Assume the foo_test_run depends on everything needed to run the test.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / renderer / browser_plugin / browser_plugin.h
1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebPlugin.h"
10 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
12 #include "base/sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h"
13 #include "base/values.h"
14 #include "content/renderer/browser_plugin/browser_plugin_bindings.h"
15 #include "content/renderer/mouse_lock_dispatcher.h"
16 #include "content/renderer/render_view_impl.h"
17 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebCompositionUnderline.h"
18 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebDragStatus.h"
19 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebWidget.h"
21 struct BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params;
22 struct BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params;
23 struct BrowserPluginMsg_Attach_ACK_Params;
24 struct BrowserPluginMsg_UpdateRect_Params;
25 struct FrameMsg_BuffersSwapped_Params;
27 namespace content {
29 class ChildFrameCompositingHelper;
30 class BrowserPluginManager;
31 class MockBrowserPlugin;
33 class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserPlugin :
34 NON_EXPORTED_BASE(public blink::WebPlugin),
35 public MouseLockDispatcher::LockTarget {
36 public:
37 RenderViewImpl* render_view() const { return render_view_.get(); }
38 int render_view_routing_id() const { return render_view_routing_id_; }
39 int guest_instance_id() const { return guest_instance_id_; }
40 bool attached() const { return attached_; }
41 BrowserPluginManager* browser_plugin_manager() const {
42 return browser_plugin_manager_.get();
45 bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg);
47 // Update Browser Plugin's DOM Node attribute |attribute_name| with the value
48 // |attribute_value|.
49 void UpdateDOMAttribute(const std::string& attribute_name,
50 const std::string& attribute_value);
51 // Remove the DOM Node attribute with the name |attribute_name|.
52 void RemoveDOMAttribute(const std::string& attribute_name);
53 // Get Browser Plugin's DOM Node attribute |attribute_name|'s value.
54 std::string GetDOMAttributeValue(const std::string& attribute_name) const;
55 // Checks if the attribute |attribute_name| exists in the DOM.
56 bool HasDOMAttribute(const std::string& attribute_name) const;
58 // Get the name attribute value.
59 std::string GetNameAttribute() const;
60 // Parse the name attribute value.
61 void ParseNameAttribute();
62 // Get the allowtransparency attribute value.
63 bool GetAllowTransparencyAttribute() const;
64 // Parse the allowtransparency attribute and adjust transparency of
65 // BrowserPlugin accordingly.
66 void ParseAllowTransparencyAttribute();
67 // Get the src attribute value of the BrowserPlugin instance.
68 std::string GetSrcAttribute() const;
69 // Parse the src attribute value of the BrowserPlugin instance.
70 bool ParseSrcAttribute(std::string* error_message);
71 // Get the autosize attribute value.
72 bool GetAutoSizeAttribute() const;
73 // Parses the autosize attribute value.
74 void ParseAutoSizeAttribute();
75 // Get the maxheight attribute value.
76 int GetMaxHeightAttribute() const;
77 // Get the maxwidth attribute value.
78 int GetMaxWidthAttribute() const;
79 // Get the minheight attribute value.
80 int GetMinHeightAttribute() const;
81 // Get the minwidth attribute value.
82 int GetMinWidthAttribute() const;
83 // Parse the minwidth, maxwidth, minheight, and maxheight attribute values.
84 void ParseSizeContraintsChanged();
85 // The partition identifier string is stored as UTF-8.
86 std::string GetPartitionAttribute() const;
87 // This method can be successfully called only before the first navigation for
88 // this instance of BrowserPlugin. If an error occurs, the |error_message| is
89 // set appropriately to indicate the failure reason.
90 bool ParsePartitionAttribute(std::string* error_message);
91 // True if the partition attribute can be removed.
92 bool CanRemovePartitionAttribute(std::string* error_message);
94 bool InAutoSizeBounds(const gfx::Size& size) const;
96 // Get the guest's DOMWindow proxy.
97 NPObject* GetContentWindow() const;
99 // Returns whether the guest process has crashed.
100 bool guest_crashed() const { return guest_crashed_; }
101 // Returns whether this BrowserPlugin has requested an instance ID.
102 bool HasNavigated() const;
103 // Returns whether this BrowserPlugin has allocated an instance ID.
104 bool HasGuestInstanceID() const;
106 // Informs the guest of an updated focus state.
107 void UpdateGuestFocusState();
108 // Indicates whether the guest should be focused.
109 bool ShouldGuestBeFocused() const;
111 // Embedder's device scale factor changed, we need to update the guest
112 // renderer.
113 void UpdateDeviceScaleFactor(float device_scale_factor);
115 // A request to enable hardware compositing.
116 void EnableCompositing(bool enable);
118 // Called when a guest instance ID has been allocated by the browser process.
119 void OnInstanceIDAllocated(int guest_instance_id);
120 // Provided that a guest instance ID has been allocated, this method attaches
121 // this BrowserPlugin instance to that guest. |extra_params| are parameters
122 // passed in by the content embedder to the browser process.
123 void Attach(int guest_instance_id,
124 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> extra_params);
126 // Notify the plugin about a compositor commit so that frame ACKs could be
127 // sent, if needed.
128 void DidCommitCompositorFrame();
130 // Returns whether a message should be forwarded to BrowserPlugin.
131 static bool ShouldForwardToBrowserPlugin(const IPC::Message& message);
133 // blink::WebPlugin implementation.
134 virtual blink::WebPluginContainer* container() const OVERRIDE;
135 virtual bool initialize(blink::WebPluginContainer* container) OVERRIDE;
136 virtual void destroy() OVERRIDE;
137 virtual NPObject* scriptableObject() OVERRIDE;
138 virtual struct _NPP* pluginNPP() OVERRIDE;
139 virtual bool supportsKeyboardFocus() const OVERRIDE;
140 virtual bool supportsEditCommands() const OVERRIDE;
141 virtual bool supportsInputMethod() const OVERRIDE;
142 virtual bool canProcessDrag() const OVERRIDE;
143 virtual void paint(
144 blink::WebCanvas* canvas,
145 const blink::WebRect& rect) OVERRIDE;
146 virtual void updateGeometry(
147 const blink::WebRect& frame_rect,
148 const blink::WebRect& clip_rect,
149 const blink::WebVector<blink::WebRect>& cut_outs_rects,
150 bool is_visible) OVERRIDE;
151 virtual void updateFocus(bool focused) OVERRIDE;
152 virtual void updateVisibility(bool visible) OVERRIDE;
153 virtual bool acceptsInputEvents() OVERRIDE;
154 virtual bool handleInputEvent(
155 const blink::WebInputEvent& event,
156 blink::WebCursorInfo& cursor_info) OVERRIDE;
157 virtual bool handleDragStatusUpdate(blink::WebDragStatus drag_status,
158 const blink::WebDragData& drag_data,
159 blink::WebDragOperationsMask mask,
160 const blink::WebPoint& position,
161 const blink::WebPoint& screen) OVERRIDE;
162 virtual void didReceiveResponse(
163 const blink::WebURLResponse& response) OVERRIDE;
164 virtual void didReceiveData(const char* data, int data_length) OVERRIDE;
165 virtual void didFinishLoading() OVERRIDE;
166 virtual void didFailLoading(const blink::WebURLError& error) OVERRIDE;
167 virtual void didFinishLoadingFrameRequest(
168 const blink::WebURL& url,
169 void* notify_data) OVERRIDE;
170 virtual void didFailLoadingFrameRequest(
171 const blink::WebURL& url,
172 void* notify_data,
173 const blink::WebURLError& error) OVERRIDE;
174 virtual bool executeEditCommand(const blink::WebString& name) OVERRIDE;
175 virtual bool executeEditCommand(const blink::WebString& name,
176 const blink::WebString& value) OVERRIDE;
177 virtual bool setComposition(
178 const blink::WebString& text,
179 const blink::WebVector<blink::WebCompositionUnderline>& underlines,
180 int selectionStart,
181 int selectionEnd) OVERRIDE;
182 virtual bool confirmComposition(
183 const blink::WebString& text,
184 blink::WebWidget::ConfirmCompositionBehavior selectionBehavior) OVERRIDE;
185 virtual void extendSelectionAndDelete(int before, int after) OVERRIDE;
187 // MouseLockDispatcher::LockTarget implementation.
188 virtual void OnLockMouseACK(bool succeeded) OVERRIDE;
189 virtual void OnMouseLockLost() OVERRIDE;
190 virtual bool HandleMouseLockedInputEvent(
191 const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
193 private:
194 friend class base::DeleteHelper<BrowserPlugin>;
195 // Only the manager is allowed to create a BrowserPlugin.
196 friend class BrowserPluginManagerImpl;
197 friend class MockBrowserPluginManager;
199 // For unit/integration tests.
200 friend class MockBrowserPlugin;
202 // A BrowserPlugin object is a controller that represents an instance of a
203 // browser plugin within the embedder renderer process. Once a BrowserPlugin
204 // does an initial navigation or is attached to a newly created guest, it
205 // acquires a guest_instance_id as well. The guest instance ID uniquely
206 // identifies a guest WebContents that's hosted by this BrowserPlugin.
207 BrowserPlugin(RenderViewImpl* render_view,
208 blink::WebFrame* frame,
209 bool auto_navigate);
211 virtual ~BrowserPlugin();
213 int width() const { return plugin_rect_.width(); }
214 int height() const { return plugin_rect_.height(); }
215 gfx::Rect plugin_rect() { return plugin_rect_; }
216 // Gets the Max Height value used for auto size.
217 int GetAdjustedMaxHeight() const;
218 // Gets the Max Width value used for auto size.
219 int GetAdjustedMaxWidth() const;
220 // Gets the Min Height value used for auto size.
221 int GetAdjustedMinHeight() const;
222 // Gets the Min Width value used for auto size.
223 int GetAdjustedMinWidth() const;
225 // Virtual to allow for mocking in tests.
226 virtual float GetDeviceScaleFactor() const;
228 void ShowSadGraphic();
230 // Parses the attributes of the browser plugin from the element's attributes
231 // and sets them appropriately.
232 void ParseAttributes();
234 // Triggers the event-listeners for |event_name|. Note that the function
235 // frees all the values in |props|.
236 void TriggerEvent(const std::string& event_name,
237 std::map<std::string, base::Value*>* props);
239 // Populates BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params with resize state.
240 void PopulateResizeGuestParameters(
241 BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params* params,
242 const gfx::Rect& view_size,
243 bool needs_repaint);
245 // Populates BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params object with autosize state.
246 void PopulateAutoSizeParameters(
247 BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params* params, bool auto_size_enabled);
249 // Populates both AutoSize and ResizeGuest parameters based on the current
250 // autosize state.
251 void GetSizeParams(
252 BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params* auto_size_params,
253 BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params* resize_guest_params,
254 bool needs_repaint);
256 // Informs the guest of an updated autosize state.
257 void UpdateGuestAutoSizeState(bool auto_size_enabled);
260 // IPC message handlers.
261 // Please keep in alphabetical order.
262 void OnAdvanceFocus(int instance_id, bool reverse);
263 void OnAttachACK(int instance_id,
264 const BrowserPluginMsg_Attach_ACK_Params& ack_params);
265 void OnBuffersSwapped(int instance_id,
266 const FrameMsg_BuffersSwapped_Params& params);
267 void OnCompositorFrameSwapped(const IPC::Message& message);
268 void OnCopyFromCompositingSurface(int instance_id,
269 int request_id,
270 gfx::Rect source_rect,
271 gfx::Size dest_size);
272 void OnGuestContentWindowReady(int instance_id,
273 int content_window_routing_id);
274 void OnGuestGone(int instance_id);
275 void OnSetCursor(int instance_id, const WebCursor& cursor);
276 void OnSetMouseLock(int instance_id, bool enable);
277 void OnShouldAcceptTouchEvents(int instance_id, bool accept);
278 void OnUpdatedName(int instance_id, const std::string& name);
279 void OnUpdateRect(int instance_id,
280 const BrowserPluginMsg_UpdateRect_Params& params);
282 // This is the browser-process-allocated instance ID that uniquely identifies
283 // a guest WebContents.
284 int guest_instance_id_;
285 // This indicates whether this BrowserPlugin has been attached to a
286 // WebContents.
287 bool attached_;
288 base::WeakPtr<RenderViewImpl> render_view_;
289 // We cache the |render_view_|'s routing ID because we need it on destruction.
290 // If the |render_view_| is destroyed before the BrowserPlugin is destroyed
291 // then we will attempt to access a NULL pointer.
292 int render_view_routing_id_;
293 blink::WebPluginContainer* container_;
294 scoped_ptr<BrowserPluginBindings> bindings_;
295 bool paint_ack_received_;
296 gfx::Rect plugin_rect_;
297 float last_device_scale_factor_;
298 // Bitmap for crashed plugin. Lazily initialized, non-owning pointer.
299 SkBitmap* sad_guest_;
300 bool guest_crashed_;
301 scoped_ptr<BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params> pending_resize_params_;
302 bool is_auto_size_state_dirty_;
303 // Maximum size constraint for autosize.
304 gfx::Size max_auto_size_;
305 std::string storage_partition_id_;
306 bool persist_storage_;
307 bool valid_partition_id_;
308 int content_window_routing_id_;
309 bool plugin_focused_;
310 // Tracks the visibility of the browser plugin regardless of the whole
311 // embedder RenderView's visibility.
312 bool visible_;
314 bool auto_navigate_;
315 std::string html_string_;
317 WebCursor cursor_;
319 gfx::Size last_view_size_;
320 bool before_first_navigation_;
321 bool mouse_locked_;
323 // BrowserPlugin outlives RenderViewImpl in Chrome Apps and so we need to
324 // store the BrowserPlugin's BrowserPluginManager in a member variable to
325 // avoid accessing the RenderViewImpl.
326 scoped_refptr<BrowserPluginManager> browser_plugin_manager_;
328 // Used for HW compositing.
329 scoped_refptr<ChildFrameCompositingHelper> compositing_helper_;
331 // Used to identify the plugin to WebBindings.
332 scoped_ptr<struct _NPP> npp_;
334 // URL for the embedder frame.
335 GURL embedder_frame_url_;
337 std::vector<EditCommand> edit_commands_;
339 // Weak factory used in v8 |MakeWeak| callback, since the v8 callback might
340 // get called after BrowserPlugin has been destroyed.
341 base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserPlugin> weak_ptr_factory_;
346 } // namespace content