minibuffer-completion.js: style changes
[conkeror.git] / modules / favicon.js
1 /**
2  * (C) Copyright 2008 Jeremy Maitin-Shepard
3  *
4  * Portions of this file were derived from Mozilla,
5  * (C) Copyright 1998-2008 Mozilla Foundation.
6  *
7  * Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the terms specified in the
8  * COPYING file.
9 **/
11 in_module(null);
13 const favicon_service = Cc[";1"]
14     .getService(Ci.nsIFaviconService);
16 define_variable("favicon_image_max_size", 1024,
17     "Maximum (pixel) width and height of an image document that "+
18     "is considered for use as a favicon.");
20 define_buffer_local_hook("buffer_favicon_change_hook");
21 define_current_buffer_hook("current_buffer_favicon_change_hook", "buffer_favicon_change_hook");
24 function favicon_set (buffer, icon_url) {
25     buffer.favicon = icon_url.spec;
26     favicon_service.setAndLoadFaviconForPage(buffer.current_uri,
27                                              icon_url, false);
32 function favicon_content_buffer_started_loading (buffer) {
33     var old = buffer.favicon;
34     buffer.favicon = null;
35     if (old != null)
40 function favicon_content_buffer_finished_loading (buffer) {
41     if (buffer.favicon != null)
42         return;
44     if (buffer.document instanceof Ci.nsIImageDocument) {
45         var req = buffer.document.imageRequest;
46         if (req && req.image &&
47             req.image.width <= favicon_image_max_size  &&
48             req.image.height <= favicon_image_max_size)
49         {
50             favicon_set(buffer, buffer.current_uri);
51             return;
52         }
53     }
55     var uri = buffer.current_uri;
56     // Only load favicons for http and https
57     if (!uri.schemeIs("http") && !uri.schemeIs("https"))
58         return;
60     var icon_url = make_uri(uri.prePath + "/favicon.ico");
61     if (!favicon_service.isFailedFavicon(icon_url))
62         favicon_set(buffer, icon_url);
66 function favicon_content_buffer_dom_link_added (buffer, event) {
67     var link = event.originalTarget;
68     if (!link || !link.ownerDocument || !link.rel || !link.href ||
69         link.ownerDocument != buffer.document)
70     {
71         return;
72     }
73     var rel = link.rel.toLowerCase();
74     var rel_strings = rel.split(/\s+/);
75     if (rel_strings.indexOf("icon") == -1)
76         return;
78     /* FIXME: perhaps worry about newURI throwing an exception */
79     var target_doc = link.ownerDocument;
80     var ios = Cc[";1"]
81         .getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
82     var uri = ios.newURI(link.href, target_doc.characterSet, null);
84     if (favicon_service.isFailedFavicon(uri))
85         return;
87     // Verify that the load of this icon is legal.
88     // error pages can load their favicon, to be on the safe side,
89     // only allow chrome:// favicons
90     const about_neterr = "about:neterror?";
91     if (target_doc.documentURI.substr(0, about_neterr.length) != about_neterr
92         || !uri.schemeIs("chrome"))
93     {
94         var ssm = Cc[";1"]
95             .getService(Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager);
96         try {
97             ssm.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal(
98                 target_doc.nodePrincipal, uri,
99                 Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DISALLOW_SCRIPT);
100         } catch(e) {
101             return;
102         }
103     }
105     try {
106     } catch(e) {
107         return; // Refuse to load if we can't do a security check.
108     }
110     // Security says okay, now ask content policy
111     var content_policy_service = Cc[";1"]
112         .getService(Ci.nsIContentPolicy);
113     if (content_policy_service.shouldLoad(Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_IMAGE,
114                                           uri, target_doc.documentURIObject,
115                                           link, link.type, null)
116         != Ci.nsIContentPolicy.ACCEPT)
117     {
118         return;
119     }
121     favicon_set(buffer, uri);
125 add_hook("content_buffer_started_loading_hook",
126          favicon_content_buffer_started_loading);
128 add_hook("content_buffer_finished_loading_hook",
129          favicon_content_buffer_finished_loading);
131 add_hook("content_buffer_dom_link_added_hook",
132          favicon_content_buffer_dom_link_added);
134 provide("favicon");