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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / SearchIO / Writer /
2 =head1 NAME
4 Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter - Tab-delimited data for Bio::Search::Hit::HitI objects
6 =head1 SYNOPSIS
8 =head2 Example 1: Using the default columns
10 use Bio::SearchIO;
11 use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter;
13 my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
15 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter->new();
17 my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer );
19 while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
20 $out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );
23 =head2 Example 2: Specifying a subset of columns
25 use Bio::SearchIO;
26 use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter;
28 my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new();
30 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter->new(
31 -columns => [qw(
32 query_name
33 query_length
34 hit_name
35 hit_length
36 frac_identical_query
37 expect
38 )] );
40 my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new( -writer => $writer,
41 -file => ">searchio.out" );
43 while ( my $result = $in->next_result() ) {
44 $out->write_result($result, ($in->report_count - 1 ? 0 : 1) );
47 =head2 Custom Labels
49 You can also specify different column labels if you don't want to use
50 the defaults. Do this by specifying a C<-labels> hash reference
51 parameter when creating the HitTableWriter object. The keys of the
52 hash should be the column number (left-most column = 1) for the label(s)
53 you want to specify. Here's an example:
55 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter->new(
56 -columns => [qw( query_name
57 query_length
58 hit_name
59 hit_length )],
60 -labels => { 1 => 'QUERY_GI',
61 3 => 'HIT_IDENTIFIER' } );
66 Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter outputs summary data
67 for each Hit within a search result. Output is in tab-delimited format,
68 one row per Hit.
70 The reason why this is considered summary data is that if a hit
71 contains multiple HSPs, the HSPs will be tiled and
72 the data represents a summary across all HSPs.
73 See below for which columns are affected.
74 See the docs in L<Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit|Bio::Search::Hit::BlastHit>
75 for more details on HSP tiling.
77 =head2 Available Columns
79 Here are the columns that can be specified in the C<-columns>
80 parameter when creating a HitTableWriter object. If a C<-columns> parameter
81 is not specified, this list, in this order, will be used as the default.
83 query_name # Sequence identifier of the query.
84 query_length # Full length of the query sequence
85 hit_name # Sequence identifier of the hit
86 hit_length # Full length of the hit sequence
87 round # Round number for hit (PSI-BLAST)
88 expect # Expect value for the alignment
89 score # Score for the alignment (e.g., BLAST score)
90 bits # Bit score for the alignment
91 num_hsps # Number of HSPs (not the "N" value)
92 frac_identical_query* # fraction of identical substitutions in query
93 frac_identical_hit* # fraction of identical substitutions in hit
94 frac_conserved_query* # fraction of conserved substitutions in query
95 frac_conserved_hit* # fraction of conserved substitutions in hit
96 frac_aligned_query* # fraction of the query sequence that is aligned
97 frac_aligned_hit* # fraction of the hit sequence that is aligned
98 length_aln_query* # Length of the aligned portion of the query sequence
99 length_aln_hit* # Length of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
100 gaps_query* # Number of gap characters in the aligned query sequence
101 gaps_hit* # Number of gap characters in the aligned hit sequence
102 gaps_total* # Number of gap characters in the aligned query and hit sequences
103 start_query* # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
104 end_query* # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the query sequence
105 start_hit* # Starting coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
106 end_hit* # Ending coordinate of the aligned portion of the hit sequence
107 strand_query # Strand of the aligned query sequence
108 strand_hit # Strand of the aligned hit sequence
109 frame # Frame of the alignment (0,1,2)
110 ambiguous_aln # Ambiguous alignment indicator ('qs', 'q', 's')
111 hit_description # Full description of the hit sequence
112 query_description # Full description of the query sequence
113 rank # The rank order of the hit
114 num_hits # Number of hits for the query finding this hit
116 Items marked with a C<*> report data summed across all HSPs
117 after tiling them to avoid counting data from overlapping regions
118 multiple times.
120 For more details about these columns, see the documentation for the
121 corresponding method in Bio::Search::Result::BlastHit.
123 =head1 TODO
125 Figure out the best way to incorporate algorithm-specific score columns.
126 The best route is probably to have algorithm-specific subclasses
127 (e.g., BlastHitTableWriter, FastaHitTableWriter).
129 =head1 FEEDBACK
131 =head2 Mailing Lists
133 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
134 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
135 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
137 - General discussion
138 - About the mailing lists
140 =head2 Support
142 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
144 I<>
146 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
147 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
148 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
149 with code and data examples if at all possible.
151 =head2 Reporting Bugs
153 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
154 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
155 web:
159 =head1 AUTHOR
161 Steve Chervitz E<lt>sac@bioperl.orgE<gt>
163 See L<the FEEDBACK section | FEEDBACK> for where to send bug reports
164 and comments.
166 =head1 COPYRIGHT
168 Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Steve Chervitz. All Rights Reserved.
170 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
171 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
173 =head1 DISCLAIMER
175 This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
177 =head1 SEE ALSO
179 L<Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter>,
180 L<Bio::SearchIO::Writer::ResultTableWriter>
182 =head1 METHODS
184 =cut
186 package Bio::SearchIO::Writer::HitTableWriter;
188 use strict;
190 use base qw(Bio::SearchIO::Writer::ResultTableWriter);
193 # Array fields: column, object, method[/argument], printf format,
194 # column label Methods for result object are defined in
195 # Bio::Search::Result::ResultI. Methods for hit object are defined in
196 # Bio::Search::Hit::HitI. Tech note: If a bogus method is supplied,
197 # it will result in all values to be zero. Don't know why this is.
199 # TODO (maybe): Allow specification of separate mantissa/exponent for
200 # significance data.
202 my %column_map = (
203 'query_name' => ['1', 'result', 'query_name', 's', 'QUERY' ],
204 'query_length' => ['2', 'result', 'query_length', 'd', 'LEN_Q'],
205 'hit_name' => ['3', 'hit', 'name', 's', 'HIT'],
206 'hit_length' => ['4', 'hit', 'length', 'd', 'LEN_H'],
207 'round' => ['5', 'hit', 'iteration', 'd', 'ROUND'],
208 'expect' => ['6', 'hit', 'significance', '.1e', 'EXPCT'],
209 'score' => ['7', 'hit', 'raw_score', 'd', 'SCORE'],
210 'bits' => ['8', 'hit', 'bits', 'd', 'BITS'],
211 'num_hsps' => ['9', 'hit', 'num_hsps', 'd', 'HSPS'],
212 'frac_identical_query' => ['10', 'hit', 'frac_identical/query', '.2f', 'FR_IDQ'],
213 'frac_identical_hit' => ['11', 'hit', 'frac_identical/hit', '.2f', 'FR_IDH'],
214 'frac_conserved_query' => ['12', 'hit', 'frac_conserved/query', '.2f', 'FR_CNQ'],
215 'frac_conserved_hit' => ['13', 'hit', 'frac_conserved/hit', '.2f', 'FR_CNH'],
216 'frac_aligned_query' => ['14', 'hit', 'frac_aligned_query', '.2f', 'FR_ALQ'],
217 'frac_aligned_hit' => ['15', 'hit', 'frac_aligned_hit', '.2f', 'FR_ALH'],
218 'length_aln_query' => ['16', 'hit', 'length_aln/query', 'd', 'LN_ALQ'],
219 'length_aln_hit' => ['17', 'hit', 'length_aln/hit', 'd', 'LN_ALH'],
220 'gaps_query' => ['18', 'hit', 'gaps/query', 'd', 'GAPS_Q'],
221 'gaps_hit' => ['19', 'hit', 'gaps/hit', 'd', 'GAPS_H'],
222 'gaps_total' => ['20', 'hit', 'gaps/total', 'd', 'GAPS_QH'],
223 'start_query' => ['21', 'hit', 'start/query', 'd', 'START_Q'],
224 'end_query' => ['22', 'hit', 'end/query', 'd', 'END_Q'],
225 'start_hit' => ['23', 'hit', 'start/hit', 'd', 'START_H'],
226 'end_hit' => ['24', 'hit', 'end/hit', 'd', 'END_H'],
227 'strand_query' => ['25', 'hit', 'strand/query', 's', 'STRND_Q'],
228 'strand_hit' => ['26', 'hit', 'strand/hit', 's', 'STRND_H'],
229 'frame' => ['27', 'hit', 'frame', 'd', 'FRAME'],
230 'ambiguous_aln' => ['28', 'hit', 'ambiguous_aln', 's', 'AMBIG'],
231 'hit_description' => ['29', 'hit', 'description', 's', 'DESC_H'],
232 'query_description' => ['30', 'result', 'query_description', 's', 'DESC_Q'],
233 'rank' => ['31', 'hit', 'rank', 's', 'RANK'],
234 'num_hits' => ['32', 'result', 'num_hits', 's', 'NUM_HITS'],
237 sub column_map { return %column_map }
240 =head2 to_string()
242 Note: this method is not intended for direct use. The
243 SearchIO::write_result() method calls it automatically if the writer
244 is hooked up to a SearchIO object as illustrated in
245 L<the SYNOPSIS section | SYNOPSIS>.
247 Title : to_string()
249 Usage : print $writer->to_string( $result_obj, [$include_labels] );
251 Argument : $result_obj = A Bio::Search::Result::BlastResult object
252 : $include_labels = boolean, if true column labels are included (default: false)
254 Returns : String containing tab-delimited set of data for each hit
255 : in a BlastResult object. Some data is summed across multiple HSPs.
257 Throws : n/a
259 =cut
261 #----------------
262 sub to_string {
263 #----------------
264 my ($self, $result, $include_labels) = @_;
266 my $str = $include_labels ? $self->column_labels() : '';
267 my $func_ref = $self->row_data_func;
268 my $printf_fmt = $self->printf_fmt;
270 my ($resultfilter,$hitfilter) = ( $self->filter('RESULT'),
271 $self->filter('HIT') );
272 if( ! defined $resultfilter ||
273 &{$resultfilter}($result) ) {
274 $result->can('rewind') &&
275 $result->rewind(); # insure we're at the beginning
276 foreach my $hit($result->hits) {
277 next if( defined $hitfilter && ! &{$hitfilter}($hit));
278 my @row_data = map { defined $_ ? $_ : 0 } &{$func_ref}($result, $hit);
279 $str .= sprintf "$printf_fmt\n", @row_data;
282 $str =~ s/\t\n/\n/gs;
283 return $str;
286 =head2 end_report
288 Title : end_report
289 Usage : $self->end_report()
290 Function: The method to call when ending a report, this is
291 mostly for cleanup for formats which require you to
292 have something at the end of the document. Nothing for
293 a text message.
294 Returns : string
295 Args : none
297 =cut
299 sub end_report {
300 return '';
304 =head2 filter
306 Title : filter
307 Usage : $writer->filter('hsp', \&hsp_filter);
308 Function: Filter out either at HSP,Hit,or Result level
309 Returns : none
310 Args : string => data type,
311 CODE reference
314 =cut