Land Recent QUIC Changes.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / tools / quic / quic_dispatcher.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // A server side dispatcher which dispatches a given client's data to their
6 // stream.
11 #include <list>
13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
14 #include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
15 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
16 #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
17 #include "net/base/linked_hash_map.h"
18 #include "net/quic/quic_blocked_writer_interface.h"
19 #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
20 #include "net/tools/epoll_server/epoll_server.h"
21 #include "net/tools/quic/quic_server_session.h"
22 #include "net/tools/quic/quic_time_wait_list_manager.h"
24 #if defined(COMPILER_GCC)
25 namespace BASE_HASH_NAMESPACE {
26 template<>
27 struct hash<net::QuicBlockedWriterInterface*> {
28 std::size_t operator()(
29 const net::QuicBlockedWriterInterface* ptr) const {
30 return hash<size_t>()(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ptr));
34 #endif
36 namespace net {
38 class EpollServer;
39 class QuicConfig;
40 class QuicConnectionHelper;
41 class QuicCryptoServerConfig;
42 class QuicSession;
44 namespace tools {
46 class QuicPacketWriterWrapper;
48 namespace test {
49 class QuicDispatcherPeer;
50 } // namespace test
52 class DeleteSessionsAlarm;
53 class QuicEpollConnectionHelper;
55 class QuicDispatcher : public QuicServerSessionVisitor {
56 public:
57 // Ideally we'd have a linked_hash_set: the boolean is unused.
58 typedef linked_hash_map<QuicBlockedWriterInterface*, bool> WriteBlockedList;
60 // Due to the way delete_sessions_closure_ is registered, the Dispatcher
61 // must live until epoll_server Shutdown. |supported_versions| specifies the
62 // list of supported QUIC versions.
63 QuicDispatcher(const QuicConfig& config,
64 const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config,
65 const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions,
66 EpollServer* epoll_server);
68 virtual ~QuicDispatcher();
70 void Initialize(int fd);
72 // Process the incoming packet by creating a new session, passing it to
73 // an existing session, or passing it to the TimeWaitListManager.
74 virtual void ProcessPacket(const IPEndPoint& server_address,
75 const IPEndPoint& client_address,
76 const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet);
78 // Called when the socket becomes writable to allow queued writes to happen.
79 virtual void OnCanWrite();
81 // Returns true if there's anything in the blocked writer list.
82 virtual bool HasPendingWrites() const;
84 // Sends ConnectionClose frames to all connected clients.
85 void Shutdown();
87 // QuicServerSessionVisitor interface implementation:
88 // Ensure that the closed connection is cleaned up asynchronously.
89 virtual void OnConnectionClosed(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
90 QuicErrorCode error) OVERRIDE;
92 // Queues the blocked writer for later resumption.
93 virtual void OnWriteBlocked(QuicBlockedWriterInterface* writer) OVERRIDE;
95 typedef base::hash_map<QuicConnectionId, QuicSession*> SessionMap;
97 // Deletes all sessions on the closed session list and clears the list.
98 void DeleteSessions();
100 const SessionMap& session_map() const { return session_map_; }
102 WriteBlockedList* write_blocked_list() { return &write_blocked_list_; }
104 protected:
105 // Instantiates a new low-level packet writer. Caller takes ownership of the
106 // returned object.
107 QuicPacketWriter* CreateWriter(int fd);
109 // Instantiates a new top-level writer wrapper. Takes ownership of |writer|.
110 // Caller takes ownership of the returned object.
111 virtual QuicPacketWriterWrapper* CreateWriterWrapper(
112 QuicPacketWriter* writer);
114 virtual QuicSession* CreateQuicSession(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
115 const IPEndPoint& server_address,
116 const IPEndPoint& client_address);
118 QuicConnection* CreateQuicConnection(QuicConnectionId connection_id,
119 const IPEndPoint& server_address,
120 const IPEndPoint& client_address);
122 // Replaces the packet writer with |writer|. Takes ownership of |writer|.
123 void set_writer(QuicPacketWriter* writer);
125 QuicTimeWaitListManager* time_wait_list_manager() {
126 return time_wait_list_manager_.get();
129 EpollServer* epoll_server() { return epoll_server_; }
131 const QuicVersionVector& supported_versions() const {
132 return supported_versions_;
135 // Called by |framer_visitor_| when the public header has been parsed.
136 virtual bool OnUnauthenticatedPublicHeader(
137 const QuicPacketPublicHeader& header);
139 const IPEndPoint& current_server_address() {
140 return current_server_address_;
142 const QuicEncryptedPacket& current_packet() {
143 return *current_packet_;
146 const QuicConfig& config() const { return config_; }
148 const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config() const { return crypto_config_; }
150 private:
151 class QuicFramerVisitor;
152 friend class net::tools::test::QuicDispatcherPeer;
154 // Called by |framer_visitor_| when the private header has been parsed
155 // of a data packet that is destined for the time wait manager.
156 void OnUnauthenticatedHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header);
158 // Removes the session from the session map and write blocked list, and
159 // adds the ConnectionId to the time-wait list.
160 void CleanUpSession(SessionMap::iterator it);
162 bool HandlePacketForTimeWait(const QuicPacketPublicHeader& header);
164 const QuicConfig& config_;
166 const QuicCryptoServerConfig& crypto_config_;
168 // The list of connections waiting to write.
169 WriteBlockedList write_blocked_list_;
171 SessionMap session_map_;
173 // Entity that manages connection_ids in time wait state.
174 scoped_ptr<QuicTimeWaitListManager> time_wait_list_manager_;
176 // An alarm which deletes closed sessions.
177 scoped_ptr<DeleteSessionsAlarm> delete_sessions_alarm_;
179 // The list of closed but not-yet-deleted sessions.
180 std::list<QuicSession*> closed_session_list_;
182 EpollServer* epoll_server_; // Owned by the server.
184 // The helper used for all connections.
185 scoped_ptr<QuicEpollConnectionHelper> helper_;
187 // The writer to write to the socket with. We require a writer wrapper to
188 // allow replacing writer implementation without disturbing running
189 // connections.
190 scoped_ptr<QuicPacketWriterWrapper> writer_;
192 // This vector contains QUIC versions which we currently support.
193 // This should be ordered such that the highest supported version is the first
194 // element, with subsequent elements in descending order (versions can be
195 // skipped as necessary).
196 const QuicVersionVector supported_versions_;
198 // Information about the packet currently being handled.
199 IPEndPoint current_client_address_;
200 IPEndPoint current_server_address_;
201 const QuicEncryptedPacket* current_packet_;
203 QuicFramer framer_;
204 scoped_ptr<QuicFramerVisitor> framer_visitor_;
209 } // namespace tools
210 } // namespace net