Moves calling OnAutoHideState to when exactly the state has changed.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / webkit / renderer / media / crypto / ppapi_decryptor.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/basictypes.h"
12 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
13 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
14 #include "media/base/decryptor.h"
15 #include "media/base/media_keys.h"
16 #include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
18 namespace base {
19 class MessageLoopProxy;
22 namespace webkit {
23 namespace ppapi {
24 class ContentDecryptorDelegate;
25 class PluginInstance;
29 namespace webkit_media {
31 // PpapiDecryptor implements media::Decryptor and forwards all calls to the
32 // PluginInstance.
33 // This class should always be created & destroyed on the main renderer thread.
34 class PpapiDecryptor : public media::MediaKeys, public media::Decryptor {
35 public:
36 static scoped_ptr<webkit_media::PpapiDecryptor> Create(
37 // TODO(ddorwin): Remove after updating the delegate.
38 const std::string& key_system,
39 const scoped_refptr<webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance>& plugin_instance,
40 const media::KeyAddedCB& key_added_cb,
41 const media::KeyErrorCB& key_error_cb,
42 const media::KeyMessageCB& key_message_cb,
43 const base::Closure& destroy_plugin_cb);
45 virtual ~PpapiDecryptor();
47 // media::MediaKeys implementation.
48 virtual bool GenerateKeyRequest(const std::string& type,
49 const uint8* init_data,
50 int init_data_length) OVERRIDE;
51 virtual void AddKey(const uint8* key, int key_length,
52 const uint8* init_data, int init_data_length,
53 const std::string& session_id) OVERRIDE;
54 virtual void CancelKeyRequest(const std::string& session_id) OVERRIDE;
55 virtual Decryptor* GetDecryptor() OVERRIDE;
57 // media::Decryptor implementation.
58 virtual void RegisterNewKeyCB(StreamType stream_type,
59 const NewKeyCB& key_added_cb) OVERRIDE;
60 virtual void Decrypt(StreamType stream_type,
61 const scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBuffer>& encrypted,
62 const DecryptCB& decrypt_cb) OVERRIDE;
63 virtual void CancelDecrypt(StreamType stream_type) OVERRIDE;
64 virtual void InitializeAudioDecoder(const media::AudioDecoderConfig& config,
65 const DecoderInitCB& init_cb) OVERRIDE;
66 virtual void InitializeVideoDecoder(const media::VideoDecoderConfig& config,
67 const DecoderInitCB& init_cb) OVERRIDE;
68 virtual void DecryptAndDecodeAudio(
69 const scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBuffer>& encrypted,
70 const AudioDecodeCB& audio_decode_cb) OVERRIDE;
71 virtual void DecryptAndDecodeVideo(
72 const scoped_refptr<media::DecoderBuffer>& encrypted,
73 const VideoDecodeCB& video_decode_cb) OVERRIDE;
74 virtual void ResetDecoder(StreamType stream_type) OVERRIDE;
75 virtual void DeinitializeDecoder(StreamType stream_type) OVERRIDE;
77 private:
78 PpapiDecryptor(
79 const scoped_refptr<webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance>& plugin_instance,
80 webkit::ppapi::ContentDecryptorDelegate* plugin_cdm_delegate,
81 const media::KeyAddedCB& key_added_cb,
82 const media::KeyErrorCB& key_error_cb,
83 const media::KeyMessageCB& key_message_cb,
84 const base::Closure& destroy_plugin_cb);
86 void ReportFailureToCallPlugin(const std::string& session_id);
88 void OnDecoderInitialized(StreamType stream_type, bool success);
90 // Callbacks for |plugin_cdm_delegate_| to fire key events.
91 void KeyAdded(const std::string& session_id);
92 void KeyError(const std::string& session_id,
93 media::MediaKeys::KeyError error_code,
94 int system_code);
95 void KeyMessage(const std::string& session_id,
96 const std::vector<uint8>& message,
97 const std::string& default_url);
99 // Hold a reference of the plugin instance to make sure the plugin outlives
100 // the |plugin_cdm_delegate_|. This is needed because |plugin_cdm_delegate_|
101 // is owned by the |plugin_instance_|.
102 scoped_refptr<webkit::ppapi::PluginInstance> plugin_instance_;
104 webkit::ppapi::ContentDecryptorDelegate* plugin_cdm_delegate_;
106 // Callbacks for firing key events.
107 media::KeyAddedCB key_added_cb_;
108 media::KeyErrorCB key_error_cb_;
109 media::KeyMessageCB key_message_cb_;
111 // Called to destroy the helper plugin when this class no longer needs it.
112 base::Closure destroy_plugin_cb_;
114 scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> render_loop_proxy_;
116 DecoderInitCB audio_decoder_init_cb_;
117 DecoderInitCB video_decoder_init_cb_;
118 NewKeyCB new_audio_key_cb_;
119 NewKeyCB new_video_key_cb_;
121 base::WeakPtrFactory<PpapiDecryptor> weak_ptr_factory_;
122 base::WeakPtr<PpapiDecryptor> weak_this_;
127 } // namespace webkit_media