Fix #100973: Node Wrangler: Previewing node if hierarchy not active
[blender-addons.git] / rigify / utils /
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 import bpy
6 import math
7 import inspect
8 import functools
10 from typing import Optional, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING
11 from bpy.types import Mesh, Object, UILayout, WindowManager
12 from mathutils import Matrix, Vector, Euler
13 from itertools import count
15 from .errors import MetarigError
16 from .collections import ensure_collection
17 from .misc import ArmatureObject, MeshObject, AnyVector, verify_mesh_obj, IdPropSequence
18 from .naming import change_name_side, get_name_side, Side
21 from .. import RigifyName
24 WGT_PREFIX = "WGT-" # Prefix for widget objects
25 WGT_GROUP_PREFIX = "WGTS_" # noqa; Prefix for the widget collection
28 ##############################################
29 # Widget creation
30 ##############################################
32 def obj_to_bone(obj: Object, rig: ArmatureObject, bone_name: str,
33 bone_transform_name: Optional[str] = None):
34 """ Places an object at the location/rotation/scale of the given bone.
35 """
36 if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_ARMATURE':
37 raise MetarigError("obj_to_bone(): does not work while in edit mode")
39 bone = rig.pose.bones[bone_name]
41 loc = bone.custom_shape_translation
42 rot = bone.custom_shape_rotation_euler
43 scale = Vector(bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz)
45 if bone.use_custom_shape_bone_size:
46 scale *= bone.length
48 if bone_transform_name is not None:
49 bone = rig.pose.bones[bone_transform_name]
50 elif bone.custom_shape_transform:
51 bone = bone.custom_shape_transform
53 shape_mat = Matrix.LocRotScale(loc, Euler(rot), scale)
55 obj.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
56 obj.matrix_basis = rig.matrix_world @ bone.bone.matrix_local @ shape_mat
59 def create_widget(rig: ArmatureObject, bone_name: str,
60 bone_transform_name: Optional[str] = None, *,
61 widget_name: Optional[str] = None,
62 widget_force_new=False, subsurf=0) -> Optional[MeshObject]:
63 """
64 Creates an empty widget object for a bone, and returns the object.
65 If the object already existed, returns None.
66 """
67 assert rig.mode != 'EDIT'
69 from ..base_generate import BaseGenerator
71 scene = bpy.context.scene
72 bone = rig.pose.bones[bone_name]
74 # Access the current generator instance when generating (ugh, globals)
75 generator = BaseGenerator.instance
77 if generator:
78 collection = generator.widget_collection
79 else:
80 collection = ensure_collection(bpy.context, WGT_GROUP_PREFIX +, hidden=True)
82 use_mirror = generator and generator.use_mirror_widgets
83 bone_mid_name = change_name_side(bone_name, Side.MIDDLE) if use_mirror else bone_name
85 obj_name = widget_name or WGT_PREFIX + + '_' + bone_name
86 reuse_mesh = None
88 obj: Optional[MeshObject]
90 # Check if it already exists in the scene
91 if not widget_force_new:
92 obj = None
94 if generator:
95 # Check if the widget was already generated
96 if bone_name in generator.new_widget_table:
97 return None
99 # If re-generating, check widgets used by the previous rig
100 obj = generator.old_widget_table.get(bone_name)
102 if not obj:
103 # Search the scene by name
104 obj = scene.objects.get(obj_name)
105 if obj and obj.library:
106 # Second brute force try if the first result is linked
107 local_objs = [obj for obj in scene.objects
108 if == obj_name and not obj.library]
109 obj = local_objs[0] if local_objs else None
111 if obj:
112 # Record the generated widget
113 if generator:
114 generator.new_widget_table[bone_name] = obj
116 # Re-add to the collection if not there for some reason
117 if not in collection.objects:
120 # Flip scale for originally mirrored widgets
121 if obj.scale.x < 0 < bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz.x:
122 bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz.x *= -1
124 # Move object to bone position, in case it changed
125 obj_to_bone(obj, rig, bone_name, bone_transform_name)
127 return None
129 # Create a linked duplicate of the widget assigned in the metarig
130 reuse_widget = rig.pose.bones[bone_name].custom_shape
131 if reuse_widget:
132 subsurf = 0
133 reuse_mesh =
135 # Create a linked duplicate with the mirror widget
136 if not reuse_mesh and use_mirror and bone_mid_name != bone_name:
137 reuse_mesh = generator.widget_mirror_mesh.get(bone_mid_name)
139 # Create an empty mesh datablock if not linking
140 if reuse_mesh:
141 mesh = reuse_mesh
143 elif use_mirror and bone_mid_name != bone_name:
144 # When mirroring, untag side from mesh name, and remember it
145 mesh =, Side.MIDDLE))
147 generator.widget_mirror_mesh[bone_mid_name] = mesh
149 else:
150 mesh =
152 # Create the object
153 obj = verify_mesh_obj(, mesh))
156 # Add the subdivision surface modifier
157 if subsurf > 0:
158 mod ="subsurf", 'SUBSURF')
159 mod.levels = subsurf
161 # Record the generated widget
162 if generator:
163 generator.new_widget_table[bone_name] = obj
165 # Flip scale for right side if mirroring widgets
166 if use_mirror and get_name_side(bone_name) == Side.RIGHT:
167 if bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz.x > 0:
168 bone.custom_shape_scale_xyz.x *= -1
170 # Move object to bone position and set layers
171 obj_to_bone(obj, rig, bone_name, bone_transform_name)
173 if reuse_mesh:
174 return None
176 return obj
179 ##############################################
180 # Widget choice dropdown
181 ##############################################
183 _registered_widgets = {}
186 def _get_valid_args(callback, skip):
187 spec = inspect.getfullargspec(callback)
188 return set(spec.args[skip:] + spec.kwonlyargs)
191 def register_widget(name: str, callback, **default_args):
192 unwrapped = inspect.unwrap(callback)
193 if unwrapped != callback:
194 valid_args = _get_valid_args(unwrapped, 1)
195 else:
196 valid_args = _get_valid_args(callback, 2)
198 _registered_widgets[name] = (callback, valid_args, default_args)
201 def get_rigify_widgets(id_store: WindowManager) -> IdPropSequence['RigifyName']:
202 return id_store.rigify_widgets # noqa
205 def layout_widget_dropdown(layout: UILayout, props, prop_name: str, **kwargs):
206 """Create a UI dropdown to select a widget from the known list."""
208 id_store = bpy.context.window_manager
209 rigify_widgets = get_rigify_widgets(id_store)
211 rigify_widgets.clear()
213 for name in sorted(_registered_widgets):
214 item = rigify_widgets.add()
215 = name
217 layout.prop_search(props, prop_name, id_store, "rigify_widgets", **kwargs)
220 def create_registered_widget(obj: ArmatureObject, bone_name: str, widget_id: str, **kwargs):
221 try:
222 callback, valid_args, default_args = _registered_widgets[widget_id]
223 except KeyError:
224 raise MetarigError("Unknown widget name: " + widget_id)
226 # Convert between radius and size
227 if kwargs.get('size') and 'size' not in valid_args:
228 if 'radius' in valid_args and not kwargs.get('radius'):
229 kwargs['radius'] = kwargs['size'] / 2
231 elif kwargs.get('radius') and 'radius' not in valid_args:
232 if 'size' in valid_args and not kwargs.get('size'):
233 kwargs['size'] = kwargs['radius'] * 2
235 args = {**default_args, **kwargs}
237 return callback(obj, bone_name, **{k: v for k, v in args.items() if k in valid_args})
240 ##############################################
241 # Widget geometry
242 ##############################################
244 class GeometryData:
245 verts: list[AnyVector]
246 edges: list[tuple[int, int]]
247 faces: list[tuple[int, ...]]
249 def __init__(self):
250 self.verts = []
251 self.edges = []
252 self.faces = []
255 def widget_generator(generate_func=None, *, register=None, subsurf=0) -> Callable:
257 Decorator that encapsulates a call to create_widget, and only requires
258 the actual function to fill the provided vertex and edge lists.
260 Accepts parameters of create_widget, plus any keyword arguments the
261 wrapped function has.
263 if generate_func is None:
264 return functools.partial(widget_generator, register=register, subsurf=subsurf)
266 @functools.wraps(generate_func)
267 def wrapper(rig: ArmatureObject, bone_name: str, bone_transform_name=None,
268 widget_name=None, widget_force_new=False, **kwargs):
269 obj = create_widget(rig, bone_name, bone_transform_name,
270 widget_name=widget_name, widget_force_new=widget_force_new,
271 subsurf=subsurf)
272 if obj is not None:
273 geom = GeometryData()
275 generate_func(geom, **kwargs)
277 mesh: Mesh =
278 mesh.from_pydata(geom.verts, geom.edges, geom.faces)
279 mesh.update()
281 return obj
282 else:
283 return None
285 if register:
286 register_widget(register, wrapper)
288 return wrapper
291 def generate_lines_geometry(geom: GeometryData,
292 points: list[AnyVector], *,
293 matrix: Optional[Matrix] = None, closed_loop=False):
295 Generates a polyline using given points, optionally closing the loop.
297 assert len(points) >= 2
299 base = len(geom.verts)
301 for i, raw_point in enumerate(points):
302 point = Vector(raw_point).to_3d()
304 if matrix:
305 point = matrix @ point
307 geom.verts.append(point)
309 if i > 0:
310 geom.edges.append((base + i - 1, base + i))
312 if closed_loop:
313 geom.edges.append((len(geom.verts) - 1, base))
316 def generate_circle_geometry(geom: GeometryData, center: AnyVector, radius: float, *,
317 matrix: Optional[Matrix] = None,
318 angle_range: Optional[tuple[float, float]] = None,
319 steps=24, radius_x: Optional[float] = None, depth_x=0):
321 Generates a circle, adding vertices and edges to the lists.
322 center, radius: parameters of the circle
323 matrix: transformation matrix (by default the circle is in the XY plane)
324 angle_range: a pair of angles to generate an arc of the circle
325 steps: number of edges to cover the whole circle (reduced for arcs)
327 assert steps >= 3
329 start = 0
330 delta = math.pi * 2 / steps
332 if angle_range:
333 start, end = angle_range
334 if start == end:
335 steps = 1
336 else:
337 steps = max(3, math.ceil(abs(end - start) / delta) + 1)
338 delta = (end - start) / (steps - 1)
340 if radius_x is None:
341 radius_x = radius
343 center = Vector(center).to_3d() # allow 2d center
344 points = []
346 for i in range(steps):
347 angle = start + delta * i
348 x = math.cos(angle)
349 y = math.sin(angle)
350 points.append(center + Vector((x * radius_x, y * radius, x * x * depth_x)))
352 generate_lines_geometry(geom, points, matrix=matrix, closed_loop=not angle_range)
355 def generate_circle_hull_geometry(geom: GeometryData, points: list[AnyVector],
356 radius: float, gap: float, *,
357 matrix: Optional[Matrix] = None, steps=24):
359 Given a list of 2D points forming a convex hull, generate a contour around
360 it, with each point being circumscribed with a circle arc of given radius,
361 and keeping the given distance gap from the lines connecting the circles.
363 assert radius >= gap
365 if len(points) <= 1:
366 if points:
367 generate_circle_geometry(
368 geom, points[0], radius,
369 matrix=matrix, steps=steps
371 return
373 base = len(geom.verts)
374 points_ex = [points[-1], *points, points[0]]
375 angle_gap = math.asin(gap / radius)
377 for i, pt_prev, pt_cur, pt_next in zip(count(0), points_ex[0:], points_ex[1:], points_ex[2:]):
378 vec_prev = pt_prev - pt_cur
379 vec_next = pt_next - pt_cur
381 # Compute bearings to adjacent points
382 angle_prev = math.atan2(vec_prev.y, vec_prev.x)
383 angle_next = math.atan2(vec_next.y, vec_next.x)
384 if angle_next <= angle_prev:
385 angle_next += math.pi * 2
387 # Adjust gap for circles that are too close
388 angle_prev += max(angle_gap, math.acos(min(1, vec_prev.length/radius/2)))
389 angle_next -= max(angle_gap, math.acos(min(1, vec_next.length/radius/2)))
391 if angle_next > angle_prev:
392 if len(geom.verts) > base:
393 geom.edges.append((len(geom.verts)-1, len(geom.verts)))
395 generate_circle_geometry(
396 geom, pt_cur, radius, angle_range=(angle_prev, angle_next),
397 matrix=matrix, steps=steps
400 if len(geom.verts) > base:
401 geom.edges.append((len(geom.verts)-1, base))
404 def create_circle_polygon(number_verts: int, axis: str, radius=1.0, head_tail=0.0):
405 """ Creates a basic circle around of an axis selected.
406 number_verts: number of vertices of the polygon
407 axis: axis normal to the circle
408 radius: the radius of the circle
409 head_tail: where along the length of the bone the circle is (0.0=head, 1.0=tail)
411 verts = []
412 edges = []
413 angle = 2 * math.pi / number_verts
414 i = 0
416 assert(axis in 'XYZ')
418 while i < number_verts:
419 a = math.cos(i * angle)
420 b = math.sin(i * angle)
422 if axis == 'X':
423 verts.append((head_tail, a * radius, b * radius))
424 elif axis == 'Y':
425 verts.append((a * radius, head_tail, b * radius))
426 elif axis == 'Z':
427 verts.append((a * radius, b * radius, head_tail))
429 if i < (number_verts - 1):
430 edges.append((i, i + 1))
432 i += 1
434 edges.append((0, number_verts - 1))
436 return verts, edges
439 ##############################################
440 # Widget transformation
441 ##############################################
443 def adjust_widget_axis(obj: Object, axis='y', offset=0.0):
444 mesh =
445 assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh)
447 if axis[0] == '-':
448 s = -1.0
449 axis = axis[1]
450 else:
451 s = 1.0
453 trans_matrix = Matrix.Translation((0.0, offset, 0.0))
454 rot_matrix = Matrix.Diagonal((1.0, s, 1.0, 1.0))
456 if axis == "x":
457 rot_matrix = Matrix.Rotation(-s*math.pi/2, 4, 'Z')
458 trans_matrix = Matrix.Translation((offset, 0.0, 0.0))
460 elif axis == "z":
461 rot_matrix = Matrix.Rotation(s*math.pi/2, 4, 'X')
462 trans_matrix = Matrix.Translation((0.0, 0.0, offset))
464 matrix = trans_matrix @ rot_matrix
466 for vert in mesh.vertices:
467 = matrix @
470 def adjust_widget_transform_mesh(obj: Optional[Object], matrix: Matrix,
471 local: bool | None = None):
472 """Adjust the generated widget by applying a correction matrix to the mesh.
473 If local is false, the matrix is in world space.
474 If local is True, it's in the local space of the widget.
475 If local is a bone, it's in the local space of the bone.
477 if obj:
478 mesh =
479 assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh)
481 if local is not True:
482 if local:
483 assert isinstance(local, bpy.types.PoseBone)
484 bone_mat = local.id_data.matrix_world @ local.bone.matrix_local
485 matrix = bone_mat @ matrix @ bone_mat.inverted()
487 obj_mat = obj.matrix_basis
488 matrix = obj_mat.inverted() @ matrix @ obj_mat
490 mesh.transform(matrix)
493 def write_widget(obj: Object, name='thing', use_size=True):
494 """ Write a mesh object as a python script for widget use.
496 script = ""
497 script += "@widget_generator\n"
498 script += "def create_"+name+"_widget(geom"
499 if use_size:
500 script += ", *, size=1.0"
501 script += "):\n"
503 # Vertices
504 szs = "*size" if use_size else ""
505 width = 2 if use_size else 3
507 mesh =
508 assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh)
510 script += " geom.verts = ["
511 for i, v in enumerate(mesh.vertices):
512 script += "({:g}{}, {:g}{}, {:g}{}),".format([0], szs,[1], szs,[2], szs)
513 script += "\n " if i % width == (width - 1) else " "
514 script += "]\n"
516 # Edges
517 script += " geom.edges = ["
518 for i, e in enumerate(mesh.edges):
519 script += "(" + str(e.vertices[0]) + ", " + str(e.vertices[1]) + "),"
520 script += "\n " if i % 10 == 9 else " "
521 script += "]\n"
523 # Faces
524 if mesh.polygons:
525 script += " geom.faces = ["
526 for i, f in enumerate(mesh.polygons):
527 script += "(" + ", ".join(str(v) for v in f.vertices) + "),"
528 script += "\n " if i % 10 == 9 else " "
529 script += "]\n"
531 return script