Provide detailed change information on onDirectoryChanged event
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / device / bluetooth / bluetooth_gatt_service.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "base/basictypes.h"
11 #include "base/callback.h"
12 #include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_uuid.h"
14 namespace device {
16 class BluetoothDevice;
17 class BluetoothGattCharacteristic;
18 class BluetoothGattDescriptor;
20 // BluetoothGattService represents a local or remote GATT service. A GATT
21 // service is hosted by a peripheral and represents a collection of data in
22 // the form of GATT characteristics and a set of included GATT services if this
23 // service is what is called "a primary service".
25 // Instances of the BluetoothGattService class are used for two functions:
26 // 1. To represent GATT attribute hierarchies that have been received from a
27 // remote Bluetooth GATT peripheral. Such BluetoothGattService instances
28 // are constructed and owned by a BluetoothDevice.
30 // 2. To represent a locally hosted GATT attribute hierarchy when the local
31 // adapter is used in the "peripheral" role. Such instances are meant to be
32 // constructed directly and registered. Once registered, a GATT attribute
33 // hierarchy will be visible to remote devices in the "central" role.
34 class BluetoothGattService {
35 public:
36 // The Delegate class is used to send certain events that need to be handled
37 // when the device is in peripheral mode. The delegate handles read and write
38 // requests that are issued from remote clients.
39 class Delegate {
40 public:
41 // Callbacks used for communicating GATT request responses.
42 typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<uint8>)> ValueCallback;
43 typedef base::Closure ErrorCallback;
45 // Called when a remote device in the central role requests to read the
46 // value of the characteristic |characteristic| starting at offset |offset|.
47 // This method is only called if the characteristic was specified as
48 // readable and any authentication and authorization challanges were
49 // satisfied by the remote device.
51 // To respond to the request with success and return the requested value,
52 // the delegate must invoke |callback| with the value. Doing so will
53 // automatically update the value property of |characteristic|. To respond
54 // to the request with failure (e.g. if an invalid offset was given),
55 // delegates must invoke |error_callback|. If neither callback parameter is
56 // invoked, the request will time out and result in an error. Therefore,
57 // delegates MUST invoke either |callback| or |error_callback|.
58 virtual void OnCharacteristicReadRequest(
59 const BluetoothGattService* service,
60 const BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
61 int offset,
62 const ValueCallback& callback,
63 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
65 // Called when a remote device in the central role requests to write the
66 // value of the characteristic |characteristic| starting at offset |offset|.
67 // This method is only called if the characteristic was specified as
68 // writeable and any authentication and authorization challanges were
69 // satisfied by the remote device.
71 // To respond to the request with success the delegate must invoke
72 // |callback| with the new value of the characteristic. Doing so will
73 // automatically update the value property of |characteristic|. To respond
74 // to the request with failure (e.g. if an invalid offset was given),
75 // delegates must invoke |error_callback|. If neither callback parameter is
76 // invoked, the request will time out and result in an error. Therefore,
77 // delegates MUST invoke either |callback| or |error_callback|.
78 virtual void OnCharacteristicWriteRequest(
79 const BluetoothGattService* service,
80 const BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
81 const std::vector<uint8>& value,
82 int offset,
83 const ValueCallback& callback,
84 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
86 // Called when a remote device in the central role requests to read the
87 // value of the descriptor |descriptor| starting at offset |offset|.
88 // This method is only called if the characteristic was specified as
89 // readable and any authentication and authorization challanges were
90 // satisfied by the remote device.
92 // To respond to the request with success and return the requested value,
93 // the delegate must invoke |callback| with the value. Doing so will
94 // automatically update the value property of |descriptor|. To respond
95 // to the request with failure (e.g. if an invalid offset was given),
96 // delegates must invoke |error_callback|. If neither callback parameter is
97 // invoked, the request will time out and result in an error. Therefore,
98 // delegates MUST invoke either |callback| or |error_callback|.
99 virtual void OnDescriptorReadRequest(
100 const BluetoothGattService* service,
101 const BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor,
102 int offset,
103 const ValueCallback& callback,
104 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
106 // Called when a remote device in the central role requests to write the
107 // value of the descriptor |descriptor| starting at offset |offset|.
108 // This method is only called if the characteristic was specified as
109 // writeable and any authentication and authorization challanges were
110 // satisfied by the remote device.
112 // To respond to the request with success the delegate must invoke
113 // |callback| with the new value of the descriptor. Doing so will
114 // automatically update the value property of |descriptor|. To respond
115 // to the request with failure (e.g. if an invalid offset was given),
116 // delegates must invoke |error_callback|. If neither callback parameter is
117 // invoked, the request will time out and result in an error. Therefore,
118 // delegates MUST invoke either |callback| or |error_callback|.
119 virtual void OnDescriptorWriteRequest(
120 const BluetoothGattService* service,
121 const BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor,
122 const std::vector<uint8>& value,
123 int offset,
124 const ValueCallback& callback,
125 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
128 // Interface for observing changes from a BluetoothGattService. Properties
129 // of remote services are received asynchronously. The Observer interface can
130 // be used to be notified when the initial values of a service are received
131 // as well as when successive changes occur during its life cycle.
132 class Observer {
133 public:
134 // Called when properties of the remote GATT service |service| have changed.
135 // This will get called for properties such as UUID, as well as for changes
136 // to the list of known characteristics and included services. Observers
137 // should read all GATT characteristic and descriptors objects and do any
138 // necessary set up required for a changed service. This method may be
139 // called several times, especially when the service is discovered for the
140 // first time. It will be called for each characteristic and characteristic
141 // descriptor that is discovered or removed. Hence this method should be
142 // used to check whether or not all characteristics of a service have been
143 // discovered that correspond to the profile implemented by the Observer.
144 virtual void GattServiceChanged(BluetoothGattService* service) {}
146 // Called when the remote GATT characteristic |characteristic| belonging to
147 // GATT service |service| has been discovered. Use this to issue any initial
148 // read/write requests to the characteristic but don't cache the pointer as
149 // it may become invalid. Instead, use the specially assigned identifier
150 // to obtain a characteristic and cache that identifier as necessary, as it
151 // can be used to retrieve the characteristic from its GATT service. The
152 // number of characteristics with the same UUID belonging to a service
153 // depends on the particular profile the remote device implements, hence the
154 // client of a GATT based profile will usually operate on the whole set of
155 // characteristics and not just one.
157 // This method will always be followed by a call to GattServiceChanged,
158 // which can be used by observers to get all the characteristics of a
159 // service and perform the necessary updates. GattCharacteristicAdded exists
160 // mostly for convenience.
161 virtual void GattCharacteristicAdded(
162 BluetoothGattService* service,
163 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
165 // Called when a GATT characteristic |characteristic| belonging to GATT
166 // service |service| has been removed. This method is for convenience
167 // and will be followed by a call to GattServiceChanged (except when called
168 // after the service gets removed) which should be used for bootstrapping a
169 // GATT based profile. See the documentation of GattCharacteristicAdded and
170 // GattServiceChanged for more information. Try to obtain the service from
171 // its device to see whether or not the service has been removed.
172 virtual void GattCharacteristicRemoved(
173 BluetoothGattService* service,
174 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic) {}
176 // Called when the remote GATT characteristic descriptor |descriptor|
177 // belonging to characteristic |characteristic| has been discovered. Don't
178 // cache the arguments as the pointers may become invalid. Instead, use the
179 // specially assigned identifier to obtain a descriptor and cache that
180 // identifier as necessary.
182 // This method will always be followed by a call to GattServiceChanged,
183 // which can be used by observers to get all the characteristics of a
184 // service and perform the necessary updates. GattDescriptorAdded exists
185 // mostly for convenience.
186 virtual void GattDescriptorAdded(
187 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
188 BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
190 // Called when a GATT characteristic descriptor |descriptor| belonging to
191 // characteristic |characteristic| has been removed. This method is for
192 // convenience and will be followed by a call to GattServiceChanged (except
193 // when called after the service gets removed).
194 virtual void GattDescriptorRemoved(
195 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
196 BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor) {}
198 // Called when the value of a characteristic has changed. This might be a
199 // result of a read/write request to, or a notification/indication from, a
200 // remote GATT characteristic.
201 virtual void GattCharacteristicValueChanged(
202 BluetoothGattService* service,
203 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
204 const std::vector<uint8>& value) {}
206 // Called when the value of a characteristic descriptor has been updated.
207 virtual void GattDescriptorValueChanged(
208 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic,
209 BluetoothGattDescriptor* descriptor,
210 const std::vector<uint8>& value) {}
213 // The ErrorCallback is used by methods to asynchronously report errors.
214 typedef base::Closure ErrorCallback;
216 virtual ~BluetoothGattService();
218 // Adds and removes observers for events on this GATT service. If monitoring
219 // multiple services, check the |service| parameter of observer methods to
220 // determine which service is issuing the event.
221 virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
222 virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
224 // Constructs a BluetoothGattService that can be locally hosted when the local
225 // adapter is in the peripheral role. The resulting object can then be made
226 // available by calling the "Register" method. This method constructs a
227 // service with UUID |uuid|. Whether the constructed service is primary or
228 // secondary is determined by |is_primary|. |delegate| is used to send certain
229 // peripheral role events. If |delegate| is NULL, then this service will
230 // employ a default behavior when responding to read and write requests based
231 // on the cached value of its characteristics and descriptors at a given time.
232 static BluetoothGattService* Create(const BluetoothUUID& uuid,
233 bool is_primary,
234 Delegate* delegate);
236 // Identifier used to uniquely identify a GATT service object. This is
237 // different from the service UUID: while multiple services with the same UUID
238 // can exist on a Bluetooth device, the identifier returned from this method
239 // is unique among all services of a device. The contents of the identifier
240 // are platform specific.
241 virtual std::string GetIdentifier() const = 0;
243 // The Bluetooth-specific UUID of the service.
244 virtual BluetoothUUID GetUUID() const = 0;
246 // Returns true, if this service hosted locally. If false, then this service
247 // represents a remote GATT service.
248 virtual bool IsLocal() const = 0;
250 // Indicates whether the type of this service is primary or secondary. A
251 // primary service describes the primary function of the peripheral that
252 // hosts it, while a secondary service only makes sense in the presence of a
253 // primary service. A primary service may include other primary or secondary
254 // services.
255 virtual bool IsPrimary() const = 0;
257 // Returns the BluetoothDevice that this GATT service was received from, which
258 // also owns this service. Local services always return NULL.
259 virtual BluetoothDevice* GetDevice() const = 0;
261 // List of characteristics that belong to this service.
262 virtual std::vector<BluetoothGattCharacteristic*>
263 GetCharacteristics() const = 0;
265 // List of GATT services that are included by this service.
266 virtual std::vector<BluetoothGattService*>
267 GetIncludedServices() const = 0;
269 // Returns the GATT characteristic with identifier |identifier| if it belongs
270 // to this GATT service.
271 virtual BluetoothGattCharacteristic* GetCharacteristic(
272 const std::string& identifier) const = 0;
274 // Adds characteristics and included services to the local attribute hierarchy
275 // represented by this service. These methods only make sense for local
276 // services and won't have an effect if this instance represents a remote
277 // GATT service and will return false. While ownership of added
278 // characteristics are taken over by the service, ownership of an included
279 // service is not taken.
280 virtual bool AddCharacteristic(
281 BluetoothGattCharacteristic* characteristic) = 0;
282 virtual bool AddIncludedService(BluetoothGattService* service) = 0;
284 // Registers this GATT service. Calling Register will make this service and
285 // all of its associated attributes available on the local adapters GATT
286 // database and the service UUID will be advertised to nearby devices if the
287 // local adapter is discoverable. Call Unregister to make this service no
288 // longer available.
290 // These methods only make sense for services that are local and will hence
291 // fail if this instance represents a remote GATT service. |callback| is
292 // called to denote success and |error_callback| to denote failure.
293 virtual void Register(const base::Closure& callback,
294 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
295 virtual void Unregister(const base::Closure& callback,
296 const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
298 protected:
299 BluetoothGattService();
301 private:
302 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BluetoothGattService);
305 } // namespace device