Move media/audio files into media namespace
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / renderer / media / audio_renderer_impl.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
4 //
5 // Audio rendering unit utilizing AudioDevice.
6 //
7 // This class lives inside three threads during it's lifetime, namely:
8 // 1. Render thread.
9 // This object is created on the render thread.
10 // 2. Pipeline thread
11 // OnInitialize() is called here with the audio format.
12 // Play/Pause/Seek also happens here.
13 // 3. Audio thread created by the AudioDevice.
14 // Render() is called here where audio data is decoded into raw PCM data.
18 #pragma once
20 #include <vector>
22 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
23 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
24 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
25 #include "content/renderer/media/audio_device.h"
26 #include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
27 #include "media/audio/audio_parameters.h"
28 #include "media/base/audio_renderer_sink.h"
29 #include "media/filters/audio_renderer_base.h"
31 class AudioMessageFilter;
33 class CONTENT_EXPORT AudioRendererImpl
34 : public media::AudioRendererBase,
35 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public media::AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback) {
36 public:
37 // Methods called on Render thread ------------------------------------------
38 // An AudioRendererSink is used as the destination for the rendered audio.
39 explicit AudioRendererImpl(media::AudioRendererSink* sink);
40 virtual ~AudioRendererImpl();
42 // Methods called on pipeline thread ----------------------------------------
43 // media::Filter implementation.
44 virtual void SetPlaybackRate(float rate) OVERRIDE;
45 virtual void Pause(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
46 virtual void Seek(base::TimeDelta time,
47 const media::PipelineStatusCB& cb) OVERRIDE;
48 virtual void Play(const base::Closure& callback) OVERRIDE;
50 // media::AudioRenderer implementation.
51 virtual void SetVolume(float volume) OVERRIDE;
53 protected:
54 // Methods called on pipeline thread ----------------------------------------
55 // These methods are called from AudioRendererBase.
56 virtual bool OnInitialize(int bits_per_channel,
57 ChannelLayout channel_layout,
58 int sample_rate) OVERRIDE;
59 virtual void OnStop() OVERRIDE;
60 virtual void OnRenderEndOfStream() OVERRIDE;
62 private:
63 // For access to constructor and IO thread methods.
64 friend class AudioRendererImplTest;
65 friend class DelegateCaller;
66 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioRendererImplTest, Stop);
67 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioRendererImplTest,
68 DestroyedMessageLoop_ConsumeAudioSamples);
69 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioRendererImplTest, UpdateEarliestEndTime);
70 // Helper methods.
71 // Convert number of bytes to duration of time using information about the
72 // number of channels, sample rate and sample bits.
73 base::TimeDelta ConvertToDuration(int bytes);
75 // Methods called on pipeline thread ----------------------------------------
76 void DoPlay();
77 void DoPause();
78 void DoSeek();
80 // media::AudioRendererSink::RenderCallback implementation.
81 virtual size_t Render(const std::vector<float*>& audio_data,
82 size_t number_of_frames,
83 size_t audio_delay_milliseconds) OVERRIDE;
84 virtual void OnRenderError() OVERRIDE;
86 // Accessors used by tests.
87 base::Time earliest_end_time() const {
88 return earliest_end_time_;
91 void set_earliest_end_time(const base::Time& earliest_end_time) {
92 earliest_end_time_ = earliest_end_time;
95 uint32 bytes_per_second() const {
96 return bytes_per_second_;
99 // Estimate earliest time when current buffer can stop playing.
100 void UpdateEarliestEndTime(int bytes_filled,
101 base::TimeDelta request_delay,
102 base::Time time_now);
104 // Used to calculate audio delay given bytes.
105 uint32 bytes_per_second_;
107 // A flag that indicates this filter is called to stop.
108 bool stopped_;
110 // The sink (destination) for rendered audio.
111 scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> sink_;
113 // Set to true when OnInitialize() is called.
114 bool is_initialized_;
116 // We're supposed to know amount of audio data OS or hardware buffered, but
117 // that is not always so -- on my Linux box
118 // AudioBuffersState::hardware_delay_bytes never reaches 0.
120 // As a result we cannot use it to find when stream ends. If we just ignore
121 // buffered data we will notify host that stream ended before it is actually
122 // did so, I've seen it done ~140ms too early when playing ~150ms file.
124 // Instead of trying to invent OS-specific solution for each and every OS we
125 // are supporting, use simple workaround: every time we fill the buffer we
126 // remember when it should stop playing, and do not assume that buffer is
127 // empty till that time. Workaround is not bulletproof, as we don't exactly
128 // know when that particular data would start playing, but it is much better
129 // than nothing.
130 base::Time earliest_end_time_;
132 media::AudioParameters audio_parameters_;
134 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioRendererImpl);