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2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Ontology::GOterm
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Christian M. Zmasek <> or <>
8 # (c) Christian M. Zmasek,, 2002.
9 # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2002.
11 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself.
12 # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this
13 # software package, or see
14 # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module.
20 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
22 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
25 =head1 NAME
27 Bio::Ontology::GOterm - representation of GO terms
29 =head1 SYNOPSIS
31 $term = Bio::Ontology::GOterm->new
32 ( -go_id => "GO:0016847",
33 -name => "1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase",
34 -definition => "Catalysis of ...",
35 -is_obsolete => 0,
36 -comment => "" );
38 $term->add_definition_references( @refs );
39 $term->add_secondary_GO_ids( @ids );
40 $term->add_aliases( @aliases );
42 foreach my $dr ( $term->each_definition_reference() ) {
43 print $dr, "\n";
46 # etc.
50 This is "dumb" class for GO terms (it provides no functionality
51 related to graphs). Implements Bio::Ontology::TermI.
53 =head1 FEEDBACK
55 =head2 Mailing Lists
57 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
58 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
59 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
61 - General discussion
62 - About the mailing lists
64 =head2 Support
66 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
68 I<>
70 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
71 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
72 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
73 with code and data examples if at all possible.
75 =head2 Reporting Bugs
77 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
78 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web:
82 =head1 AUTHOR
84 Christian M. Zmasek
86 Email: or
88 WWW:
90 Address:
92 Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
93 10675 John Jay Hopkins Drive
94 San Diego, CA 92121
96 =head1 APPENDIX
98 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
99 methods.
101 =cut
104 # Let the code begin...
106 package Bio::Ontology::GOterm;
107 use strict;
109 use constant GOID_DEFAULT => "GO:0000000";
110 use constant TRUE => 1;
111 use constant FALSE => 0;
113 use base qw(Bio::Ontology::Term);
115 =head2 new
117 Title : new
118 Usage : $term = Bio::Ontology::GOterm->new(
119 -go_id => "GO:0016847",
120 -name => "1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase",
121 -definition => "Catalysis of ...",
122 -is_obsolete => 0,
123 -comment => "" );
124 Function: Creates a new Bio::Ontology::GOterm.
125 Returns : A new Bio::Ontology::GOterm object.
126 Args : -go_id => the goid of this GO term [GO:nnnnnnn]
127 or [nnnnnnn] (nnnnnnn is a zero-padded
128 integer of seven digits)
129 -name => the name of this GO term [scalar]
130 -definition => the definition of this GO term [scalar]
131 -ontology => the ontology for this term (a
132 Bio::Ontology::OntologyI compliant object)
133 -version => version information [scalar]
134 -is_obsolete => the obsoleteness of this GO term [0 or 1]
135 -comment => a comment [scalar]
137 =cut
139 sub new {
141 my( $class,@args ) = @_;
143 my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @args );
145 my ( $GO_id )
146 = $self->_rearrange( [ qw( GO_ID ) ], @args );
148 $GO_id && $self->GO_id( $GO_id );
151 return $self;
153 } # new
156 =head2 init
158 Title : init()
159 Usage : $term->init();
160 Function: Initializes this GOterm to all "" and empty lists.
161 Returns :
162 Args :
164 =cut
166 sub init {
168 my $self = shift;
170 # first call the inherited version to properly chain up the hierarchy
171 $self->SUPER::init(@_);
173 # then only initialize what we implement ourselves here
174 #$self->GO_id( GOID_DEFAULT );
176 } # init
179 =head2 GO_id
181 Title : GO_id
182 Usage : $term->GO_id( "GO:0003947" );
184 print $term->GO_id();
185 Function: Set/get for the goid of this GO term.
187 This is essentially an alias to identifier(), with added
188 format checking.
190 Returns : The goid [GO:nnnnnnn].
191 Args : The goid [GO:nnnnnnn] or [nnnnnnn] (nnnnnnn is a
192 zero-padded integer of seven digits) (optional).
194 =cut
196 sub GO_id {
197 my $self = shift;
198 my $value;
200 if ( @_ ) {
201 $value = $self->_check_go_id( shift );
202 unshift(@_, $value);
205 return $self->identifier( @_ );
207 } # GO_id
210 =head2 get_secondary_GO_ids
212 Title : get_secondary_GO_ids
213 Usage : @ids = $term->get_secondary_GO_ids();
214 Function: Returns a list of secondary goids of this Term.
216 This is aliased to remove_secondary_ids().
218 Returns : A list of secondary goids [array of [GO:nnnnnnn]]
219 (nnnnnnn is a zero-padded integer of seven digits).
220 Args :
222 =cut
224 sub get_secondary_GO_ids {
225 return shift->get_secondary_ids(@_);
226 } # get_secondary_GO_ids
229 =head2 add_secondary_GO_id
231 Title : add_secondary_GO_id
232 Usage : $term->add_secondary_GO_id( @ids );
234 $term->add_secondary_GO_id( $id );
235 Function: Pushes one or more secondary goids into
236 the list of secondary goids.
238 This is aliased to remove_secondary_ids().
240 Returns :
241 Args : One secondary goid [GO:nnnnnnn or nnnnnnn] or a list
242 of secondary goids [array of [GO:nnnnnnn or nnnnnnn]]
243 (nnnnnnn is a zero-padded integer of seven digits).
245 =cut
247 sub add_secondary_GO_id {
248 return shift->add_secondary_id(@_);
249 } # add_secondary_GO_id
252 =head2 remove_secondary_GO_ids
254 Title : remove_secondary_GO_ids()
255 Usage : $term->remove_secondary_GO_ids();
256 Function: Deletes (and returns) the secondary goids of this Term.
258 This is aliased to remove_secondary_ids().
260 Returns : A list of secondary goids [array of [GO:nnnnnnn]]
261 (nnnnnnn is a zero-padded integer of seven digits).
262 Args :
264 =cut
266 sub remove_secondary_GO_ids {
267 return shift->remove_secondary_ids(@_);
268 } # remove_secondary_GO_ids
271 =head2 to_string
273 Title : to_string()
274 Usage : print $term->to_string();
275 Function: to_string method for GO terms.
276 Returns : A string representation of this GOterm.
277 Args :
279 =cut
281 sub to_string {
282 my( $self ) = @_;
284 my $s = "";
286 $s .= "-- GO id:\n";
287 $s .= ($self->GO_id() || '')."\n";
288 $s .= "-- Name:\n";
289 $s .= ($self->name() || '') ."\n";
290 $s .= "-- Definition:\n";
291 $s .= ($self->definition() || '') ."\n";
292 $s .= "-- Category:\n";
293 if ( defined( $self->ontology() ) ) {
294 $s .= $self->ontology()->name()."\n";
296 else {
297 $s .= "\n";
299 $s .= "-- Version:\n";
300 $s .= ($self->version() || '') ."\n";
301 $s .= "-- Is obsolete:\n";
302 $s .= $self->is_obsolete()."\n";
303 $s .= "-- Comment:\n";
304 $s .= ($self->comment() || '') ."\n";
305 $s .= "-- Definition references:\n";
306 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->get_dbxrefs() )."\n";
307 $s .= "-- Secondary GO ids:\n";
308 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->get_secondary_GO_ids() )."\n";
309 $s .= "-- Aliases:\n";
310 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->get_synonyms() );
312 return $s;
314 } # to_string
319 # Title : _check_go_id
320 # Function: Checks whether the argument is [GO:nnnnnnn].
321 # If "GO:" is not present, it adds it.
322 # Returns : The canonical GO id.
323 # Args : The value to be checked.
324 sub _check_go_id {
325 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
326 unless ( $value =~ /^(GO:)?\d{7}$/ || $value eq GOID_DEFAULT ) {
327 $self->throw( "Found [" . $value
328 . "] where [GO:nnnnnnn] or [nnnnnnn] expected" );
330 unless ( $value =~ /^GO:/ ) {
331 $value = "GO:".$value;
333 return $value;
334 } # _check_go_id
338 # Title : _array_to_string
339 # Function:
340 # Returns :
341 # Args :
342 sub _array_to_string {
343 my( $self, @value ) = @_;
345 my $s = "";
347 for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @value ); ++$i ) {
348 if ( ! ref( $value[ $i ] ) ) {
349 $s .= "#" . $i . "\n-- " . $value[ $i ] . "\n";
353 return $s;
355 } # _array_to_string
357 #################################################################
358 # aliases or forwards to maintain backward compatibility
359 #################################################################
361 *each_secondary_GO_id = \&get_secondary_GO_ids;
362 *add_secondary_GO_ids = \&add_secondary_GO_id;