src/clfswm-query.lisp: Support completion with chars other than spaces.
[clfswm.git] / src / clfswm-query.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Query utility
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2011 Philippe Brochard <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 (in-package :clfswm)
29 (defparameter *query-window* nil)
30 (defparameter *query-font* nil)
31 (defparameter *query-gc* nil)
33 (defparameter *query-history* (list ""))
34 (defparameter *query-complet-list* nil)
36 (defparameter *query-message* nil)
37 (defparameter *query-string* nil)
38 (defparameter *query-pos* nil)
39 (defparameter *query-return* nil)
42 (defun query-show-paren (orig-string pos dec)
43 "Replace matching parentheses with brackets"
44 (let ((string (copy-seq orig-string)))
45 (labels ((have-to-find-right? ()
46 (and (< pos (length string)) (char= (aref string pos) #\()))
47 (have-to-find-left? ()
48 (and (> (1- pos) 0) (char= (aref string (1- pos)) #\))))
49 (pos-right ()
50 (loop :for p :from (1+ pos) :below (length string)
51 :with level = 1 :for c = (aref string p)
52 :do (when (char= c #\() (incf level))
53 (when (char= c #\)) (decf level))
54 (when (= level 0) (return p))))
55 (pos-left ()
56 (loop :for p :from (- pos 2) :downto 0
57 :with level = 1 :for c = (aref string p)
58 :do (when (char= c #\() (decf level))
59 (when (char= c #\)) (incf level))
60 (when (= level 0) (return p))))
61 (draw-bloc (p &optional (color *query-parent-color*))
62 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground *query-gc*) (get-color color))
63 (xlib:draw-rectangle *pixmap-buffer* *query-gc*
64 (+ 10 (* p (xlib:max-char-width *query-font*)) dec)
65 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*) 7)
66 (xlib:max-char-width *query-font*)
67 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*))
68 t)))
69 (cond ((have-to-find-left?) (let ((p (pos-left)))
70 (if p
71 (progn (draw-bloc p) (draw-bloc (1- pos)))
72 (draw-bloc (1- pos) *query-parent-error-color*))))
73 ((have-to-find-right?) (let ((p (pos-right)))
74 (if p
75 (progn (draw-bloc p) (draw-bloc pos))
76 (draw-bloc pos *query-parent-error-color*))))))))
79 (defun clear-query-history ()
80 "Clear the query-string history"
81 (setf *query-history* (list "")))
85 (defun leave-query-mode (&optional (return :Escape))
86 "Leave the query mode"
87 (setf *query-return* return)
88 (throw 'exit-query-loop nil))
91 (defun leave-query-mode-valid ()
92 (leave-query-mode :Return))
94 (add-hook *binding-hook* 'init-*query-keys*)
98 (defun query-find-complet-list ()
99 (let* ((pos (1+ (or (position-if-not #'extented-alphanumericp *query-string*
100 :end *query-pos* :from-end t)
101 -1)))
102 (str (subseq *query-string* pos *query-pos*)))
103 (when (or (> (length str) (1- *query-min-complet-char*))
104 (< (length *query-complet-list*) *query-max-complet-length*))
105 (values (string-match str *query-complet-list*) pos))))
108 (defun query-print-string ()
109 (let ((dec (min 0 (- (- (x-drawable-width *query-window*) 10)
110 (+ 10 (* *query-pos* (xlib:max-char-width *query-font*))))))
111 (complet (query-find-complet-list)))
112 (clear-pixmap-buffer *query-window* *query-gc*)
113 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground *query-gc*) (get-color *query-message-color*))
114 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* *query-gc* 5 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) 5)
115 (format nil "~A ~{~A~^, ~}" *query-message*
116 (if (< (length complet) *query-max-complet-length*)
117 complet nil)))
118 (when (< *query-pos* 0)
119 (setf *query-pos* 0))
120 (when (> *query-pos* (length *query-string*))
121 (setf *query-pos* (length *query-string*)))
122 (query-show-paren *query-string* *query-pos* dec)
123 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground *query-gc*) (get-color *query-foreground*))
124 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* *query-gc*
125 (+ 10 dec)
126 (+ (* 2 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*))) 5)
127 *query-string*)
128 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground *query-gc*) (get-color *query-cursor-color*))
129 (xlib:draw-line *pixmap-buffer* *query-gc*
130 (+ 10 (* *query-pos* (xlib:max-char-width *query-font*)) dec)
131 (+ (* 2 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*))) 6)
132 (+ 10 (* *query-pos* (xlib:max-char-width *query-font*)) dec)
133 (+ (* 1 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*))) 7))
134 (copy-pixmap-buffer *query-window* *query-gc*)))
138 (defun query-enter-function ()
139 (setf *query-font* (xlib:open-font *display* *query-font-string*))
140 (let ((width (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) 2))
141 (height (* 3 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent *query-font*) (xlib:max-char-descent *query-font*)))))
142 (with-placement (*query-mode-placement* x y width height)
143 (setf *query-window* (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
144 :x x :y y
145 :width width
146 :height height
147 :background (get-color *query-background*)
148 :border-width *border-size*
149 :border (get-color *query-border*)
150 :colormap (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*)
151 :event-mask '(:exposure :key-press))
152 *query-gc* (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable *query-window*
153 :foreground (get-color *query-foreground*)
154 :background (get-color *query-background*)
155 :font *query-font*
156 :line-style :solid))
157 (setf (window-transparency *query-window*) *query-transparency*)
158 (map-window *query-window*)
159 (query-print-string)
160 (wait-no-key-or-button-press))))
164 (defun query-leave-function ()
165 (xlib:destroy-window *query-window*)
166 (xlib:close-font *query-font*)
167 (wait-no-key-or-button-press))
169 (defun query-loop-function ()
170 (raise-window *query-window*))
174 (labels ((generic-backspace (del-pos)
175 (when (>= del-pos 0)
176 (setf *query-string* (concatenate 'string
177 (subseq *query-string* 0 del-pos)
178 (subseq *query-string* *query-pos*))
179 *query-pos* del-pos))))
180 (defun query-backspace ()
181 "Delete a character backward"
182 (generic-backspace (1- *query-pos*)))
184 (defun query-backspace-word ()
185 "Delete a word backward"
186 (generic-backspace (or (position #\Space *query-string* :from-end t :end *query-pos*) 0))))
189 (labels ((generic-delete (del-pos)
190 (when (<= del-pos (length *query-string*))
191 (setf *query-string* (concatenate 'string
192 (subseq *query-string* 0 *query-pos*)
193 (subseq *query-string* del-pos))))))
194 (defun query-delete ()
195 "Delete a character forward"
196 (generic-delete (1+ *query-pos*)))
198 (defun query-delete-word ()
199 "Delete a word forward"
200 (generic-delete (1+ (or (position #\Space *query-string* :start *query-pos*)
201 (1- (length *query-string*)))))))
205 (defun query-home ()
206 "Move cursor to line begining"
207 (setf *query-pos* 0))
209 (defun query-end ()
210 "Move cursor to line end"
211 (setf *query-pos* (length *query-string*)))
214 (defun query-left ()
215 "Move cursor to left"
216 (when (> *query-pos* 0)
217 (setf *query-pos* (1- *query-pos*))))
219 (defun query-left-word ()
220 "Move cursor to left word"
221 (when (> *query-pos* 0)
222 (setf *query-pos* (let ((p (position #\Space *query-string*
223 :end (min (1- *query-pos*) (length *query-string*))
224 :from-end t)))
225 (if p p 0)))))
227 (defun query-right ()
228 "Move cursor to right"
229 (when (< *query-pos* (length *query-string*))
230 (setf *query-pos* (1+ *query-pos*))))
232 (defun query-right-word ()
233 "Move cursor to right word"
234 (when (< *query-pos* (length *query-string*))
235 (setf *query-pos* (let ((p (position #\Space *query-string*
236 :start (min (1+ *query-pos*) (length *query-string*)))))
237 (if p p (length *query-string*))))))
239 (defun query-previous-history ()
240 "Circulate backward in history"
241 (setf *query-string* (first *query-history*)
242 *query-pos* (length *query-string*)
243 *query-history* (rotate-list *query-history*)))
246 (defun query-next-history ()
247 "Circulate forward in history"
248 (setf *query-string* (first *query-history*)
249 *query-pos* (length *query-string*)
250 *query-history* (anti-rotate-list *query-history*)))
254 (defun query-delete-eof ()
255 "Delete the end of the line"
256 (setf *query-string* (subseq *query-string* 0 *query-pos*)))
259 (defun query-mode-complet ()
260 (multiple-value-bind (complet pos)
261 (query-find-complet-list)
262 (when complet
263 (if (= (length complet) 1)
264 (setf *query-string* (concatenate 'string
265 (subseq *query-string* 0 pos)
266 (first complet) " "
267 (subseq *query-string* *query-pos*))
268 *query-pos* (+ pos (length (first complet)) 1))
269 (let ((common (find-common-string (subseq *query-string* pos *query-pos*) complet)))
270 (when common
271 (setf *query-string* (concatenate 'string
272 (subseq *query-string* 0 pos)
273 common
274 (subseq *query-string* *query-pos*))
275 *query-pos* (+ pos (length common)))))))))
278 (add-hook *binding-hook* 'set-default-query-keys)
280 (defun set-default-query-keys ()
281 (define-query-key ("Return") 'leave-query-mode-valid)
282 (define-query-key ("Escape") 'leave-query-mode)
283 (define-query-key ("g" :control) 'leave-query-mode)
284 (define-query-key ("Tab") 'query-mode-complet)
285 (define-query-key ("BackSpace") 'query-backspace)
286 (define-query-key ("BackSpace" :control) 'query-backspace-word)
287 (define-query-key ("Delete") 'query-delete)
288 (define-query-key ("Delete" :control) 'query-delete-word)
289 (define-query-key ("Home") 'query-home)
290 (define-query-key ("a" :control) 'query-home)
291 (define-query-key ("End") 'query-end)
292 (define-query-key ("e" :control) 'query-end)
293 (define-query-key ("Left") 'query-left)
294 (define-query-key ("Left" :control) 'query-left-word)
295 (define-query-key ("Right") 'query-right)
296 (define-query-key ("Right" :control) 'query-right-word)
297 (define-query-key ("Up") 'query-previous-history)
298 (define-query-key ("Down") 'query-next-history)
299 (define-query-key ("k" :control) 'query-delete-eof))
303 (defun add-in-query-string (code state)
304 (let* ((modifiers (state->modifiers state))
305 (keysym (keycode->keysym code modifiers))
306 (char (xlib:keysym->character *display* keysym state)))
307 (when (and char (characterp char))
308 (setf *query-string* (concatenate 'string
309 (when (<= *query-pos* (length *query-string*))
310 (subseq *query-string* 0 *query-pos*))
311 (string char)
312 (when (< *query-pos* (length *query-string*))
313 (subseq *query-string* *query-pos*))))
314 (incf *query-pos*))))
318 (define-handler query-mode :key-press (code state)
319 (unless (funcall-key-from-code *query-keys* code state)
320 (add-in-query-string code state))
321 (query-print-string))
325 (defun query-string (message &optional (default "") complet-list)
326 "Query a string from the keyboard. Display msg as prompt"
327 (let ((grab-keyboard-p (xgrab-keyboard-p))
328 (grab-pointer-p (xgrab-pointer-p)))
329 (setf *query-message* message
330 *query-string* default
331 *query-pos* (length default)
332 *query-complet-list* complet-list)
333 (xgrab-pointer *root* 92 93)
334 (unless grab-keyboard-p
335 (ungrab-main-keys)
336 (xgrab-keyboard *root*))
337 (generic-mode 'query-mode 'exit-query-loop
338 :enter-function #'query-enter-function
339 :loop-function #'query-loop-function
340 :leave-function #'query-leave-function
341 :original-mode '(main-mode))
342 (unless grab-keyboard-p
343 (xungrab-keyboard)
344 (grab-main-keys))
345 (if grab-pointer-p
346 (xgrab-pointer *root* 66 67)
347 (xungrab-pointer)))
348 (when (equal *query-return* :Return)
349 (pushnew default *query-history* :test #'equal)
350 (push *query-string* *query-history*))
351 (values *query-string*
352 *query-return*))
356 (defun query-number (msg &optional (default 0))
357 "Query a number from the query input"
358 (multiple-value-bind (string return)
359 (query-string msg (format nil "~A" default))
360 (if (equal return :Return)
361 (or (parse-integer (or string "") :junk-allowed t) default)
362 default)))