Cleanup: Move some RSA key tests to data files.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / android_webview / libwebviewchromium.gypi
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5   'type': 'shared_library',
6   'android_unmangled_name': 1,
7   'dependencies': [
8     'android_webview_common',
9   ],
10   'conditions': [
11     [ 'android_webview_build==1', {
12       # When building inside the android tree we also need to depend on all
13       # the java sources generated from templates which will be needed by
14       # android_webview_java in android_webview/
15       'dependencies': [
16         '../base/base.gyp:base_java_application_state',
17         '../base/base.gyp:base_java_library_load_from_apk_status_codes',
18         '../base/base.gyp:base_java_memory_pressure_level',
19         '../content/content.gyp:content_gamepad_mapping',
20         '../content/content.gyp:gesture_event_type_java',
21         '../content/content.gyp:popup_item_type_java',
22         '../content/content.gyp:result_codes_java',
23         '../content/content.gyp:screen_orientation_values_java',
24         '../content/content.gyp:selection_event_type_java',
25         '../content/content.gyp:speech_recognition_error_java',
26         '../content/content.gyp:top_controls_state_java',
27         '../media/media.gyp:media_android_imageformat',
28         '../net/net.gyp:cert_verify_status_android_java',
29         '../net/net.gyp:certificate_mime_types_java',
30         '../net/net.gyp:net_errors_java',
31         '../net/net.gyp:private_key_types_java',
32         '../ui/android/ui_android.gyp:bitmap_format_java',
33         '../ui/android/ui_android.gyp:page_transition_types_java',
34         '../ui/android/ui_android.gyp:window_open_disposition_java',
35       ],
36       # Enable feedback-directed optimisation for the library when building in
37       # android.
38       'aosp_build_settings': {
39         'LOCAL_FDO_SUPPORT': 'true',
40       },
41     }],
42   ],
43   'sources': [
44     'lib/main/',
45   ],