Tidying up tests. Adding fixes for use from another package.
[cl-x86-asm.git] / x86assembler.lisp
3 (in-package :cl-x86-asm)
5 ;; x86 can assemble in one of two modes BITS32 or BITS16
6 (defparameter *current-bits-size* 32)
8 ;; switch between modes
9 (defun switch-bits ()
10 "(switch-bits) switch assembly mode between 32 bits and 16"
11 (if (= *current-bits-size* 32)
12 (setf *current-bits-size* 16)
13 (setf *current-bits-size* 32)))
15 ;; -- the actual assembler -----------------------------------------------------
17 ;; to do -- lookup across different segments?
18 ;; to do -- character operands?
19 (defun operand-value (operand)
20 "(operand-value operand) - given operand which may be a number or a symbol
21 then reduce to it's numeric value"
22 (cond
23 ((numberp operand)
24 operand)
25 ((symbolp operand)
26 (let ((result
27 (find-symbol (symbol-name operand)
28 *current-segment-package*)))
29 (if result
30 (symbol-value result)
31 (let ((result
32 (find-symbol
33 (symbol-name operand) 'keyword)))
34 (if result
35 result
36 (error "Invalid operand ~A " operand))))))
37 (t (error "Invalid operand ~A " operand))))
39 (defun operands-match-types-p (operands types)
40 "(is-operand-type-p operand-type operand) Given an operand type (eg :reg32)
41 and an operand (eg :EAX), returns t if that operand is of the correct type"
42 (labels
43 ((operand-matches-type-p (op ty)
44 (funcall
45 (cadr (assoc ty *operand-type-checkers*))
46 (operand-value op))))
47 (reduce
48 #'(lambda (a b) (and a b))
49 (mapcar
50 #'operand-matches-type-p operands types))))
52 (defun encoding-length (encoding)
53 "(encoding-length encoding) -- return the 'length' or weight of an encoding
54 used when disambiguating potentially ambigous encodings"
55 (+ (length encoding)
56 (if (eq :ib (first (last encoding))) 1 0)
57 (if (eq :iw (first (last encoding))) 2 0)
58 (if (eq :id (first (last encoding))) 4 0)))
60 (defun one-description-p
61 (descriptions)
62 "(one-description-p descriptions-list) Quickie predicate to
63 check if we have one description left in our candidate list"
64 (= (length descriptions) 1))
66 (defun filter-descriptions-by-number (operands descriptions)
67 "(filter-descriptions-by-number operands descriptions) Given an
68 operand list and a list of possible descriptions: pairs then
69 return only those where the number of operands in the
70 descriptions matches the number of operands given"
71 (loop
72 for (types encoding) in descriptions
73 when (or (= (length types) (length operands))
74 (and (zerop (length operands)) (eq (first types) :|none|)))
75 collect (list types encoding)))
77 (defun filter-descriptions-by-type (operands descriptions)
78 "(filter-descriptions-by-type operands descriptions) Return
79 only those descriptions that match the types of the operands"
80 (loop
81 for (types encoding) in descriptions
82 when (operands-match-types-p operands types)
83 collect (list types encoding)))
85 (defun filter-descriptions-by-simplicity (operands descriptions)
86 "(pick-simplest-description descriptions) Look for a description with an operand
87 type that is a literal register keyword - an automatic win"
88 (declare (ignore operands) (optimize (debug 3) (safety 1) (compilation-speed 0) (speed 0)))
89 (if
90 (loop
91 for (types encoding) in descriptions
92 for index = 0 then (1+ index)
93 when (contains-keyword '(:STO :CX :ECX :DX :CL :AL :AX :EAX) encoding)
94 collect (list types encoding))
95 descriptions)) ;; if we don't find anything, pass along to the next filter
98 (defun pick-smallest-description (descriptions)
99 "(filter-descriptions-by-type operands descriptions)
100 Return the description that is likely to result in the
101 smallest possible encoding"
102 (let
103 ((candidate-index 0))
104 (loop
105 for (types encoding) in descriptions
106 for index = 0 then (1+ index)
107 when (< (encoding-length encoding)
108 (encoding-length
109 (second (nth index descriptions))))
111 (setf candidate-index index))
112 (nth candidate-index descriptions)))
114 ;; to do ? what if we *still* have alternate encodings
115 ;; adfter going through *those* filters?
117 (defun find-correct-description (operands
118 candidate-descriptions)
119 "(find-correct-description operands candidate-descrptions)
120 Given a list of operands for an instruction and a list of possible
121 descriptions as a list of (types encoding) pair lists then find
122 the description which most likely satisfies the operands"
123 (macrolet ((with-description-filter
124 (filterfn &rest body)
125 `(let ((candidate-descriptions
126 (apply ,filterfn (list operands candidate-descriptions))))
127 (format *debug-io* "Filtered Descriptions ~A~&"
128 candidate-descriptions)
129 (if (one-description-p candidate-descriptions)
130 (first candidate-descriptions)
131 ,@body))))
132 (format *debug-io*
133 "Operands ~A ~&Possible Descriptions ~A~&"
134 operands candidate-descriptions)
135 (with-description-filter
136 #'filter-descriptions-by-number
137 (with-description-filter
138 #'filter-descriptions-by-type
139 (with-description-filter
140 #'filter-descriptions-by-simplicity
141 (first candidate-descriptions))))))
144 (defun process-opcodes (insn-name operands types encoding instruction)
145 (format *debug-io* "Processing instruction ~A~&" insn-name)
146 (format *debug-io* "With operands ~A~&" operands)
147 (format *debug-io* "Matching types ~A~&" types)
148 (format *debug-io* "Using encoding ~A~&" encoding)
149 (loop
150 for code in encoding
152 (if (numberp code)
153 (setf (get instruction :opcodes)
154 (append (get instruction :opcodes) (list code)))
155 (progn (format *debug-io* "~A~&" (gethash code *opcode-encoder-table*))
156 (funcall (gethash code *opcode-encoder-table*)
157 insn-name operands types encoding instruction)))))
159 ;; turn an encoding into a sequcnce of bytes with no symbols
161 (defun process-encoding (insn-name operands description)
162 "(process-encoding instruction operand operand-description) Given an instruction,
163 it's operands and it's description produce a stream of bytes for assembly, taking
164 it's encoding into account"
165 (let ((result (make-instruction)))
166 (format *debug-io*
167 "Processing encoding of instruction ~A w operands ~A using description ~A~&"
168 insn-name operands description)
169 (process-opcodes insn-name operands
170 (first description) (second description)
171 result)
172 (print-instruction "Resulting " result)
173 (flatten-instruction result)))
175 ;; to do -- need to put instructions in keyword package,
176 ;; hash-table to lookup
177 (defun assemble-instruction-or-directive (instruction operands)
178 "(assemble-instruction-or-directive instruction operand) Given the itstruction
179 and operand portion of an assembler form, assemble it in the current segment"
180 ;; deal with instruction
181 (format *debug-io* "Looking up instruction ~A~&" instruction)
182 (multiple-value-bind (instruction operand-descriptions)
183 (lookup-instruction instruction)
184 (when operand-descriptions
185 (format *debug-io* "Found instruction ~A~&" instruction)
186 (let ((candidate-description
187 (find-correct-description operands operand-descriptions)))
188 (emit-bytes-to-segment
189 (process-encoding
190 instruction
191 operands
192 candidate-description))))))
196 (defun assemble-form (form)
197 "(assemble-form form) -- assemble a single line of assembler code
198 The form may be one of the following:
199 a number - a literal to be emitted
200 a symbol - if it is in the keyword packaage it is an instruction with no operands
201 - if it is begins with a dot it is a symbol definition
202 - if does not begin with a dot it is a symbol reference
203 a list - it is a list of the above, plus possibly operands"
204 (labels
205 ;; remove dot from the front of a symbol
206 ((remove-dot (x)
207 (subseq x 1 (length x)))
208 ;; test to see if a symbol begins with a dot
209 (begins-with-dot (x)
210 (char= (char (symbol-name x) 0) #\.)))
211 (format *debug-io* "--~&Assembling form ~A~%" form)
212 (ctypecase form
213 ;; value is supposed to be a literal to be poked in
214 (number (emit-data-to-segment form))
215 ;; symbol is supposed to be a reference to a symbol,
216 ;; or a definition of a symbol unless its a keyword
217 ;; in which case it's an opcode-less directive
218 (symbol
219 (if (symbol-is-in-package form "KEYWORD")
220 (assemble-instruction-or-directive form nil)
221 (if (begins-with-dot form)
222 (add-symbol-definition (remove-dot (symbol-name form)))
223 (add-symbol-reference (symbol-name form)))))
224 (list
225 ;; if the list begins with a keyword, the rest of it
226 ;; is an instruction
227 (if (and (symbolp (first form))
228 (symbol-is-in-package (first form) "KEYWORD"))
229 (assemble-instruction-or-directive (first form) (rest form))
230 (progn
231 (assemble-form (first form))
232 (when (rest form)
233 (assemble-form (rest form)))))))))
236 (defun assemble-forms (&rest forms)
237 "(assemble-forms forms)
238 Assemble a list of forms in the current segment"
239 (mapcar #'assemble-form forms))