tsan: fix windows build
[blocksruntime.git] / make / AppleBI.mk
3 # Make rules to build compiler_rt in Apple B&I infrastructure
6 # set ProjSrcRoot appropriately
7 ProjSrcRoot := $(SRCROOT)
8 # set ProjObjRoot appropriately
9 ifdef OBJROOT
10 ProjObjRoot := $(OBJROOT)
11 else
12 ProjObjRoot := $(ProjSrcRoot)
13 endif
15 ifeq (,$(RC_PURPLE))
16 INSTALL_TARGET = install-MacOSX
17 else
18 ifeq (,$(RC_INDIGO))
19 INSTALL_TARGET = install-iOS
20 else
21 INSTALL_TARGET = install-iOS-Simulator
22 endif
23 endif
27 # Log full compile lines in B&I logs and omit summary lines.
28 Verb :=
29 Summary := @true
31 # List of functions needed for each architecture.
33 # Copies any public headers to DSTROOT.
34 installhdrs:
37 # Copies source code to SRCROOT.
38 installsrc:
39 cp -r . $(SRCROOT)
42 install: $(INSTALL_TARGET)
44 # Copy results to DSTROOT.
45 install-MacOSX : $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt.dylib \
46 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a
47 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld
48 cp $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a \
49 $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld/libcompiler_rt.a
50 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/system
51 $(call GetCNAVar,STRIP,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -S $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt.dylib \
52 -o $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
53 cd $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/system; \
54 ln -s libcompiler_rt.dylib libcompiler_rt_profile.dylib; \
55 ln -s libcompiler_rt.dylib libcompiler_rt_debug.dylib
57 # Rule to make each dylib slice
58 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt-%.dylib : $(OBJROOT)/darwin_bni/Release/%/libcompiler_rt.a
59 echo "const char vers[] = \"@(#) $(RC_ProjectName)-$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)\"; " > $(OBJROOT)/version.c
60 $(call GetCNAVar,CC,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,$*) \
61 $(OBJROOT)/version.c -arch $* -dynamiclib \
62 -install_name /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib \
63 -compatibility_version 1 -current_version $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) \
64 -nodefaultlibs -umbrella System -dead_strip \
65 -Wl,-upward-lunwind \
66 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_m \
67 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_c \
68 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_kernel \
69 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_platform \
70 -Wl,-ldyld \
71 -L$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/system \
72 $(DYLIB_FLAGS) -Wl,-force_load,$^ -o $@
74 # Rule to make fat dylib
75 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt.dylib: $(foreach arch,$(filter-out armv4t,$(RC_ARCHS)), \
76 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt-$(arch).dylib)
77 $(call GetCNAVar,LIPO,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -create $^ -o $@
78 $(call GetCNAVar,DSYMUTIL,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) $@
81 # Copy results to DSTROOT.
82 install-iOS: $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-static.a \
83 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a \
84 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt.dylib
85 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib
86 cp $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-static.a \
87 $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib/libcompiler_rt-static.a
88 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld
89 cp $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a \
90 $(DSTROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld/libcompiler_rt.a
91 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/system
92 $(call GetCNAVar,STRIP,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -S $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt.dylib \
93 -o $(DSTROOT)/usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
95 # Rule to make fat archive
96 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-static.a : $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS), \
97 $(OBJROOT)/darwin_bni/Static/$(arch)/libcompiler_rt.a)
98 $(call GetCNAVar,LIPO,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -create $^ -o $@
100 # rule to make each archive slice for dyld (which removes a few archive members)
101 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld-%.a : $(OBJROOT)/darwin_bni/Release/%/libcompiler_rt.a
102 cp $^ $@
103 DEL_LIST=`$(AR) -t $@ | egrep 'apple_versioning|gcc_personality_v0|eprintf' | xargs echo` ; \
104 if [ -n "$${DEL_LIST}" ] ; \
105 then \
106 $(call GetCNAVar,AR,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -d $@ $${DEL_LIST}; \
107 $(call GetCNAVar,RANLIB,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) $@ ; \
110 # rule to make make archive for dyld
111 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a : $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS), \
112 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld-$(arch).a)
113 $(call GetCNAVar,LIPO,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -create $^ -o $@
117 # Copy results to DSTROOT.
118 install-iOS-Simulator: $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt_sim.dylib \
119 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a
120 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/system
121 $(call GetCNAVar,STRIP,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -S $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt_sim.dylib \
122 -o $(DSTROOT)/$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt_sim.dylib
123 mkdir -p $(DSTROOT)/$(SDKROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld
124 cp $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt-dyld.a \
125 $(DSTROOT)/$(SDKROOT)/usr/local/lib/dyld/libcompiler_rt.a
127 # Rule to make fat dylib
128 $(SYMROOT)/libcompiler_rt_sim.dylib: $(foreach arch,$(RC_ARCHS), \
129 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt_sim-$(arch).dylib)
130 $(call GetCNAVar,LIPO,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) -create $^ -o $@
131 $(call GetCNAVar,DSYMUTIL,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,) $@
133 # Rule to make each dylib slice
134 $(OBJROOT)/libcompiler_rt_sim-%.dylib : $(OBJROOT)/darwin_bni/Release/%/libcompiler_rt.a
135 echo "const char vers[] = \"@(#) $(RC_ProjectName)-$(RC_ProjectSourceVersion)\"; " > $(OBJROOT)/version.c
136 $(call GetCNAVar,CC,Platform.darwin_bni,Release,$*) \
137 $(OBJROOT)/version.c -arch $* -dynamiclib \
138 -install_name /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt_sim.dylib \
139 -compatibility_version 1 -current_version $(RC_ProjectSourceVersion) \
140 -Wl,-unexported_symbol,___enable_execute_stack \
141 -nostdlib \
142 -Wl,-upward-lunwind_sim \
143 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_sim_m \
144 -Wl,-upward-lsystem_sim_c \
145 -ldyld_sim \
146 -Wl,-upward-lSystem \
147 -umbrella System -Wl,-no_implicit_dylibs -L$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/system -dead_strip \
148 $(DYLIB_FLAGS) -Wl,-force_load,$^ -o $@