Licenses: Updated the list of licenses and added a PDF containing all license texts
[check_mk.git] / cmk_base /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- encoding: utf-8; py-indent-offset: 4 -*-
3 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
4 # | ____ _ _ __ __ _ __ |
5 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | __ | \/ | |/ / |
6 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | |\/| | ' / |
7 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| < | | | | . \ |
8 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\___|_| |_|_|\_\ |
9 # | |
10 # | Copyright Mathias Kettner 2014 |
11 # +------------------------------------------------------------------+
13 # This file is part of Check_MK.
14 # The official homepage is at
16 # check_mk is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
17 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18 # the Free Software Foundation in version 2. check_mk is distributed
19 # in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with-
20 # out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
21 # PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more de-
22 # tails. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
23 # License along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write
24 # to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
25 # Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
26 """Performing the actual checks."""
28 import os
29 import signal
30 import tempfile
31 import time
32 import copy
34 import six
36 import cmk
37 import cmk.utils.defines as defines
38 import cmk.utils.tty as tty
39 import cmk.utils.cpu_tracking as cpu_tracking
40 from cmk.utils.exceptions import MKGeneralException, MKTimeout
41 from cmk.utils.regex import regex
42 import cmk.utils.debug
44 import cmk_base.utils
45 import cmk_base.crash_reporting
46 import cmk_base.console as console
47 import cmk_base.config as config
48 import cmk_base.ip_lookup as ip_lookup
49 import cmk_base.data_sources as data_sources
50 import cmk_base.item_state as item_state
51 import cmk_base.check_table as check_table
52 from cmk_base.exceptions import MKParseFunctionError
53 import cmk_base.check_utils
54 import cmk_base.decorator
55 import cmk_base.check_api_utils as check_api_utils
57 try:
58 import cmk_base.cee.keepalive as keepalive
59 import cmk_base.cee.inline_snmp as inline_snmp
60 except Exception:
61 keepalive = None # type: ignore
62 inline_snmp = None # type: ignore
64 # global variables used to cache temporary values that do not need
65 # to be reset after a configuration change.
66 _nagios_command_pipe = None # Filedescriptor to open nagios command pipe.
67 _checkresult_file_fd = None
68 _checkresult_file_path = None
70 _submit_to_core = True
71 _show_perfdata = False
74 # .--Checking------------------------------------------------------------.
75 # | ____ _ _ _ |
76 # | / ___| |__ ___ ___| | _(_)_ __ __ _ |
77 # | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| |/ / | '_ \ / _` | |
78 # | | |___| | | | __/ (__| <| | | | | (_| | |
79 # | \____|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, | |
80 # | |___/ |
81 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
82 # | Execute the Check_MK checks on hosts |
83 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
86 @cmk_base.decorator.handle_check_mk_check_result("mk", "Check_MK")
87 def do_check(hostname, ipaddress, only_check_plugin_names=None):
88 cpu_tracking.start("busy")
89 console.verbose("Check_MK version %s\n" % cmk.__version__)
91 # Exit state in various situations is configurable since 1.2.3i1
92 exit_spec = config.exit_code_spec(hostname)
94 status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata = 0, [], [], []
95 try:
96 # In case of keepalive we always have an ipaddress (can be or :: when
97 # address is unknown). When called as non keepalive ipaddress may be None or
98 # is already an address (2nd argument)
99 if ipaddress is None and not config.is_cluster(hostname):
100 ipaddress = ip_lookup.lookup_ip_address(hostname)
102 item_state.load(hostname)
104 sources = data_sources.DataSources(hostname, ipaddress)
106 num_success, missing_sections = \
107 _do_all_checks_on_host(sources, hostname, ipaddress, only_check_plugin_names)
109 if _submit_to_core:
112 for source in sources.get_data_sources():
113 source_state, source_output, source_perfdata = source.get_summary_result_for_checking()
114 if source_output != "":
115 status = max(status, source_state)
116 infotexts.append("[%s] %s" % (, source_output))
117 perfdata.extend(source_perfdata)
119 if missing_sections and num_success > 0:
120 missing_sections_status, missing_sections_infotext = \
121 _check_missing_sections(missing_sections, exit_spec)
122 status = max(status, missing_sections_status)
123 infotexts.append(missing_sections_infotext)
125 elif missing_sections:
126 infotexts.append("Got no information from host")
127 status = max(status, exit_spec.get("empty_output", 2))
129 cpu_tracking.end()
130 phase_times = cpu_tracking.get_times()
131 total_times = phase_times["TOTAL"]
132 run_time = total_times[4]
134 infotexts.append("execution time %.1f sec" % run_time)
135 if config.check_mk_perfdata_with_times:
136 perfdata += [
137 "execution_time=%.3f" % run_time,
138 "user_time=%.3f" % total_times[0],
139 "system_time=%.3f" % total_times[1],
140 "children_user_time=%.3f" % total_times[2],
141 "children_system_time=%.3f" % total_times[3],
144 for phase, times in phase_times.items():
145 if phase in ["agent", "snmp", "ds"]:
146 t = times[4] - sum(times[:4]) # real time - CPU time
147 perfdata.append("cmk_time_%s=%.3f" % (phase, t))
148 else:
149 perfdata.append("execution_time=%.3f" % run_time)
151 return status, infotexts, long_infotexts, perfdata
152 finally:
153 if _checkresult_file_fd is not None:
154 _close_checkresult_file()
156 if config.record_inline_snmp_stats and config.is_inline_snmp_host(hostname):
157 inline_snmp.save_snmp_stats()
160 def _check_missing_sections(missing_sections, exit_spec):
161 specific_missing_sections_spec = exit_spec.get("specific_missing_sections", [])
162 specific_missing_sections, generic_missing_sections = set(), set()
163 for section in missing_sections:
164 match = False
165 for pattern, status in specific_missing_sections_spec:
166 reg = regex(pattern)
167 if reg.match(section):
168 match = True
169 specific_missing_sections.add((section, status))
170 break
171 if not match:
172 generic_missing_sections.add(section)
174 generic_missing_sections_status = exit_spec.get("missing_sections", 1)
175 infotexts = [
176 "Missing agent sections: %s%s" %
177 (", ".join(sorted(generic_missing_sections)),
178 check_api_utils.state_markers[generic_missing_sections_status])
181 for section, status in sorted(specific_missing_sections):
182 infotexts.append("%s%s" % (section, check_api_utils.state_markers[status]))
183 generic_missing_sections_status = max(generic_missing_sections_status, status)
185 return generic_missing_sections_status, ", ".join(infotexts)
188 # Loops over all checks for ANY host (cluster, real host), gets the data, calls the check
189 # function that examines that data and sends the result to the Core.
190 def _do_all_checks_on_host(sources, hostname, ipaddress, only_check_plugin_names=None):
191 num_success, missing_sections = 0, set()
193 check_api_utils.set_hostname(hostname)
195 filter_mode = None
197 belongs_to_cluster = len(config.get_config_cache().clusters_of(hostname)) > 0
198 if belongs_to_cluster:
199 filter_mode = "include_clustered"
201 table = check_table.get_precompiled_check_table(
202 hostname, remove_duplicates=True, filter_mode=filter_mode)
204 # When check types are specified via command line, enforce them. Otherwise use the
205 # list of checks defined by the check table.
206 if only_check_plugin_names is None:
207 only_check_plugin_names = set([e[0] for e in table])
208 else:
209 only_check_plugin_names = set(only_check_plugin_names)
211 sources.enforce_check_plugin_names(only_check_plugin_names)
213 # Gather the data from the sources
214 multi_host_sections = sources.get_host_sections()
216 # Filter out check types which are not used on the node
217 config_cache = config.get_config_cache()
218 if belongs_to_cluster:
219 pos_match = set()
220 neg_match = set()
221 for check_plugin_name, item, params, description in table:
222 if hostname != config_cache.host_of_clustered_service(hostname, description):
223 pos_match.add(check_plugin_name)
224 else:
225 neg_match.add(check_plugin_name)
226 only_check_plugin_names -= (pos_match - neg_match)
228 for check_plugin_name, item, params, description in table:
229 if only_check_plugin_names is not None and check_plugin_name not in only_check_plugin_names:
230 continue
232 if belongs_to_cluster and hostname != config_cache.host_of_clustered_service(
233 hostname, description):
234 continue
236 success = execute_check(multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_name, item,
237 params, description)
238 if success:
239 num_success += 1
240 elif success is None:
241 # If the service is in any timeperiod we do not want to
242 # - increase num_success or
243 # - add to missing sections
244 continue
245 else:
246 missing_sections.add(cmk_base.check_utils.section_name_of(check_plugin_name))
248 import cmk_base.inventory as inventory
249 inventory.do_inventory_actions_during_checking_for(sources, multi_host_sections, hostname,
250 ipaddress)
252 missing_section_list = sorted(list(missing_sections))
253 return num_success, missing_section_list
256 def execute_check(multi_host_sections, hostname, ipaddress, check_plugin_name, item, params,
257 description):
258 # Make a bit of context information globally available, so that functions
259 # called by checks now this context
260 check_api_utils.set_service(check_plugin_name, description)
261 item_state.set_item_state_prefix(check_plugin_name, item)
263 # Skip checks that are not in their check period
264 period = config.check_period_of(hostname, description)
265 if period and not cmk_base.core.check_timeperiod(period):
266 console.verbose(
267 "Skipping service %s: currently not in timeperiod %s.\n" % (description, period))
268 return None
270 elif period:
271 console.vverbose("Service %s: timeperiod %s is currently active.\n" % (description, period))
273 section_name = cmk_base.check_utils.section_name_of(check_plugin_name)
275 dont_submit = False
276 section_content = None
277 try:
278 # TODO: There is duplicate code with discovery._execute_discovery(). Find a common place!
279 try:
280 section_content = multi_host_sections.get_section_content(
281 hostname,
282 ipaddress,
283 section_name,
284 for_discovery=False,
285 service_description=description)
286 except MKParseFunctionError as e:
287 x = e.exc_info()
288 # re-raise the original exception to not destory the trace. This may raise a MKCounterWrapped
289 # exception which need to lead to a skipped check instead of a crash
290 raise x[0], x[1], x[2]
292 # TODO: Move this to a helper function
293 if section_content is None: # No data for this check type
294 return False
296 # In case of SNMP checks but missing agent response, skip this check.
297 # Special checks which still need to be called even with empty data
298 # may declare this.
299 if not section_content and cmk_base.check_utils.is_snmp_check(check_plugin_name) \
300 and not config.check_info[check_plugin_name]["handle_empty_info"]:
301 return False
303 check_function = config.check_info[check_plugin_name].get("check_function")
304 if check_function is None:
305 check_function = lambda item, params, section_content: (
306 3, 'UNKNOWN - Check not implemented')
308 # Call the actual check function
309 item_state.reset_wrapped_counters()
311 raw_result = check_function(item, determine_check_params(params), section_content)
312 result = sanitize_check_result(raw_result,
313 cmk_base.check_utils.is_snmp_check(check_plugin_name))
314 item_state.raise_counter_wrap()
316 except item_state.MKCounterWrapped as e:
317 # handle check implementations that do not yet support the
318 # handling of wrapped counters via exception on their own.
319 # Do not submit any check result in that case:
320 console.verbose("%-20s PEND - Cannot compute check result: %s\n" % (description, e))
321 dont_submit = True
323 except MKTimeout:
324 raise
326 except Exception as e:
327 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
328 raise
329 result = 3, cmk_base.crash_reporting.create_crash_dump(
330 hostname, check_plugin_name, item, is_manual_check(hostname, check_plugin_name, item),
331 params, description, section_content), []
333 if not dont_submit:
334 # Now add information about the age of the data in the agent
335 # sections. This is in data_sources.g_agent_cache_info. For clusters we
336 # use the oldest of the timestamps, of course.
337 oldest_cached_at = None
338 largest_interval = None
340 def minn(a, b):
341 if a is None:
342 return b
343 elif b is None:
344 return a
345 return min(a, b)
347 for host_sections in multi_host_sections.get_host_sections().values():
348 section_entries = host_sections.cache_info
349 if section_name in section_entries:
350 cached_at, cache_interval = section_entries[section_name]
351 oldest_cached_at = minn(oldest_cached_at, cached_at)
352 largest_interval = max(largest_interval, cache_interval)
354 _submit_check_result(
355 hostname,
356 description,
357 result,
358 cached_at=oldest_cached_at,
359 cache_interval=largest_interval)
360 return True
363 def determine_check_params(entries):
364 if not isinstance(entries, cmk_base.config.TimespecificParamList):
365 return entries
367 # Check if first entry is not dict based or if its dict based
368 # check if the tp_default_value is not a dict
369 if not isinstance(entries[0], dict) or \
370 not isinstance(entries[0].get("tp_default_value", {}), dict):
371 # This rule is tuple based, means no dict-key merging
372 if not isinstance(entries[0], dict):
373 return entries[0] # A tuple rule, simply return first match
374 return _evaluate_timespecific_entry(
375 entries[0]) # A timespecific rule, determine the correct tuple
377 # This rule is dictionary based, evaluate all entries and merge matching keys
378 timespecific_entries = {}
379 for entry in entries[::-1]:
380 timespecific_entries.update(_evaluate_timespecific_entry(entry))
382 return timespecific_entries
385 def _evaluate_timespecific_entry(entry):
386 # Dictionary entries without timespecific settings
387 if "tp_default_value" not in entry:
388 return entry
390 # Timespecific entry, start with default value and update with timespecific entry
391 # Note: This combined_entry may be a dict or tuple, so the update mechanism must handle this correctly
392 # A shallow copy is sufficient
393 combined_entry = copy.copy(entry["tp_default_value"])
394 for timeperiod_name, tp_entry in entry["tp_values"][::-1]:
395 try:
396 tp_active = cmk_base.core.timeperiod_active(timeperiod_name)
397 except:
398 # Connection error
399 if cmk.utils.debug.enabled():
400 raise
401 break
403 if not tp_active:
404 continue
406 # If multiple timeperiods are active, their settings are also merged
407 # This follows the same logic than merging different rules
408 if isinstance(combined_entry, dict):
409 combined_entry.update(tp_entry)
410 else:
411 combined_entry = tp_entry
413 return combined_entry
416 def is_manual_check(hostname, check_plugin_name, item):
417 manual_checks = check_table.get_check_table(
418 hostname, remove_duplicates=True, skip_autochecks=True)
419 return (check_plugin_name, item) in manual_checks
422 def sanitize_check_result(result, is_snmp):
423 if isinstance(result, tuple):
424 return _sanitize_tuple_check_result(result)
426 elif result is None:
427 return _item_not_found(is_snmp)
429 return _sanitize_yield_check_result(result, is_snmp)
432 # The check function may return an iterator (using yield) since 1.2.5i5.
433 # This function handles this case and converts them to tuple results
434 def _sanitize_yield_check_result(result, is_snmp):
435 subresults = list(result)
437 # Empty list? Check returned nothing
438 if not subresults:
439 return _item_not_found(is_snmp)
441 # Several sub results issued with multiple yields. Make that worst sub check
442 # decide the total state, join the texts and performance data. Subresults with
443 # an infotext of None are used for adding performance data.
444 perfdata = []
445 infotexts = []
446 status = 0
448 for subresult in subresults:
449 st, text, perf = _sanitize_tuple_check_result(subresult, allow_missing_infotext=True)
450 status = cmk_base.utils.worst_service_state(st, status)
452 if text:
453 infotexts.append(text + ["", "(!)", "(!!)", "(?)"][st])
455 if perf is not None:
456 perfdata += perf
458 return status, ", ".join(infotexts), perfdata
461 def _item_not_found(is_snmp):
462 if is_snmp:
463 return 3, "Item not found in SNMP data", []
465 return 3, "Item not found in agent output", []
468 def _sanitize_tuple_check_result(result, allow_missing_infotext=False):
469 if len(result) >= 3:
470 state, infotext, perfdata = result[:3]
471 _validate_perf_data_values(perfdata)
472 else:
473 state, infotext = result
474 perfdata = None
476 infotext = _sanitize_check_result_infotext(infotext, allow_missing_infotext)
478 return state, infotext, perfdata
481 def _validate_perf_data_values(perfdata):
482 if not isinstance(perfdata, list):
483 return
484 for v in [value for entry in perfdata for value in entry[1:]]:
485 if " " in str(v):
486 # See Nagios performance data spec for detailed information
487 raise MKGeneralException("Performance data values must not contain spaces")
490 def _sanitize_check_result_infotext(infotext, allow_missing_infotext):
491 if infotext is None and not allow_missing_infotext:
492 raise MKGeneralException("Invalid infotext from check: \"None\"")
494 if isinstance(infotext, str):
495 return infotext.decode('utf-8')
497 return infotext
500 def _convert_perf_data(p):
501 # replace None with "" and fill up to 7 values
502 p = (map(_convert_perf_value, p) + ['', '', '', ''])[0:6]
503 return "%s=%s;%s;%s;%s;%s" % tuple(p)
506 def _convert_perf_value(x):
507 if x is None:
508 return ""
509 elif isinstance(x, six.string_types):
510 return x
511 elif isinstance(x, float):
512 return ("%.6f" % x).rstrip("0").rstrip(".")
514 return str(x)
518 # .--Submit to core------------------------------------------------------.
519 # | ____ _ _ _ _ |
520 # | / ___| _ _| |__ _ __ ___ (_) |_ | |_ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ |
521 # | \___ \| | | | '_ \| '_ ` _ \| | __| | __/ _ \ / __/ _ \| '__/ _ \ |
522 # | ___) | |_| | |_) | | | | | | | |_ | || (_) | | (_| (_) | | | __/ |
523 # | |____/ \__,_|_.__/|_| |_| |_|_|\__| \__\___/ \___\___/|_| \___| |
524 # | |
525 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
526 # | Submit check results to the core. Care about different methods |
527 # | depending on the running core. |
528 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
529 # TODO: Put the core specific things to dedicated files
532 def _submit_check_result(host, servicedesc, result, cached_at=None, cache_interval=None):
533 if not result:
534 result = 3, "Check plugin did not return any result"
536 if len(result) != 3:
537 raise MKGeneralException("Invalid check result: %s" % (result,))
538 state, infotext, perfdata = result
540 if not (infotext.startswith("OK -") or infotext.startswith("WARN -") or
541 infotext.startswith("CRIT -") or infotext.startswith("UNKNOWN -")):
542 infotext = defines.short_service_state_name(state) + " - " + infotext
544 # make sure that plugin output does not contain a vertical bar. If that is the
545 # case then replace it with a Uniocode "Light vertical bar
546 if isinstance(infotext, unicode):
547 # regular check results are unicode...
548 infotext = infotext.replace(u"|", u"\u2758")
549 else:
550 # ...crash dumps, and hard-coded outputs are regular strings
551 infotext = infotext.replace("|", u"\u2758".encode("utf8"))
553 # performance data - if any - is stored in the third part of the result
554 perftexts = []
555 perftext = ""
557 if perfdata:
558 # Check may append the name of the check command to the
559 # list of perfdata. It is of type string. And it might be
560 # needed by the graphing tool in order to choose the correct
561 # template. Currently this is used only by mrpe.
562 if len(perfdata) > 0 and isinstance(perfdata[-1], six.string_types):
563 check_command = perfdata[-1]
564 del perfdata[-1]
565 else:
566 check_command = None
568 for p in perfdata:
569 perftexts.append(_convert_perf_data(p))
571 if perftexts != []:
572 if check_command and config.perfdata_format == "pnp":
573 perftexts.append("[%s]" % check_command)
574 perftext = "|" + (" ".join(perftexts))
576 if _submit_to_core:
577 _do_submit_to_core(host, servicedesc, state, infotext + perftext, cached_at, cache_interval)
579 _output_check_result(servicedesc, state, infotext, perftexts)
582 def _output_check_result(servicedesc, state, infotext, perftexts):
583 if _show_perfdata:
584 infotext_fmt = "%-56s"
585 p = ' (%s)' % (" ".join(perftexts))
586 else:
587 p = ''
588 infotext_fmt = "%s"
590 console.verbose("%-20s %s%s" + infotext_fmt + "%s%s\n",
591 servicedesc.encode('utf-8'), tty.bold, tty.states[state],
592 cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(infotext.split('\n')[0]), tty.normal,
593 cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(p))
596 def _do_submit_to_core(host, service, state, output, cached_at=None, cache_interval=None):
597 if _in_keepalive_mode():
598 # Regular case for the CMC - check helpers are running in keepalive mode
599 keepalive.add_keepalive_check_result(host, service, state, output, cached_at,
600 cache_interval)
602 elif config.check_submission == "pipe" or config.monitoring_core == "cmc":
603 # In case of CMC this is used when running "cmk" manually
604 _submit_via_command_pipe(host, service, state, output)
606 elif config.check_submission == "file":
607 _submit_via_check_result_file(host, service, state, output)
609 else:
610 raise MKGeneralException("Invalid setting %r for check_submission. "
611 "Must be 'pipe' or 'file'" % config.check_submission)
614 def _submit_via_check_result_file(host, service, state, output):
615 output = output.replace("\n", "\\n")
616 _open_checkresult_file()
617 if _checkresult_file_fd:
618 now = time.time()
619 os.write(
620 _checkresult_file_fd, """host_name=%s
621 service_description=%s
622 check_type=1
623 check_options=0
624 reschedule_check
625 latency=0.0
626 start_time=%.1f
627 finish_time=%.1f
628 return_code=%d
629 output=%s
631 """ % (host, cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(service), now, now, state, cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(output)))
634 def _open_checkresult_file():
635 global _checkresult_file_fd
636 global _checkresult_file_path
637 if _checkresult_file_fd is None:
638 try:
639 _checkresult_file_fd, _checkresult_file_path = \
640 tempfile.mkstemp('', 'c', cmk.utils.paths.check_result_path)
641 except Exception as e:
642 raise MKGeneralException("Cannot create check result file in %s: %s" %
643 (cmk.utils.paths.check_result_path, e))
646 def _close_checkresult_file():
647 global _checkresult_file_fd
648 if _checkresult_file_fd is not None:
649 os.close(_checkresult_file_fd)
650 file(_checkresult_file_path + ".ok", "w")
651 _checkresult_file_fd = None
654 def _submit_via_command_pipe(host, service, state, output):
655 output = output.replace("\n", "\\n")
656 _open_command_pipe()
657 if _nagios_command_pipe:
658 # [<timestamp>] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;<host_name>;<svc_description>;<return_code>;<plugin_output>
659 _nagios_command_pipe.write("[%d] PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT;%s;%s;%d;%s\n" %
660 (int(time.time()), host, cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(service),
661 state, cmk_base.utils.make_utf8(output)))
662 # Important: Nagios needs the complete command in one single write() block!
663 # Python buffers and sends chunks of 4096 bytes, if we do not flush.
664 _nagios_command_pipe.flush()
667 def _open_command_pipe():
668 global _nagios_command_pipe
669 if _nagios_command_pipe is None:
670 if not os.path.exists(cmk.utils.paths.nagios_command_pipe_path):
671 _nagios_command_pipe = False # False means: tried but failed to open
672 raise MKGeneralException(
673 "Missing core command pipe '%s'" % cmk.utils.paths.nagios_command_pipe_path)
674 else:
675 try:
676 signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _core_pipe_open_timeout)
677 signal.alarm(3) # three seconds to open pipe
678 _nagios_command_pipe = file(cmk.utils.paths.nagios_command_pipe_path, 'w')
679 signal.alarm(0) # cancel alarm
680 except Exception as e:
681 _nagios_command_pipe = False
682 raise MKGeneralException("Error writing to command pipe: %s" % e)
685 def _core_pipe_open_timeout(signum, stackframe):
686 raise IOError("Timeout while opening pipe")
690 # .--Misc----------------------------------------------------------------.
691 # | __ __ _ |
692 # | | \/ (_)___ ___ |
693 # | | |\/| | / __|/ __| |
694 # | | | | | \__ \ (__ |
695 # | |_| |_|_|___/\___| |
696 # | |
697 # +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
698 # | Various helper functions |
699 # '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
702 def show_perfdata():
703 global _show_perfdata
704 _show_perfdata = True
707 def disable_submit():
708 global _submit_to_core
709 _submit_to_core = False
712 def _in_keepalive_mode():
713 if keepalive:
714 return keepalive.enabled()
715 return False