object_print3d_utils: replace f-strings by str.format() for I18n
[blender-addons.git] / curve_tools / toolpath.py
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 import bpy, math, bmesh
4 from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
5 from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
6 from . import internal
8 class OffsetCurve(bpy.types.Operator):
9 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_offset_curve'
10 bl_description = bl_label = 'Offset Curve'
11 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
13 offset: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Offset', description='Distace between the original and the first trace', unit='LENGTH', default=0.1)
14 pitch: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Pitch', description='Distace between two parallel traces', unit='LENGTH', default=0.1)
15 step_angle: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Resolution', description='Smaller values make curves smoother by adding more vertices', unit='ROTATION', min=math.pi/128, default=math.pi/16)
16 count: bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Count', description='Number of parallel traces', min=1, default=1)
17 round_line_join: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Round Line Join', description='Insert circle arcs at convex corners', default=True)
19 @classmethod
20 def poll(cls, context):
21 return bpy.context.object != None and bpy.context.object.type == 'CURVE'
23 def execute(self, context):
24 if bpy.context.object.mode == 'EDIT':
25 splines = internal.getSelectedSplines(True, True)
26 else:
27 splines = bpy.context.object.data.splines
29 if len(splines) == 0:
30 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Nothing selected')
31 return {'CANCELLED'}
33 if bpy.context.object.mode != 'EDIT':
34 internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Offset Toolpath')
35 origin = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
36 else:
37 origin = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
39 for spline in splines:
40 spline_points = spline.bezier_points if spline.type == 'BEZIER' else spline.points
41 for spline_point in spline_points:
42 if spline_point.co.z != spline_points[0].co.z:
43 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Curves must be planar and in XY plane')
44 return {'CANCELLED'}
45 for index in range(0, self.count):
46 traces = internal.offsetPolygonOfSpline(spline, self.offset+self.pitch*index, self.step_angle, self.round_line_join)
47 for trace in traces:
48 internal.addPolygonSpline(bpy.context.object, spline.use_cyclic_u, [vertex-origin for vertex in trace])
49 return {'FINISHED'}
51 class SliceMesh(bpy.types.Operator):
52 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_slice_mesh'
53 bl_description = bl_label = 'Slice Mesh'
54 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
56 pitch: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Pitch', unit='LENGTH', description='Distance between two slices', default=0.1)
57 offset: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Offset', unit='LENGTH', description='Position of first slice along the axis', default=0.0)
58 slice_count: bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Count', description='Number of slices', min=1, default=3)
60 @classmethod
61 def poll(cls, context):
62 return bpy.context.object != None and bpy.context.object.mode == 'OBJECT'
64 def perform(self, context):
65 axis = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
66 for i in range(0, self.slice_count):
67 aux_mesh = self.mesh.copy()
68 cut_geometry = bmesh.ops.bisect_plane(aux_mesh, geom=aux_mesh.edges[:]+aux_mesh.faces[:], dist=0, plane_co=axis*(i*self.pitch+self.offset), plane_no=axis, clear_outer=False, clear_inner=False)['geom_cut']
69 edge_pool = set([e for e in cut_geometry if isinstance(e, bmesh.types.BMEdge)])
70 while len(edge_pool) > 0:
71 current_edge = edge_pool.pop()
72 first_vertex = current_vertex = current_edge.verts[0]
73 vertices = [current_vertex.co]
74 follow_edge_loop = len(edge_pool) > 0
75 while follow_edge_loop:
76 current_vertex = current_edge.other_vert(current_vertex)
77 vertices.append(current_vertex.co)
78 if current_vertex == first_vertex:
79 break
80 follow_edge_loop = False
81 for edge in current_vertex.link_edges:
82 if edge in edge_pool:
83 current_edge = edge
84 edge_pool.remove(current_edge)
85 follow_edge_loop = True
86 break
87 current_vertex = current_edge.other_vert(current_vertex)
88 vertices.append(current_vertex.co)
89 internal.addPolygonSpline(self.result, False, vertices)
90 aux_mesh.free()
92 def invoke(self, context, event):
93 if bpy.context.object.type != 'MESH':
94 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Active object must be a mesh')
95 return {'CANCELLED'}
96 self.pitch = 0.1
97 self.offset = 0.0
98 self.slice_count = 3
99 self.mode = 'PITCH'
100 self.input_obj = bpy.context.object
101 depsgraph = context.evaluated_depsgraph_get()
102 self.mesh = bmesh.new()
103 self.mesh.from_object(self.input_obj, depsgraph, deform=True, cage=False, face_normals=True)
104 self.mesh.transform(bpy.context.scene.cursor.matrix.inverted()@self.input_obj.matrix_world)
105 self.result = internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Slices')
106 self.result.matrix_world = bpy.context.scene.cursor.matrix
107 self.perform(context)
108 context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self)
109 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
111 def modal(self, context, event):
112 if event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
113 mouse = (event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y)
114 input_value = internal.nearestPointOfLines(
115 bpy.context.scene.cursor.location,
116 bpy.context.scene.cursor.matrix.col[2].xyz,
117 view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(context.region, context.region_data, mouse),
118 view3d_utils.region_2d_to_vector_3d(context.region, context.region_data, mouse)
119 )[0]
120 if self.mode == 'PITCH':
121 self.pitch = input_value/(self.slice_count-1) if self.slice_count > 2 else input_value
122 elif self.mode == 'OFFSET':
123 self.offset = input_value-self.pitch*0.5*((self.slice_count-1) if self.slice_count > 2 else 1.0)
124 elif event.type == 'WHEELUPMOUSE':
125 if self.slice_count > 2:
126 self.pitch *= (self.slice_count-1)
127 self.slice_count += 1
128 if self.slice_count > 2:
129 self.pitch /= (self.slice_count-1)
130 elif event.type == 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE':
131 if self.slice_count > 2:
132 self.pitch *= (self.slice_count-1)
133 if self.slice_count > 1:
134 self.slice_count -= 1
135 if self.slice_count > 2:
136 self.pitch /= (self.slice_count-1)
137 elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE' and event.value == 'RELEASE':
138 if self.mode == 'PITCH':
139 self.mode = 'OFFSET'
140 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
141 elif self.mode == 'OFFSET':
142 self.mesh.free()
143 return {'FINISHED'}
144 elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}:
145 self.mesh.free()
146 bpy.context.scene.collection.objects.unlink(self.result)
147 bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = self.input_obj
148 return {'CANCELLED'}
149 else:
150 return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
151 self.result.data.splines.clear()
152 self.perform(context)
153 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
155 class DogBone(bpy.types.Operator):
156 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_dogbone'
157 bl_description = bl_label = 'Dog Bone'
158 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
160 radius: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Radius', description='Tool radius to compensate for', unit='LENGTH', min=0.0, default=0.1)
162 @classmethod
163 def poll(cls, context):
164 return bpy.context.object != None and bpy.context.object.type == 'CURVE'
166 def execute(self, context):
167 if bpy.context.object.mode == 'EDIT':
168 splines = internal.getSelectedSplines(True, False)
169 else:
170 splines = bpy.context.object.data.splines
172 if len(splines) == 0:
173 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Nothing selected')
174 return {'CANCELLED'}
176 if bpy.context.object.mode != 'EDIT':
177 internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Dog Bone')
178 origin = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
179 else:
180 origin = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
182 for spline in splines:
183 if spline.type != 'BEZIER':
184 continue
185 result = internal.dogBone(spline, self.radius)
186 internal.addBezierSpline(bpy.context.object, spline.use_cyclic_u, result) # [vertex-origin for vertex in result])
187 return {'FINISHED'}
189 class DiscretizeCurve(bpy.types.Operator):
190 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_discretize_curve'
191 bl_description = bl_label = 'Discretize Curve'
192 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
194 step_angle: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Resolution', description='Smaller values make curves smoother by adding more vertices', unit='ROTATION', min=math.pi/512, default=math.pi/16)
195 samples: bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Sample Count', description='Number of samples to test per curve segment', min=1, default=128)
197 @classmethod
198 def poll(cls, context):
199 return bpy.context.object != None and bpy.context.object.type == 'CURVE'
201 def execute(self, context):
202 if bpy.context.object.mode == 'EDIT':
203 splines = internal.getSelectedSplines(True, False)
204 else:
205 splines = bpy.context.object.data.splines
207 if len(splines) == 0:
208 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Nothing selected')
209 return {'CANCELLED'}
211 if bpy.context.object.mode != 'EDIT':
212 internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Discretized Curve')
213 origin = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
214 else:
215 origin = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
217 for spline in splines:
218 if spline.type != 'BEZIER':
219 continue
220 result = internal.discretizeCurve(spline, self.step_angle, self.samples)
221 internal.addPolygonSpline(bpy.context.object, spline.use_cyclic_u, [vertex-origin for vertex in result])
222 return {'FINISHED'}
224 class Truncate(bpy.types.Operator):
225 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_truncate'
226 bl_description = bl_label = 'Truncate'
227 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
229 min_dist: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Min Distance', unit='LENGTH', description='Remove vertices which are too close together', min=0.0, default=0.001)
230 z_hop: bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Z Hop', description='Add movements to the ceiling at trace ends', default=True)
232 @classmethod
233 def poll(cls, context):
234 return bpy.context.object != None and bpy.context.object.mode == 'OBJECT'
236 def execute(self, context):
237 if bpy.context.object.type != 'EMPTY' or bpy.context.object.empty_display_type != 'CUBE':
238 self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Active object must be an empty of display type cube')
239 return {'CANCELLED'}
240 selection = bpy.context.selected_objects[:]
241 workspace = bpy.context.object
242 aabb = internal.AABB(center=Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), dimensions=Vector((1.0, 1.0, 1.0))*workspace.empty_display_size)
243 toolpath = internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Truncated Toolpath')
244 for curve in selection:
245 if curve.type == 'CURVE':
246 transform = workspace.matrix_world.inverted()@curve.matrix_world
247 inverse_transform = Matrix.Translation(-toolpath.location)@workspace.matrix_world
248 curve_traces = []
249 for spline in curve.data.splines:
250 if spline.type == 'POLY':
251 curve_traces += internal.truncateToFitBox(transform, spline, aabb)
252 for trace in curve_traces:
253 i = len(trace[0])-1
254 while i > 1:
255 if (trace[0][i-1]-trace[0][i]).length < self.min_dist:
256 trace[0].pop(i-1)
257 trace[1].pop(i-1)
258 i -= 1
259 if self.z_hop:
260 begin = Vector(trace[0][0])
261 end = Vector(trace[0][-1])
262 begin.z = end.z = workspace.empty_display_size
263 trace[0].insert(0, begin)
264 trace[1].insert(0, 1.0)
265 trace[0].append(end)
266 trace[1].append(1.0)
267 internal.addPolygonSpline(toolpath, False, [inverse_transform@vertex for vertex in trace[0]], trace[1])
268 return {'FINISHED'}
270 class RectMacro(bpy.types.Operator):
271 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_rect_macro'
272 bl_description = bl_label = 'Rect Macro'
273 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
275 track_count: bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Number Tracks', description='How many tracks', min=1, default=10)
276 stride: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Stride', unit='LENGTH', description='Distance to previous track on the way back', min=0.0, default=0.5)
277 pitch: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Pitch', unit='LENGTH', description='Distance between two tracks', default=-1.0)
278 length: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Length', unit='LENGTH', description='Length of one track', default=10.0)
279 speed: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Speed', description='Stored in softbody goal weight', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.1)
281 def execute(self, context):
282 if not internal.curveObject():
283 internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Rect Toolpath')
284 origin = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
285 else:
286 origin = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
287 stride = math.copysign(self.stride, self.pitch)
288 length = self.length*0.5
289 vertices = []
290 weights = []
291 for i in range(0, self.track_count):
292 shift = i*self.pitch
293 flipped = -1 if (stride == 0 and i%2 == 1) else 1
294 vertices.append(origin+Vector((shift, -length*flipped, 0.0)))
295 weights.append(self.speed)
296 vertices.append(origin+Vector((shift, length*flipped, 0.0)))
297 weights.append(self.speed)
298 if stride != 0:
299 vertices.append(origin+Vector((shift-stride, length, 0.0)))
300 weights.append(self.speed)
301 vertices.append(origin+Vector((shift-stride, -length, 0.0)))
302 weights.append(1)
303 internal.addPolygonSpline(bpy.context.object, False, vertices, weights)
304 return {'FINISHED'}
306 class DrillMacro(bpy.types.Operator):
307 bl_idname = 'curvetools.add_toolpath_drill_macro'
308 bl_description = bl_label = 'Drill Macro'
309 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
311 screw_count: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Screw Turns', description='How many screw truns', min=1.0, default=10.0)
312 spiral_count: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Spiral Turns', description='How many spiral turns', min=0.0, default=0.0)
313 vertex_count: bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Number Vertices', description = 'How many vertices per screw turn', min=3, default=32)
314 radius: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Radius', unit='LENGTH', description='Radius at tool center', min=0.0, default=5.0)
315 pitch: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Pitch', unit='LENGTH', description='Distance between two screw turns', min=0.0, default=1.0)
316 speed: bpy.props.FloatProperty(name='Speed', description='Stored in softbody goal weight', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=0.1)
318 def execute(self, context):
319 if not internal.curveObject():
320 internal.addObject('CURVE', 'Drill Toolpath')
321 origin = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
322 else:
323 origin = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location
324 count = int(self.vertex_count*self.screw_count)
325 height = -count/self.vertex_count*self.pitch
326 vertices = []
327 weights = []
328 def addRadialVertex(param, radius, height):
329 angle = param*math.pi*2
330 vertices.append(origin+Vector((math.sin(angle)*radius, math.cos(angle)*radius, height)))
331 weights.append(self.speed)
332 if self.radius > 0:
333 if self.spiral_count > 0.0:
334 sCount = math.ceil(self.spiral_count*self.vertex_count)
335 for j in range(1, int(self.screw_count)+1):
336 if j > 1:
337 vertices.append(origin+Vector((0.0, 0.0, sHeight)))
338 weights.append(self.speed)
339 sHeight = max(-j*self.pitch, height)
340 for i in range(0, sCount+1):
341 sParam = i/self.vertex_count
342 addRadialVertex(sParam, i/sCount*self.radius, sHeight)
343 for i in range(0, self.vertex_count+1):
344 addRadialVertex(sParam+(count+i)/self.vertex_count, self.radius, sHeight)
345 else:
346 for i in range(0, count):
347 param = i/self.vertex_count
348 addRadialVertex(param, self.radius, -param*self.pitch)
349 for i in range(0, self.vertex_count+1):
350 addRadialVertex((count+i)/self.vertex_count, self.radius, height)
351 weights += [1, 1]
352 else:
353 weights += [self.speed, 1]
354 vertices += [origin+Vector((0.0, 0.0, height)), origin]
355 internal.addPolygonSpline(bpy.context.object, False, vertices, weights)
356 return {'FINISHED'}
358 def register():
359 for cls in classes:
360 bpy.utils.register_class(operators)
362 def unregister():
363 for cls in classes:
364 bpy.utils.unregister_class(operators)
366 if __name__ == "__main__":
367 register()
369 operators = [OffsetCurve, SliceMesh, DogBone, DiscretizeCurve, Truncate, RectMacro, DrillMacro]