Fix comment that described an earlier version of the code.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / pdf / pdf.gyp
2   'variables': {
3     'chromium_code': 1,
4     'pdf_engine%': 0,  # 0 PDFium
5   },
6   'targets': [
7     {
8       'target_name': 'pdf',
9       'type': 'static_library',
10       'dependencies': [
11         '../base/base.gyp:base',
12         '../components/components.gyp:ui_zoom',
13         '../content/content.gyp:content_common',
14         '../net/net.gyp:net',
15         '../ppapi/ppapi.gyp:ppapi_internal_module',
16         '../third_party/pdfium/pdfium.gyp:pdfium',
17       ],
18       'ldflags': [ '-L<(PRODUCT_DIR)',],
19       'sources': [
20         'button.h',
21         '',
22         'chunk_stream.h',
23         '',
24         'control.h',
25         '',
26         'document_loader.h',
27         '',
28         '',
29         'draw_utils.h',
30         '',
31         'fading_control.h',
32         '',
33         'fading_controls.h',
34         '',
35         'instance.h',
36         '',
37         'number_image_generator.h',
38         '',
39         'out_of_process_instance.h',
40         '',
41         'page_indicator.h',
42         '',
43         'paint_aggregator.h',
44         '',
45         'paint_manager.h',
46         '',
47         'pdf.h',
48         '',
49         'progress_control.h',
50         'pdf_engine.h',
51         '',
52         'preview_mode_client.h',
53         'resource.h',
54         'resource_consts.h',
55         '',
56         'thumbnail_control.h',
57       ],
58       'conditions': [
59         ['pdf_engine==0', {
60           'sources': [
61             'pdfium/',
62             'pdfium/pdfium_api_string_buffer_adapter.h',
63             'pdfium/',
64             'pdfium/',
65             'pdfium/pdfium_engine.h',
66             'pdfium/',
67             'pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_read.h',
68             'pdfium/',
69             'pdfium/pdfium_mem_buffer_file_write.h',
70             'pdfium/',
71             'pdfium/pdfium_page.h',
72             'pdfium/',
73             'pdfium/pdfium_range.h',
74           ],
75         }],
76         ['OS=="win"', {
77           # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
78           'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ],
79         }],
80       ],
81     },
82   ],