First go at Webview Tag API reference docs.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / common / extensions / docs / templates / json / apps_sidenav.json
2   {
3     "title": "Getting Started",
4     "items": [
5       {
6         "title": "What Are Packaged Apps?",
7         "fileName": "about_apps.html"
8       },
9       {
10         "title": "Understand the Architecture",
11         "fileName": "app_architecture.html"
12       },
13       {
14         "title": "Create Your First App",
15         "fileName": "first_app.html"
16       }
17     ]
18   },
19   {
20     "title": "Developing",
21     "items": [
22       {
23         "title": "Before You Start",
24         "fileName": "develop_apps.html"
25       },
26       {
27         "title": "The Fundamentals",
28         "toggleable": true,
29         "items": [
30           {
31             "title": "Manage App Lifecycle",
32             "fileName": "app_lifecycle.html"
33           },
34           {
35             "title": "Manage Data",
36             "fileName": "app_storage.html"
37           },
38           {
39             "title": "Offline First",
40             "fileName": "offline_apps.html"
41           },
42           {
43             "title": "Embed Content",
44             "fileName": "app_external.html"
45           }
46         ]
47       },
48       {
49         "title": "Security & Privacy",
50         "toggleable": true,
51         "items": [
52           {
53             "title": "Identify User",
54             "fileName": "app_identity.html"
55           },
56           {
57             "title": "Comply with CSP",
58             "fileName": "app_csp.html"
59           }
60         ]
61       },
62       {
63         "title": "Notifications",
64         "toggleable": true,
65         "items": [
66             {
67             "title": "Cloud Messaging",
68             "toggleable": true,
69             "items": [
70               {
71                 "title": "About Cloud Messaging",
72                 "fileName": "cloudMessaging.html"
73               },
74               {
75                 "title": "Client Reference",
76                 "fileName": "pushMessaging.html"
77               },
78               {
79                 "title": "Service Reference",
80                 "fileName": "gcm_server.html"
81               },
82               {
83                 "title": "Terms of Service",
84                 "fileName": "gcm_tos.html"
85               }
86             ]
87           },
88           {
89             "title": "Desktop Notifications",
90             "fileName": "notifications.html"
91           }
92         ]
93       },
94       {
95         "title": "Advanced Technologies",
96         "toggleable": true,
97         "items": [
98           {
99             "title": "Network Communications",
100             "fileName": "app_network.html"
101           },
102           {
103             "title": "Access Hardware Devices",
104             "fileName": "app_hardware.html"
105           }
106         ]
107       },
108       {
109         "title": "MVC Architecture",
110         "toggleable": true,
111         "items": [
112           {
113             "title": "About MVC Architecture",
114             "fileName": "app_frameworks.html"
115           },
116           {
117             "title": "Build Apps with AngularJS",
118             "fileName": "angular_framework.html"
119           },
120           {
121             "title": "Build Apps with Sencha Ext JS",
122             "fileName": "sencha_framework.html"
123           }
124         ]
125       }
126     ]
127   },
128   {
129     "title": "Deploying",
130     "items": [
131       {
132         "title": "Publish",
133         "fileName": "publish_app.html"
134       }
135     ]
136   },
137   {
138     "title": "Reference",
139     "items": [
140       {
141         "title": "Manifest Files",
142         "fileName": "manifest.html"
143       },
144       {
145         "title": "Chrome JavaScript APIs",
146         "fileName": "api_index.html"
147       },
148       {
149         "title": "Webview Tag API",
150         "fileName": "webview_tag.html"
151       },
152       {
153         "title": "Supported Libraries",
154         "fileName": "api_other.html"
155       },
156       {
157         "title": "Disabled Web Features",
158         "fileName": "app_deprecated.html"
159       }
160     ]
161   },
162   {
163     "title": "Samples",
164     "fileName": "samples.html"
165   },
166   {
167     "title": "Known Issues",
168     "fileName": "app_known_issues.html"
169   }