py_INCREF(signature);
591 else {
592 signature = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)&DBusPySignature_Type,
593 "(O)", signature);
594 if (!signature) {
595 Py_DECREF(self);
596 return NULL;
600 key = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(self);
601 if (!key) {
602 Py_DECREF(self);
603 Py_DECREF(signature);
604 return NULL;
606 if (PyDict_SetItem(struct_signatures, key, signature) < 0) {
607 Py_DECREF(key);
608 Py_DECREF(self);
609 Py_DECREF(signature);
610 return NULL;
613 Py_DECREF(key);
614 Py_DECREF(signature);
615 return self;
618 static void
619 Struct_tp_dealloc(PyObject *self)
621 PyObject *et, *ev, *etb, *key;
623 dbus_py_variant_level_clear(self);
624 PyErr_Fetch(&et, &ev, &etb);
626 key = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(self);
627 if (key) {
628 if (PyDict_GetItem(struct_signatures, key)) {
629 if (PyDict_DelItem(struct_signatures, key) < 0) {
630 /* should never happen */
631 PyErr_WriteUnraisable(self);
634 Py_DECREF(key);
636 else {
637 /* not enough memory to free all the memory... leak the signature,
638 * there's not much else we could do here */
639 PyErr_WriteUnraisable(self);
642 PyErr_Restore(et, ev, etb);
643 (PyTuple_Type.tp_dealloc)(self);
646 PyObject *
647 Struct_tp_getattro(PyObject *obj, PyObject *name)
649 PyObject *key, *value;
651 if (PyString_Check(name)) {
652 Py_INCREF(name);
654 else if (PyUnicode_Check(name)) {
655 name = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(name, NULL, NULL);
656 if (!name) {
657 return NULL;
660 else {
661 PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "attribute name must be string");
662 return NULL;
665 if (strcmp(PyString_AS_STRING(name), "signature")) {
666 value = dbus_py_variant_level_getattro(obj, name);
667 Py_DECREF(name);
668 return value;
671 Py_DECREF(name);
673 key = PyLong_FromVoidPtr(obj);
675 if (!key) {
676 return NULL;
679 value = PyDict_GetItem(struct_signatures, key);
680 Py_DECREF(key);
682 if (!value)
683 value = Py_None;
684 Py_INCREF(value);
685 return value;
688 PyTypeObject DBusPyStruct_Type = {
691 "dbus.Struct",
694 Struct_tp_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
695 0, /* tp_print */
696 0, /* tp_getattr */
697 0, /* tp_setattr */
698 0, /* tp_compare */
699 (reprfunc)Struct_tp_repr, /* tp_repr */
700 0, /* tp_as_number */
701 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
702 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
703 0, /* tp_hash */
704 0, /* tp_call */
705 0, /* tp_str */
706 Struct_tp_getattro, /* tp_getattro */
707 dbus_py_immutable_setattro, /* tp_setattro */
708 0, /* tp_as_buffer */
710 Struct_tp_doc, /* tp_doc */
711 0, /* tp_traverse */
712 0, /* tp_clear */
713 0, /* tp_richcompare */
714 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
715 0, /* tp_iter */
716 0, /* tp_iternext */
717 0, /* tp_methods */
718 0, /* tp_members */
719 0, /* tp_getset */
720 0, /* tp_base */
721 0, /* tp_dict */
722 0, /* tp_descr_get */
723 0, /* tp_descr_set */
724 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
725 0, /* tp_init */
726 0, /* tp_alloc */
727 Struct_tp_new, /* tp_new */
730 dbus_bool_t
731 dbus_py_init_container_types(void)
733 struct_signatures = PyDict_New();
734 if (!struct_signatures) return 0;
736 DBusPyArray_Type.tp_base = &PyList_Type;
737 if (PyType_Ready(&DBusPyArray_Type) < 0) return 0;
738 DBusPyArray_Type.tp_print = NULL;
740 DBusPyDict_Type.tp_base = &PyDict_Type;
741 if (PyType_Ready(&DBusPyDict_Type) < 0) return 0;
742 DBusPyDict_Type.tp_print = NULL;
744 DBusPyStruct_Type.tp_base = &PyTuple_Type;
745 if (PyType_Ready(&DBusPyStruct_Type) < 0) return 0;
746 DBusPyStruct_Type.tp_print = NULL;
748 return 1;
751 dbus_bool_t
752 dbus_py_insert_container_types(PyObject *this_module)
754 Py_INCREF(&DBusPyArray_Type);
755 if (PyModule_AddObject(this_module, "Array",
756 (PyObject *)&DBusPyArray_Type) < 0) return 0;
758 Py_INCREF(&DBusPyDict_Type);
759 if (PyModule_AddObject(this_module, "Dictionary",
760 (PyObject *)&DBusPyDict_Type) < 0) return 0;
762 Py_INCREF(&DBusPyStruct_Type);
763 if (PyModule_AddObject(this_module, "Struct",
764 (PyObject *)&DBusPyStruct_Type) < 0) return 0;
766 return 1;
769 /* vim:set ft=c cino< sw=4 sts=4 et: */