Resize destination bus to the actual number of decoded frames.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / sync / engine /
1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "sync/engine/process_commit_response_command.h"
7 #include <vector>
9 #include "base/location.h"
10 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
11 #include "sync/internal_api/public/test/test_entry_factory.h"
12 #include "sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h"
13 #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
14 #include "sync/sessions/sync_session.h"
15 #include "sync/syncable/entry.h"
16 #include "sync/syncable/mutable_entry.h"
17 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_id.h"
18 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_proto_util.h"
19 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_read_transaction.h"
20 #include "sync/syncable/syncable_write_transaction.h"
21 #include "sync/test/engine/fake_model_worker.h"
22 #include "sync/test/engine/syncer_command_test.h"
23 #include "sync/test/engine/test_id_factory.h"
24 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
26 using std::string;
27 using sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage;
28 using sync_pb::CommitResponse;
30 namespace syncer {
32 using sessions::SyncSession;
33 using syncable::BASE_VERSION;
34 using syncable::Entry;
35 using syncable::ID;
36 using syncable::IS_DIR;
37 using syncable::IS_UNSYNCED;
38 using syncable::Id;
39 using syncable::MutableEntry;
40 using syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME;
41 using syncable::UNIQUE_POSITION;
42 using syncable::UNITTEST;
43 using syncable::WriteTransaction;
45 // A test fixture for tests exercising ProcessCommitResponseCommand.
46 class ProcessCommitResponseCommandTest : public SyncerCommandTest {
47 public:
48 virtual void SetUp() {
49 workers()->clear();
50 mutable_routing_info()->clear();
52 workers()->push_back(
53 make_scoped_refptr(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_DB)));
54 workers()->push_back(
55 make_scoped_refptr(new FakeModelWorker(GROUP_UI)));
56 (*mutable_routing_info())[BOOKMARKS] = GROUP_UI;
57 (*mutable_routing_info())[PREFERENCES] = GROUP_UI;
58 (*mutable_routing_info())[AUTOFILL] = GROUP_DB;
60 SyncerCommandTest::SetUp();
62 test_entry_factory_.reset(new TestEntryFactory(directory()));
65 protected:
67 ProcessCommitResponseCommandTest()
68 : next_new_revision_(4000),
69 next_server_position_(10000) {
72 void CheckEntry(Entry* e, const std::string& name,
73 ModelType model_type, const Id& parent_id) {
74 EXPECT_TRUE(e->good());
75 ASSERT_EQ(name, e->Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME));
76 ASSERT_EQ(model_type, e->GetModelType());
77 ASSERT_EQ(parent_id, e->Get(syncable::PARENT_ID));
79 << "Item should have a valid (positive) server base revision";
82 // Create a new unsynced item in the database, and synthesize a commit record
83 // and a commit response for it in the syncer session. If item_id is a local
84 // ID, the item will be a create operation. Otherwise, it will be an edit.
85 // Returns the metahandle of the newly created item.
86 int CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
87 const Id& item_id,
88 const Id& parent_id,
89 const string& name,
90 bool is_folder,
91 ModelType model_type,
92 sessions::OrderedCommitSet *commit_set,
93 sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage *commit,
94 sync_pb::ClientToServerResponse *response) {
95 int64 metahandle = 0;
96 test_entry_factory_->CreateUnsyncedItem(item_id, parent_id, name,
97 is_folder, model_type, &metahandle);
99 // ProcessCommitResponseCommand consumes commit_ids from the session
100 // state, so we need to update that. O(n^2) because it's a test.
101 commit_set->AddCommitItem(metahandle, item_id, model_type);
103 WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
104 MutableEntry entry(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, item_id);
105 EXPECT_TRUE(entry.good());
106 entry.Put(syncable::SYNCING, true);
108 // Add to the commit message.
109 // TODO(sync): Use the real commit-building code to construct this.
110 commit->set_message_contents(ClientToServerMessage::COMMIT);
111 sync_pb::SyncEntity* entity = commit->mutable_commit()->add_entries();
112 entity->set_non_unique_name(entry.Get(syncable::NON_UNIQUE_NAME));
113 entity->set_folder(entry.Get(syncable::IS_DIR));
114 entity->set_parent_id_string(
115 SyncableIdToProto(entry.Get(syncable::PARENT_ID)));
116 entity->set_version(entry.Get(syncable::BASE_VERSION));
117 entity->mutable_specifics()->CopyFrom(entry.Get(syncable::SPECIFICS));
118 entity->set_id_string(SyncableIdToProto(item_id));
120 if (!entry.Get(syncable::UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG).empty()) {
121 entity->set_client_defined_unique_tag(
122 entry.Get(syncable::UNIQUE_CLIENT_TAG));
125 // Add to the response message.
126 response->set_error_code(sync_pb::SyncEnums::SUCCESS);
127 sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse* entry_response =
128 response->mutable_commit()->add_entryresponse();
129 entry_response->set_response_type(CommitResponse::SUCCESS);
130 entry_response->set_name("Garbage.");
131 entry_response->set_non_unique_name(entity->name());
132 if (item_id.ServerKnows())
133 entry_response->set_id_string(entity->id_string());
134 else
135 entry_response->set_id_string(id_factory_.NewServerId().GetServerId());
136 entry_response->set_version(next_new_revision_++);
138 // If the ID of our parent item committed earlier in the batch was
139 // rewritten, rewrite it in the entry response. This matches
140 // the server behavior.
141 entry_response->set_parent_id_string(entity->parent_id_string());
142 for (int i = 0; i < commit->commit().entries_size(); ++i) {
143 if (commit->commit().entries(i).id_string() ==
144 entity->parent_id_string()) {
145 entry_response->set_parent_id_string(
146 response->commit().entryresponse(i).id_string());
150 return metahandle;
153 void SetLastErrorCode(sync_pb::CommitResponse::ResponseType error_code,
154 sync_pb::ClientToServerResponse* response) {
155 sync_pb::CommitResponse_EntryResponse* entry_response =
156 response->mutable_commit()->mutable_entryresponse(
157 response->mutable_commit()->entryresponse_size() - 1);
158 entry_response->set_response_type(error_code);
161 TestIdFactory id_factory_;
162 scoped_ptr<TestEntryFactory> test_entry_factory_;
163 private:
164 int64 next_new_revision_;
165 int64 next_server_position_;
166 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ProcessCommitResponseCommandTest);
169 TEST_F(ProcessCommitResponseCommandTest, MultipleCommitIdProjections) {
170 sessions::OrderedCommitSet commit_set(session()->context()->routing_info());
171 sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage request;
172 sync_pb::ClientToServerResponse response;
174 Id bookmark_folder_id = id_factory_.NewLocalId();
175 int bookmark_folder_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
176 bookmark_folder_id, id_factory_.root(), "A bookmark folder", true,
177 BOOKMARKS, &commit_set, &request, &response);
178 int bookmark1_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
179 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), bookmark_folder_id, "bookmark 1", false,
180 BOOKMARKS, &commit_set, &request, &response);
181 int bookmark2_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
182 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), bookmark_folder_id, "bookmark 2", false,
183 BOOKMARKS, &commit_set, &request, &response);
184 int pref1_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
185 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), id_factory_.root(), "Pref 1", false,
186 PREFERENCES, &commit_set, &request, &response);
187 int pref2_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
188 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), id_factory_.root(), "Pref 2", false,
189 PREFERENCES, &commit_set, &request, &response);
190 int autofill1_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
191 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), id_factory_.root(), "Autofill 1", false,
192 AUTOFILL, &commit_set, &request, &response);
193 int autofill2_handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
194 id_factory_.NewLocalId(), id_factory_.root(), "Autofill 2", false,
195 AUTOFILL, &commit_set, &request, &response);
197 ProcessCommitResponseCommand command(commit_set, request, response);
198 ExpectGroupsToChange(command, GROUP_UI, GROUP_DB);
199 command.ExecuteImpl(session());
201 syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
203 Entry b_folder(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, bookmark_folder_handle);
204 ASSERT_TRUE(b_folder.good());
206 Id new_fid = b_folder.Get(syncable::ID);
207 ASSERT_FALSE(new_fid.IsRoot());
208 EXPECT_TRUE(new_fid.ServerKnows());
209 EXPECT_FALSE(bookmark_folder_id.ServerKnows());
210 EXPECT_FALSE(new_fid == bookmark_folder_id);
212 ASSERT_EQ("A bookmark folder", b_folder.Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME))
213 << "Name of bookmark folder should not change.";
214 ASSERT_LT(0, b_folder.Get(BASE_VERSION))
215 << "Bookmark folder should have a valid (positive) server base revision";
217 // Look at the two bookmarks in bookmark_folder.
218 Entry b1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, bookmark1_handle);
219 Entry b2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, bookmark2_handle);
220 CheckEntry(&b1, "bookmark 1", BOOKMARKS, new_fid);
221 CheckEntry(&b2, "bookmark 2", BOOKMARKS, new_fid);
223 // Look at the prefs and autofill items.
224 Entry p1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, pref1_handle);
225 Entry p2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, pref2_handle);
226 CheckEntry(&p1, "Pref 1", PREFERENCES, id_factory_.root());
227 CheckEntry(&p2, "Pref 2", PREFERENCES, id_factory_.root());
229 Entry a1(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, autofill1_handle);
230 Entry a2(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, autofill2_handle);
231 CheckEntry(&a1, "Autofill 1", AUTOFILL, id_factory_.root());
232 CheckEntry(&a2, "Autofill 2", AUTOFILL, id_factory_.root());
235 // In this test, we test processing a commit response for a commit batch that
236 // includes a newly created folder and some (but not all) of its children.
237 // In particular, the folder has 50 children, which alternate between being
238 // new items and preexisting items. This mixture of new and old is meant to
239 // be a torture test of the code in ProcessCommitResponseCommand that changes
240 // an item's ID from a local ID to a server-generated ID on the first commit.
241 // We commit only the first 25 children in the sibling order, leaving the
242 // second 25 children as unsynced items. describes
243 // how this scenario used to fail, reversing the order for the second half
244 // of the children.
245 TEST_F(ProcessCommitResponseCommandTest, NewFolderCommitKeepsChildOrder) {
246 sessions::OrderedCommitSet commit_set(session()->context()->routing_info());
247 sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage request;
248 sync_pb::ClientToServerResponse response;
250 // Create the parent folder, a new item whose ID will change on commit.
251 Id folder_id = id_factory_.NewLocalId();
252 CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(folder_id, id_factory_.root(),
253 "A", true, BOOKMARKS,
254 &commit_set, &request, &response);
256 // Verify that the item is reachable.
258 syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
259 syncable::Entry root(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id_factory_.root());
260 ASSERT_TRUE(root.good());
261 Id child_id = root.GetFirstChildId();
262 ASSERT_EQ(folder_id, child_id);
265 // The first 25 children of the parent folder will be part of the commit
266 // batch. They will be placed left to right in order of creation.
267 int batch_size = 25;
268 int i = 0;
269 Id prev_id = TestIdFactory::root();
270 for (; i < batch_size; ++i) {
271 // Alternate between new and old child items, just for kicks.
272 Id id = (i % 4 < 2) ? id_factory_.NewLocalId() : id_factory_.NewServerId();
273 int64 handle = CreateUnprocessedCommitResult(
274 id, folder_id, base::StringPrintf("Item %d", i), false,
275 BOOKMARKS, &commit_set, &request, &response);
277 syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
278 syncable::MutableEntry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
279 ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
280 e.PutPredecessor(prev_id);
282 prev_id = id;
284 // The second 25 children will be unsynced items but NOT part of the commit
285 // batch. When the ID of the parent folder changes during the commit,
286 // these items PARENT_ID should be updated, and their ordering should be
287 // preserved.
288 for (; i < 2*batch_size; ++i) {
289 // Alternate between new and old child items, just for kicks.
290 Id id = (i % 4 < 2) ? id_factory_.NewLocalId() : id_factory_.NewServerId();
291 int64 handle = -1;
292 test_entry_factory_->CreateUnsyncedItem(
293 id, folder_id, base::StringPrintf("Item %d", i),
294 false, BOOKMARKS, &handle);
296 syncable::WriteTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, UNITTEST, directory());
297 syncable::MutableEntry e(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_HANDLE, handle);
298 ASSERT_TRUE(e.good());
299 e.PutPredecessor(prev_id);
301 prev_id = id;
304 // Process the commit response for the parent folder and the first
305 // 25 items. This should apply the values indicated by
306 // each CommitResponse_EntryResponse to the syncable Entries. All new
307 // items in the commit batch should have their IDs changed to server IDs.
308 ProcessCommitResponseCommand command(commit_set, request, response);
309 ExpectGroupToChange(command, GROUP_UI);
310 command.ExecuteImpl(session());
312 syncable::ReadTransaction trans(FROM_HERE, directory());
313 // Lookup the parent folder by finding a child of the root. We can't use
314 // folder_id here, because it changed during the commit.
315 syncable::Entry root(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, id_factory_.root());
316 ASSERT_TRUE(root.good());
317 Id new_fid = root.GetFirstChildId();
318 ASSERT_FALSE(new_fid.IsRoot());
319 EXPECT_TRUE(new_fid.ServerKnows());
320 EXPECT_FALSE(folder_id.ServerKnows());
321 EXPECT_TRUE(new_fid != folder_id);
322 Entry parent(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, new_fid);
323 ASSERT_TRUE(parent.good());
324 ASSERT_EQ("A", parent.Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME))
325 << "Name of parent folder should not change.";
326 ASSERT_LT(0, parent.Get(BASE_VERSION))
327 << "Parent should have a valid (positive) server base revision";
329 Id cid = parent.GetFirstChildId();
331 int child_count = 0;
332 // Now loop over all the children of the parent folder, verifying
333 // that they are in their original order by checking to see that their
334 // names are still sequential.
335 while (!cid.IsRoot()) {
336 SCOPED_TRACE(::testing::Message("Examining item #") << child_count);
337 Entry c(&trans, syncable::GET_BY_ID, cid);
338 DCHECK(c.good());
339 ASSERT_EQ(base::StringPrintf("Item %d", child_count),
340 c.Get(NON_UNIQUE_NAME));
341 ASSERT_EQ(new_fid, c.Get(syncable::PARENT_ID));
342 if (child_count < batch_size) {
343 ASSERT_FALSE(c.Get(IS_UNSYNCED)) << "Item should be committed";
344 ASSERT_TRUE(cid.ServerKnows());
346 } else {
347 ASSERT_TRUE(c.Get(IS_UNSYNCED)) << "Item should be uncommitted";
348 // We alternated between creates and edits; double check that these items
349 // have been preserved.
350 if (child_count % 4 < 2) {
351 ASSERT_FALSE(cid.ServerKnows());
353 } else {
354 ASSERT_TRUE(cid.ServerKnows());
358 cid = c.GetSuccessorId();
359 child_count++;
361 ASSERT_EQ(batch_size*2, child_count)
362 << "Too few or too many children in parent folder after commit.";
365 } // namespace syncer