Minor changes to RealPanClient to get a bit farther
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / autofill / core / browser / autofill_manager.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <list>
9 #include <map>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
14 #include "base/callback_forward.h"
15 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
16 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
17 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
18 #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
19 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
20 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
21 #include "base/time/time.h"
22 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autocomplete_history_manager.h"
23 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
24 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_download_manager.h"
25 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_driver.h"
26 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/card_unmask_delegate.h"
27 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
28 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/personal_data_manager.h"
29 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/wallet/real_pan_wallet_client.h"
30 #include "components/autofill/core/common/form_data.h"
32 namespace gfx {
33 class Rect;
34 class RectF;
37 namespace user_prefs {
38 class PrefRegistrySyncable;
41 namespace autofill {
43 class AutofillDataModel;
44 class AutofillDownloadManager;
45 class AutofillExternalDelegate;
46 class AutofillField;
47 class AutofillClient;
48 class AutofillManagerTestDelegate;
49 class AutofillProfile;
50 class AutofillType;
51 class CreditCard;
52 class FormStructureBrowserTest;
54 struct FormData;
55 struct FormFieldData;
57 // Manages saving and restoring the user's personal information entered into web
58 // forms. One per frame; owned by the AutofillDriver.
59 class AutofillManager : public AutofillDownloadManager::Observer,
60 public CardUnmaskDelegate,
61 public wallet::RealPanWalletClient::Delegate {
62 public:
63 enum AutofillDownloadManagerState {
68 // Registers our Enable/Disable Autofill pref.
69 static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
71 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
72 static void MigrateUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
73 #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
75 AutofillManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
76 AutofillClient* client,
77 const std::string& app_locale,
78 AutofillDownloadManagerState enable_download_manager);
79 ~AutofillManager() override;
81 // Sets an external delegate.
82 void SetExternalDelegate(AutofillExternalDelegate* delegate);
84 void ShowAutofillSettings();
86 #if defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
87 // Whether the |field| should show an entry to prompt the user to give Chrome
88 // access to the user's address book.
89 bool ShouldShowAccessAddressBookSuggestion(const FormData& form,
90 const FormFieldData& field);
92 // If Chrome has not prompted for access to the user's address book, the
93 // method prompts the user for permission and blocks the process. Otherwise,
94 // this method has no effect. The return value reflects whether the user was
95 // prompted with a modal dialog.
96 bool AccessAddressBook();
98 // The access Address Book prompt was shown for a form.
99 void ShowedAccessAddressBookPrompt();
101 // The number of times that the access address book prompt was shown.
102 int AccessAddressBookPromptCount();
103 #endif // defined(OS_MACOSX) && !defined(OS_IOS)
105 // Whether the |field| should show an entry to scan a credit card.
106 virtual bool ShouldShowScanCreditCard(const FormData& form,
107 const FormFieldData& field);
109 // Called from our external delegate so they cannot be private.
110 virtual void FillOrPreviewForm(AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action,
111 int query_id,
112 const FormData& form,
113 const FormFieldData& field,
114 int unique_id);
115 virtual void FillCreditCardForm(int query_id,
116 const FormData& form,
117 const FormFieldData& field,
118 const CreditCard& credit_card);
119 void DidShowSuggestions(bool is_new_popup);
120 void OnDidFillAutofillFormData(const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
121 void OnDidPreviewAutofillFormData();
123 // Remove the credit card or Autofill profile that matches |unique_id|
124 // from the database.
125 void RemoveAutofillProfileOrCreditCard(int unique_id);
127 // Remove the specified Autocomplete entry.
128 void RemoveAutocompleteEntry(const base::string16& name,
129 const base::string16& value);
131 // Returns true when the Wallet card unmask prompt is being displayed.
132 bool IsShowingUnmaskPrompt();
134 // Returns the present form structures seen by Autofill manager.
135 const std::vector<FormStructure*>& GetFormStructures();
137 // Happens when the autocomplete dialog runs its callback when being closed.
138 void RequestAutocompleteDialogClosed();
140 AutofillClient* client() const { return client_; }
142 const std::string& app_locale() const { return app_locale_; }
144 // Only for testing.
145 void SetTestDelegate(AutofillManagerTestDelegate* delegate);
147 void OnFormsSeen(const std::vector<FormData>& forms,
148 const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
150 // Processes the submitted |form|, saving any new Autofill data and uploading
151 // the possible field types for the submitted fields to the crowdsourcing
152 // server. Returns false if this form is not relevant for Autofill.
153 bool OnFormSubmitted(const FormData& form,
154 const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
156 void OnTextFieldDidChange(const FormData& form,
157 const FormFieldData& field,
158 const base::TimeTicks& timestamp);
160 // The |bounding_box| is a window relative value.
161 void OnQueryFormFieldAutofill(int query_id,
162 const FormData& form,
163 const FormFieldData& field,
164 const gfx::RectF& bounding_box,
165 bool display_warning);
166 void OnDidEndTextFieldEditing();
167 void OnHidePopup();
168 void OnSetDataList(const std::vector<base::string16>& values,
169 const std::vector<base::string16>& labels);
171 // Try to label password fields and upload |form|. This differs from
172 // OnFormSubmitted() in a few ways.
173 // - This function will only label the first <input type="password"> field
174 // as |password_type|. Other fields will stay unlabeled, as they
175 // should have been labeled during the upload for OnFormSubmitted().
176 // - This function does not assume that |form| is being uploaded during
177 // the same browsing session as it was originally submitted (as we may
178 // not have the necessary information to classify the form at that time)
179 // so it bypasses the cache and doesn't log the same quality UMA metrics.
180 virtual bool UploadPasswordForm(const FormData& form,
181 const ServerFieldType& pasword_type);
183 // Resets cache.
184 virtual void Reset();
186 // Returns the value of the AutofillEnabled pref.
187 virtual bool IsAutofillEnabled() const;
189 protected:
190 // Test code should prefer to use this constructor.
191 AutofillManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
192 AutofillClient* client,
193 PersonalDataManager* personal_data);
195 // Uploads the form data to the Autofill server.
196 virtual void UploadFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form);
198 // Logs quality metrics for the |submitted_form| and uploads the form data
199 // to the crowdsourcing server, if appropriate.
200 virtual void UploadFormDataAsyncCallback(
201 const FormStructure* submitted_form,
202 const base::TimeTicks& load_time,
203 const base::TimeTicks& interaction_time,
204 const base::TimeTicks& submission_time);
206 // Maps SuggestionBackendID to and from an integer identifying it. Two of
207 // these intermediate integers are packed by MakeFrontendID to make the IDs
208 // that this class generates for the UI and for IPC.
209 virtual int BackendIDToInt(const SuggestionBackendID& backend_id) const;
210 virtual SuggestionBackendID IntToBackendID(int int_id) const;
212 // Methods for packing and unpacking credit card and profile IDs for sending
213 // and receiving to and from the renderer process.
214 int MakeFrontendID(const SuggestionBackendID& cc_backend_id,
215 const SuggestionBackendID& profile_backend_id) const;
216 void SplitFrontendID(int frontend_id,
217 SuggestionBackendID* cc_backend_id,
218 SuggestionBackendID* profile_backend_id) const;
220 ScopedVector<FormStructure>* form_structures() { return &form_structures_; }
222 // Exposed for testing.
223 AutofillExternalDelegate* external_delegate() {
224 return external_delegate_;
227 private:
228 // AutofillDownloadManager::Observer:
229 void OnLoadedServerPredictions(const std::string& response_xml) override;
231 // CardUnmaskDelegate:
232 void OnUnmaskResponse(const base::string16& cvc,
233 const base::string16& exp_month,
234 const base::string16& exp_year) override;
235 void OnUnmaskPromptClosed() override;
237 // wallet::RealPanWalletClient::Delegate:
238 IdentityProvider* GetIdentityProvider() override;
239 void OnDidGetRealPan(const std::string& real_pan) override;
241 // Returns false if Autofill is disabled or if no Autofill data is available.
242 bool RefreshDataModels() const;
244 // Unpacks |unique_id| and fills |form_group| and |variant| with the
245 // appropriate data source and variant index. Sets |is_credit_card| to true
246 // if |data_model| points to a CreditCard data model, false if it's a
247 // profile data model.
248 // Returns false if the unpacked id cannot be found.
249 bool GetProfileOrCreditCard(int unique_id,
250 const AutofillDataModel** data_model,
251 size_t* variant,
252 bool* is_credit_card) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
254 // Fills or previews |data_model| in the |form|.
255 void FillOrPreviewDataModelForm(AutofillDriver::RendererFormDataAction action,
256 int query_id,
257 const FormData& form,
258 const FormFieldData& field,
259 const AutofillDataModel* data_model,
260 size_t variant,
261 bool is_credit_card);
263 // Fills |form_structure| cached element corresponding to |form|.
264 // Returns false if the cached element was not found.
265 bool FindCachedForm(const FormData& form,
266 FormStructure** form_structure) const WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
268 // Fills |form_structure| and |autofill_field| with the cached elements
269 // corresponding to |form| and |field|. This might have the side-effect of
270 // updating the cache. Returns false if the |form| is not autofillable, or if
271 // it is not already present in the cache and the cache is full.
272 bool GetCachedFormAndField(const FormData& form,
273 const FormFieldData& field,
274 FormStructure** form_structure,
275 AutofillField** autofill_field) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
277 // Returns the field corresponding to |form| and |field| that can be
278 // autofilled. Returns NULL if the field cannot be autofilled.
279 AutofillField* GetAutofillField(const FormData& form,
280 const FormFieldData& field)
283 // Re-parses |live_form| and adds the result to |form_structures_|.
284 // |cached_form| should be a pointer to the existing version of the form, or
285 // NULL if no cached version exists. The updated form is then written into
286 // |updated_form|. Returns false if the cache could not be updated.
287 bool UpdateCachedForm(const FormData& live_form,
288 const FormStructure* cached_form,
289 FormStructure** updated_form) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
291 // Returns a list of values from the stored profiles that match |type| and the
292 // value of |field| and returns the labels of the matching profiles. |labels|
293 // is filled with the Profile label.
294 std::vector<Suggestion> GetProfileSuggestions(
295 const FormStructure& form,
296 const FormFieldData& field,
297 const AutofillField& autofill_field) const;
299 // Returns a list of values from the stored credit cards that match |type| and
300 // the value of |field| and returns the labels of the matching credit cards.
301 std::vector<Suggestion> GetCreditCardSuggestions(
302 const FormFieldData& field,
303 const AutofillType& type) const;
305 // Parses the forms using heuristic matching and querying the Autofill server.
306 void ParseForms(const std::vector<FormData>& forms);
308 // Imports the form data, submitted by the user, into |personal_data_|.
309 void ImportFormData(const FormStructure& submitted_form);
311 // If |initial_interaction_timestamp_| is unset or is set to a later time than
312 // |interaction_timestamp|, updates the cached timestamp. The latter check is
313 // needed because IPC messages can arrive out of order.
314 void UpdateInitialInteractionTimestamp(
315 const base::TimeTicks& interaction_timestamp);
317 // Shared code to determine if |form| should be uploaded.
318 bool ShouldUploadForm(const FormStructure& form);
320 // Provides driver-level context to the shared code of the component. Must
321 // outlive this object.
322 AutofillDriver* driver_;
324 AutofillClient* const client_;
326 // Handles real PAN requests.
327 wallet::RealPanWalletClient real_pan_client_;
329 std::string app_locale_;
331 // The personal data manager, used to save and load personal data to/from the
332 // web database. This is overridden by the AutofillManagerTest.
333 // Weak reference.
334 // May be NULL. NULL indicates OTR.
335 PersonalDataManager* personal_data_;
337 std::list<std::string> autofilled_form_signatures_;
339 // Handles queries and uploads to Autofill servers. Will be NULL if
340 // the download manager functionality is disabled.
341 scoped_ptr<AutofillDownloadManager> download_manager_;
343 // Handles single-field autocomplete form data.
344 scoped_ptr<AutocompleteHistoryManager> autocomplete_history_manager_;
346 // Have we logged whether Autofill is enabled for this page load?
347 bool has_logged_autofill_enabled_;
348 // Have we logged an address suggestions count metric for this page?
349 bool has_logged_address_suggestions_count_;
350 // Have we shown Autofill suggestions at least once?
351 bool did_show_suggestions_;
352 // Has the user manually edited at least one form field among the autofillable
353 // ones?
354 bool user_did_type_;
355 // Has the user autofilled a form on this page?
356 bool user_did_autofill_;
357 // Has the user edited a field that was previously autofilled?
358 bool user_did_edit_autofilled_field_;
359 // When the form finished loading.
360 std::map<FormData, base::TimeTicks> forms_loaded_timestamps_;
361 // When the user first interacted with a potentially fillable form on this
362 // page.
363 base::TimeTicks initial_interaction_timestamp_;
365 // Our copy of the form data.
366 ScopedVector<FormStructure> form_structures_;
368 // A copy of the credit card that's currently being unmasked, and data about
369 // the form.
370 CreditCard unmasking_card_;
371 // CVC is not part of CreditCard, so store it separately.
372 base::string16 unmasking_cvc_;
373 int unmasking_query_id_;
374 FormData unmasking_form_;
375 FormFieldData unmasking_field_;
377 // SuggestionBackendID to ID mapping. We keep two maps to convert back and
378 // forth. These should be used only by BackendIDToInt and IntToBackendID.
379 // Note that the integers are not frontend IDs.
380 mutable std::map<SuggestionBackendID, int> backend_to_int_map_;
381 mutable std::map<int, SuggestionBackendID> int_to_backend_map_;
383 // Delegate to perform external processing (display, selection) on
384 // our behalf. Weak.
385 AutofillExternalDelegate* external_delegate_;
387 // Delegate used in test to get notifications on certain events.
388 AutofillManagerTestDelegate* test_delegate_;
390 base::WeakPtrFactory<AutofillManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
392 friend class AutofillManagerTest;
393 friend class FormStructureBrowserTest;
394 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
395 DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUpload);
396 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
397 DeterminePossibleFieldTypesForUploadStressTest);
398 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
399 DisabledAutofillDispatchesError);
400 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, AddressSuggestionsCount);
401 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, AutofillIsEnabledAtPageLoad);
402 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, DeveloperEngagement);
403 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, FormFillDuration);
404 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest,
405 NoQualityMetricsForNonAutofillableForms);
406 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, QualityMetrics);
407 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, QualityMetricsForFailure);
408 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, QualityMetricsWithExperimentId);
409 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, SaneMetricsWithCacheMismatch);
410 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest, TestExternalDelegate);
411 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
412 TestTabContentsWithExternalDelegate);
413 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest,
414 UserHappinessFormLoadAndSubmission);
415 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillMetricsTest, UserHappinessFormInteraction);
416 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
417 FormSubmittedAutocompleteEnabled);
418 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
419 AutocompleteOffRespected);
420 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillManagerTest,
421 AutocompleteOffRespectedWithFlag);
422 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AutofillManager);
425 } // namespace autofill