Never start inside a really probable child box when cursor is moved Got
[dasher.git] / Src / DasherCore / DasherModel.cpp
1 // DasherModel.h
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2001-2005 David Ward
5 #include "../Common/Common.h"
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include "../Common/Random.h"
8 #include "DasherModel.h"
10 using namespace Dasher;
11 using namespace std;
13 #include "Event.h"
14 #include "DasherInterfaceBase.h"
15 #include "LanguageModelling/PPMLanguageModel.h"
16 #include "LanguageModelling/WordLanguageModel.h"
17 #include "LanguageModelling/DictLanguageModel.h"
18 #include "LanguageModelling/MixtureLanguageModel.h"
20 #ifdef JAPANESE
21 #include "LanguageModelling/JapaneseLanguageModel.h"
22 #endif
24 using namespace Dasher;
25 using namespace std;
27 // Track memory leaks on Windows to the line that new'd the memory
28 #ifdef _WIN32
29 #ifdef _DEBUG
30 #define DEBUG_NEW new( _NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
31 #define new DEBUG_NEW
32 #undef THIS_FILE
33 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
34 #endif
35 #endif
37 // FIXME - need to get node deletion working properly and implement reference counting
39 // CDasherModel
41 CDasherModel::CDasherModel(CEventHandler *pEventHandler, CSettingsStore *pSettingsStore, CDasherInterfaceBase *pDashIface)
42 :CDasherComponent(pEventHandler, pSettingsStore), m_pDasherInterface(pDashIface), m_Root(0), total_nats(0.0),
43 m_pLanguageModel(NULL), m_pcAlphabet(NULL), m_pGameMode(NULL), m_Rootmin(0), m_Rootmax(0), m_Rootmin_min(0),
44 m_Rootmax_max(0), m_DasherY(0), m_DasherOX(0), m_DasherOY(0), m_dAddProb(0.0), m_dMaxRate(0.0), m_pControltree(NULL),
45 m_Active(0, 0) {
47 // Set max bitrate in the FrameRate class
48 m_dMaxRate = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_BITRATE) / 100.0;
49 m_fr.SetMaxBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
51 // Convert the full alphabet to a symbolic representation for use in the language model
52 m_pcAlphabet = m_pDasherInterface->GetAlphabet();
53 CSymbolAlphabet alphabet(m_pcAlphabet->GetNumberTextSymbols());
54 alphabet.SetSpaceSymbol(m_pcAlphabet->GetSpaceSymbol()); // FIXME - is this right, or do we have to do some kind of translation?
55 alphabet.SetAlphabetPointer(m_pcAlphabet); // Horrible hack, but ignore for now.
57 // Create an appropriate language model;
59 // FIXME - return to using enum here
62 switch (GetLongParameter(LP_LANGUAGE_MODEL_ID)) {
63 case 0:
64 m_pLanguageModel = new CPPMLanguageModel(m_pEventHandler, m_pSettingsStore, alphabet);
65 break;
66 case 2:
67 m_pLanguageModel = new CWordLanguageModel(m_pEventHandler, m_pSettingsStore, alphabet);
68 break;
69 case 3:
70 m_pLanguageModel = new CMixtureLanguageModel(m_pEventHandler, m_pSettingsStore, alphabet);
71 break;
72 #ifdef JAPANESE
73 case 4:
74 m_pLanguageModel = new CJapaneseLanguageModel(m_pEventHandler, m_pSettingsStore, alphabet);
75 break;
76 #endif
77 default:
78 // If there is a bogus value for the language model ID, we'll default
79 // to our trusty old PPM language model.
80 m_pLanguageModel = new CPPMLanguageModel(m_pEventHandler, m_pSettingsStore, alphabet);
81 break;
84 LearnContext = m_pLanguageModel->CreateEmptyContext();
86 // various settings
87 int iShift = 12;
88 m_DasherY = 1 << iShift;
89 m_DasherOY = m_DasherY / 2;
90 m_DasherOX = m_DasherY / 2;
91 m_dAddProb = 0.003;
93 m_Active = CRange(0, m_DasherY);
95 int iNormalization = GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
96 m_Rootmin_min = int64_min / iNormalization / 2;
97 m_Rootmax_max = int64_max / iNormalization / 2;
99 // Initialize Game Mode object
100 m_pGameMode = new CDasherGameMode(pEventHandler, pSettingsStore, m_pDasherInterface, this);
102 m_pAlphabetManagerFactory = new CAlphabetManagerFactory(this, m_pLanguageModel);
103 m_pControlManagerFactory = new CControlManagerFactory(this, m_pLanguageModel);
105 m_bContextSensitive = true;
108 CDasherModel::~CDasherModel() {
110 if(oldroots.size() > 0) {
111 delete oldroots[0];
112 oldroots.clear();
113 // At this point we have also deleted the root - so better NULL pointer
114 m_Root = NULL;
117 delete m_Root;
119 delete m_pAlphabetManagerFactory;
120 delete m_pControlManagerFactory;
122 if (m_pGameMode != NULL) {
123 delete m_pGameMode;
124 m_pGameMode = NULL;
127 m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseContext(LearnContext);
128 delete m_pLanguageModel;
132 void CDasherModel::HandleEvent(Dasher::CEvent *pEvent) {
134 if(pEvent->m_iEventType == 1) {
135 Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent * pEvt(static_cast < Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent * >(pEvent));
137 switch (pEvt->m_iParameter) {
138 case LP_MAX_BITRATE: // Delibarate fallthrough
139 case LP_BOOSTFACTOR: // Deliberate fallthrough
141 m_dMaxRate = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_BITRATE) * GetLongParameter(LP_BOOSTFACTOR) / 100 / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_SPEED_DIVISOR));
142 m_fr.SetMaxBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
143 break;
144 default:
145 break;
151 void CDasherModel::Make_root(CDasherNode *whichchild)
152 // find a new root node
155 symbol t = m_Root->Symbol();
156 if(t < m_pDasherInterface->GetAlphabet()->GetNumberTextSymbols()) {
157 // Only learn if we have adaptive behaviour enabled
159 // This was m_bAdaptive, which should be a setting for all dasher?
160 if(true)
161 // SYM0
162 m_pLanguageModel->LearnSymbol(LearnContext, t);
165 m_Root->DeleteNephews(whichchild);
167 oldroots.push_back(m_Root);
169 m_Root = whichchild;
171 while(oldroots.size() > 10) {
172 oldroots[0]->OrphanChild(oldroots[1]);
173 delete oldroots[0];
174 oldroots.pop_front();
177 myint range = m_Rootmax - m_Rootmin;
178 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmin + (range * m_Root->Hbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
179 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin + (range * m_Root->Lbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
182 void CDasherModel::Reparent_root(int lower, int upper) {
184 /* Change the root node to the parent of the existing node
185 We need to recalculate the coordinates for the "new" root as the
186 user may have moved around within the current root */
188 if(m_Root->Symbol() == 0)
189 return; // Don't try to reparent the root symbol
192 CDasherNode *pNewRoot;
194 if(oldroots.size() == 0) {
195 CDasherNode *pCurrentNode(Get_node_under_crosshair());
196 int iGenerations(0);
198 while(pCurrentNode != m_Root) {
199 ++iGenerations;
200 pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->Parent();
203 pNewRoot = m_Root->m_pNodeManager->RebuildParent(m_Root, iGenerations);
205 lower = m_Root->Lbnd();
206 upper = m_Root->Hbnd();
209 else {
210 pNewRoot = oldroots.back();
211 oldroots.pop_back();
214 // Return if there's no existing parent and no way of recreating one
216 if(!pNewRoot) {
217 return;
220 /* Determine how zoomed in we are */
222 myint iRootWidth = m_Rootmax - m_Rootmin;
223 myint iWidth = upper - lower;
224 // double scalefactor=(m_Rootmax-m_Rootmin)/static_cast<double>(upper-lower);
226 m_Root = pNewRoot;
228 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmax + (myint((GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION) - upper)) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
229 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin - (myint(lower) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
232 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234 CDasherNode *CDasherModel::Get_node_under_crosshair() {
235 return m_Root->Get_node_under(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), m_Rootmin, m_Rootmax, m_DasherOX, m_DasherOY);
238 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
240 CDasherNode *CDasherModel::Get_node_under_mouse(myint Mousex, myint Mousey) {
241 return m_Root->Get_node_under(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), m_Rootmin, m_Rootmax, Mousex, Mousey);
244 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
246 void CDasherModel::Get_string_under_mouse(const myint Mousex, const myint Mousey, vector <symbol >&str) {
247 m_Root->Get_string_under(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), m_Rootmin, m_Rootmax, Mousex, Mousey, str);
248 return;
251 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
253 void CDasherModel::Start() {
255 // FIXME - re-evaluate this function and SetContext...
257 // m_pEditbox->get_new_context(ContextString,5);
259 std::string strNewContext("");
261 SetContext(strNewContext); // FIXME - REALLY REALLY broken!
263 CEditContextEvent oEvent(5);
265 InsertEvent(&oEvent);
267 // FIXME - what if we don't get a reply?
269 // m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseNodeContext(therootcontext);
270 // ppmmodel->dump();
271 // dump();
275 void CDasherModel::SetContext(std::string &sNewContext) {
278 if(oldroots.size() > 0) {
279 delete oldroots[0];
280 oldroots.clear();
281 // At this point we have also deleted the root - so better NULL pointer
282 m_Root = NULL;
284 delete m_Root;
287 CLanguageModel::Context therootcontext = m_pLanguageModel->CreateEmptyContext();
289 if(sNewContext.size() == 0) {
290 m_Root = m_pAlphabetManagerFactory->GetRoot(NULL, 0,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), NULL);
292 EnterText(therootcontext, ". ");
294 else {
295 std::vector<symbol> vSymbols;
296 m_pLanguageModel->SymbolAlphabet().GetAlphabetPointer()->GetSymbols(&vSymbols, &sNewContext, false);
298 int iRootSymbol(vSymbols[vSymbols.size()-1]);
300 m_Root = m_pAlphabetManagerFactory->GetRoot(NULL, 0,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), &iRootSymbol);
302 EnterText(therootcontext, sNewContext);
305 m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseContext(LearnContext);
306 LearnContext = m_pLanguageModel->CloneContext(therootcontext);
308 m_Root->SetContext(therootcontext); // node takes control of the context
309 Recursive_Push_Node(m_Root, 0);
311 double dFraction( 1 - (1 - m_Root->MostProbableChild() / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION))) / 2.0 );
313 int iWidth( m_DasherY / (2.0*dFraction) );
315 m_Rootmin = m_DasherY / 2 - iWidth / 2;
316 m_Rootmax = m_DasherY / 2 + iWidth / 2;
319 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
322 /// CDasherModel::Get_new_root_coords( myint Mousex,myint Mousey )
323 ///
324 /// Calculate the new co-ordinates for the root node after a single
325 /// update step. For further information, see Doc/geometry.tex.
326 ///
327 /// \param Mousex x mouse co-ordinate measured right to left.
328 /// \param Mousey y mouse co-ordinate measured top to bottom.
329 /// \return Returns the number of nats entered
332 double CDasherModel::Get_new_root_coords(myint Mousex, myint Mousey) {
333 // Comments refer to the code immedialtely before them
335 if(Mousex <= 0) {
336 Mousex = 1;
339 // Avoid Mousex=0, as this corresponds to infinite zoom
341 // If Mousex is too large we risk overflow errors, so make limit it
342 // (this is a somewhat empirical limit - at some point we should
343 // probably do it a little more scientifically)
345 if(Mousex > 60000000)
346 Mousex = 60000000;
348 int iTargetMin(Mousey - (m_DasherY * Mousex) / (2 * m_DasherOX));
349 int iTargetMax(Mousey + (m_DasherY * Mousex) / (2 * m_DasherOX));
351 // Calculate what the extremes of the viewport will be when the
352 // point under the cursor is at the cross-hair. This is where
353 // we want to be in iSteps updates
355 // std::cout << iTargetMin << " " << iTargetMax << std::endl;
357 int iSteps = m_fr.Steps();
359 DASHER_ASSERT(iSteps > 0);
361 // iSteps is the number of update steps we need to get the point
362 // under the cursor over to the cross hair. Calculated in order to
363 // keep a constant bit-rate.
365 int iNewTargetMin;
366 int iNewTargetMax;
368 iNewTargetMin = (iTargetMin * m_DasherY / (m_DasherY + (iSteps - 1) * (iTargetMax - iTargetMin)));
370 iNewTargetMax = ((iTargetMax * iSteps - iTargetMin * (iSteps - 1)) * m_DasherY) / (m_DasherY + (iSteps - 1) * (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
372 iTargetMin = iNewTargetMin;
373 iTargetMax = iNewTargetMax;
375 // Calculate the new values of iTargetMin and iTargetMax required to
376 // perform a single update step. Note that the slightly awkward
377 // expressions are in order to reproduce the behaviour of the old
378 // algorithm
380 myint iMinSize(m_fr.MinSize(m_DasherY));
382 // Calculate the minimum size of the viewport corresponding to the
383 // maximum zoom.
385 if((iTargetMax - iTargetMin) < iMinSize) {
387 iNewTargetMin = iTargetMin * (m_DasherY - iMinSize) / (m_DasherY - (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
388 iNewTargetMax = iNewTargetMin + iMinSize;
390 iTargetMin = iNewTargetMin;
391 iTargetMax = iNewTargetMax;
395 // Check we're not going faster than the speed slider setting
396 // allows, and adjust if necessary. Note that if we re-size the
397 // target we need to be careful about where we centre the new range
398 // (hence the slightly complicated expression above)
400 DoZoom(iTargetMin, iTargetMax);
402 // Actually do the zooming
404 return -1.0 * log((iTargetMax - iTargetMin) / static_cast < double >(m_DasherY));
406 // Return value is the zoom factor so we can keep track of bitrate.
409 /// Zoom the display so that [iTargetMin,iTargetMax] (in current
410 /// Dasher co-ordinates) are the new extremes of the viewport.
412 void CDasherModel::DoZoom(myint iTargetMin, myint iTargetMax) {
414 myint newRootmin(((m_Rootmin - iTargetMin) * m_DasherY) / (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
415 myint newRootmax(((m_Rootmax - iTargetMax) * m_DasherY) / (iTargetMax - iTargetMin) + m_DasherY);
417 // Update the max and min of the root node to make iTargetMin and iTargetMax the edges of the viewport.
419 if(newRootmin > m_DasherY / 2 - 1)
420 newRootmin = m_DasherY / 2 - 1;
422 if(newRootmax < m_DasherY / 2 + 1)
423 newRootmax = m_DasherY / 2 + 1;
425 // Check that we haven't drifted too far. The rule is that we're not
426 // allowed to let the root max and min cross the midpoint of the
427 // screen.
429 if(newRootmax < m_Rootmax_max && newRootmin > m_Rootmin_min && (newRootmax - newRootmin) > m_DasherY / 4) {
430 // Only update if we're not making things big enough to risk
431 // overflow. In theory we should have reparented the root well
432 // before getting this far.
434 // Also don't allow the update if it will result in making the
435 // root too small. Again, we should have re-generated a deeper
436 // root in most cases, but the original root is an exception.
438 m_Rootmax = newRootmax;
439 m_Rootmin = newRootmin;
441 else {
442 // TODO - force a new root to be chosen, so that we get better
443 // behaviour than just having Dasher stop at this point.
447 void CDasherModel::Get_new_goto_coords(double zoomfactor, myint MouseY)
448 // this was mousex.
450 // First, we need to work out how far we need to zoom in
451 //float zoomfactor=(m_DasherOX-MouseX)/(m_DasherOX*1.0);
453 // Then zoom in appropriately
454 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmax + myint(zoomfactor * (m_Rootmax - m_DasherY / 2));
455 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin + myint(zoomfactor * (m_Rootmin - m_DasherY / 2));
457 // Afterwards, we need to take care of the vertical offset.
458 myint up = (m_DasherY / 2) - MouseY;
459 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmax + up;
460 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin + up;
463 myint CDasherModel::PlotGoTo(myint MouseX, myint MouseY) {
464 // First, we need to work out how far we need to zoom in
465 double zoomfactor = (m_DasherOX - MouseX) / (m_DasherOX * 1.0);
466 zoomfactor = pow(0.5, zoomfactor);
468 myint height = int (m_DasherY * zoomfactor / 2);
470 return height;
473 void CDasherModel::Tap_on_display(myint miMousex,
474 myint miMousey,
475 unsigned long Time,
476 Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded,
477 int* pNumDeleted)
478 // work out the next viewpoint, opens some new nodes
481 // Clear out parameters that might get passed in to track user activity
482 if (pAdded != NULL)
483 pAdded->clear();
484 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
485 *pNumDeleted = 0;
487 // Find out the current node under the crosshair
488 CDasherNode *old_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
490 // works out next viewpoint
491 total_nats += Get_new_root_coords(miMousex, miMousey);
493 // opens up new nodes
495 if(false)
498 // push node under mouse
499 CDasherNode *pUnderMouse = Get_node_under_mouse(miMousex, miMousey);
501 Push_Node(pUnderMouse);
503 if(Framerate() > 4) {
504 // push node under mouse but with x coord on RHS
505 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, miMousey);
506 Push_Node(pRight);
509 if(Framerate() > 8) {
510 // push node under the crosshair
511 CDasherNode *pUnderCross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
512 Push_Node(pUnderCross);
515 int iRandom = RandomInt();
517 if(Framerate() > 8) {
518 // add some noise and push another node
519 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, miMousey + iRandom % 500 - 250);
520 Push_Node(pRight);
523 iRandom = RandomInt();
525 if(Framerate() > 15) {
526 // add some noise and push another node
527 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, miMousey + iRandom % 500 - 250);
528 Push_Node(pRight);
531 // only do this is Dasher is flying
532 if(Framerate() > 30) {
533 for(int i = 1; i < int (Framerate() - 30) / 3; i++) {
535 iRandom = RandomInt();
536 // push at a random node on the RHS
537 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, miMousey + iRandom % 1000 - 500);
538 Push_Node(pRight);
543 // Update(m_Root,under_mouse,0);
545 CDasherNode *new_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
547 // FIXME - Reimplement
549 if(new_under_cross != old_under_cross) {
550 DeleteCharacters(new_under_cross, old_under_cross, pNumDeleted);
553 if(new_under_cross->isSeen() == true) {
554 // if(new_under_cross->ControlChild() != true) {
555 // SetBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
556 // }
557 return;
563 // FIXME - Need to recurse up possibly unseen parents
566 RecursiveOutput(new_under_cross, pAdded);
568 // FIXME - Reimplement
570 // if(new_under_cross->ControlChild() == true) {
571 // // m_pEditbox->outputcontrol(new_under_cross->GetControlTree()->pointer,new_under_cross->GetControlTree()->data,new_under_cross->GetControlTree()->type);
572 // OutputCharacters(new_under_cross);
573 // SetBitrate(m_dMaxRate / 3);
574 // }
575 // else {
576 // OutputCharacters(new_under_cross);
577 // SetBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
578 // }
579 // m_Root->Recursive_Push_Node(0);
583 void CDasherModel::RecursiveOutput(CDasherNode *pNode, Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded) {
584 if(pNode->Parent() && (!pNode->Parent()->isSeen()))
585 RecursiveOutput(pNode->Parent(), pAdded);
587 if(pNode->Parent())
588 pNode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Leave(pNode->Parent());
590 pNode->m_pNodeManager->Enter(pNode);
592 pNode->Seen(true);
593 pNode->m_pNodeManager->Output(pNode, pAdded, GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION));
597 void CDasherModel::GoTo(double zoomfactor, myint miMousey)
598 // work out the next viewpoint, opens some new nodes
600 // Find out the current node under the crosshair
601 CDasherNode *old_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
603 // works out next viewpoint
604 Get_new_goto_coords(zoomfactor, miMousey);
606 // push node under crosshair
608 CDasherNode *new_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
610 Push_Node(new_under_cross);
612 // push node under goto point
614 // We don't have a mousex, so "emulating" one.
615 CDasherNode *node_under_goto = Get_node_under_mouse(50, miMousey);
617 Push_Node(node_under_goto);
619 // Update(m_Root,new_under_cross,0);
621 if(new_under_cross != old_under_cross) {
622 DeleteCharacters(new_under_cross, old_under_cross);
625 if(new_under_cross->isSeen() == true)
626 return;
628 new_under_cross->Seen(true);
630 OutputCharacters(new_under_cross);
633 // This is similar to Get_new_goto_coords, but doesn't actually change Rootmax and Rootmin.
634 // Instead it gives information for NewGoTo to make direct changes in the root coordinates.
635 #define ZOOMDENOM (1<<10)
636 #define STEPNUM 48
637 #define STEPDENOM 64
638 double CDasherModel::Plan_new_goto_coords(int iRxnew, myint mousey, int *iSteps, myint *o1, myint *o2 , myint *n1, myint *n2)
640 m_Stepnum = GetLongParameter(LP_ZOOMSTEPS);
641 int iRxnew_dup = iRxnew;
642 // note -- iRxnew is the zoom factor in units of ZOOMDENOM
643 *o1 = m_Rootmin ;
644 *o2 = m_Rootmax ;
645 DASHER_ASSERT(iRxnew > 0);
646 if (iRxnew < ZOOMDENOM && m_Rootmax<m_DasherY && m_Rootmin>0 ) {
647 // refuse to zoom backwards if the entire root node is visible.
648 cout << "Refusing to zoom backwards." << endl;
649 *iSteps = 0 ;
650 *n1 = m_Rootmin;
651 *n2 = m_Rootmax;
653 else {
654 myint above=(mousey-*o1);
655 myint below=(*o2-mousey);
657 myint miNewrootzoom= m_DasherY/2 ;
658 myint newRootmax=miNewrootzoom+(below*iRxnew/ZOOMDENOM); // is there a risk of overflow in this multiply?
659 myint newRootmin=miNewrootzoom-(above*iRxnew/ZOOMDENOM);
661 *n1 = newRootmin;
662 *n2 = newRootmax;
664 *iSteps = 1;
666 // We might be moving at zoomfactor one vertically, in which case the below invention won't
667 // come up with more than one step. Look for a mousey difference and use an iSteps concordant
668 // to that if it would be larger than the iSteps created by taking the log of the zoomfactor.
669 int distance = mousey - (m_DasherY/2);
671 double s = (log(2.0) * 2 / log( (STEPDENOM*1.0)/(m_Stepnum*1.0)) ) / 4096;
673 double alpha = 2 * (2 * s);
674 int alternateSteps = int(alpha * distance);
675 // Take log of iRxnew to base ( STEPDENOM / STEPNUM ):
676 if ( STEPDENOM > m_Stepnum && m_Stepnum > 0 ) { // check that the following loop will terminate.
677 //cout << "iRxnew is " << iRxnew << " and ZOOMDENOM is" << ZOOMDENOM << endl;
678 if ( iRxnew > ZOOMDENOM ) {
679 while ( iRxnew > ZOOMDENOM ) {
680 *iSteps += 1;
681 iRxnew = iRxnew * m_Stepnum / STEPDENOM;
683 } else {
684 while ( iRxnew < ZOOMDENOM ) {
685 *iSteps += 1;
686 iRxnew = iRxnew * STEPDENOM / m_Stepnum;
690 // Done taking log of iRxnew.
691 if (alternateSteps > *iSteps) {
692 *iSteps = alternateSteps;
696 double iRxnew_ratio = (double) iRxnew_dup / ZOOMDENOM;
697 double iRxnew_log = log(iRxnew_ratio);
698 return iRxnew_log;
701 void CDasherModel::NewGoTo(myint n1 , myint n2 , int style) {
702 // Find out the current node under the crosshair
703 CDasherNode *old_under_cross=Get_node_under_crosshair();
705 // establish next viewpoint
706 m_Rootmin = n1 ;
707 m_Rootmax = n2 ;
709 // push node under crosshair
710 CDasherNode* new_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
711 Push_Node(new_under_cross);
713 if ( style >= 2 ) { // "2" means FINAL. "1" means STEP
714 // Ugly hack --
715 // Push at all locations on the right hand side.
716 int Hack=60 ; // was 20
717 int hack ;
718 int y1 , y2 , hackystep = 34 , mid=m_DasherY/2 , top=m_DasherY*1/20 , bot = m_DasherY*19/20 ;
719 // y1 sweeps the top half of the screen; y2 sweeps the bottom half
720 // choice of `random' hackystep intended to give fairly uniform coverage.
721 for ( y1 = mid , y2 = mid+hackystep/2 , hack = 1 ; hack <= Hack ; hack ++ ) {
722 // We don't have a mousex, so "emulating" one.
723 CDasherNode* node_under_goto = Get_node_under_mouse(50, y1);
724 Push_Node(node_under_goto);
725 node_under_goto = Get_node_under_mouse(50, y2);
726 Push_Node(node_under_goto);
728 y1 -= hackystep;
729 if ( y1 < top ) { y1 += mid; }
731 y2 += hackystep;
732 if ( y1 > bot ) { y2 -= mid; }
734 // end hack
737 //Update(m_Root,new_under_cross,0);
739 if (new_under_cross!=old_under_cross) {
740 DeleteCharacters(new_under_cross,old_under_cross);
743 if (new_under_cross->isSeen()==true)
744 return;
746 new_under_cross->Seen(true);
748 OutputCharacters(new_under_cross);
753 void CDasherModel::OutputCharacters(CDasherNode *node) {
754 if(node->Parent() != NULL && node->Parent()->isSeen() != true) {
755 node->Parent()->Seen(true);
756 OutputCharacters(node->Parent());
758 symbol t = node->Symbol();
759 if(t) // SYM0
761 Dasher::CEditEvent oEvent(1, GetAlphabet().GetText(t));
762 InsertEvent(&oEvent);
764 else if(node->ControlChild() == true) {
766 // FIXME - control events currently not implemented
767 // m_pEditbox->outputcontrol(node->GetControlTree()->pointer,node->GetControlTree()->data,node->GetControlTree()->type);
771 bool CDasherModel::DeleteCharacters(CDasherNode *newnode, CDasherNode *oldnode, int* pNumDeleted) {
773 // DJW cant see how either of these can ever be NULL
777 if(newnode == NULL || oldnode == NULL)
778 return false;
780 // This deals with the trivial instance - we're reversing back over
781 // text that we've seen already
782 if(newnode->isSeen() == true) {
783 if(oldnode->Parent() == newnode) {
784 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
785 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
786 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
787 (*pNumDeleted)++;
788 oldnode->Seen(false);
789 return true;
791 if(DeleteCharacters(newnode, oldnode->Parent(), pNumDeleted) == true) {
792 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
793 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
794 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
795 (*pNumDeleted)++;
796 oldnode->Seen(false);
797 return true;
800 else {
801 // This one's more complicated - the user may have moved onto a new branch
802 // Find the last seen node on the new branch
803 CDasherNode *lastseen = newnode->Parent();
805 while(lastseen != NULL && lastseen->isSeen() == false) {
806 lastseen = lastseen->Parent();
808 // Delete back to last seen node
809 while(oldnode != lastseen) {
811 oldnode->Seen(false);
812 if(oldnode->ControlChild() == true || oldnode->Symbol() == GetControlSymbol() || oldnode->Symbol() == 0) {
813 oldnode = oldnode->Parent();
814 continue;
817 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
818 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
819 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
820 (*pNumDeleted)++;
821 oldnode = oldnode->Parent();
822 if(oldnode == NULL) {
823 return false;
827 return false;
830 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
832 // Diagnostic trace
833 void CDasherModel::Trace() const {
834 // OutputDebugString(TEXT(" ptr symbol context Next Child pushme pushed cscheme lbnd hbnd \n"));
835 m_Root->Trace();
838 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
840 void CDasherModel::GetProbs(CLanguageModel::Context context, vector <symbol >&NewSymbols, vector <unsigned int >&Probs, int iNorm) const {
841 // Total number of symbols
842 int iSymbols = m_pcAlphabet->GetNumberSymbols(); // note that this includes the control node and the root node
844 // Number of text symbols, for which the language model gives the distribution
845 // int iTextSymbols = m_pcAlphabet->GetNumberTextSymbols();
847 NewSymbols.resize(iSymbols);
848 // Groups.resize(iSymbols);
849 for(int i = 0; i < iSymbols; i++) {
850 NewSymbols[i] = i; // This will be replaced by something that works out valid nodes for this context
851 // Groups[i]=m_pcAlphabet->get_group(i);
854 // TODO - sort out size of control node - for the timebeing I'll fix the control node at 5%
856 int uniform_add;
857 int nonuniform_norm;
858 int control_space;
859 int uniform = GetLongParameter(LP_UNIFORM);
861 if(!GetBoolParameter(BP_CONTROL_MODE)) {
862 control_space = 0;
863 uniform_add = ((iNorm * uniform) / 1000) / (iSymbols - 2); // Subtract 2 from no symbols to lose control/root nodes
864 nonuniform_norm = iNorm - (iSymbols - 2) * uniform_add;
866 else {
867 control_space = int (iNorm * 0.05);
868 uniform_add = (((iNorm - control_space) * uniform / 1000) / (iSymbols - 2)); // Subtract 2 from no symbols to lose control/root nodes
869 nonuniform_norm = iNorm - control_space - (iSymbols - 2) * uniform_add;
872 m_pLanguageModel->GetProbs(context, Probs, nonuniform_norm);
874 #if _DEBUG
875 int iTotal = 0;
876 for(int k = 0; k < Probs.size(); ++k)
877 iTotal += Probs[k];
878 DASHER_ASSERT(iTotal == nonuniform_norm);
879 #endif
881 // Probs.insert(Probs.begin(), 0);
883 for(unsigned int k(1); k < Probs.size(); ++k)
884 Probs[k] += uniform_add;
886 Probs.push_back(control_space);
888 #if _DEBUG
889 iTotal = 0;
890 for(int k = 0; k < Probs.size(); ++k)
891 iTotal += Probs[k];
892 // DASHER_ASSERT(iTotal == iNorm);
893 #endif
897 void CDasherModel::LearnText(CLanguageModel::Context context, string *TheText, bool IsMore) {
898 vector < symbol > Symbols;
900 m_pcAlphabet->GetSymbols(&Symbols, TheText, IsMore);
902 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Symbols.size(); i++)
903 m_pLanguageModel->LearnSymbol(context, Symbols[i]); // FIXME - conversion to symbol alphabet
906 void CDasherModel::EnterText(CLanguageModel::Context context, string TheText) const {
907 vector < symbol > Symbols;
908 m_pcAlphabet->GetSymbols(&Symbols, &TheText, false);
909 for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Symbols.size(); i++)
910 m_pLanguageModel->EnterSymbol(context, Symbols[i]); // FIXME - conversion to symbol alphabet
913 CDasherModel::CTrainer::CTrainer(CDasherModel &DasherModel)
914 :m_DasherModel(DasherModel) {
915 m_Context = m_DasherModel.m_pLanguageModel->CreateEmptyContext();
918 void CDasherModel::CTrainer::Train(const std::vector <symbol >&vSymbols) {
919 for(unsigned int i(0); i < vSymbols.size(); i++)
920 m_DasherModel.m_pLanguageModel->LearnSymbol(m_Context, vSymbols[i]);
923 CDasherModel::CTrainer::~CTrainer() {
924 m_DasherModel.m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseContext(m_Context);
928 CDasherModel::CTrainer * CDasherModel::GetTrainer() {
929 return new CDasherModel::CTrainer(*this);
932 void CDasherModel::Push_Node(CDasherNode *pNode) {
933 // cerr << "In Push_Node, ChildCount is " << pNode->ChildCount() << ", HasAllChildren is " << pNode->HasAllChildren() << endl;
934 if(pNode->HasAllChildren()) {
935 DASHER_ASSERT(pNode->Children().size() > 0);
936 // if there are children just give them a poke
937 CDasherNode::ChildMap::iterator i;
938 for(i = pNode->Children().begin(); i != pNode->Children().end(); i++)
939 (*i)->Alive(true);
940 return;
943 pNode->Delete_children();
945 // This ASSERT seems to routinely fail
946 //DASHER_ASSERT(pNode->Symbol()!=0);
948 // if we haven't got a context then derive it
950 if(!pNode->Context()) {
951 CLanguageModel::Context cont;
952 // sym0
953 if(pNode->Symbol() < m_pcAlphabet->GetNumberTextSymbols() && pNode->Symbol() > 0) {
954 CDasherNode *pParent = pNode->Parent();
955 DASHER_ASSERT(pParent != NULL);
956 // Normal symbol - derive context from parent
957 cont = m_pLanguageModel->CloneContext(pParent->Context());
958 m_pLanguageModel->EnterSymbol(cont, pNode->Symbol());
959 } else {
960 // For new "root" nodes (such as under control mode), we want to
961 // mimic the root context
962 cont = CreateEmptyContext();
963 // EnterText(cont, "");
965 pNode->SetContext(cont);
969 pNode->Alive(true);
971 // if(pNode->Symbol() == GetControlSymbol() || pNode->ControlChild()) {
972 // ControlTree *pControlTreeChildren = pNode->GetControlTree();
974 // ControlTree *test = new ControlTree;
975 // test->parent = test->next;
977 // if(pControlTreeChildren == NULL) {
978 // // Root of the tree
979 // pControlTreeChildren = GetControlTree();
980 // } else {
981 // // some way down
982 // pControlTreeChildren = pControlTreeChildren->children;
983 // }
985 // // Count total number of children
987 // // Always 1 child for a root symbol
988 // int iChildCount = 1;
990 // // Control children
991 // ControlTree *pTemp = pControlTreeChildren;
992 // while(pTemp != NULL) {
993 // iChildCount++;
994 // pTemp = pTemp->next;
995 // }
997 // // Now we go back and build the node tree
998 // int quantum = int (GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION) / iChildCount);
1000 // ColorSchemes ChildScheme;
1001 // if(pNode->ColorScheme() == Nodes1) {
1002 // ChildScheme = Nodes2;
1003 // } else {
1004 // ChildScheme = Nodes1;
1005 // }
1007 // int i = 0;
1008 // // First a root node that takes up back to the text alphabet
1009 // pNode->Children()[i] = new CDasherNode(*this, pNode, 0, 0, Opts::Nodes1, 0, int ((i + 1) * quantum), m_pLanguageModel, false, 240);
1010 // i++;
1012 // // Now the control children
1013 // pTemp = pControlTreeChildren;
1014 // while(pTemp != NULL) {
1015 // int colour;
1016 // if(pTemp->colour != -1) {
1017 // colour = pTemp->colour;
1018 // } else {
1019 // colour = (i % 99) + 11;
1020 // }
1021 // pNode->Children()[i] = new CDasherNode(*this, pNode, 0, i, ChildScheme, int (i * quantum), int ((i + 1) * quantum), m_pLanguageModel, true, colour, pTemp);
1022 // i++;
1023 // pTemp = pTemp->next;
1024 // }
1025 // }
1026 // else {
1027 pNode->m_pNodeManager->PopulateChildren(pNode);
1028 // }
1029 pNode->SetHasAllChildren(true);
1032 void CDasherModel::Recursive_Push_Node(CDasherNode *pNode, int iDepth) {
1034 if(pNode->Range() < 0.1 * GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION)) {
1035 return;
1038 if(pNode->Symbol() == GetControlSymbol()) {
1039 return;
1042 Push_Node(pNode);
1044 if(iDepth == 0)
1045 return;
1047 for(unsigned int i(0); i < pNode->ChildCount(); i++) {
1048 Recursive_Push_Node(pNode->Children()[i], iDepth - 1);