Debian package: Declare compliance with Debian Policy 4.3.0
[conkeror.git] / modules / page-modes / newsblur.js
1 /**
2  * NewsBlur mode (for RSS news reader)
3  * (C) Copyright 2012-2013 Benjamin Slade
4  *
5  * Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the terms specified in the
6  * COPYING file.
7 **/
9 require("content-buffer.js");
12 define_keymap("newsblur_keymap", $display_name = "newsblur");
13 define_fallthrough(newsblur_keymap, match_any_unmodified_character);
15 // Help
16 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "?", null, $fallthrough); // open help
18 // Navigation
19 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "d", null, $fallthrough); // back to dashboard
20 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "escape", null, $fallthrough); // back to dashboard
21 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "E", null, $fallthrough); // fetch everything (fetch all unread stories)
22 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "g", null, $fallthrough); // find feed by name
23 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "k", null, $fallthrough); // previous story
24 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "j", null, $fallthrough); // next story
25 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "up", null, $fallthrough); // previous story
26 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "down", null, $fallthrough); // next story
27 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "K", null, $fallthrough); // previous site
28 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "J", null, $fallthrough); // next site
29 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "S-up", null, $fallthrough); // previous site
30 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "S-down", null, $fallthrough); // next site
31 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "S-space", null, $fallthrough); // scroll up
32 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "space", null, $fallthrough); // scroll down
33 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "p", null, $fallthrough); // previous unread story
34 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "n", null, $fallthrough); // next unread story
35 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "M", null, $fallthrough); // find oldest unread story
36 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "left", null, $fallthrough); // switch views (original|feed|story)
37 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "right", null, $fallthrough); // switch views (original|feed|story)
38 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "x", null, $fallthrough); // collapse story
39 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "X", null, $fallthrough); // expand story
40 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "c", null, $fallthrough); // scroll to comments
44 // Acting
45 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "u", null, $fallthrough); // toggle unread/read on current story
46 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "m", null, $fallthrough); // toggle unread/read on current story
47 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "s", null, $fallthrough); // toggle save/unsave story
48 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "o", null, $fallthrough); // open story in new window
49 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "A", null, $fallthrough); // mark all stories as read
50 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "S", null, $fallthrough); // share story
51 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "C-return", null, $fallthrough); // save comments
52 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "e", null, $fallthrough); // email story
53 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "+", null, $fallthrough); // switch focus/unread
54 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "-", null, $fallthrough); // switch focus/unread
57 // Application
58 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "U", null, $fallthrough); // hide sites
59 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "T", null, $fallthrough); // hide story titles
60 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "a", null, $fallthrough); // add new rss feed
61 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "t", null, $fallthrough); // open story trainer
62 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "f", null, $fallthrough); // open site/feed trainer
63 define_key(newsblur_keymap, "F", null, $fallthrough); // full screen
65 define_keymaps_page_mode("newsblur-mode",
66     build_url_regexp($domain = /(?:[a-z]+\.)?newsblur/),
67     { normal: newsblur_keymap },
68     $display_name = "Newsblur");
70 page_mode_activate(newsblur_mode);
72 provide("newsblur");