File headers: use SPDX license identifiers
[blender-addons.git] / magic_uv / op /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 # <pep8-80 compliant>
5 __author__ = "Nutti <>"
6 __status__ = "production"
7 __version__ = "6.5"
8 __date__ = "6 Mar 2021"
10 from math import pi, cos, tan, sin
12 import bpy
13 import bmesh
14 from mathutils import Vector
15 from bpy_extras import view3d_utils
16 from mathutils.bvhtree import BVHTree
17 from mathutils.geometry import barycentric_transform
18 from bpy.props import (
19 BoolProperty,
20 IntProperty,
21 EnumProperty,
22 FloatProperty,
25 from .. import common
26 from ..utils.bl_class_registry import BlClassRegistry
27 from ..utils.property_class_registry import PropertyClassRegistry
28 from ..utils import compatibility as compat
31 if compat.check_version(2, 80, 0) >= 0:
32 from ..lib import bglx as bgl
33 else:
34 import bgl
37 def _is_valid_context(context):
38 objs = common.get_uv_editable_objects(context)
39 if not objs:
40 return False
42 # only edit mode is allowed to execute
43 if context.object.mode != 'EDIT':
44 return False
46 # only 'VIEW_3D' space is allowed to execute
47 if not common.is_valid_space(context, ['VIEW_3D']):
48 return False
50 return True
53 def _get_strength(p, len_, factor):
54 f = factor
56 if p > len_:
57 return 0.0
59 if p < 0.0:
60 return f
62 return (len_ - p) * f / len_
65 @PropertyClassRegistry()
66 class _Properties:
67 idname = "uv_sculpt"
69 @classmethod
70 def init_props(cls, scene):
71 def get_func(_):
72 return MUV_OT_UVSculpt.is_running(bpy.context)
74 def set_func(_, __):
75 pass
77 def update_func(_, __):
78 bpy.ops.uv.muv_uv_sculpt('INVOKE_REGION_WIN')
80 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_enabled = BoolProperty(
81 name="UV Sculpt",
82 description="UV Sculpt is enabled",
83 default=False
85 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_enable = BoolProperty(
86 name="UV Sculpt Showed",
87 description="UV Sculpt is enabled",
88 default=False,
89 get=get_func,
90 set=set_func,
91 update=update_func
93 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_radius = IntProperty(
94 name="Radius",
95 description="Radius of the brush",
96 min=1,
97 max=500,
98 default=30
100 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_strength = FloatProperty(
101 name="Strength",
102 description="How powerful the effect of the brush when applied",
103 min=0.0,
104 max=1.0,
105 default=0.03,
107 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_tools = EnumProperty(
108 name="Tools",
109 description="Select Tools for the UV sculpt brushes",
110 items=[
111 ('GRAB', "Grab", "Grab UVs"),
112 ('RELAX', "Relax", "Relax UVs"),
113 ('PINCH', "Pinch", "Pinch UVs")
115 default='GRAB'
117 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_show_brush = BoolProperty(
118 name="Show Brush",
119 description="Show Brush",
120 default=True
122 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_pinch_invert = BoolProperty(
123 name="Invert",
124 description="Pinch UV to invert direction",
125 default=False
127 scene.muv_uv_sculpt_relax_method = EnumProperty(
128 name="Method",
129 description="Algorithm used for relaxation",
130 items=[
131 ('HC', "HC", "Use HC method for relaxation"),
132 ('LAPLACIAN', "Laplacian",
133 "Use laplacian method for relaxation")
135 default='HC'
138 @classmethod
139 def del_props(cls, scene):
140 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_enabled
141 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_enable
142 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_radius
143 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_strength
144 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_tools
145 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_show_brush
146 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_pinch_invert
147 del scene.muv_uv_sculpt_relax_method
150 def location_3d_to_region_2d_extra(region, rv3d, coord):
151 coord_2d = view3d_utils.location_3d_to_region_2d(region, rv3d, coord)
152 if coord_2d is None:
153 prj = rv3d.perspective_matrix @ Vector(
154 (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], 1.0))
155 width_half = region.width / 2.0
156 height_half = region.height / 2.0
157 coord_2d = Vector((
158 width_half + width_half * (prj.x / prj.w),
159 height_half + height_half * (prj.y / prj.w)
161 return coord_2d
164 @BlClassRegistry()
165 class MUV_OT_UVSculpt(bpy.types.Operator):
167 Operation class: UV Sculpt in View3D
170 bl_idname = "uv.muv_uv_sculpt"
171 bl_label = "UV Sculpt"
172 bl_description = "UV Sculpt in View3D"
173 bl_options = {'REGISTER'}
175 __handle = None
176 __timer = None
178 @classmethod
179 def poll(cls, context):
180 # we can not get area/space/region from console
181 if common.is_console_mode():
182 return False
183 return _is_valid_context(context)
185 @classmethod
186 def is_running(cls, _):
187 return 1 if cls.__handle else 0
189 @classmethod
190 def handle_add(cls, obj, context):
191 if not cls.__handle:
192 sv = bpy.types.SpaceView3D
193 cls.__handle = sv.draw_handler_add(cls.draw_brush, (obj, context),
195 if not cls.__timer:
196 cls.__timer = context.window_manager.event_timer_add(
197 0.1, window=context.window)
198 context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(obj)
200 @classmethod
201 def handle_remove(cls, context):
202 if cls.__handle:
203 sv = bpy.types.SpaceView3D
204 sv.draw_handler_remove(cls.__handle, "WINDOW")
205 cls.__handle = None
206 if cls.__timer:
207 context.window_manager.event_timer_remove(cls.__timer)
208 cls.__timer = None
210 @classmethod
211 def draw_brush(cls, obj, context):
212 sc = context.scene
213 user_prefs = compat.get_user_preferences(context)
214 prefs = user_prefs.addons["magic_uv"].preferences
216 num_segment = 180
217 theta = 2 * pi / num_segment
218 fact_t = tan(theta)
219 fact_r = cos(theta)
220 color = prefs.uv_sculpt_brush_color
222 bgl.glBegin(bgl.GL_LINE_STRIP)
223 bgl.glColor4f(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3])
224 x = sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius * cos(0.0)
225 y = sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius * sin(0.0)
226 for _ in range(num_segment):
227 bgl.glVertex2f(x + obj.current_mco.x, y + obj.current_mco.y)
228 tx = -y
229 ty = x
230 x = x + tx * fact_t
231 y = y + ty * fact_t
232 x = x * fact_r
233 y = y * fact_r
234 bgl.glEnd()
236 def __init__(self):
237 self.__loop_info = {} # { Object: loop_info }
238 self.__stroking = False
239 self.current_mco = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
240 self.__initial_mco = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
242 def __stroke_init(self, context, _):
243 sc = context.scene
245 self.__initial_mco = self.current_mco
247 objs = common.get_uv_editable_objects(context)
249 # get influenced UV
250 self.__loop_info = {}
251 for obj in objs:
252 world_mat = obj.matrix_world
253 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
254 uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
255 _, region, space = common.get_space('VIEW_3D', 'WINDOW', 'VIEW_3D')
257 self.__loop_info[obj] = []
258 for f in bm.faces:
259 if not
260 continue
261 for i, l in enumerate(f.loops):
262 loc_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d_extra(
263 region, space.region_3d,
264 compat.matmul(world_mat,
265 diff = loc_2d - self.__initial_mco
266 if diff.length < sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius:
267 info = {
268 "face_idx": f.index,
269 "loop_idx": i,
270 "initial_vco":,
271 "initial_vco_2d": loc_2d,
272 "initial_uv": l[uv_layer].uv.copy(),
273 "strength": _get_strength(
274 diff.length, sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius,
275 sc.muv_uv_sculpt_strength)
277 self.__loop_info[obj].append(info)
279 def __stroke_apply(self, context, _):
280 sc = context.scene
281 objs = common.get_uv_editable_objects(context)
283 for obj in objs:
284 world_mat = obj.matrix_world
285 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
286 uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
287 mco = self.current_mco
289 if sc.muv_uv_sculpt_tools == 'GRAB':
290 for info in self.__loop_info[obj]:
291 diff_uv = (mco - self.__initial_mco) * info["strength"]
292 l = bm.faces[info["face_idx"]].loops[info["loop_idx"]]
293 l[uv_layer].uv = info["initial_uv"] + diff_uv / 100.0
295 elif sc.muv_uv_sculpt_tools == 'PINCH':
296 _, region, space = common.get_space(
297 'VIEW_3D', 'WINDOW', 'VIEW_3D')
298 loop_info = []
299 for f in bm.faces:
300 if not
301 continue
302 for i, l in enumerate(f.loops):
303 loc_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d_extra(
304 region, space.region_3d,
305 compat.matmul(world_mat,
306 diff = loc_2d - self.__initial_mco
307 if diff.length < sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius:
308 info = {
309 "face_idx": f.index,
310 "loop_idx": i,
311 "initial_vco":,
312 "initial_vco_2d": loc_2d,
313 "initial_uv": l[uv_layer].uv.copy(),
314 "strength": _get_strength(
315 diff.length, sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius,
316 sc.muv_uv_sculpt_strength)
318 loop_info.append(info)
320 # mouse coordinate to UV coordinate
321 ray_vec = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_vector_3d(
322 region, space.region_3d, mco)
323 ray_vec.normalize()
324 ray_orig = view3d_utils.region_2d_to_origin_3d(
325 region, space.region_3d, mco)
326 ray_tgt = ray_orig + ray_vec * 1000000.0
327 mwi = world_mat.inverted()
328 ray_orig_obj = compat.matmul(mwi, ray_orig)
329 ray_tgt_obj = compat.matmul(mwi, ray_tgt)
330 ray_dir_obj = ray_tgt_obj - ray_orig_obj
331 ray_dir_obj.normalize()
332 tree = BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm)
333 loc, _, fidx, _ = tree.ray_cast(ray_orig_obj, ray_dir_obj)
334 if not loc:
335 return
336 loops = [l for l in bm.faces[fidx].loops]
337 uvs = [Vector((l[uv_layer].uv.x, l[uv_layer].uv.y, 0.0))
338 for l in loops]
339 target_uv = barycentric_transform(
340 loc,
341 loops[0], loops[1], loops[2],
342 uvs[0], uvs[1], uvs[2])
343 target_uv = Vector((target_uv.x, target_uv.y))
345 # move to target UV coordinate
346 for info in loop_info:
347 l = bm.faces[info["face_idx"]].loops[info["loop_idx"]]
348 if sc.muv_uv_sculpt_pinch_invert:
349 diff_uv = \
350 (l[uv_layer].uv - target_uv) * info["strength"]
351 else:
352 diff_uv = \
353 (target_uv - l[uv_layer].uv) * info["strength"]
354 l[uv_layer].uv = l[uv_layer].uv + diff_uv / 10.0
356 elif sc.muv_uv_sculpt_tools == 'RELAX':
357 _, region, space = common.get_space(
358 'VIEW_3D', 'WINDOW', 'VIEW_3D')
360 # get vertex and loop relation
361 vert_db = {}
362 for f in bm.faces:
363 for l in f.loops:
364 if l.vert in vert_db:
365 vert_db[l.vert]["loops"].append(l)
366 else:
367 vert_db[l.vert] = {"loops": [l]}
369 # get relaxation information
370 for k in vert_db.keys():
371 d = vert_db[k]
372 d["uv_sum"] = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
373 d["uv_count"] = 0
375 for l in d["loops"]:
376 ln = l.link_loop_next
377 lp = l.link_loop_prev
378 d["uv_sum"] = d["uv_sum"] + ln[uv_layer].uv
379 d["uv_sum"] = d["uv_sum"] + lp[uv_layer].uv
380 d["uv_count"] = d["uv_count"] + 2
381 d["uv_p"] = d["uv_sum"] / d["uv_count"]
382 d["uv_b"] = d["uv_p"] - d["loops"][0][uv_layer].uv
383 for k in vert_db.keys():
384 d = vert_db[k]
385 d["uv_sum_b"] = Vector((0.0, 0.0))
386 for l in d["loops"]:
387 ln = l.link_loop_next
388 lp = l.link_loop_prev
389 dn = vert_db[ln.vert]
390 dp = vert_db[lp.vert]
391 d["uv_sum_b"] = d["uv_sum_b"] + dn["uv_b"] + dp["uv_b"]
393 # apply
394 for f in bm.faces:
395 if not
396 continue
397 for i, l in enumerate(f.loops):
398 loc_2d = location_3d_to_region_2d_extra(
399 region, space.region_3d,
400 compat.matmul(world_mat,
401 diff = loc_2d - self.__initial_mco
402 if diff.length >= sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius:
403 continue
404 db = vert_db[l.vert]
405 strength = _get_strength(diff.length,
406 sc.muv_uv_sculpt_radius,
407 sc.muv_uv_sculpt_strength)
409 base = (1.0 - strength) * l[uv_layer].uv
410 if sc.muv_uv_sculpt_relax_method == 'HC':
411 t = 0.5 * \
412 (db["uv_b"] + db["uv_sum_b"] / d["uv_count"])
413 diff = strength * (db["uv_p"] - t)
414 target_uv = base + diff
415 elif sc.muv_uv_sculpt_relax_method == 'LAPLACIAN':
416 diff = strength * db["uv_p"]
417 target_uv = base + diff
418 else:
419 continue
421 l[uv_layer].uv = target_uv
423 bmesh.update_edit_mesh(
425 def __stroke_exit(self, context, _):
426 sc = context.scene
427 objs = common.get_uv_editable_objects(context)
429 for obj in objs:
430 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
431 uv_layer = bm.loops.layers.uv.verify()
432 mco = self.current_mco
434 if sc.muv_uv_sculpt_tools == 'GRAB':
435 for info in self.__loop_info[obj]:
436 diff_uv = (mco - self.__initial_mco) * info["strength"]
437 l = bm.faces[info["face_idx"]].loops[info["loop_idx"]]
438 l[uv_layer].uv = info["initial_uv"] + diff_uv / 100.0
440 bmesh.update_edit_mesh(
442 def modal(self, context, event):
443 if context.area:
444 context.area.tag_redraw()
446 if not MUV_OT_UVSculpt.is_running(context):
447 MUV_OT_UVSculpt.handle_remove(context)
448 return {'FINISHED'}
450 self.current_mco = Vector((event.mouse_region_x, event.mouse_region_y))
452 region_types = [
453 'HEADER',
454 'UI',
455 'TOOLS',
458 if not common.mouse_on_area(event, 'VIEW_3D') or \
459 common.mouse_on_regions(event, 'VIEW_3D', region_types):
460 return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
462 if event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE':
463 if event.value == 'PRESS':
464 if not self.__stroking:
465 self.__stroke_init(context, event)
466 self.__stroking = True
467 elif event.value == 'RELEASE':
468 if self.__stroking:
469 self.__stroke_exit(context, event)
470 self.__stroking = False
471 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
472 elif event.type == 'MOUSEMOVE':
473 if self.__stroking:
474 self.__stroke_apply(context, event)
475 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
476 elif event.type == 'TIMER':
477 if self.__stroking:
478 self.__stroke_apply(context, event)
479 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
481 return {'PASS_THROUGH'}
483 def invoke(self, context, _):
484 if context.area:
485 context.area.tag_redraw()
487 if MUV_OT_UVSculpt.is_running(context):
488 MUV_OT_UVSculpt.handle_remove(context)
489 else:
490 MUV_OT_UVSculpt.handle_add(self, context)
492 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}