minor changes
[clqr.git] / clqr-arrays.tex
1 % Copyright (C) 2008 Bert Burgemeister
3 % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
4 % document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
5 % Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software
6 % Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and
7 % no Back-Cover Texts. For details see file COPYING.
10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
11 \section{Arrays}
12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
13 \label{section:Arrays}
15 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
16 \subsection{Predicates}
17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
18 \begin{LIST}{1cm}
20 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAYP} \VAR{foo})}
21 Return \retval{\T} if \VAR{foo} is of type \kwd{array}.
23 \IT{\arrGOO{(\FU*{ADJUSTABLE-ARRAY-P} \VAR{ array})\\
24 (\FU*{ARRAY-HAS-FILL-POINTER-P} \VAR{ array})}{\}}}
25 Return \retval{\T} if \VAR{array} is adjustable/has a fill pointer,
26 resp.
28 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-IN-BOUNDS-P} \VAR{array} \Op{\VAR{subscripts}})}
29 Return \retval{\T} if \VAR{subscripts} are in \VAR{array}'s bounds.
31 \IT{\arrGOO{%
32 (\FU*{VECTORP} \VAR{ foo})\\
33 (\FU*{SIMPLE-VECTOR-P} \VAR{ foo})\\
34 (\FU*{BIT-VECTOR-P} \VAR{ foo})\\
35 (\FU*{SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR-P} \VAR{ foo})}{\}}}
36 \retval{\T} if \VAR{foo} is of indicated type.
38 \end{LIST}
41 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
42 \subsection{Array Functions}
43 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
44 \begin{LIST}{1cm}
46 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{MAKE-ARRAY}\\\FU*{ADJUST-ARRAY} \VAR{ array}}{\}}%
47 \xorGOO{\VAR{dim}\\\kwd{'}(\OPn{\VAR{dim}})}{\}}
48 \orGOO{\kwd{:element-type} \VAR{ type}\DF{\T}\\
49 \kwd{:adjustable} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
50 \kwd{:fill-pointer} \Goo{\VAR{num}\XOR\VAR{bool}}\DF{\NIL}\\
51 \xorGOO{\kwd{:initial-element} \VAR{ obj}\\
52 \kwd{:initial-contents} \VAR{ seq}\\
53 \kwd{:displaced-to} \xorGOO{\VAR{array}\\\VAR{bool}\DF{\NIL}}{\}}
54 \Op{\kwd{:displaced-index-offset} \VAR{i}\DF{0}}}{.}}{\}})}
55 Return fresh, or readjust, resp., \retval{vector or array of
56 dimension(s) \VAR{dim}}.
58 \IT{(\kwd*{AREF} \VAR{array} \OP{\VAR{subscripts}})} Return
59 \retval{array element} pointed to by \VAR{subscripts}. \kwd{setf}able.
61 \IT{(\FU*{ROW-MAJOR-AREF} \VAR{array} \VAR{i})}
62 Return \retval{\VAR{i}th element} of \VAR{array} in row-major order.
64 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-ROW-MAJOR-INDEX} \VAR{array} \VAR{subscripts})}
65 \retval{Index} in row-major order of element denoted by \VAR{subscripts}.
67 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-DIMENSIONS} \VAR{array})}
68 \retval{List} containing \VAR{array}'s dimensions.
70 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-DIMENSION} \VAR{array} \VAR{i})}
71 \retval{length of \VAR{i}th dimension} of \VAR{array}.
73 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-TOTAL-SIZE} \VAR{array})}
74 \retval{Number of elements} in \VAR{array}.
77 \retval{Target array} and \retval{offset}.
79 \IT{(\FU*{ARRAY-RANK} \VAR{array})}
80 \retval{Number of dimensions} of \VAR{array}.
82 \IT{\arrGOO{(\FU*{BIT} \VAR{ bit-array} \VAR{ subscripts})\\
83 (\FU*{SBIT} \VAR{ simple-bit-array} \VAR{ subscripts})}{\}}}
84 Return \retval{element} of \VAR{bit-array} or of
85 \VAR{simple-bit-array}. \kwd{setf}able.
87 \IT{(\FU*{BIT-NOT} \VAR{bit-array} \Op{\VAR{arg}\DF{\NIL}})}
88 Return \retval{result} of bit-wise negation of \VAR{bit-array}. If
89 \VAR{arg} is a bit array, put result there. If \VAR{arg} is \T, put
90 result in \VAR{bit-arry}. If \VAR{arg} is \NIL, make a new array for
91 result.
93 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{BIT-AND}\\
94 \FU*{BIT-ANDC1}\\
95 \FU*{BIT-ANDC2}\\
96 \FU*{BIT-EQV}\\
97 \FU*{BIT-IOR}\\
98 \FU*{BIT-NAND}\\
99 \FU*{BIT-NOR}\\
100 \FU*{BIT-ORC1}\\
101 \FU*{BIT-ORC2}\\
102 \FU*{BIT-XOR}}{\}} \VAR{bit-array-a} \VAR{bit-array-b}
103 \Op{\VAR{arg}\DF{\NIL}})}
104 Return \retval{result} of bit-wise logical operations on
105 \VAR{bit-array-a} and \VAR{bit-array-b}. If \VAR{arg} is a bit
106 array, put result there. If \VAR{arg} is \T, put result in
107 \VAR{bit-arry-a}. If \VAR{arg} is \NIL, make a new array for
108 result.
111 Upper bound of array rank, $> 8$.
114 Upper bound of an array dimension, $> 1024$.
117 Upper bound of array size, $> 1024$.
119 \end{LIST}
122 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
123 \subsection{Vector Functions}
124 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
126 Vectors can as well be manipulated by sequence functions, see
127 s.\ \ref{section:Sequences}.
129 \begin{LIST}{1cm}
131 \IT{(\FU*{VECTOR} \OPn{\VAR{foo}})}
132 Return fresh \retval{vector of \VAR{foo}s}.
134 \IT{(\kwd*{SVREF} \VAR{vector} \VAR{i})}
135 Return \retval{\VAR{i}th
136 element} of \VAR{vector}. \kwd{setf}able.
138 \IT{(\FU*{VECTOR-PUSH} \VAR{foo} \VAR{vector})}
139 Return \retval{\NIL} if \VAR{vector}'s fill pointer equals size of
140 \VAR{vector}. Otherwise replace element of \VAR{vector} pointed to
141 by \retval{fill pointer} with \VAR{foo}, then increment fill
142 pointer.
144 \IT{(\FU*{VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND} \VAR{foo} \VAR{vector} \Op{\VAR{num}})}
145 Replace element of \VAR{vector} pointed to by \retval{fill pointer} with
146 \VAR{foo}, then increment fill pointer. Extend \VAR{vector}'s size by
147 $\ge \VAR{num}$ if necessary.
149 \IT{(\FU*{VECTOR-POP} \VAR{vector})}
150 Return \retval{element of \VAR{vector}} its fillpointer points to
151 after decrementation.
153 \end{LIST}