GUI CSS: Removed snapin styles from py modules and added a _snapins.scss for the...
[check_mk.git] / webpack.config.js
1 const path = require("path");
2 const FixStyleOnlyEntriesPlugin = require("webpack-fix-style-only-entries");
3 const webpack = require("webpack");
5 module.exports = {
6     mode: "production",
7     entry: {
8         main: "./web/htdocs/js/index.js",
9         mobile: "./web/htdocs/js/mobile.js",
10         side: "./web/htdocs/js/side_index.js",
11         themes: [
12             "./web/htdocs/themes/facelift/theme.scss",
13             "./web/htdocs/themes/classic/theme.scss",
14         ],
15     },
16     output: {
17         path: path.resolve(__dirname, "web/htdocs/js"),
18         filename: "[name]_min.js",
19         publicPath: "js",
20         // Keep this until we have cleaned up our JS files to work as modules and changed all call sites
21         // from HTML code to work with the modules. Until then we need to keep the old behaviour of loading
22         // all JS code in the global namespace
23         libraryTarget: "window",
24         libraryExport: "default"
25     },
26     resolve: {
27         modules: [
28             "node_modules",
29             path.resolve(__dirname, "web/htdocs/js/modules"),
30             path.resolve(__dirname, "enterprise/web/htdocs/js/modules")
31         ]
32     },
33     module: {
34         rules: [
35             {
36                 test: /\.js$/,
37                 exclude: /node_modules/,
38                 use: {
39                     loader: "babel-loader",
40                     options: {
41                         presets: ["@babel/preset-env"]
42                     }
43                 }
44             },
46             // needed for theme CSS files
47             {
48                 test: /\.scss$/,
49                 use: [
50                     // 5. Write to theme specific file
51                     {
52                         loader: "file-loader",
53                         options: {
54                             regExp: /\/([a-z0-9_-]+)\/([a-z0-9_-]+)\.scss$/,
55                             name: "../themes/[1]/[2].css"
56                         }
57                     },
58                     // 4. Extract CSS definitions from JS wrapped CSS
59                     {
60                         loader: "extract-loader"
61                     },
62                     // 3. Interpret and resolve @import / url()
63                     {
64                         loader: "css-loader",
65                         options: {
66                             url: false,
67                             importLoaders: 2
68                         },
69                     },
70                     // 2. Some postprocessing of CSS definitions (see postcss.config.js)
71                     // - add browser vendor prefixes
72                     // - minifies CSS with
73                     {
74                         loader: "postcss-loader"
75                     },
76                     // 1. Transform sass definitions into CSS
77                     {
78                         loader: "sass-loader",
79                         options: {
80                             // Hand over build options from webpack to SASS
81                             data: "$ENTERPRISE: " + process.env.ENTERPRISE + ";\n"
82                                 + "$MANAGED: " + process.env.MANAGED + ";",
83                             "includePaths": ["node_modules"],
84                             // See
85                             outputStyle: "expanded",
86                             precision: 10
87                         }
88                     }
89                 ]
90             },
91         ]
92     },
93     plugins: [
94         new FixStyleOnlyEntriesPlugin(),
95         new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(["ENTERPRISE", "MANAGED"]),
96     ]