Debian package: Reorder xulrunner alternative dependencies so the current xulrunner...
[conkeror.git] / contrib / config / common.js
2 // the default page for new buffers.
3 homepage = "about:blank";
6 // load urls from the command line in new buffers instead
7 // of new windows.
8 url_remoting_fn = load_url_in_new_buffer;
11 // load download buffers in the background in the current
12 // window, instead of in new windows.
13 download_buffer_automatic_open_target = OPEN_NEW_BUFFER_BACKGROUND;
16 // save a keystroke when selecting a dom node by number.
17 hints_auto_exit_delay = 500;
18 hints_ambiguous_auto_exit_delay = 500;
21 // display properties of the current selected node during
22 // the hints interaction.
23 hints_display_url_panel = true;
26 // default directory for downloads and shell commands.
27 cwd = get_home_directory();
28 cwd.append("downloads");
31 // automatically handle some mime types internally.
32 content_handlers.set("application/pdf", content_handler_save);
35 // external programs for handling various mime types.
36 external_content_handlers.set("application/pdf", "xpdf");
37 external_content_handlers.set("video/*", "urxvtc -e mplayer");
40 // use vi as external editor.
41 editor_shell_command = "urxvt -e vi";
44 // view source in your editor.
45 view_source_use_external_editor = true;
48 // let xkcd-mode put the funny alt text into the page.
49 xkcd_add_title = true;