changes all issue tracking in preparation for switch to github issues
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Tools / Run /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # FORMERLY Cared for by Jason Stajich, Mat Wiepert
8 # Somewhat cared for by Roger Hall, Chris Fields (when they have time)
10 # Copyright Jason Stajich, Bioperl
12 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
14 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
16 =head1 NAME
18 Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast - Object for remote execution of the NCBI Blast
19 via HTTP
21 =head1 SYNOPSIS
23 #Remote-blast "factory object" creation and blast-parameter initialization
25 use Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast;
26 use strict;
27 my $prog = 'blastp';
28 my $db = 'swissprot';
29 my $e_val= '1e-10';
31 my @params = ( '-prog' => $prog,
32 '-data' => $db,
33 '-expect' => $e_val,
34 '-readmethod' => 'SearchIO' );
36 my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast->new(@params);
38 #change a query parameter
39 $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'ENTREZ_QUERY'} = 'Homo sapiens [ORGN]';
41 #change a retrieval parameter
42 $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::RETRIEVALHEADER{'DESCRIPTIONS'} = 1000;
44 #remove a parameter
45 delete $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'FILTER'};
47 #$v is just to turn on and off the messages
48 my $v = 1;
50 my $str = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>'amino.fa' , -format => 'fasta' );
52 while (my $input = $str->next_seq()){
53 #Blast a sequence against a database:
55 #Alternatively, you could pass in a file with many
56 #sequences rather than loop through sequence one at a time
57 #Remove the loop starting 'while (my $input = $str->next_seq())'
58 #and swap the two lines below for an example of that.
59 my $r = $factory->submit_blast($input);
60 #my $r = $factory->submit_blast('amino.fa');
62 print STDERR "waiting..." if( $v > 0 );
63 while ( my @rids = $factory->each_rid ) {
64 foreach my $rid ( @rids ) {
65 my $rc = $factory->retrieve_blast($rid);
66 if( !ref($rc) ) {
67 if( $rc < 0 ) {
68 $factory->remove_rid($rid);
70 print STDERR "." if ( $v > 0 );
71 sleep 5;
72 } else {
73 my $result = $rc->next_result();
74 #save the output
75 my $filename = $result->query_name()."\.out";
76 $factory->save_output($filename);
77 $factory->remove_rid($rid);
78 print "\nQuery Name: ", $result->query_name(), "\n";
79 while ( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
80 next unless ( $v > 0);
81 print "\thit name is ", $hit->name, "\n";
82 while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
83 print "\t\tscore is ", $hsp->score, "\n";
91 # This example shows how to change a CGI parameter:
92 $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'MATRIX_NAME'} = 'BLOSUM45';
93 $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'GAPCOSTS'} = '15 2';
95 # And this is how to delete a CGI parameter:
96 delete $Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast::HEADER{'FILTER'};
101 Class for remote execution of the NCBI Blast via HTTP.
103 For a description of the many CGI parameters see:
106 Various additional options and input formats are available.
108 =head1 FEEDBACK
110 =head2 Mailing Lists
112 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
113 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
114 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
116 - General discussion
117 - About the mailing lists
119 =head2 Support
121 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
123 I<>
125 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
126 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
127 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
128 with code and data examples if at all possible.
130 =head2 Reporting Bugs
132 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
133 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
134 web:
138 =head1 AUTHOR
140 Please do NOT contact Jason directly about this module. Please post to
141 the bioperl mailing list (L<FEEDBACK>). If you would like to be the
142 official maintainer of this module, please volunteer on the list and
143 we will make it official in this POD.
145 First written by Jason Stajich, many others have helped keep it running.
147 =head1 APPENDIX
149 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
150 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
152 =cut
154 package Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast;
156 use strict;
157 use warnings;
159 use Bio::SeqIO;
160 use IO::String;
161 use Bio::SearchIO;
162 use LWP;
163 use HTTP::Request::Common;
165 use constant {
166 NOT_FINISHED => 0,
167 ERR_QBSTATUS => 1,
169 ERR_HTTPFAIL => 4,
173 # Bio::Root::IO is-a Bio::Root::Roo
174 use base qw(Bio::Root::IO Exporter);
177 our $MODVERSION = $Bio::Root::Version::VERSION;
178 our $URLBASE = '';
180 # In GET/PUTPARAMS the values are regexes which validate the input.
181 our %PUTPARAMS = (
182 'AUTO_FORMAT' => '(Off|(Semi|Full)auto)', # Off, Semiauto, Fullauto
183 'COMPOSITION_BASED_STATISTICS' => '(0|1)', # yes, no on NCBI's site, but actually binary 0/1
184 'DATABASE' => '.*',
185 'DB_GENETIC_CODE' => '([1-9]|1[1-6]|2(1|2))', # 1..16,21,22
186 'DISPLAY_SORT' => '\d',
187 'ENDPOINTS' => '(yes|no)', # yes,no
188 'ENTREZ_QUERY' => '.*',
189 'EXPECT' => '\d+(\.\d+)?([eE]-\d+)?', # Positive double
190 'FILTER' => '[LRm]', # L or R or m
191 'GAPCOSTS' => '-?\d+(\.\d+)\s+-?\d+(\.\d+)',
192 # Two space separated float values
193 'GENETIC_CODE' => '([1-9]|1[1-6]|2(1|2))', # 1..16,21,22
194 'HITLIST_SIZE' => '\d+', # Positive integer
195 'I_THRESH' => '-?\d+(\.\d+)([eE]-\d+)?', # float
196 'LAYOUT' => '(One|Two)Windows?', # onewindow, twowindows
197 'LCASE_MASK' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
198 'MATRIX_NAME' => '.*',
199 'NUCL_PENALTY' => '-\d+', # Negative integer
200 'NUCL_REWARD' => '-?\d+', # Integer
201 'OTHER_ADVANCED' => '.*',
202 'PERC_IDENT' => '\d\d+', # Integer, 0-99 inclusive
203 'PHI_PATTERN' => '.*',
204 'PROGRAM' => 't?blast[pnx]',
205 # tblastp, tblastn, tblastx, blastp, blastn, blastx
206 'QUERY' => '.*',
207 'QUERY_FILE' => '.*',
208 'QUERY_BELIEVE_DEFLINE' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
209 'QUERY_FROM' => '\d+', # Positive integer
210 'QUERY_TO' => '\d+', # Positive integer
211 'SEARCHSP_EFF' => '\d+', # Positive integer
212 'SERVICE' => '(plain|p[sh]i|(rps|mega)blast)',
213 # plain,psi,phi,rpsblast,megablast
214 'SHORT_QUERY_ADJUST' => '(true|false)',
215 'THRESHOLD' => '-?\d+', # Integer
216 'UNGAPPED_ALIGNMENT' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
217 'WORD_SIZE' => '\d+' # Positive integer
219 our %GETPARAMS = (
220 'ALIGNMENTS' => '\d+', # Positive integer
222 '(Pairwise|(Flat)?QueryAnchored(NoIdentities)?|Tabular)',
223 # Pairwise, QueryAnchored, QueryAnchoredNoIdentities,
224 # FlatQueryAnchored, FlatQueryAnchoredNoIdentities, Tabular
225 'DATABASE_SORT' => '\d',
226 'DESCRIPTIONS' => '\d+', # Positive integer
227 'ENTREZ_LINKS_NEW_WINDOW' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
228 'EXPECT_LOW' => '\d+(\.\d+)?([eE]-\d+)?', # Positive double
229 'EXPECT_HIGH' => '\d+(\.\d+)?([eE]-\d+)?', # Positive double
232 '(Alignment|Neighbors|PSSM|SearchInfo|TaxBlast(Parent|MultiFrame)?)',
233 # Alignment, Neighbors, PSSM, SearchInfo
234 # TaxBlast, TaxblastParent, TaxBlastMultiFrame
235 'FORMAT_TYPE' => '((HT|X)ML|ASN\.1|Text)',
236 # HTML, Text, ASN.1, XML
237 'NCBI_GI' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
238 'NEW_VIEW' => '(true|false)',
239 'RID' => '.*',
240 'RESULTS_FILE' => '(yes|no)', # yes, no
241 'SERVICE' => '(plain|p[sh]i|(rps|mega)blast)',
242 # plain,psi,phi,rpsblast,megablast
243 'SHOW_OVERVIEW' => '(yes|no)' # yes, no
246 # Default values go in here for PUT
247 our %HEADER = (
248 'CMD' => 'Put',
249 'FORMAT_OBJECT' => 'Alignment',
251 'DATABASE' => 'nr',
252 'EXPECT' => '1e-3',
253 'FILTER' => 'L',
254 'PROGRAM' => 'blastp',
255 'SERVICE' => 'plain'
258 # Default values go in here for GET
260 'CMD' => 'Get',
261 'ALIGNMENTS' => '50',
262 'ALIGNMENT_VIEW' => 'Pairwise',
263 'DESCRIPTIONS' => '100',
264 'FORMAT_TYPE' => 'Text',
267 sub new {
268 my ($caller, @args) = @_;
269 # chained new
270 my $self = $caller->SUPER::new(@args);
271 # so that tempfiles are cleaned up
272 $self->_initialize_io();
273 my ($prog, $data, $readmethod, $url_base) =
274 $self->_rearrange([qw(PROG DATA READMETHOD URL_BASE)],
275 @args);
276 # Use these two parameters for backward-compatibility.
277 # Overridden by PROGRAM and DATABASE if supplied.
278 $self->submit_parameter('PROGRAM',$prog) if $prog;
279 $self->submit_parameter('DATABASE',$data) if $data;
281 $readmethod = 'SearchIO' unless defined $readmethod;
282 $self->readmethod($readmethod);
284 # Now read the rest of the parameters and set them all
286 # PUT parameters first
287 my @putValues = $self->_rearrange([keys %PUTPARAMS],@args);
288 my %putNames;
289 @putNames{keys %PUTPARAMS} = @putValues;
290 foreach my $putName (keys %putNames) {
291 $self->submit_parameter($putName,$putNames{$putName});
293 # GET parameters second
294 my @getValues = $self->_rearrange([keys %GETPARAMS],@args);
295 my %getNames;
296 @getNames{keys %GETPARAMS} = @getValues;
297 foreach my $getName (keys %getNames) {
298 $self->retrieve_parameter($getName,$getNames{$getName});
300 # private variable to keep track of total rids
301 $self->{'_total_rids'} = 0;
302 $url_base ||= $URLBASE; # default to regular NCBI BLAST URL
303 $self->set_url_base($url_base);
304 return $self;
307 =head2 retrieve_parameter
309 Title : retrieve_parameter
310 Usage : my $db = $self->retrieve_parameter
311 Function: Get/Set the named parameter for the retrieve_blast operation.
312 Returns : string
313 Args : $name : name of GET parameter
314 $val : optional value to set the parameter to
316 =cut
318 sub retrieve_parameter {
319 my ($self, $name, $val) = @_;
320 $name = uc($name);
321 $self->throw($name." is not a valid GET parameter.") unless
322 exists $GETPARAMS{$name};
323 if (defined $val) {
324 my $regex = $GETPARAMS{$name};
325 $val =~ m/^$regex$/i or
326 $self->throw("Value ".$val." for GET parameter ".$name." does not match expression ".$regex.". Rejecting.");
327 $RETRIEVALHEADER{$name} = $val;
329 return $RETRIEVALHEADER{$name};
332 =head2 submit_parameter
334 Title : submit_parameter
335 Usage : my $db = $self->submit_parameter
336 Function: Get/Set the named parameter for the submit_blast operation.
337 Returns : string
338 Args : $name : name of PUT parameter
339 $val : optional value to set the parameter to
341 =cut
343 sub submit_parameter {
344 my ($self, $name, $val) = @_;
345 $name = uc($name);
346 $self->throw($name." is not a valid PUT parameter.") unless
347 exists $PUTPARAMS{$name};
348 if (defined $val) {
349 my $regex = $PUTPARAMS{$name};
350 $val =~ m/^$regex$/i or
351 $self->throw("Value ".$val." for PUT parameter ".$name." does not match expression ".$regex.". Rejecting.");
352 $HEADER{$name} = $val;
354 return $HEADER{$name};
357 =head2 header
359 Title : header
360 Usage : my $header = $self->header
361 Function: Get HTTP header for blast query
362 Returns : string
363 Args : none
365 =cut
367 sub header {
368 my ($self) = @_;
369 return %HEADER;
372 =head2 readmethod
374 Title : readmethod
375 Usage : my $readmethod = $self->readmethod
376 Function: Get/Set the method to read the blast report
377 Returns : string
378 Args : string [ blast, blasttable, xml ]
380 =cut
382 sub readmethod {
383 my ($self, $val) = @_;
384 if( defined $val ) {
385 if ($val =~ /bplite/i) {
386 $self->throw("Use of Bio::Tools::BPlite is deprecated; use Bio::SearchIO modules instead");
388 $self->{'_readmethod'} = $val;
390 return $self->{'_readmethod'};
394 =head2 program
396 Title : program
397 Usage : my $prog = $self->program
398 Function: Get/Set the program to run. Retained for backwards-compatibility.
399 Returns : string
400 Args : string [ blastp, blastn, blastx, tblastn, tblastx ]
402 =cut
404 sub program {
405 my ($self, $val) = @_;
406 return $self->submit_parameter('PROGRAM',$val);
410 =head2 database
412 Title : database
413 Usage : my $db = $self->database
414 Function: Get/Set the database to search. Retained for backwards-compatibility.
415 Returns : string
416 Args : string [ swissprot, nr, nt, etc... ]
418 =cut
420 sub database {
421 my ($self, $val) = @_;
422 return $self->submit_parameter('DATABASE',$val);
426 =head2 expect
428 Title : expect
429 Usage : my $expect = $self->expect
430 Function: Get/Set the E value cutoff. Retained for backwards-compatibility.
431 Returns : string
432 Args : string [ '1e-4' ]
434 =cut
436 sub expect {
437 my ($self, $val) = @_;
438 return $self->submit_parameter('EXPECT',$val);
441 =head2 ua
443 Title : ua
444 Usage : my $ua = $self->ua or
445 $self->ua($ua)
446 Function: Get/Set a LWP::UserAgent for use
447 Returns : reference to LWP::UserAgent Object
448 Args : none
449 Comments: Will create a UserAgent if none has been requested before.
451 =cut
453 sub ua {
454 my ($self, $value) = @_;
455 if( ! defined $self->{'_ua'} ) {
456 $self->{'_ua'} = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1, parse_head => 0);
457 my $nm = ref($self);
458 $nm =~ s/::/_/g;
459 $self->{'_ua'}->agent("bioperl-$nm/$MODVERSION");
461 return $self->{'_ua'};
464 =head2 proxy
466 Title : proxy
467 Usage : $httpproxy = $db->proxy('http') or
468 $db->proxy(['http','ftp'], 'http://myproxy' )
469 Function: Get/Set a proxy for use of proxy
470 Returns : a string indicating the proxy
471 Args : $protocol : an array ref of the protocol(s) to set/get
472 $proxyurl : url of the proxy to use for the specified protocol
474 =cut
476 sub proxy {
477 my ($self,$protocol,$proxy) = @_;
478 return if ( !defined $self->ua || !defined $protocol
479 || !defined $proxy );
480 return $self->ua->proxy($protocol,$proxy);
483 sub add_rid {
484 my ($self, @vals) = @_;
485 foreach ( @vals ) {
486 $self->{'_rids'}->{$_} = $self->{'_total_rids'};
487 $self->{'_total_rids'}++;
489 return scalar keys %{$self->{'_rids'}};
492 sub remove_rid {
493 my ($self, @vals) = @_;
494 foreach ( @vals ) {
495 delete $self->{'_rids'}->{$_};
497 return scalar keys %{$self->{'_rids'}};
500 sub each_rid {
501 my ($self) = @_;
502 # sort on key value, a little tricky...
503 my @sort_rids = sort {$self->{'_rids'}->{$a} <=> $self->{'_rids'}->{$b}} keys %{$self->{'_rids'}};
504 return @sort_rids;
507 =head2 submit_blast
509 Title : submit_blast
510 Usage : $self->submit_blast([$seq1,$seq2]);
511 Function: Submit blast jobs to ncbi blast queue on sequence(s)
512 Returns : Blast report object as defined by $self->readmethod
513 Args : input can be:
514 * sequence object
515 * array ref of sequence objects
516 * filename of file containing fasta formatted sequences
518 =cut
520 sub submit_blast {
521 my ($self, $input) = @_;
522 my @seqs = $self->_load_input($input);
523 my $url_base = $self->get_url_base;
524 return 0 unless ( @seqs );
525 my $tcount = 0;
526 my %header = $self->header;
527 $header{$_} ||= $RETRIEVALHEADER{$_} foreach (keys %RETRIEVALHEADER);
528 foreach my $seq ( @seqs ) {
529 #If query has a fasta header, the output has the query line.
530 $header{'QUERY'} = ">".(defined $seq->display_id() ? $seq->display_id() : "").
531 " ".(defined $seq->desc() ? $seq->desc() : "")."\n".$seq->seq();
532 my $request = POST $url_base, [%header];
533 $self->debug($request->as_string) if ( $self->verbose > 1);
534 my $response = $self->ua->request( $request);
536 if( $response->is_success ) {
537 my @subdata = split(/\n/, $response->content );
538 my $count = 0;
539 foreach ( @subdata ) {
540 if( /^\s+RID\s+=\s+(\S+)/ ) {
541 $count++;
542 #$self->debug("RID: $1\n");
543 $self->add_rid($1);
544 } elsif (/^\s+RTOE\s+=\s+(.*$)/) {
545 $self->{rtoe} = $1;
546 $count++;
548 last if $count >= 2;
550 if( $count == 0 ) {
551 $self->warn("req was ". $request->as_string() . "\n");
552 $self->warn(join('', @subdata));
554 $tcount += $count;
555 } else {
556 # should try and be a little more verbose here
557 $self->warn("req was ". $request->as_string() . "\n" .
558 $response->error_as_HTML);
559 $tcount = -1;
562 return $tcount;
565 =head2 retrieve_blast
567 Title : retrieve_blast
568 Usage : my $blastreport = $blastfactory->retrieve_blast($rid);
569 Function: Attempts to retrieve a blast report from remote blast queue
570 Returns : scalar int (constant) or Bio::SearchIO object
571 Constants:
572 NOT_FINISHED (= 0) : 'job not finished'
573 code on error:
574 ERR_QBSTATUS (= 1) : return line matches 'Status=ERROR'
575 ERR_NOCONTENT (= 2): HTTP request successful, but no content
576 returned
577 ERR_HTTPFAIL (= 4) : HTTP request failed
578 ERR_QBNONSPEC (= 8): return line matches 'ERROR' (not status line)
579 Args : Remote Blast ID (RID)
581 =cut
583 sub retrieve_blast {
584 my($self, $rid) = @_;
585 my $url_base = $self->get_url_base;
586 my %hdr = %RETRIEVALHEADER;
587 $hdr{'RID'} = $rid;
589 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(
590 GET => $url_base."?CMD=Get&FORMAT_OBJECT=SearchInfo&RID=$rid",
592 #$self->debug("SearchInfo request is " . $req->as_string());
593 my $response = $self->ua->request($req);
594 if( $response->is_success ) {
595 my $status;
596 if($response->content =~ /Status=(WAITING|ERROR|FAILED|UNKNOWN|READY)/i ) {
597 $status = $1;
598 if( $status eq 'ERROR' ) {
599 $self->warn("Server Error");
600 return ERR_QBSTATUS;
601 } elsif( $status eq 'FAILED' ) {
602 $self->warn("Request Failed");
603 return ERR_QBSTATUS;
605 } else {
606 $self->warn("Error: No status reported\n");
608 if ( $status ne 'READY' ) {
609 return 0;
610 } else {
611 my ($fh,$tempfile) = $self->tempfile();
612 close $fh;
614 my $req = POST $url_base, [%hdr];
615 $self->debug("retrieve request is " . $req->as_string());
616 my $response = $self->ua->request($req, $tempfile);
618 my $blastobj;
619 my $mthd = $self->readmethod;
620 $mthd = ($mthd =~ /blasttable/i) ? 'blasttable' :
621 ($mthd =~ /xml/i) ? 'blastxml' :
622 ($mthd =~ /pull/i) ? 'blast_pull' :
623 'blast';
624 $blastobj = Bio::SearchIO->new(
625 -file => $tempfile,
626 -format => $mthd);
627 ## store filename in object ##
628 $self->file($tempfile);
629 return $blastobj;
631 } else {
632 $self->warn($response->error_as_HTML);
633 return ERR_HTTPFAIL;
637 =head2 save_output
639 Title : saveoutput
640 Usage : my $saveoutput = $self->save_output($filename)
641 Function: Method to save the blast report
642 Returns : 1 (throws error otherwise)
643 Args : string [rid, filename]
645 =cut
647 sub save_output {
648 my ($self, $filename) = @_;
649 if( not defined $filename ) {
650 $self->throw("Can't save blast output. You must specify a filename to save to.");
652 my $blastfile = $self->file;
653 #open temp file and output file, have to filter out some HTML
654 open my $TMP, '<', $blastfile or $self->throw("Could not read file '$blastfile': $!");
656 open my $SAVEOUT, '>', $filename or $self->throw("Could not write file '$filename': $!");
657 my $seentop = 0;
658 while (my $line = <$TMP>) {
659 next if ($line =~ /<pre>/);
661 if ( $line =~ /^(?:[T]?BLAST[NPX])\s*.+$/i
662 or $line =~ /^RPS-BLAST\s*.+$/i
663 or $line =~ /<\?xml\sversion=/
664 or $line =~ /^#\s+(?:[T]?BLAST[NPX])\s*.+$/
666 $seentop = 1;
668 next if !$seentop;
669 if ( $seentop ) {
670 print $SAVEOUT $line;
673 return 1;
676 sub _load_input {
677 my ($self, $input) = @_;
679 if( ! defined $input ) {
680 $self->throw("Calling remote blast with no input");
682 my @seqs;
683 if( ! ref $input ) {
684 if( -e $input ) {
685 my $seqio = Bio::SeqIO->new(-format => 'fasta',
686 -file => $input);
687 while( my $seq = $seqio->next_seq ) {
688 push @seqs, $seq;
690 } else {
691 $self->throw("Input $input was not a valid filename");
693 } elsif( ref($input) =~ /ARRAY/i ) {
694 foreach ( @$input ) {
695 if( ref($_) && $_->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI') ) {
696 push @seqs, $_;
697 } else {
698 $self->warn("Trying to add a " . ref($_) .
699 " but expected a Bio::PrimarySeqI");
702 if( ! @seqs) {
703 $self->throw("Did not pass in valid input -- no sequence objects found");
705 } elsif( $input->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI') ) {
706 push @seqs, $input;
708 return @seqs;
711 =head2 set_url_base
713 Title : set_url_base
714 Usage : $self->set_url_base($url)
715 Function: Method to override the default NCBI BLAST database
716 Returns : None
717 Args : string (database url like
718 NOTE : This is highly experimental; we cannot maintain support on
719 databases other than the default NCBI database at this time
721 =cut
723 sub set_url_base {
724 my $self = shift;
725 $self->{'_urlbase'} = shift if @_;
728 =head2 get_url_base
730 Title : get_url_base
731 Usage : my $url = $self->set_url_base
732 Function: Get the current URL for BLAST database searching
733 Returns : string (URL used for remote blast searches)
734 Args : None
736 =cut
738 sub get_url_base {
739 my $self = shift;
740 return $self->{'_urlbase'};
743 =head2 get_rtoe
745 Title : get_rtoe
746 Usage : my $url = $self->rtoe
747 Function: Retrieve the retrieval time (defined after submit_blast())
748 Returns : number
749 Args : None
751 =cut
753 sub get_rtoe {
754 my $self = shift;
755 return $self->{rtoe};
760 __END__