ash: Extend launcher first button to include leading inset.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ipc /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "ipc/ipc_channel_win.h"
7 #include <windows.h>
9 #include "base/auto_reset.h"
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
12 #include "base/logging.h"
13 #include "base/process_util.h"
14 #include "base/rand_util.h"
15 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
16 #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
17 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
18 #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
19 #include "ipc/ipc_logging.h"
20 #include "ipc/ipc_message_utils.h"
22 namespace IPC {
24 Channel::ChannelImpl::State::State(ChannelImpl* channel) : is_pending(false) {
25 memset(&context.overlapped, 0, sizeof(context.overlapped));
26 context.handler = channel;
29 Channel::ChannelImpl::State::~State() {
30 COMPILE_ASSERT(!offsetof(Channel::ChannelImpl::State, context),
31 starts_with_io_context);
34 Channel::ChannelImpl::ChannelImpl(const IPC::ChannelHandle &channel_handle,
35 Mode mode, Listener* listener)
36 : ChannelReader(listener),
37 ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(input_state_(this)),
38 ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(output_state_(this)),
40 peer_pid_(base::kNullProcessId),
41 waiting_connect_(mode & MODE_SERVER_FLAG),
42 processing_incoming_(false),
43 ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)),
44 client_secret_(0),
45 validate_client_(false) {
46 CreatePipe(channel_handle, mode);
49 Channel::ChannelImpl::~ChannelImpl() {
50 Close();
53 void Channel::ChannelImpl::Close() {
54 if (thread_check_.get()) {
55 DCHECK(thread_check_->CalledOnValidThread());
58 if (input_state_.is_pending || output_state_.is_pending)
59 CancelIo(pipe_);
61 // Closing the handle at this point prevents us from issuing more requests
62 // form OnIOCompleted().
63 if (pipe_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
64 CloseHandle(pipe_);
68 // Make sure all IO has completed.
69 base::Time start = base::Time::Now();
70 while (input_state_.is_pending || output_state_.is_pending) {
71 MessageLoopForIO::current()->WaitForIOCompletion(INFINITE, this);
74 while (!output_queue_.empty()) {
75 Message* m = output_queue_.front();
76 output_queue_.pop();
77 delete m;
81 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::Send(Message* message) {
82 DCHECK(thread_check_->CalledOnValidThread());
83 DVLOG(2) << "sending message @" << message << " on channel @" << this
84 << " with type " << message->type()
85 << " (" << output_queue_.size() << " in queue)";
88 Logging::GetInstance()->OnSendMessage(message, "");
89 #endif
91 output_queue_.push(message);
92 // ensure waiting to write
93 if (!waiting_connect_) {
94 if (!output_state_.is_pending) {
95 if (!ProcessOutgoingMessages(NULL, 0))
96 return false;
100 return true;
103 // static
104 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::IsNamedServerInitialized(
105 const std::string& channel_id) {
106 if (WaitNamedPipe(PipeName(channel_id, NULL).c_str(), 1))
107 return true;
108 // If ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT occurred, the pipe exists but is handling another
109 // connection.
110 return GetLastError() == ERROR_SEM_TIMEOUT;
113 Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadState Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadData(
114 char* buffer,
115 int buffer_len,
116 int* /* bytes_read */) {
117 if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == pipe_)
118 return READ_FAILED;
120 DWORD bytes_read = 0;
121 BOOL ok = ReadFile(pipe_, buffer, buffer_len,
122 &bytes_read, &input_state_.context.overlapped);
123 if (!ok) {
124 DWORD err = GetLastError();
125 if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
126 input_state_.is_pending = true;
127 return READ_PENDING;
129 LOG(ERROR) << "pipe error: " << err;
130 return READ_FAILED;
133 // We could return READ_SUCCEEDED here. But the way that this code is
134 // structured we instead go back to the message loop. Our completion port
135 // will be signalled even in the "synchronously completed" state.
137 // This allows us to potentially process some outgoing messages and
138 // interleave other work on this thread when we're getting hammered with
139 // input messages. Potentially, this could be tuned to be more efficient
140 // with some testing.
141 input_state_.is_pending = true;
142 return READ_PENDING;
145 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::WillDispatchInputMessage(Message* msg) {
146 // Make sure we get a hello when client validation is required.
147 if (validate_client_)
148 return IsHelloMessage(*msg);
149 return true;
152 void Channel::ChannelImpl::HandleHelloMessage(const Message& msg) {
153 // The hello message contains one parameter containing the PID.
154 MessageIterator it = MessageIterator(msg);
155 int32 claimed_pid = it.NextInt();
156 if (validate_client_ && (it.NextInt() != client_secret_)) {
158 // Something went wrong. Abort connection.
159 Close();
160 listener()->OnChannelError();
161 return;
163 peer_pid_ = claimed_pid;
164 // validation completed.
165 validate_client_ = false;
166 listener()->OnChannelConnected(claimed_pid);
169 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::DidEmptyInputBuffers() {
170 // We don't need to do anything here.
171 return true;
174 // static
175 const string16 Channel::ChannelImpl::PipeName(
176 const std::string& channel_id, int32* secret) {
177 std::string name("\\\\.\\pipe\\chrome.");
179 // Prevent the shared secret from ending up in the pipe name.
180 size_t index = channel_id.find_first_of('\\');
181 if (index != std::string::npos) {
182 if (secret) // Retrieve the secret if asked for.
183 base::StringToInt(channel_id.substr(index + 1), secret);
184 return ASCIIToWide(name.append(channel_id.substr(0, index - 1)));
187 // This case is here to support predictable named pipes in tests.
188 if (secret)
189 *secret = 0;
190 return ASCIIToWide(name.append(channel_id));
193 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::CreatePipe(const IPC::ChannelHandle &channel_handle,
194 Mode mode) {
196 string16 pipe_name;
197 // If we already have a valid pipe for channel just copy it.
198 if (channel_handle.pipe.handle) {
199 DCHECK(;
200 pipe_name = L"Not Available"; // Just used for LOG
201 // Check that the given pipe confirms to the specified mode. We can
202 // only check for PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE & PIPE_SERVER_END flags since the
203 // other flags (PIPE_TYPE_BYTE, and PIPE_CLIENT_END) are defined as 0.
204 DWORD flags = 0;
205 GetNamedPipeInfo(channel_handle.pipe.handle, &flags, NULL, NULL, NULL);
207 if (((mode & MODE_SERVER_FLAG) && !(flags & PIPE_SERVER_END)) ||
208 ((mode & MODE_CLIENT_FLAG) && (flags & PIPE_SERVER_END))) {
209 LOG(WARNING) << "Inconsistent open mode. Mode :" << mode;
210 return false;
212 if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),
213 channel_handle.pipe.handle,
214 GetCurrentProcess(),
215 &pipe_,
217 FALSE,
219 LOG(WARNING) << "DuplicateHandle failed. Error :" << GetLastError();
220 return false;
222 } else if (mode & MODE_SERVER_FLAG) {
223 DCHECK(!channel_handle.pipe.handle);
226 pipe_name = PipeName(, &client_secret_);
227 validate_client_ = !!client_secret_;
228 pipe_ = CreateNamedPipeW(pipe_name.c_str(),
229 open_mode,
232 Channel::kReadBufferSize,
233 Channel::kReadBufferSize,
234 5000,
235 NULL);
236 } else if (mode & MODE_CLIENT_FLAG) {
237 DCHECK(!channel_handle.pipe.handle);
238 pipe_name = PipeName(, &client_secret_);
239 pipe_ = CreateFileW(pipe_name.c_str(),
242 NULL,
246 NULL);
247 } else {
251 if (pipe_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
252 // If this process is being closed, the pipe may be gone already.
253 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create pipe \"" << pipe_name <<
254 "\" in " << (mode & MODE_SERVER_FLAG ? "server" : "client")
255 << " mode. Error :" << GetLastError();
256 return false;
259 // Create the Hello message to be sent when Connect is called
260 scoped_ptr<Message> m(new Message(MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
262 IPC::Message::PRIORITY_NORMAL));
264 // Don't send the secret to the untrusted process, and don't send a secret
265 // if the value is zero (for IPC backwards compatability).
266 int32 secret = validate_client_ ? 0 : client_secret_;
267 if (!m->WriteInt(GetCurrentProcessId()) ||
268 (secret && !m->WriteUInt32(secret))) {
269 CloseHandle(pipe_);
271 return false;
274 output_queue_.push(m.release());
275 return true;
278 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::Connect() {
279 DLOG_IF(WARNING, thread_check_.get()) << "Connect called more than once";
281 if (!thread_check_.get())
282 thread_check_.reset(new base::NonThreadSafe());
284 if (pipe_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
285 return false;
287 MessageLoopForIO::current()->RegisterIOHandler(pipe_, this);
289 // Check to see if there is a client connected to our pipe...
290 if (waiting_connect_)
291 ProcessConnection();
293 if (!input_state_.is_pending) {
294 // Complete setup asynchronously. By not setting input_state_.is_pending
295 // to true, we indicate to OnIOCompleted that this is the special
296 // initialization signal.
297 MessageLoopForIO::current()->PostTask(
298 FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&Channel::ChannelImpl::OnIOCompleted,
299 weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), &input_state_.context,
300 0, 0));
303 if (!waiting_connect_)
304 ProcessOutgoingMessages(NULL, 0);
305 return true;
308 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::ProcessConnection() {
309 DCHECK(thread_check_->CalledOnValidThread());
310 if (input_state_.is_pending)
311 input_state_.is_pending = false;
313 // Do we have a client connected to our pipe?
314 if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == pipe_)
315 return false;
317 BOOL ok = ConnectNamedPipe(pipe_, &input_state_.context.overlapped);
319 DWORD err = GetLastError();
320 if (ok) {
321 // Uhm, the API documentation says that this function should never
322 // return success when used in overlapped mode.
324 return false;
327 switch (err) {
329 input_state_.is_pending = true;
330 break;
332 waiting_connect_ = false;
333 break;
334 case ERROR_NO_DATA:
335 // The pipe is being closed.
336 return false;
337 default:
339 return false;
342 return true;
345 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::ProcessOutgoingMessages(
346 MessageLoopForIO::IOContext* context,
347 DWORD bytes_written) {
348 DCHECK(!waiting_connect_); // Why are we trying to send messages if there's
349 // no connection?
350 DCHECK(thread_check_->CalledOnValidThread());
352 if (output_state_.is_pending) {
353 DCHECK(context);
354 output_state_.is_pending = false;
355 if (!context || bytes_written == 0) {
356 DWORD err = GetLastError();
357 LOG(ERROR) << "pipe error: " << err;
358 return false;
360 // Message was sent.
361 DCHECK(!output_queue_.empty());
362 Message* m = output_queue_.front();
363 output_queue_.pop();
364 delete m;
367 if (output_queue_.empty())
368 return true;
370 if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == pipe_)
371 return false;
373 // Write to pipe...
374 Message* m = output_queue_.front();
375 DCHECK(m->size() <= INT_MAX);
376 BOOL ok = WriteFile(pipe_,
377 m->data(),
378 static_cast<int>(m->size()),
379 &bytes_written,
380 &output_state_.context.overlapped);
381 if (!ok) {
382 DWORD err = GetLastError();
383 if (err == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
384 output_state_.is_pending = true;
386 DVLOG(2) << "sent pending message @" << m << " on channel @" << this
387 << " with type " << m->type();
389 return true;
391 LOG(ERROR) << "pipe error: " << err;
392 return false;
395 DVLOG(2) << "sent message @" << m << " on channel @" << this
396 << " with type " << m->type();
398 output_state_.is_pending = true;
399 return true;
402 void Channel::ChannelImpl::OnIOCompleted(MessageLoopForIO::IOContext* context,
403 DWORD bytes_transfered,
404 DWORD error) {
405 bool ok = true;
406 DCHECK(thread_check_->CalledOnValidThread());
407 if (context == &input_state_.context) {
408 if (waiting_connect_) {
409 if (!ProcessConnection())
410 return;
411 // We may have some messages queued up to send...
412 if (!output_queue_.empty() && !output_state_.is_pending)
413 ProcessOutgoingMessages(NULL, 0);
414 if (input_state_.is_pending)
415 return;
416 // else, fall-through and look for incoming messages...
419 // We don't support recursion through OnMessageReceived yet!
420 DCHECK(!processing_incoming_);
421 AutoReset<bool> auto_reset_processing_incoming(&processing_incoming_, true);
423 // Process the new data.
424 if (input_state_.is_pending) {
425 // This is the normal case for everything except the initialization step.
426 input_state_.is_pending = false;
427 if (!bytes_transfered)
428 ok = false;
429 else
430 ok = AsyncReadComplete(bytes_transfered);
431 } else {
432 DCHECK(!bytes_transfered);
435 // Request more data.
436 if (ok)
437 ok = ProcessIncomingMessages();
438 } else {
439 DCHECK(context == &output_state_.context);
440 ok = ProcessOutgoingMessages(context, bytes_transfered);
442 if (!ok && INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != pipe_) {
443 // We don't want to re-enter Close().
444 Close();
445 listener()->OnChannelError();
449 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
450 // Channel's methods simply call through to ChannelImpl.
451 Channel::Channel(const IPC::ChannelHandle &channel_handle, Mode mode,
452 Listener* listener)
453 : channel_impl_(new ChannelImpl(channel_handle, mode, listener)) {
456 Channel::~Channel() {
457 delete channel_impl_;
460 bool Channel::Connect() {
461 return channel_impl_->Connect();
464 void Channel::Close() {
465 if (channel_impl_)
466 channel_impl_->Close();
469 void Channel::set_listener(Listener* listener) {
470 channel_impl_->set_listener(listener);
473 base::ProcessId Channel::peer_pid() const {
474 return channel_impl_->peer_pid();
477 bool Channel::Send(Message* message) {
478 return channel_impl_->Send(message);
481 // static
482 bool Channel::IsNamedServerInitialized(const std::string& channel_id) {
483 return ChannelImpl::IsNamedServerInitialized(channel_id);
486 // static
487 std::string Channel::GenerateVerifiedChannelID(const std::string& prefix) {
488 // Windows pipes can be enumerated by low-privileged processes. So, we
489 // append a strong random value after the \ character. This value is not
490 // included in the pipe name, but sent as part of the client hello, to
491 // hijacking the pipe name to spoof the client.
493 std::string id = prefix;
494 if (!id.empty())
495 id.append(".");
497 int secret;
498 do { // Guarantee we get a non-zero value.
499 secret = base::RandInt(0, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
500 } while (secret == 0);
502 id.append(GenerateUniqueRandomChannelID());
503 return id.append(base::StringPrintf("\\%d", secret));
506 } // namespace IPC