Fixed a few bugs in model update routines
[dasher.git] / Src / DasherCore / DasherModel.cpp
1 // DasherModel.h
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2001-2005 David Ward
5 #include "../Common/Common.h"
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include "../Common/Random.h"
9 #include "DasherModel.h"
10 #include "DasherView.h"
11 #include "Parameters.h"
13 using namespace Dasher;
14 using namespace std;
16 #include "Event.h"
17 #include "DasherInterfaceBase.h"
18 #include "LanguageModelling/PPMLanguageModel.h"
19 #include "LanguageModelling/WordLanguageModel.h"
20 #include "LanguageModelling/DictLanguageModel.h"
21 #include "LanguageModelling/MixtureLanguageModel.h"
22 #include "NodeCreationManager.h"
24 using namespace Dasher;
25 using namespace std;
27 // Track memory leaks on Windows to the line that new'd the memory
28 #ifdef _WIN32
29 #ifdef _DEBUG
30 #define DEBUG_NEW new( _NORMAL_BLOCK, THIS_FILE, __LINE__ )
31 #define new DEBUG_NEW
32 #undef THIS_FILE
33 static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
34 #endif
35 #endif
37 // FIXME - need to get node deletion working properly and implement reference counting
39 // CDasherModel
41 CDasherModel::CDasherModel(CEventHandler *pEventHandler, CSettingsStore *pSettingsStore, CNodeCreationManager *pNCManager, CDasherInterfaceBase *pDashIface, CDasherView *pView, int iOffset, bool bGameMode, const std::string &strGameModeText)
42 :CDasherComponent(pEventHandler, pSettingsStore), m_pDasherInterface(pDashIface) {
44 m_Root = 0;
45 // m_pLanguageModel =NULL;
47 m_Rootmin = 0;
48 m_Rootmax = 0;
49 m_Rootmin_min = 0;
50 m_Rootmax_max = 0;
51 m_dAddProb = 0.0;
52 m_dMaxRate = 0.0;
53 m_iTargetOffset = 0;
54 m_dTotalNats = 0.0;
55 m_bGameMode = bGameMode;
57 m_iOffset = iOffset;
59 // TODO: Need to rationalise the require conversion methods
61 #ifdef JAPANESE
62 m_bRequireConversion = true;
63 #else
64 m_bRequireConversion = false;
65 #endif
67 SetBoolParameter(BP_CONVERSION_MODE, m_bRequireConversion);
69 // Set max bitrate in the FrameRate class
70 m_dMaxRate = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_BITRATE) / 100.0;
71 m_fr.SetMaxBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
72 m_dAddProb = 0.003;
74 int iNormalization = GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
75 m_Rootmin_min = int64_min / iNormalization / 2;
76 m_Rootmax_max = int64_max / iNormalization / 2;
78 m_pNodeCreationManager = pNCManager;
80 // m_pLanguageModel = m_pNodeCreationManager->GetLanguageModel();
81 // LearnContext = m_pNodeCreationManager->GetLearnContext();
83 // m_bContextSensitive = true;
85 // TODO: Do something sensible here
86 // Start();
88 InitialiseAtOffset(iOffset, pView);
91 CDasherModel::~CDasherModel() {
93 if(oldroots.size() > 0) {
94 delete oldroots[0];
95 oldroots.clear();
96 // At this point we have also deleted the root - so better NULL pointer
97 m_Root = NULL;
100 if(m_Root)
101 delete m_Root;
104 void CDasherModel::HandleEvent(Dasher::CEvent *pEvent) {
106 if(pEvent->m_iEventType == 1) {
107 Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent * pEvt(static_cast < Dasher::CParameterNotificationEvent * >(pEvent));
109 switch (pEvt->m_iParameter) {
110 case LP_MAX_BITRATE: // Delibarate fallthrough
111 case LP_BOOSTFACTOR: // Deliberate fallthrough
113 m_dMaxRate = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_BITRATE) * GetLongParameter(LP_BOOSTFACTOR) / 100 / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_SPEED_DIVISOR));
114 m_fr.SetMaxBitrate(m_dMaxRate);
115 break;
116 case BP_CONTROL_MODE: // Rebuild the model if control mode is switched on/off
117 RebuildAroundNode(Get_node_under_crosshair());
118 break;
119 case BP_DELAY_VIEW:
120 MatchTarget(GetBoolParameter(BP_DELAY_VIEW));
121 break;
123 if(GetBoolParameter(BP_SLOW_START))
124 m_iStartTime = 0;
125 else
126 m_iStartTime = 1;
127 break;
128 default:
129 break;
132 else if(pEvent->m_iEventType == 2) {
133 // Keep track of where we are in the buffer
134 CEditEvent *pEditEvent(static_cast < CEditEvent * >(pEvent));
136 if(pEditEvent->m_iEditType == 1) {
137 m_iOffset += pEditEvent->m_sText.size();
139 else if(pEditEvent->m_iEditType == 2) {
140 m_iOffset -= pEditEvent->m_sText.size();
145 void CDasherModel::Make_root(CDasherNode *pNewRoot) {
146 if(!pNewRoot->NodeIsParent(m_Root))
147 return;
149 m_Root->SetFlag(NF_COMMITTED, true);
151 // Remove all children of current root other than the new root and
152 // push the new root onto the stack
154 // TODO: Is the stack necessary at all? We may as well just keep the
155 // existing data structure?
157 // m_Root->DeleteNephews(pNewRoot);
159 oldroots.push_back(m_Root);
161 while((oldroots.size() > 10) && (!m_bRequireConversion || (oldroots[0]->GetFlag(NF_CONVERTED)))) {
162 oldroots[0]->OrphanChild(oldroots[1]);
163 delete oldroots[0];
164 oldroots.pop_front();
167 m_Root = pNewRoot;
169 // Update the root coordinates, as well as any currently scheduled locations
170 myint range = m_Rootmax - m_Rootmin;
171 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmin + (range * m_Root->Hbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
172 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin + (range * m_Root->Lbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
174 for(std::deque<SGotoItem>::iterator it(m_deGotoQueue.begin()); it != m_deGotoQueue.end(); ++it) {
175 myint r = it->iN2 - it->iN1;
176 it->iN2 = it->iN1 + (r * m_Root->Hbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
177 it->iN1 = it->iN1 + (r * m_Root->Lbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
181 void CDasherModel::RecursiveMakeRoot(CDasherNode *pNewRoot) {
182 // TODO: Macros for this kind of thing
183 if(!pNewRoot)
184 return;
186 // TODO: we really ought to check that pNewRoot is actually a
187 // descendent of the root, although that should be guaranteed
189 if(!pNewRoot->NodeIsParent(m_Root))
190 RecursiveMakeRoot(pNewRoot->Parent());
192 // Don't try to reparent subnodes
193 // if(!pNewRoot->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE))
194 Make_root(pNewRoot);
197 void CDasherModel::RebuildAroundNode(CDasherNode *pNode) {
198 RecursiveMakeRoot(pNode);
199 ClearRootQueue();
200 m_Root->Delete_children();
201 m_Root->m_pNodeManager->PopulateChildren(m_Root);
204 // TODO: Need to make this do the right thing with subnodes
205 void CDasherModel::Reparent_root(int lower, int upper) {
206 // Change the root node to the parent of the existing node. We need
207 // to recalculate the coordinates for the "new" root as the user may
208 // have moved around within the current root
210 CDasherNode *pNewRoot;
212 if(oldroots.size() == 0) {
213 // Figure out how many nodes are between the crosshair and the
214 // current root. This is used to figure out the cursor position of
215 // the current root in order to obtain context.
217 // TODO: store cursor position in the node itself. This would make
218 // life a lot easier in several ways
219 // CDasherNode *pCurrentNode(Get_node_under_crosshair());
220 int iGenerations(0);
222 // TODO: This was failing - figure out why
224 // while(pCurrentNode != m_Root) {
225 // ++iGenerations;
226 // pCurrentNode = pCurrentNode->Parent();
227 // }
229 // Tell the node manager to rebuild the parent
231 pNewRoot = m_Root->m_pNodeManager->RebuildParent(m_Root, iGenerations);
234 else {
235 pNewRoot = oldroots.back();
236 oldroots.pop_back();
238 while((oldroots.size() > 0) && pNewRoot->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)) {
239 pNewRoot = oldroots.back();
240 oldroots.pop_back();
244 // Return if there's no existing parent and no way of recreating one
245 if(!pNewRoot) {
246 return;
249 pNewRoot->SetFlag(NF_COMMITTED, false);
251 CDasherNode *pCurrent = m_Root;
253 // Need to iterate through group pseudo-nodes
254 while(pCurrent != pNewRoot) {
256 lower = pCurrent->Lbnd();
257 upper = pCurrent->Hbnd();
259 pCurrent = pCurrent->Parent();
261 myint iWidth = upper - lower;
262 myint iRootWidth = m_Rootmax - m_Rootmin;
264 // Fail and undo root creation if the new root is bigger than allowed by normalisation
265 if(!(pNewRoot->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)) && (((myint((GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION) - upper)) / static_cast<double>(iWidth))
266 > (m_Rootmax_max - m_Rootmax)/static_cast<double>(iRootWidth)) ||
267 ((myint(lower) / static_cast<double>(iWidth))
268 > (m_Rootmin - m_Rootmin_min) / static_cast<double>(iRootWidth)))) {
269 pNewRoot->OrphanChild(m_Root);
270 delete pNewRoot;
271 return;
274 //Update the root coordinates to reflect the new root
275 m_Root = pNewRoot;
277 m_Rootmax = m_Rootmax + (myint((GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION) - upper)) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
278 m_Rootmin = m_Rootmin - (myint(lower) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
280 for(std::deque<SGotoItem>::iterator it(m_deGotoQueue.begin()); it != m_deGotoQueue.end(); ++it) {
281 iRootWidth = it->iN2 - it->iN1;
282 it->iN2 = it->iN2 + (myint((GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION) - upper)) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
283 it->iN1 = it->iN1 - (myint(lower) * iRootWidth / iWidth);
288 void CDasherModel::ClearRootQueue() {
289 while(oldroots.size() > 0) {
290 if(oldroots.size() > 1) {
291 oldroots[0]->OrphanChild(oldroots[1]);
293 else {
294 oldroots[0]->OrphanChild(m_Root);
296 delete oldroots[0];
297 oldroots.pop_front();
301 CDasherNode *CDasherModel::Get_node_under_crosshair() {
302 return m_Root->Get_node_under(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), m_Rootmin + m_iTargetOffset, m_Rootmax + m_iTargetOffset, GetLongParameter(LP_OX), GetLongParameter(LP_OY));
305 CDasherNode *CDasherModel::Get_node_under_mouse(myint Mousex, myint Mousey) {
306 return m_Root->Get_node_under(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), m_Rootmin + m_iTargetOffset, m_Rootmax + m_iTargetOffset, Mousex, Mousey);
309 // void CDasherModel::Start() {
311 // // FIXME - re-evaluate this function and SetContext...
313 // // m_pEditbox->get_new_context(ContextString,5);
315 // std::cout << "Called CDasherModel::Start()" << std::endl;
317 // std::string strNewContext("");
319 // SetContext(strNewContext); // FIXME - REALLY REALLY broken!
321 // CEditContextEvent oEvent(5);
323 // InsertEvent(&oEvent);
325 // // FIXME - what if we don't get a reply?
327 // // m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseNodeContext(therootcontext);
328 // // ppmmodel->dump();
329 // // dump();
331 // }
333 void CDasherModel::DeleteTree() {
334 if(oldroots.size() > 0) {
335 delete oldroots[0];
336 oldroots.clear();
337 m_Root = NULL;
340 delete m_Root;
343 void CDasherModel::InitialiseAtOffset(int iOffset, CDasherView *pView) {
344 DeleteTree();
346 if(iOffset == 0)
347 m_Root = GetRoot(0, NULL, 0,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), NULL);
348 else {
349 // Get the most recent character
350 std::string strContext = m_pDasherInterface->GetContext(iOffset - 1, 1);
352 CAlphabetManager::SRootData oData;
354 oData.szContext = new char[strContext.size() + 1];
355 strcpy(oData.szContext, strContext.c_str());
357 oData.iOffset = iOffset;
359 m_Root = GetRoot(0, NULL, 0, GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), &oData);
361 delete[] oData.szContext;
364 // Create children of the root
365 // TODO: What about parents?
367 Recursive_Push_Node(m_Root, 0);
369 // Set the root coordinates so that the root node is an appropriate
370 // size and we're not in any of the children
372 double dFraction( 1 - (1 - m_Root->MostProbableChild() / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION))) / 2.0 );
374 int iWidth( static_cast<int>( (GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / (2.0*dFraction)) ) );
376 m_Rootmin = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 - iWidth / 2;
377 m_Rootmax = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 + iWidth / 2;
379 m_iTargetOffset = 0;
381 if(pView) {
382 while(pView->IsNodeVisible(m_Rootmin,m_Rootmax)) {
383 CDasherNode *pOldRoot = m_Root;
384 Reparent_root(m_Root->Lbnd(), m_Root->Hbnd());
385 if(m_Root == pOldRoot)
386 break;
390 // TODO: See if this is better positioned elsewhere
391 m_pDasherInterface->ScheduleRedraw();
396 // void CDasherModel::SetContext(std::string &sNewContext) {
398 // std::cout << "Called CDasherModel::SetContext()" << std::endl;
400 // // TODO: This is probably the area most significantly in need of a
401 // // rethink. Get the language model out of here!
402 // m_deGotoQueue.clear();
404 // DeleteTree();
406 // // CLanguageModel::Context therootcontext = m_pLanguageModel->CreateEmptyContext();
408 // if(sNewContext.size() == 0) {
409 // m_Root = GetRoot(0, NULL, 0,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), NULL);
411 // // EnterText(therootcontext, ". ");
412 // }
413 // else {
414 // std::vector<symbol> vSymbols;
415 // // m_pLanguageModel->SymbolAlphabet().GetAlphabetPointer()->GetSymbols(&vSymbols, &sNewContext, false);
417 // int iRootSymbol(vSymbols[vSymbols.size()-1]);
419 // m_Root = GetRoot(0, NULL, 0,GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION), &iRootSymbol);
421 // // EnterText(therootcontext, sNewContext);
422 // }
424 // // TODO: Reimplement
425 // // m_pLanguageModel->ReleaseContext(LearnContext);
426 // // LearnContext = m_pLanguageModel->CloneContext(therootcontext);
428 // // TODO: Reimplement
429 // // m_Root->SetContext(therootcontext); // node takes control of the context
430 // Recursive_Push_Node(m_Root, 0);
432 // double dFraction( 1 - (1 - m_Root->MostProbableChild() / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION))) / 2.0 );
434 // int iWidth( static_cast<int>( (GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / (2.0*dFraction)) ) );
436 // m_Rootmin = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 - iWidth / 2;
437 // m_Rootmax = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 + iWidth / 2;
439 // m_iTargetOffset = 0;
441 // // m_iTargetMin = m_Rootmin;
442 // // m_iTargetMax = m_Rootmax;
443 // }
445 void CDasherModel::Get_new_root_coords(myint Mousex, myint Mousey, myint &iNewMin, myint &iNewMax, unsigned long iTime) {
447 // Avoid Mousex == 0, as this corresponds to infinite zoom
448 if(Mousex <= 0) {
449 Mousex = 1;
452 if(m_iStartTime == 0)
453 m_iStartTime = iTime;
455 int iSteps = m_fr.Steps();
457 double dFactor;
459 if(IsSlowdown(iTime))
460 dFactor = 0.1 * (1 + 9 * ((iTime - m_iStartTime) / static_cast<double>(GetLongParameter(LP_SLOW_START_TIME))));
461 else
462 dFactor = 1.0;
464 iSteps = static_cast<int>(iSteps / dFactor);
466 // If Mousex is too large we risk overflow errors, so limit it
467 int iMaxX = (1 << 29) / iSteps;
469 if(Mousex > iMaxX)
470 Mousex = iMaxX;
472 // Cache some results so we don't do a huge number of parameter lookups
474 myint iMaxY(GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y));
475 myint iOX(GetLongParameter(LP_OX));
476 myint iOY(GetLongParameter(LP_OY));
478 // Calculate what the extremes of the viewport will be when the
479 // point under the cursor is at the cross-hair. This is where
480 // we want to be in iSteps updates
482 int iTargetMin(Mousey - ((myint)iMaxY * Mousex) / (2 * (myint)iOX));
483 int iTargetMax(Mousey + ((myint)iMaxY * Mousex) / (2 * (myint)iOY));
485 // iSteps is the number of update steps we need to get the point
486 // under the cursor over to the cross hair. Calculated in order to
487 // keep a constant bit-rate.
489 DASHER_ASSERT(iSteps > 0);
491 // Calculate the new values of iTargetMin and iTargetMax required to
492 // perform a single update step. Note that the slightly awkward
493 // expressions are in order to reproduce the behaviour of the old
494 // algorithm
496 int iNewTargetMin;
497 int iNewTargetMax;
499 iNewTargetMin = (iTargetMin * iMaxY / (iMaxY + (iSteps - 1) * (iTargetMax - iTargetMin)));
501 iNewTargetMax = ((iTargetMax * iSteps - iTargetMin * (iSteps - 1)) * iMaxY) / (iMaxY + (iSteps - 1) * (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
503 iTargetMin = iNewTargetMin;
504 iTargetMax = iNewTargetMax;
506 // Calculate the minimum size of the viewport corresponding to the
507 // maximum zoom.
509 myint iMinSize(m_fr.MinSize(iMaxY, dFactor));
511 if((iTargetMax - iTargetMin) < iMinSize) {
512 iNewTargetMin = iTargetMin * (iMaxY - iMinSize) / (iMaxY - (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
513 iNewTargetMax = iNewTargetMin + iMinSize;
515 iTargetMin = iNewTargetMin;
516 iTargetMax = iNewTargetMax;
519 iNewMin = (((m_Rootmin - iTargetMin) * (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y)) / (iTargetMax - iTargetMin));
520 iNewMax = (((m_Rootmax - iTargetMax) * (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y)) / (iTargetMax - iTargetMin) + (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y));
523 bool CDasherModel::UpdatePosition(myint miMousex, myint miMousey, unsigned long iTime, Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded, int* pNumDeleted) {
524 // Clear out parameters that might get passed in to track user activity
525 if (pAdded != NULL)
526 pAdded->clear();
527 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
528 *pNumDeleted = 0;
530 if(GetBoolParameter(BP_DASHER_PAUSED) && (m_deGotoQueue.size() == 0))
531 return false;
533 myint iNewMin;
534 myint iNewMax;
536 if(m_deGotoQueue.size() == 0) {
537 // works out next viewpoint
538 Get_new_root_coords(miMousex, miMousey, iNewMin, iNewMax, iTime);
540 if(GetBoolParameter(BP_OLD_STYLE_PUSH))
541 OldPush(miMousex, miMousey);
543 else {
544 iNewMin = m_deGotoQueue.front().iN1;
545 iNewMax = m_deGotoQueue.front().iN2;
546 m_deGotoQueue.pop_front();
549 m_dTotalNats += log((iNewMax - iNewMin) / static_cast<double>(m_Rootmax - m_Rootmin));
551 // Now actually zoom to the new location
552 NewGoTo(iNewMin, iNewMax, pAdded, pNumDeleted);
554 return true;
557 void CDasherModel::OldPush(myint iMousex, myint iMousey) {
558 // push node under mouse
559 CDasherNode *pUnderMouse = Get_node_under_mouse(iMousex, iMousey);
561 Push_Node(pUnderMouse);
563 if(Framerate() > 4) {
564 // push node under mouse but with x coord on RHS
565 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, iMousey);
566 Push_Node(pRight);
569 if(Framerate() > 8) {
570 // push node under the crosshair
571 CDasherNode *pUnderCross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
572 Push_Node(pUnderCross);
575 int iRandom = RandomInt();
577 if(Framerate() > 8) {
578 // add some noise and push another node
579 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, iMousey + iRandom % 500 - 250);
580 Push_Node(pRight);
583 iRandom = RandomInt();
585 if(Framerate() > 15) {
586 // add some noise and push another node
587 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, iMousey + iRandom % 500 - 250);
588 Push_Node(pRight);
591 // only do this is Dasher is flying
592 if(Framerate() > 30) {
593 for(int i = 1; i < int (Framerate() - 30) / 3; i++) {
595 int iRandom = RandomInt();
597 if(Framerate() > 8) {
598 // add some noise and push another node
599 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, iMousey + iRandom % 500 - 250);
600 Push_Node(pRight);
603 iRandom = RandomInt();
604 // push at a random node on the RHS
605 CDasherNode *pRight = Get_node_under_mouse(50, iMousey + iRandom % 1000 - 500);
606 Push_Node(pRight);
612 void CDasherModel::RecursiveOutput(CDasherNode *pNode, Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded) {
613 if(pNode->Parent() && (!pNode->Parent()->GetFlag(NF_SEEN)))
614 RecursiveOutput(pNode->Parent(), pAdded);
616 if(pNode->Parent())
617 pNode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Leave(pNode->Parent());
619 pNode->m_pNodeManager->Enter(pNode);
621 pNode->SetFlag(NF_SEEN, true);
622 pNode->m_pNodeManager->Output(pNode, pAdded, GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION));
626 // This is similar to Get_new_goto_coords, but doesn't actually change Rootmax and Rootmin.
627 // Instead it gives information for NewGoTo to make direct changes in the root coordinates.
628 // #define ZOOMDENOM (1<<10)
629 // #define STEPNUM 48
630 // #define STEPDENOM 64
631 // double CDasherModel::Plan_new_goto_coords(int iRxnew, myint mousey, int *iSteps, myint *o1, myint *o2 , myint *n1, myint *n2)
632 // {
633 // m_Stepnum = GetLongParameter(LP_ZOOMSTEPS);
634 // int iRxnew_dup = iRxnew;
635 // // note -- iRxnew is the zoom factor in units of ZOOMDENOM
636 // *o1 = m_Rootmin ;
637 // *o2 = m_Rootmax ;
638 // DASHER_ASSERT(iRxnew > 0);
639 // if (iRxnew < ZOOMDENOM && m_Rootmax<(myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) && m_Rootmin>0 ) {
640 // // refuse to zoom backwards if the entire root node is visible.
641 // *iSteps = 0 ;
642 // *n1 = m_Rootmin;
643 // *n2 = m_Rootmax;
644 // }
645 // else {
646 // myint above=(mousey-*o1);
647 // myint below=(*o2-mousey);
649 // myint miNewrootzoom= GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y)/2 ;
650 // myint newRootmax=miNewrootzoom+(below*iRxnew/ZOOMDENOM); // is there a risk of overflow in this multiply?
651 // myint newRootmin=miNewrootzoom-(above*iRxnew/ZOOMDENOM);
653 // *n1 = newRootmin;
654 // *n2 = newRootmax;
656 // *iSteps = 1;
658 // // We might be moving at zoomfactor one vertically, in which case the below invention won't
659 // // come up with more than one step. Look for a mousey difference and use an iSteps concordant
660 // // to that if it would be larger than the iSteps created by taking the log of the zoomfactor.
661 // int distance = mousey - ((myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y)/2);
663 // double s = (log(2.0) * 2 / log( (STEPDENOM*1.0)/(m_Stepnum*1.0)) ) / 4096;
665 // double alpha = 2 * (2 * s);
666 // int alternateSteps = int(alpha * abs(distance));
668 // // Take log of iRxnew to base ( STEPDENOM / STEPNUM ):
669 // if ( STEPDENOM > m_Stepnum && m_Stepnum > 0 ) { // check that the following loop will terminate.
670 // //cout << "iRxnew is " << iRxnew << " and ZOOMDENOM is" << ZOOMDENOM << endl;
671 // if ( iRxnew > ZOOMDENOM ) {
672 // while ( iRxnew > ZOOMDENOM ) {
673 // *iSteps += 1;
674 // iRxnew = iRxnew * m_Stepnum / STEPDENOM;
675 // }
676 // } else {
677 // while ( iRxnew < ZOOMDENOM ) {
678 // *iSteps += 1;
679 // iRxnew = iRxnew * STEPDENOM / m_Stepnum;
680 // }
681 // }
682 // }
684 // // Done taking log of iRxnew.
685 // if (alternateSteps > *iSteps) {
686 // *iSteps = alternateSteps;
687 // }
688 // }
690 // double iRxnew_ratio = (double) iRxnew_dup / ZOOMDENOM;
691 // double iRxnew_log = log(iRxnew_ratio);
692 // return iRxnew_log;
693 // }
695 void CDasherModel::NewGoTo(myint newRootmin, myint newRootmax, Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded, int* pNumDeleted) {
696 // Find out the current node under the crosshair
697 CDasherNode *old_under_cross=Get_node_under_crosshair();
699 // Update the max and min of the root node to make iTargetMin and
700 // iTargetMax the edges of the viewport.
702 if(newRootmin + m_iTargetOffset > (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 - 1)
703 newRootmin = (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 - 1 - m_iTargetOffset;
705 if(newRootmax + m_iTargetOffset < (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 + 1)
706 newRootmax = (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 + 1 - m_iTargetOffset;
708 // Check that we haven't drifted too far. The rule is that we're not
709 // allowed to let the root max and min cross the midpoint of the
710 // screen.
712 if(newRootmax < m_Rootmax_max && newRootmin > m_Rootmin_min && (newRootmax - newRootmin) > (myint)GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 4) {
713 // Only update if we're not making things big enough to risk
714 // overflow. In theory we should have reparented the root well
715 // before getting this far.
717 // Also don't allow the update if it will result in making the
718 // root too small. Again, we should have re-generated a deeper
719 // root in most cases, but the original root is an exception.
721 m_Rootmax = newRootmax;
722 m_Rootmin = newRootmin;
724 m_iTargetOffset = (m_iTargetOffset * 90) / 100;
726 else {
727 // TODO - force a new root to be chosen, so that we get better
728 // behaviour than just having Dasher stop at this point.
731 // Check whether new nodes need to be created
732 CDasherNode* new_under_cross = Get_node_under_crosshair();
733 Push_Node(new_under_cross);
735 HandleOutput(new_under_cross, old_under_cross, pAdded, pNumDeleted);
738 void CDasherModel::HandleOutput(CDasherNode *pNewNode, CDasherNode *pOldNode, Dasher::VECTOR_SYMBOL_PROB* pAdded, int* pNumDeleted) {
739 if(pNewNode != pOldNode)
740 DeleteCharacters(pNewNode, pOldNode, pNumDeleted);
742 if(pNewNode->GetFlag(NF_SEEN))
743 return;
745 RecursiveOutput(pNewNode, pAdded);
748 bool CDasherModel::DeleteCharacters(CDasherNode *newnode, CDasherNode *oldnode, int* pNumDeleted) {
749 // DJW cant see how either of these can ever be NULL
753 if(newnode == NULL || oldnode == NULL)
754 return false;
756 // This deals with the trivial instance - we're reversing back over
757 // text that we've seen already
758 if(newnode->GetFlag(NF_SEEN)) {
759 if(oldnode->Parent() == newnode) {
760 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
761 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
762 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
763 (*pNumDeleted)++;
764 oldnode->SetFlag(NF_SEEN, false);
765 return true;
767 if(DeleteCharacters(newnode, oldnode->Parent(), pNumDeleted) == true) {
768 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
769 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
770 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
771 (*pNumDeleted)++;
772 oldnode->SetFlag(NF_SEEN, false);
773 return true;
776 else {
777 // This one's more complicated - the user may have moved onto a new branch
778 // Find the last seen node on the new branch
779 CDasherNode *lastseen = newnode->Parent();
781 while(lastseen != NULL && !(lastseen->GetFlag(NF_SEEN))) {
782 lastseen = lastseen->Parent();
784 // Delete back to last seen node
785 while(oldnode != lastseen) {
787 oldnode->SetFlag(NF_SEEN, false);
789 oldnode->m_pNodeManager->Undo(oldnode);
791 if(oldnode->Parent())
792 oldnode->Parent()->m_pNodeManager->Enter(oldnode->Parent());
794 if (pNumDeleted != NULL)
795 (*pNumDeleted)++;
796 oldnode = oldnode->Parent();
797 if(oldnode == NULL) {
798 return false;
802 return false;
805 // void CDasherModel::LearnText(CLanguageModel::Context context, string *TheText, bool IsMore) {
806 // m_pNodeCreationManager->LearnText(context, TheText, IsMore);
807 // }
809 // void CDasherModel::EnterText(CLanguageModel::Context context, string TheText) const {
810 // m_pNodeCreationManager->EnterText(context, TheText);
811 // }
813 void CDasherModel::Push_Node(CDasherNode *pNode) {
815 // TODO: Fix this and make an assertion again
816 if(pNode->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE))
817 return;
819 if(pNode->GetFlag(NF_ALLCHILDREN)) {
820 DASHER_ASSERT(pNode->Children().size() > 0);
821 // if there are children just give them a poke
822 CDasherNode::ChildMap::iterator i;
823 for(i = pNode->Children().begin(); i != pNode->Children().end(); i++)
824 (*i)->SetFlag(NF_ALIVE, true);
825 return;
828 // TODO: Do we really need to delete all of the children at this point?
829 pNode->Delete_children();
831 pNode->SetFlag(NF_ALIVE, true);
833 pNode->m_pNodeManager->PopulateChildren(pNode);
834 pNode->SetFlag(NF_ALLCHILDREN, true);
837 void CDasherModel::Recursive_Push_Node(CDasherNode *pNode, int iDepth) {
839 if(pNode->Range() < 0.1 * GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION)) {
840 return;
843 Push_Node(pNode);
845 if(iDepth == 0)
846 return;
848 for(unsigned int i(0); i < pNode->ChildCount(); i++) {
849 Recursive_Push_Node(pNode->Children()[i], iDepth - 1);
853 bool CDasherModel::RenderToView(CDasherView *pView, bool bRedrawDisplay) {
854 std::vector<CDasherNode *> vNodeList;
855 std::vector<CDasherNode *> vDeleteList;
857 bool bReturnValue;
859 bReturnValue = pView->Render(m_Root, m_Rootmin + m_iTargetOffset, m_Rootmax + m_iTargetOffset, vNodeList, vDeleteList, bRedrawDisplay, m_bGameMode);
861 if(!GetBoolParameter(BP_OLD_STYLE_PUSH)) {
862 for(std::vector<CDasherNode *>::iterator it(vNodeList.begin()); it != vNodeList.end(); ++it)
863 Push_Node(*it);
866 // TODO: Fix this
867 for(std::vector<CDasherNode *>::iterator it(vDeleteList.begin()); it != vDeleteList.end(); ++it) {
868 if(!((*it)->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)))
869 (*it)->Delete_children();
872 return bReturnValue;
875 // Return true to indicate zero or one nodes found, false for more than one
876 bool CDasherModel::RecursiveCheckRoot(CDasherNode *pNode, CDasherNode **pNewNode, bool &bFound) {
877 CDasherNode::ChildMap & children = pNode->Children();
879 for(CDasherNode::ChildMap::iterator it(children.begin()); it != children.end(); ++it) {
880 if((*it)->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)) {
881 if(!RecursiveCheckRoot(*it, pNewNode, bFound))
882 return false;
884 else if((*it)->GetFlag(NF_SUPER)) {
885 if(bFound) // TODO: This should be an error (and probably isn't worth checking for)
886 return false;
887 else {
888 *pNewNode = *it;
889 bFound = true;
894 return true;
897 bool CDasherModel::CheckForNewRoot(CDasherView *pView) {
898 // TODO: Check for non-subnode on return
900 // if(m_deGotoQueue.size() > 0)
901 // return false;
903 CDasherNode *root(m_Root);
904 CDasherNode::ChildMap & children = m_Root->Children();
906 // if(pView->IsNodeVisible(m_Rootmin,m_Rootmax)) {
907 if(!(m_Root->GetFlag(NF_SUPER))) {
908 Reparent_root(root->Lbnd(), root->Hbnd());
910 DASHER_ASSERT(!(m_Root->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)));
912 return(m_Root != root);
915 CDasherNode *pNewRoot = NULL;
917 bool bFound = false;
919 if(RecursiveCheckRoot(m_Root, &pNewRoot, bFound)) {
920 if(bFound) {
921 // We now have a new root, but it's not necessarily a direct
922 // descentent of the current root, so loop:
924 m_Root->DeleteNephews(pNewRoot);
926 RecursiveMakeRoot(pNewRoot);
930 DASHER_ASSERT(!(m_Root->GetFlag(NF_SUBNODE)));
933 // if(children.size() == 0)
934 // return false;
936 // int alive = 0;
937 // CDasherNode *theone = 0;
939 // // Find whether there is exactly one alive child; if more, we don't care.
940 // CDasherNode::ChildMap::iterator i;
941 // for(i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); i++) {
942 // if((*i)->GetFlag(NF_ALIVE)) {
943 // alive++;
944 // theone = *i;
945 // if(alive > 1)
946 // break;
947 // }
948 // }
950 // if(alive == 1) {
951 // // We must have zoomed sufficiently that only one child of the root node
952 // // is still alive. Let's make it the root.
954 // myint y1 = m_Rootmin;
955 // myint y2 = m_Rootmax;
956 // myint range = y2 - y1;
958 // myint newy1 = y1 + (range * theone->Lbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
959 // myint newy2 = y1 + (range * theone->Hbnd()) / (int)GetLongParameter(LP_NORMALIZATION);
960 // if(!pView->IsNodeVisible(newy1, newy2)) {
961 // Make_root(theone);
962 // return false;
963 // }
964 // }
966 return false;
969 double CDasherModel::CorrectionFactor(int dasherx, int dashery) {
970 double dX = 1 - dasherx/2048.0;
971 double dY = dashery/2048.0 - 1;
973 double dR = sqrt(pow(dX, 2.0) + pow(dY, 2.0));
975 if(fabs(dX) < 0.1)
976 return dR * (1 + dX /2.0+ pow(dX, 2.0) / 3.0 + pow(dX, 3.0) / 4.0 + pow(dX, 4.0) / 5.0);
977 else
978 return -dR * log(1 - dX) / dX;
981 void CDasherModel::ScheduleZoom(int dasherx, int dashery) {
983 // TODO: What is the following line for?
984 if (dasherx < 2) { dasherx = 100; }
986 double dCFactor(CorrectionFactor(dasherx, dashery));
988 int iSteps = static_cast<int>(GetLongParameter(LP_ZOOMSTEPS) * dCFactor);
989 // myint iRxnew = ((GetLongParameter(LP_OX)/2) * GetLongParameter(LP_OX)) / dasherx;
990 myint n1, n2, iTarget1, iTarget2;
991 //Plan_new_goto_coords(iRxnew, dashery, &iSteps, &o1,&o2,&n1,&n2);
993 iTarget1 = dashery - dasherx;
994 iTarget2 = dashery + dasherx;
996 double dZ = 4096 / static_cast<double>(iTarget2 - iTarget1);
998 n1 = static_cast<int>((m_Rootmin - iTarget1) * dZ);
999 n2 = static_cast<int>((m_Rootmax - iTarget2) * dZ + 4096);
1001 m_deGotoQueue.clear();
1002 SGotoItem sNewItem;
1004 for(int s(1); s < iSteps; ++s) {
1005 // use simple linear interpolation. Really should do logarithmic interpolation, but
1006 // this will probably look fine.
1008 sNewItem.iN1 = (s * n1 + (iSteps-s) * m_Rootmin) / iSteps;
1009 sNewItem.iN2 = (s * n2 + (iSteps-s) * m_Rootmax) / iSteps;
1010 sNewItem.iStyle = 1;
1012 m_deGotoQueue.push_back(sNewItem);
1015 sNewItem.iN1 = n1;
1016 sNewItem.iN2 = n2;
1017 sNewItem.iStyle = 2;
1019 m_deGotoQueue.push_back(sNewItem);
1022 void CDasherModel::Offset(int iOffset) {
1023 m_Rootmin += iOffset;
1024 m_Rootmax += iOffset;
1026 m_iTargetOffset -= iOffset;
1029 void CDasherModel::MatchTarget(bool bReverse) {
1030 // TODO: Does anything need to happen wrt bReverse here?
1032 m_Rootmin += m_iTargetOffset;
1033 m_Rootmax += m_iTargetOffset;
1035 m_iTargetOffset = 0;
1038 void CDasherModel::LimitRoot(int iMaxWidth) {
1039 m_Rootmin = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 - iMaxWidth / 2;
1040 m_Rootmax = GetLongParameter(LP_MAX_Y) / 2 + iMaxWidth / 2;
1043 void CDasherModel::SetOffset(int iLocation, CDasherView *pView) {
1044 if(iLocation == m_iOffset)
1045 return; // We're already there
1047 // TODO: Special cases, ie this can be done without rebuilding the
1048 // model
1050 m_iOffset = iLocation;
1052 // Now actually rebuild the model
1053 InitialiseAtOffset(iLocation, pView);