[Cronet] Handle redirects in CronetHttpURLConnection
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ui / gfx / platform_font_win_unittest.cc
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "ui/gfx/platform_font_win.h"
7 #include "base/logging.h"
8 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
9 #include "base/strings/string16.h"
10 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
11 #include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h"
12 #include "base/win/scoped_select_object.h"
13 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
14 #include "ui/gfx/font.h"
15 #include "ui/gfx/win/direct_write.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/win/scoped_set_map_mode.h"
18 namespace gfx {
20 namespace {
22 // Returns a font based on |base_font| with height at most |target_height| and
23 // font size maximized. Returns |base_font| if height is already equal.
24 gfx::Font AdjustFontSizeForHeight(const gfx::Font& base_font,
25 int target_height) {
26 Font expected_font = base_font;
27 if (base_font.GetHeight() < target_height) {
28 // Increase size while height is <= |target_height|.
29 Font larger_font = base_font.Derive(1, 0);
30 while (larger_font.GetHeight() <= target_height) {
31 expected_font = larger_font;
32 larger_font = larger_font.Derive(1, 0);
34 } else if (expected_font.GetHeight() > target_height) {
35 // Decrease size until height is <= |target_height|.
36 do {
37 expected_font = expected_font.Derive(-1, 0);
38 } while (expected_font.GetHeight() > target_height);
40 return expected_font;
43 } // namespace
45 TEST(PlatformFontWinTest, DeriveFontWithHeight) {
46 // TODO(ananta): Fix this test for DirectWrite. http://crbug.com/442010
47 if (gfx::win::IsDirectWriteEnabled())
48 return;
50 const Font base_font;
51 PlatformFontWin* platform_font =
52 static_cast<PlatformFontWin*>(base_font.platform_font());
54 for (int i = -10; i < 10; i++) {
55 const int target_height = base_font.GetHeight() + i;
56 Font expected_font = AdjustFontSizeForHeight(base_font, target_height);
57 ASSERT_LE(expected_font.GetHeight(), target_height);
59 Font derived_font = platform_font->DeriveFontWithHeight(target_height, 0);
60 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontName(), derived_font.GetFontName());
61 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontSize(), derived_font.GetFontSize());
62 EXPECT_LE(expected_font.GetHeight(), target_height);
63 EXPECT_EQ(0, derived_font.GetStyle());
65 derived_font = platform_font->DeriveFontWithHeight(target_height,
66 Font::BOLD);
67 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontName(), derived_font.GetFontName());
68 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontSize(), derived_font.GetFontSize());
69 EXPECT_LE(expected_font.GetHeight(), target_height);
70 EXPECT_EQ(Font::BOLD, derived_font.GetStyle());
72 // Test that deriving from the new font has the expected result.
73 Font rederived_font = derived_font.Derive(1, 0);
74 expected_font = Font(derived_font.GetFontName(),
75 derived_font.GetFontSize() + 1);
76 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontName(), rederived_font.GetFontName());
77 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetFontSize(), rederived_font.GetFontSize());
78 EXPECT_EQ(expected_font.GetHeight(), rederived_font.GetHeight());
82 TEST(PlatformFontWinTest, DeriveFontWithHeight_Consistency) {
83 // TODO(ananta): Fix this test for DirectWrite. http://crbug.com/442010
84 if (gfx::win::IsDirectWriteEnabled())
85 return;
86 gfx::Font arial_12("Arial", 12);
87 ASSERT_GT(16, arial_12.GetHeight());
88 gfx::Font derived_1 = static_cast<PlatformFontWin*>(
89 arial_12.platform_font())->DeriveFontWithHeight(16, 0);
91 gfx::Font arial_15("Arial", 15);
92 ASSERT_LT(16, arial_15.GetHeight());
93 gfx::Font derived_2 = static_cast<PlatformFontWin*>(
94 arial_15.platform_font())->DeriveFontWithHeight(16, 0);
96 EXPECT_EQ(derived_1.GetFontSize(), derived_2.GetFontSize());
97 EXPECT_EQ(16, derived_1.GetHeight());
98 EXPECT_EQ(16, derived_2.GetHeight());
101 // Callback function used by DeriveFontWithHeight_MinSize() below.
102 static int GetMinFontSize() {
103 return 10;
106 TEST(PlatformFontWinTest, DeriveFontWithHeight_MinSize) {
107 PlatformFontWin::GetMinimumFontSizeCallback old_callback =
108 PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback;
109 PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback = &GetMinFontSize;
111 const Font base_font;
112 const Font min_font(base_font.GetFontName(), GetMinFontSize());
113 PlatformFontWin* platform_font =
114 static_cast<PlatformFontWin*>(base_font.platform_font());
116 const Font derived_font =
117 platform_font->DeriveFontWithHeight(min_font.GetHeight() - 1, 0);
118 EXPECT_EQ(min_font.GetFontSize(), derived_font.GetFontSize());
119 EXPECT_EQ(min_font.GetHeight(), derived_font.GetHeight());
121 PlatformFontWin::get_minimum_font_size_callback = old_callback;
124 TEST(PlatformFontWinTest, DeriveFontWithHeight_TooSmall) {
125 const Font base_font;
126 PlatformFontWin* platform_font =
127 static_cast<PlatformFontWin*>(base_font.platform_font());
129 const Font derived_font = platform_font->DeriveFontWithHeight(1, 0);
130 EXPECT_GT(derived_font.GetHeight(), 1);
133 // Test whether font metrics retrieved by DirectWrite (skia) and GDI match as
134 // per assumptions mentioned below:-
135 // 1. Font size is the same
136 // 2. The difference between GDI and DirectWrite for font height, baseline,
137 // and cap height is at most 1. For smaller font sizes under 12, GDI
138 // font heights/baselines/cap height are equal/larger by 1 point. For larger
139 // font sizes DirectWrite font heights/baselines/cap height are equal/larger
140 // by 1 point.
141 TEST(PlatformFontWinTest, Metrics_SkiaVersusGDI) {
142 if (!gfx::win::IsDirectWriteEnabled())
143 return;
145 // Describes the font being tested.
146 struct FontInfo {
147 base::string16 font_name;
148 int font_size;
151 FontInfo fonts[] = {
152 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Arial"), 6},
153 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Arial"), 8},
154 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Arial"), 10},
155 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Arial"), 12},
156 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Arial"), 16},
157 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Symbol"), 6},
158 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Symbol"), 10},
159 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Symbol"), 12},
160 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Tahoma"), 10},
161 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Tahoma"), 16},
162 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Segoe UI"), 6},
163 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Segoe UI"), 8},
164 {base::ASCIIToUTF16("Segoe UI"), 20},
167 base::win::ScopedGetDC screen_dc(NULL);
168 gfx::ScopedSetMapMode mode(screen_dc, MM_TEXT);
170 for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(fonts); ++i) {
171 LOGFONT font_info = {0};
173 font_info.lfHeight = -fonts[i].font_size;
174 font_info.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL;
175 wcscpy_s(font_info.lfFaceName,
176 fonts[i].font_name.length() + 1,
177 fonts[i].font_name.c_str());
179 HFONT font = CreateFontIndirect(&font_info);
181 TEXTMETRIC font_metrics;
182 PlatformFontWin::GetTextMetricsForFont(screen_dc, font, &font_metrics);
184 scoped_refptr<PlatformFontWin::HFontRef> h_font_gdi(
185 PlatformFontWin::CreateHFontRefFromGDI(font, font_metrics));
187 scoped_refptr<PlatformFontWin::HFontRef> h_font_skia(
188 PlatformFontWin::CreateHFontRefFromSkia(font, font_metrics));
190 EXPECT_EQ(h_font_gdi->font_size(), h_font_skia->font_size());
191 EXPECT_EQ(h_font_gdi->style(), h_font_skia->style());
192 EXPECT_EQ(h_font_gdi->font_name(), h_font_skia->font_name());
194 EXPECT_LE(abs(h_font_gdi->cap_height() - h_font_skia->cap_height()), 1);
195 EXPECT_LE(abs(h_font_gdi->baseline() - h_font_skia->baseline()), 1);
196 EXPECT_LE(abs(h_font_gdi->height() - h_font_skia->height()), 1);
201 } // namespace gfx