Merge remote-tracking branch 'multiwii/master'
[betaflight.git] / src / mw.c
1 #include <stdbool.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <stdint.h>
4 #include <math.h>
6 #include "platform.h"
8 #include "common/maths.h"
9 #include "common/axis.h"
11 #include "drivers/accgyro_common.h"
12 #include "drivers/light_ledring.h"
13 #include "drivers/light_led.h"
14 #include "drivers/gpio_common.h"
15 #include "drivers/system_common.h"
16 #include "drivers/serial_common.h"
18 #include "boardalignment.h"
19 #include "battery.h"
20 #include "buzzer.h"
21 #include "escservo.h"
22 #include "failsafe.h"
23 #include "flight_imu.h"
24 #include "flight_common.h"
25 #include "flight_mixer.h"
26 #include "gimbal.h"
27 #include "gps_common.h"
28 #include "sensors_common.h"
29 #include "sensors_sonar.h"
30 #include "sensors_compass.h"
31 #include "sensors_acceleration.h"
32 #include "sensors_barometer.h"
33 #include "sensors_gyro.h"
34 #include "serial_cli.h"
35 #include "serial_common.h"
36 #include "statusindicator.h"
37 #include "rc_controls.h"
38 #include "rc_curves.h"
39 #include "rx_common.h"
40 #include "telemetry_common.h"
42 #include "runtime_config.h"
43 #include "config.h"
44 #include "config_profile.h"
45 #include "config_master.h"
47 // June 2013 V2.2-dev
49 enum {
50 ALIGN_GYRO = 0,
52 ALIGN_MAG = 2
55 /* for VBAT monitoring frequency */
56 #define VBATFREQ 6 // to read battery voltage - nth number of loop iterations
58 int16_t debug[4];
59 uint32_t currentTime = 0;
60 uint32_t previousTime = 0;
61 uint16_t cycleTime = 0; // this is the number in micro second to achieve a full loop, it can differ a little and is taken into account in the PID loop
62 int16_t headFreeModeHold;
64 int16_t telemTemperature1; // gyro sensor temperature
66 uint16_t rssi; // range: [0;1023]
68 extern uint8_t dynP8[3], dynI8[3], dynD8[3];
69 extern failsafe_t *failsafe;
71 typedef void (* pidControllerFuncPtr)(pidProfile_t *pidProfile, controlRateConfig_t *controlRateConfig, uint16_t max_angle_inclination, rollAndPitchTrims_t *accelerometerTrims);
73 extern pidControllerFuncPtr pid_controller;
75 // Automatic ACC Offset Calibration
76 bool AccInflightCalibrationArmed = false;
77 bool AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = false;
78 bool AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = false;
79 bool AccInflightCalibrationActive = false;
80 uint16_t InflightcalibratingA = 0;
82 void annexCode(void)
84 static uint32_t calibratedAccTime;
85 int32_t tmp, tmp2;
86 int32_t axis, prop1, prop2;
88 static uint8_t batteryWarningEnabled = false;
90 static uint8_t vbatTimer = 0;
92 // PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt, depending on throttle value
93 if (rcData[THROTTLE] < currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint) {
94 prop2 = 100;
95 } else {
96 if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) {
97 prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.dynThrPID * (rcData[THROTTLE] - currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint) / (2000 - currentProfile.tpa_breakpoint);
98 } else {
99 prop2 = 100 - currentProfile.dynThrPID;
103 for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
104 tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis] - masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc), 500);
105 if (axis != 2) { // ROLL & PITCH
106 if (currentProfile.deadband) {
107 if (tmp > currentProfile.deadband) {
108 tmp -= currentProfile.deadband;
109 } else {
110 tmp = 0;
114 tmp2 = tmp / 100;
115 rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2]) / 100;
116 prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.controlRateConfig.rollPitchRate * tmp / 500;
117 prop1 = (uint16_t)prop1 * prop2 / 100;
118 } else { // YAW
119 if (currentProfile.yaw_deadband) {
120 if (tmp > currentProfile.yaw_deadband) {
121 tmp -= currentProfile.yaw_deadband;
122 } else {
123 tmp = 0;
126 rcCommand[axis] = tmp * -masterConfig.yaw_control_direction;
127 prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t)currentProfile.controlRateConfig.yawRate * abs(tmp) / 500;
129 dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.P8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
130 dynI8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.I8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
131 dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t)currentProfile.pidProfile.D8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
132 if (rcData[axis] < masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc)
133 rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis];
136 tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck, PWM_RANGE_MAX);
137 tmp = (uint32_t)(tmp - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck) * PWM_RANGE_MIN / (PWM_RANGE_MAX - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck); // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000]
138 tmp2 = tmp / 100;
139 rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 100; // [0;1000] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]
141 if (f.HEADFREE_MODE) {
142 float radDiff = degreesToRadians(heading - headFreeModeHold);
143 float cosDiff = cosf(radDiff);
144 float sinDiff = sinf(radDiff);
145 int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff;
146 rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff;
147 rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH;
150 if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) {
151 if (!(++vbatTimer % VBATFREQ)) {
152 updateBatteryVoltage();
154 batteryWarningEnabled = shouldSoundBatteryAlarm();
158 buzzer(batteryWarningEnabled); // external buzzer routine that handles buzzer events globally now
160 if ((!isAccelerationCalibrationComplete() && sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) || (!isGyroCalibrationComplete())) { // Calibration phasis
162 } else {
164 LED0_OFF;
165 if (f.ARMED)
166 LED0_ON;
168 checkTelemetryState();
171 #ifdef LEDRING
172 if (feature(FEATURE_LED_RING)) {
173 static uint32_t LEDTime;
174 if ((int32_t)(currentTime - LEDTime) >= 0) {
175 LEDTime = currentTime + 50000;
176 ledringState(f.ARMED, angle[AI_PITCH], angle[AI_ROLL]);
179 #endif
181 if ((int32_t)(currentTime - calibratedAccTime) >= 0) {
182 if (!f.SMALL_ANGLE) {
183 f.ACC_CALIBRATED = 0; // the multi uses ACC and is not calibrated or is too much inclinated
185 calibratedAccTime = currentTime + 500000;
186 } else {
191 handleSerial();
193 if (!cliMode && feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY)) {
194 handleTelemetry();
197 if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
198 updateGpsIndicator(currentTime);
201 // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities.
202 if (gyro.temperature)
203 gyro.temperature(&telemTemperature1);
204 else {
205 // TODO MCU temp
209 static void mwArm(void)
211 if (isGyroCalibrationComplete() && f.ACC_CALIBRATED) {
212 // TODO: feature(FEATURE_FAILSAFE) && failsafeCnt < 2
213 // TODO: && ( !feature || ( feature && ( failsafecnt > 2) )
214 if (!f.ARMED) { // arm now!
215 f.ARMED = 1;
216 headFreeModeHold = heading;
218 } else if (!f.ARMED) {
219 blinkLedAndSoundBeeper(2, 255, 1);
223 static void mwVario(void)
228 void loop(void)
230 static uint8_t rcDelayCommand; // this indicates the number of time (multiple of RC measurement at 50Hz) the sticks must be maintained to run or switch off motors
231 static uint8_t rcSticks; // this hold sticks position for command combos
232 uint8_t stTmp = 0;
233 int i;
234 static uint32_t rcTime = 0;
235 #ifdef BARO
236 static int16_t initialThrottleHold;
237 #endif
238 static uint32_t loopTime;
239 uint16_t auxState = 0;
240 bool isThrottleLow = false;
241 bool rcReady = false;
243 // calculate rc stuff from serial-based receivers (spek/sbus)
244 if (feature(FEATURE_SERIALRX)) {
245 rcReady = isSerialRxFrameComplete(&masterConfig.rxConfig);
248 if (((int32_t)(currentTime - rcTime) >= 0) || rcReady) { // 50Hz or data driven
249 rcReady = false;
250 rcTime = currentTime + 20000;
251 computeRC(&masterConfig.rxConfig, &rxRuntimeConfig);
253 // in 3D mode, we need to be able to disarm by switch at any time
254 if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
255 if (!rcOptions[BOXARM])
256 mwDisarm();
259 // Read value of AUX channel as rssi
260 // 0 is disable, 1-4 is AUX{1..4}
261 if (masterConfig.rssi_aux_channel > 0) {
262 const int16_t rssiChannelData = rcData[AUX1 + masterConfig.rssi_aux_channel - 1];
263 // Range of rssiChannelData is [1000;2000]. rssi should be in [0;1023];
264 rssi = (uint16_t)((constrain(rssiChannelData - 1000, 0, 1000) / 1000.0f) * 1023.0f);
267 if (feature(FEATURE_FAILSAFE)) {
268 failsafe->vTable->updateState();
271 // ------------------ STICKS COMMAND HANDLER --------------------
272 // checking sticks positions
273 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
274 stTmp >>= 2;
275 if (rcData[i] > masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck)
276 stTmp |= 0x80; // check for MIN
277 if (rcData[i] < masterConfig.rxConfig.maxcheck)
278 stTmp |= 0x40; // check for MAX
280 if (stTmp == rcSticks) {
281 if (rcDelayCommand < 250)
282 rcDelayCommand++;
283 } else
284 rcDelayCommand = 0;
285 rcSticks = stTmp;
287 // perform actions
288 if (feature(FEATURE_3D) && (rcData[THROTTLE] > (masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc - masterConfig.flight3DConfig.deadband3d_throttle) && rcData[THROTTLE] < (masterConfig.rxConfig.midrc + masterConfig.flight3DConfig.deadband3d_throttle)))
289 isThrottleLow = true;
290 else if (!feature(FEATURE_3D) && (rcData[THROTTLE] < masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck))
291 isThrottleLow = true;
292 if (isThrottleLow) {
293 resetErrorAngle();
294 resetErrorGyro();
295 if (currentProfile.activate[BOXARM] > 0) { // Arming/Disarming via ARM BOX
296 if (rcOptions[BOXARM] && f.OK_TO_ARM)
297 mwArm();
298 else if (f.ARMED)
299 mwDisarm();
303 if (rcDelayCommand == 20) {
304 if (f.ARMED) { // actions during armed
305 // Disarm on throttle down + yaw
306 if (currentProfile.activate[BOXARM] == 0 && (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_CE + ROL_CE))
307 mwDisarm();
308 // Disarm on roll (only when retarded_arm is enabled)
309 if (masterConfig.retarded_arm && currentProfile.activate[BOXARM] == 0 && (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_CE + PIT_CE + ROL_LO))
310 mwDisarm();
311 } else { // actions during not armed
312 i = 0;
313 // GYRO calibration
314 if (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_LO + ROL_CE) {
315 gyroSetCalibrationCycles(CALIBRATING_GYRO_CYCLES);
316 if (feature(FEATURE_GPS))
317 GPS_reset_home_position();
318 #ifdef BARO
319 if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO))
320 baroSetCalibrationCycles(10); // calibrate baro to new ground level (10 * 25 ms = ~250 ms non blocking)
321 #endif
322 if (!sensors(SENSOR_MAG))
323 heading = 0; // reset heading to zero after gyro calibration
324 // Inflight ACC Calibration
325 } else if (feature(FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL) && (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_HI + ROL_HI)) {
326 if (AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone) { // trigger saving into eeprom after landing
327 AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = false;
328 AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = true;
329 } else {
330 AccInflightCalibrationArmed = !AccInflightCalibrationArmed;
331 if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed) {
332 queueConfirmationBeep(2);
333 } else {
334 queueConfirmationBeep(3);
339 // Multiple configuration profiles
340 if (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_CE + ROL_LO) // ROLL left -> Profile 1
341 i = 1;
342 else if (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_HI + ROL_CE) // PITCH up -> Profile 2
343 i = 2;
344 else if (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_LO + PIT_CE + ROL_HI) // ROLL right -> Profile 3
345 i = 3;
346 if (i) {
347 masterConfig.current_profile_index = i - 1;
348 writeEEPROM();
349 readEEPROM();
350 blinkLedAndSoundBeeper(2, 40, i);
351 // TODO alarmArray[0] = i;
354 // Arm via YAW
355 if (currentProfile.activate[BOXARM] == 0 && (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_HI + PIT_CE + ROL_CE))
356 mwArm();
357 // Arm via ROLL
358 else if (masterConfig.retarded_arm && currentProfile.activate[BOXARM] == 0 && (rcSticks == THR_LO + YAW_CE + PIT_CE + ROL_HI))
359 mwArm();
360 // Calibrating Acc
361 else if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_LO + PIT_LO + ROL_CE)
362 accSetCalibrationCycles(CALIBRATING_ACC_CYCLES);
363 // Calibrating Mag
364 else if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_HI + PIT_LO + ROL_CE)
365 f.CALIBRATE_MAG = 1;
366 i = 0;
367 // Acc Trim
368 if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_CE + PIT_HI + ROL_CE) {
369 currentProfile.accelerometerTrims.trims.pitch += 2;
370 i = 1;
371 } else if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_CE + PIT_LO + ROL_CE) {
372 currentProfile.accelerometerTrims.trims.pitch -= 2;
373 i = 1;
374 } else if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_CE + PIT_CE + ROL_HI) {
375 currentProfile.accelerometerTrims.trims.roll += 2;
376 i = 1;
377 } else if (rcSticks == THR_HI + YAW_CE + PIT_CE + ROL_LO) {
378 currentProfile.accelerometerTrims.trims.roll -= 2;
379 i = 1;
381 if (i) {
382 copyCurrentProfileToProfileSlot(masterConfig.current_profile_index);
383 writeEEPROM();
384 readEEPROMAndNotify();
385 rcDelayCommand = 0; // allow autorepetition
390 if (feature(FEATURE_INFLIGHT_ACC_CAL)) {
391 if (AccInflightCalibrationArmed && f.ARMED && rcData[THROTTLE] > masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck && !rcOptions[BOXARM]) { // Copter is airborne and you are turning it off via boxarm : start measurement
392 InflightcalibratingA = 50;
393 AccInflightCalibrationArmed = false;
395 if (rcOptions[BOXCALIB]) { // Use the Calib Option to activate : Calib = TRUE Meausrement started, Land and Calib = 0 measurement stored
396 if (!AccInflightCalibrationActive && !AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone)
397 InflightcalibratingA = 50;
398 AccInflightCalibrationActive = true;
399 } else if (AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone && !f.ARMED) {
400 AccInflightCalibrationMeasurementDone = false;
401 AccInflightCalibrationSavetoEEProm = true;
405 // Check AUX switches
406 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
407 auxState |= (rcData[AUX1 + i] < 1300) << (3 * i) | (1300 < rcData[AUX1 + i] && rcData[AUX1 + i] < 1700) << (3 * i + 1) | (rcData[AUX1 + i] > 1700) << (3 * i + 2);
408 for (i = 0; i < CHECKBOX_ITEM_COUNT; i++)
409 rcOptions[i] = (auxState & currentProfile.activate[i]) > 0;
411 if ((rcOptions[BOXANGLE] || (feature(FEATURE_FAILSAFE) && failsafe->vTable->hasTimerElapsed())) && (sensors(SENSOR_ACC))) {
412 // bumpless transfer to Level mode
413 if (!f.ANGLE_MODE) {
414 resetErrorAngle();
415 f.ANGLE_MODE = 1;
417 } else {
418 f.ANGLE_MODE = 0; // failsafe support
421 if (rcOptions[BOXHORIZON]) {
422 f.ANGLE_MODE = 0;
423 if (!f.HORIZON_MODE) {
424 resetErrorAngle();
425 f.HORIZON_MODE = 1;
427 } else {
428 f.HORIZON_MODE = 0;
431 if ((rcOptions[BOXARM]) == 0)
432 f.OK_TO_ARM = 1;
433 if (f.ANGLE_MODE || f.HORIZON_MODE) {
434 LED1_ON;
435 } else {
436 LED1_OFF;
439 #ifdef BARO
440 if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) {
441 // Baro alt hold activate
442 if (rcOptions[BOXBARO]) {
443 if (!f.BARO_MODE) {
444 f.BARO_MODE = 1;
445 AltHold = EstAlt;
446 initialThrottleHold = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
447 errorAltitudeI = 0;
448 BaroPID = 0;
450 } else {
451 f.BARO_MODE = 0;
453 // Vario signalling activate
454 if (feature(FEATURE_VARIO)) {
455 if (rcOptions[BOXVARIO]) {
456 if (!f.VARIO_MODE) {
457 f.VARIO_MODE = 1;
459 } else {
460 f.VARIO_MODE = 0;
464 #endif
466 #ifdef MAG
467 if (sensors(SENSOR_ACC) || sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
468 if (rcOptions[BOXMAG]) {
469 if (!f.MAG_MODE) {
470 f.MAG_MODE = 1;
471 magHold = heading;
473 } else {
474 f.MAG_MODE = 0;
476 if (rcOptions[BOXHEADFREE]) {
477 if (!f.HEADFREE_MODE) {
478 f.HEADFREE_MODE = 1;
480 } else {
481 f.HEADFREE_MODE = 0;
483 if (rcOptions[BOXHEADADJ]) {
484 headFreeModeHold = heading; // acquire new heading
487 #endif
489 if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
490 updateGpsWaypointsAndMode();
493 if (rcOptions[BOXPASSTHRU]) {
494 f.PASSTHRU_MODE = 1;
495 } else {
496 f.PASSTHRU_MODE = 0;
499 if (masterConfig.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_FLYING_WING || masterConfig.mixerConfiguration == MULTITYPE_AIRPLANE) {
500 f.HEADFREE_MODE = 0;
502 } else { // not in rc loop
503 static int taskOrder = 0; // never call all function in the same loop, to avoid high delay spikes
504 switch (taskOrder) {
505 case 0:
506 taskOrder++;
507 #ifdef MAG
508 if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG) && compassGetADC(&masterConfig.magZero))
509 break;
510 #endif
511 case 1:
512 taskOrder++;
513 #ifdef BARO
514 if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO) && baroUpdate(currentTime) != BAROMETER_ACTION_NOT_READY)
515 break;
516 #endif
517 case 2:
518 taskOrder++;
519 #ifdef BARO
520 if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO) && getEstimatedAltitude())
521 break;
522 #endif
523 case 3:
524 // if GPS feature is enabled, gpsThread() will be called at some intervals to check for stuck
525 // hardware, wrong baud rates, init GPS if needed, etc. Don't use SENSOR_GPS here as gpsThread() can and will
526 // change this based on available hardware
527 taskOrder++;
528 if (feature(FEATURE_GPS)) {
529 gpsThread();
530 break;
532 case 4:
533 taskOrder = 0;
534 #ifdef SONAR
535 if (sensors(SENSOR_SONAR)) {
536 Sonar_update();
538 #endif
539 if (feature(FEATURE_VARIO) && f.VARIO_MODE)
540 mwVario();
541 break;
545 currentTime = micros();
546 if (masterConfig.looptime == 0 || (int32_t)(currentTime - loopTime) >= 0) {
547 loopTime = currentTime + masterConfig.looptime;
549 computeIMU();
550 annexCode();
551 // Measure loop rate just afer reading the sensors
552 currentTime = micros();
553 cycleTime = (int32_t)(currentTime - previousTime);
554 previousTime = currentTime;
556 #ifdef MAG
557 if (sensors(SENSOR_MAG)) {
558 if (abs(rcCommand[YAW]) < 70 && f.MAG_MODE) {
559 int16_t dif = heading - magHold;
560 if (dif <= -180)
561 dif += 360;
562 if (dif >= +180)
563 dif -= 360;
564 dif *= -masterConfig.yaw_control_direction;
565 if (f.SMALL_ANGLE)
566 rcCommand[YAW] -= dif * currentProfile.pidProfile.P8[PIDMAG] / 30; // 18 deg
567 } else
568 magHold = heading;
570 #endif
572 #ifdef BARO
573 if (sensors(SENSOR_BARO)) {
574 if (f.BARO_MODE) {
575 static uint8_t isAltHoldChanged = 0;
576 static int16_t AltHoldCorr = 0;
577 if (!f.FIXED_WING) {
578 // multirotor alt hold
579 if (currentProfile.alt_hold_fast_change) {
580 // rapid alt changes
581 if (abs(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > currentProfile.alt_hold_throttle_neutral) {
582 errorAltitudeI = 0;
583 isAltHoldChanged = 1;
584 rcCommand[THROTTLE] += (rcCommand[THROTTLE] > initialThrottleHold) ? -currentProfile.alt_hold_throttle_neutral : currentProfile.alt_hold_throttle_neutral;
585 } else {
586 if (isAltHoldChanged) {
587 AltHold = EstAlt;
588 isAltHoldChanged = 0;
590 rcCommand[THROTTLE] = constrain(initialThrottleHold + BaroPID, masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.minthrottle + 100, masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.maxthrottle);
592 } else {
593 // slow alt changes for apfags
594 if (abs(rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold) > currentProfile.alt_hold_throttle_neutral) {
595 // Slowly increase/decrease AltHold proportional to stick movement ( +100 throttle gives ~ +50 cm in 1 second with cycle time about 3-4ms)
596 AltHoldCorr += rcCommand[THROTTLE] - initialThrottleHold;
597 AltHold += AltHoldCorr / 2000;
598 AltHoldCorr %= 2000;
599 isAltHoldChanged = 1;
600 } else if (isAltHoldChanged) {
601 AltHold = EstAlt;
602 AltHoldCorr = 0;
603 isAltHoldChanged = 0;
605 rcCommand[THROTTLE] = constrain(initialThrottleHold + BaroPID, masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.minthrottle + 100, masterConfig.escAndServoConfig.maxthrottle);
607 } else {
608 // handle fixedwing-related althold. UNTESTED! and probably wrong
609 // most likely need to check changes on pitch channel and 'reset' althold similar to
610 // how throttle does it on multirotor
611 rcCommand[PITCH] += BaroPID * masterConfig.fixedwing_althold_dir;
615 #endif
617 if (currentProfile.throttle_correction_value && (f.ANGLE_MODE || f.HORIZON_MODE)) {
618 rcCommand[THROTTLE] += throttleAngleCorrection;
621 if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
622 if ((f.GPS_HOME_MODE || f.GPS_HOLD_MODE) && f.GPS_FIX_HOME) {
623 updateGpsStateForHomeAndHoldMode();
627 // PID - note this is function pointer set by setPIDController()
628 pid_controller(&currentProfile.pidProfile, &currentProfile.controlRateConfig, masterConfig.max_angle_inclination, &currentProfile.accelerometerTrims);
630 mixTable();
631 writeServos();
632 writeMotors();