From fb35bd1b7753063c936d23b14c24cf670a17f392 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2013 17:00:05 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2013-07-03.log | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 264 insertions(+) diff --git a/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log b/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log index aef0f760b..0cee6a021 100644 --- a/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log +++ b/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log @@ -2199,3 +2199,267 @@
  • [20:54:34] <m_billybob> exosyst, well i belive theres been talk on the beagleboard google groups about interrupts( for sure regarding the PRU ) but yeah, I dont normally read all that post per post
  • [20:56:20] * jj2baile_ is now known as jj2baile
  • [20:58:17] * diamant_ (ada28939@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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  • [21:00:44] <exosyst> m_billybob, yeah I read about that a few minutes ago. People want there interrupts dammit haha. - if I can get it I'll be using it to fire a USB rocket launcher mwahaha
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  • [21:01:21] <_av500_> yeah, usb interrupts often
  • +
  • [21:01:38] <mranostay> _av500_: more than Kayne?
  • +
  • [21:01:50] <m_billybob> exosyst, I understadn what you're trying to do. But cant help but wodner "why?" when sysfs would work jus tfine too
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  • [21:01:55] <exosyst> _av500_, yeah, but they want a button to press for FIRE!!
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  • [21:02:19] <mranostay> why do you need the PRU for that?
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  • [21:02:24] <m_billybob> wow typo central here.
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  • [21:02:39] * zigmoo ( Quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.)
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  • [21:03:19] <exosyst> m_billybob, sysfs is great and all but it's a device drivers course. These guys are gonna have piece of hardware connected at a memory location and want to know how to drive a line and get an interrupt off it. I don't want to use SYSFS or anything *too* beaglebone specific where I can as the delegates are gonna have radically different kernels and hardware setups
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  • [21:03:40] <_av500_> mranostay: hey, this being drunk is nice...
  • +
  • [21:04:34] <_av500_> why is sysfs beagle specific?
  • +
  • [21:04:40] <_av500_> my intel PC has it too
  • +
  • [21:04:45] <_av500_> intel yay
  • +
  • [21:04:59] <panto> there's nothing beaglebone specific in the last kernel
  • +
  • [21:05:06] <panto> besides the capemgr
  • +
  • [21:05:12] <panto> everything else is generic
  • +
  • [21:05:19] <_av500_> board_generic.c
  • +
  • [21:05:28] <m_billybob> exosyst, maybe im wrong, but yeah I think a kernel driver is going to be less abstract compared to sysfs
  • +
  • [21:05:53] <m_billybob> err i worded that wrong
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  • [21:05:56] * bradfa (~bradfa@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  • [21:06:34] <m_billybob> I think having a kernel module would be more differcult to deal with across "multi platform" or distro's if you like
  • +
  • [21:06:55] <_av500_> multi platform?
  • +
  • [21:07:02] <_av500_> what other platform?
  • +
  • [21:07:28] <_av500_> from a distro pov, sysfs or kernel module is the same
  • +
  • [21:07:36] <_av500_> both is compiling a kernel
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  • [21:08:04] <m_billybob> yeah I suppose that is true. I guess im thinking more of dtc
  • +
  • [21:08:13] * m_billybob is still learnign too
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  • [21:08:17] <exosyst> you guys are really giving me a hard time huh ;) - m_billybob, these aren't typically multiplatforms. They'll have, as an example, a dedicated piece of radio equipment that connects into their SoC and want to be able to get at the interrupts and drive it
  • +
  • [21:08:30] <_av500_> connect how?
  • +
  • [21:08:40] <_av500_> a gpio?
  • +
  • [21:08:57] <m_billybob> exosyst, not really giving you a hard time, just trying ot udnerstand is all
  • +
  • [21:09:10] <m_billybob> to understand.
  • +
  • [21:09:24] <exosyst> _av500_, ARM so memory mapped IO. Not SPI, I2C or anything useful at all.
  • +
  • [21:09:25] <_av500_> and who is "they"?
  • +
  • [21:09:33] <_av500_> "they" they?
  • +
  • [21:09:37] <_av500_> or the other "they"?
  • +
  • [21:09:42] <_av500_> *they*
  • +
  • [21:09:49] <_av500_> *_THEY_*
  • +
  • [21:09:51] <exosyst> _av500_, The students I get in are from a broad spectrum of companies... THEY ARE THEY! :D
  • +
  • [21:09:51] <m_billybob> them ;)
  • +
  • [21:10:03] <_av500_> hey, I am THEY too
  • +
  • [21:10:10] <_av500_> and so is my wife
  • +
  • [21:10:18] <_av500_> WE ARE ALL THEY
  • +
  • [21:10:24] <exosyst> yes yeah, and we're all legion.... So about my interrupting switch?
  • +
  • [21:10:28] <exosyst> :D
  • +
  • [21:10:35] <_av500_> yes, ask that one again
  • +
  • [21:10:41] <_av500_> I missed it between beers
  • +
  • [21:10:43] <m_billybob> lol
  • +
  • [21:10:55] <KotH> _av500_: you should leave the beer to mranostay
  • +
  • [21:11:07] <_av500_> he got me hooked
  • +
  • [21:11:13] <KotH> _av500_: you are neither 20 nor is your liver trained!
  • +
  • [21:11:57] <_av500_> this one says: strawberry vanilla german fizzy bubble organic microbrewed whole grain light beeer
  • +
  • [21:12:06] <_av500_> (made in china)
  • +
  • [21:12:10] <m_billybob> lol
  • +
  • [21:12:11] <_av500_> it must be good, no?
  • +
  • [21:12:14] <KotH> mranostay: now, you shouldnt get other people addicted to your drugs! that's not nice!
  • +
  • [21:12:40] <_av500_> even the voices stopped
  • +
  • [21:12:43] <KotH> _av500_: cream and chocolate is missing
  • +
  • [21:12:56] <_av500_> KotH: that was in the other bottle
  • +
  • [21:13:02] <_av500_> its a binary thing
  • +
  • [21:13:07] <KotH> and you didnt mix them?
  • +
  • [21:13:13] <kfoltman> KotH: that would be too JIHAD!
  • +
  • [21:13:14] <KotH> how un-usian of you!
  • +
  • [21:13:32] <_av500_> I had each in one show
  • +
  • [21:13:35] * _roger_ (~a0740758@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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  • [21:13:41] <kfoltman> one shoe?
  • +
  • [21:13:41] * KotH hits kfoltman for the wrong use of the word JIHAD
  • +
  • [21:13:46] <_av500_> but TSA made me take them off
  • +
  • [21:13:46] <_av500_> shoe
  • +
  • [21:13:48] <kfoltman> KotH: is there a right use?
  • +
  • [21:13:54] <KotH> ofc!
  • +
  • [21:14:01] * exosyst (~nick@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  • [21:14:05] <_av500_> KotH: btw, egypt is doing an anti-jihad
  • +
  • [21:14:13] <kfoltman> about time, perhaps
  • +
  • [21:14:45] <kfoltman> too bad the choice is between military coup and religious nuts
  • +
  • [21:14:47] <KotH> _av500_: actually, they are rebelling against a US founded government, so in a way, it's the right JIHAD
  • +
  • [21:15:12] <_av500_> KotH: wasnt the previous one US funded too?
  • +
  • [21:15:18] * dah-le ( Quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 24.3.1)
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  • [21:15:19] <_av500_> maybe they have a subscription
  • +
  • [21:15:22] <KotH> they all are
  • +
  • [21:15:28] <_av500_> and military tends to be US funded too
  • +
  • [21:15:32] <_av500_> turltes
  • +
  • [21:15:36] <_av500_> all the way down
  • +
  • [21:15:36] <mru> morsi was allegedly elected a couple of years ago
  • +
  • [21:15:45] <KotH> nobody in the middle east came to power without a subscription to usian kool aid
  • +
  • [21:15:46] <_av500_> the shadows looked fake
  • +
  • [21:16:05] <_av500_> mru: wasnt he elected on twitter?
  • +
  • [21:16:14] <_av500_> or was it FB likes
  • +
  • [21:16:22] <_av500_> arab spring 2.0
  • +
  • [21:16:44] <mru> well, now he's been unfriended
  • +
  • [21:16:53] <_av500_> blocked and reported
  • +
  • [21:17:12] <kfoltman> and sent to PRISM
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  • [21:19:57] * johnmilton ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  • [21:20:54] <_av500_> PRISON
  • +
  • [21:21:14] <kfoltman> _av500_: funny how they sound so similar, eh?
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  • [21:21:29] * MattRichardson ( has joined #beaglebone
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  • [21:22:17] <panto> PRISMON
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  • [21:23:24] <mru> cameras have a pantoprison
  • +
  • [21:23:27] <mru> err, pentaprism
  • +
  • [21:23:59] <mranostay> usa all things :)
  • +
  • [21:24:02] * mranostay ducks
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  • [21:24:19] <kfoltman> abusa
  • +
  • [21:25:22] <mranostay> KotH: good thing we in the US are always right :P
  • +
  • [21:25:37] <kfoltman> -wing
  • +
  • [21:26:24] <_av500_> -eous
  • +
  • [21:27:00] <m_billybob> heh
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  • [21:28:03] <panto> mdp, are you here?
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  • [21:28:09] * prpplague ( has joined #beagle
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  • [21:28:42] <mranostay> someone is a-asking for a-bombing :P
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  • [21:29:13] * pbrilu (ac0b19c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #beagle
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  • [21:29:21] <MattRichardson> Hi! I set an ntp server in /etc/default/ntpdate and running ntpdate-sync works, But when I try to put that in the crontab @reboot (instead of on :30 as it's set by default), it doesn't seem to have an effect. What's the best way to have it sync the time with ntp on boot?
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  • [21:30:24] <m_billybob> start with the fed. that would be a good place to start
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  • [21:30:46] * mru points at guy fawkes
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  • [21:30:53] <mru> that dude was onto something
  • +
  • [21:31:21] <m_billybob> why does that name seem familiar
  • +
  • [21:31:35] * c10ud` (~c10ud@emesene/dictator/c10ud) Quit (Quit: cya)
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  • [21:31:50] <mru> do you remember the 5th of november?
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  • [21:31:51] <mranostay> m_billybob: remember remember
  • +
  • [21:32:22] <m_billybob> ah ha
  • +
  • [21:33:09] <m_billybob> dont even remember the name of that movie . . .um . . . tip of the tongue . .
  • +
  • [21:33:26] <mranostay> it wasn't just a movie..
  • +
  • [21:33:39] <m_billybob> are you sure ?
  • +
  • [21:33:42] <m_billybob> heh
  • +
  • [21:33:45] <m_billybob> vendetta
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  • [21:33:46] * vvu (~vvu@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  • [21:33:49] * pb__ (ac0b19c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #beagle
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  • [21:33:58] * sosconsolas (5e85739e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #beagle
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  • [21:34:35] * sosconsolas (5e85739e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Client Quit)
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  • [21:34:45] <_av500_> your history teacher is cringing
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  • [21:35:14] * vvu (~vvu@ has joined #beagle
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  • [21:35:15] <pb__> Dumb question, is there a way to adjust the display size to match the screen ( not resolution ), cant seem to get the top and bottom status bars to show. This is out of the box linux distro
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  • [21:36:10] * bkearns ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  • [21:36:18] <mranostay> _av500_: possibly crying too
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  • [21:37:55] * krajo1 ( Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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  • [21:38:08] <mru> pb__: turn off 'overscan' on your tv
  • +
  • [21:38:13] <mru> if not possible, get proper tv
  • +
  • [21:38:43] <pb__> Its a panasonic plasma, not exactly a junker. I'll see if I can find the option
  • +
  • [21:38:52] <m_billybob> av500, British / spanish history is not a huge priority in US schools
  • +
  • [21:39:10] <pb__> thank you
  • +
  • [21:39:13] <m_billybob> greek mythology is though
  • +
  • [21:39:16] <panto> ok, PRU virtio serial port works
  • +
  • [21:39:26] <mru> m_billybob: did you learn about panto?
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  • [21:39:36] * tema ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  • [21:39:38] <m_billybob> lol
  • +
  • [21:39:41] <panto> I'm a myth too
  • +
  • [21:40:05] <m_billybob> mru I'd probably have learned about my own familiay first sicne my family is largly greek
  • +
  • [21:40:58] <panto> which part?
  • +
  • [21:41:07] <mru> the dodgy part
  • +
  • [21:41:17] <m_billybob> greek mythology was actually taught in English classes when i went to school
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  • [21:41:28] * mu (~mu@unaffiliated/mu) has joined #beagle
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  • [21:41:28] <_av500_> mru: btw, on rpi, you can adjust overscan (or rather underscan) at first boot
  • +
  • [21:41:30] <m_billybob> fathers side panto
  • +
  • [21:41:45] <_av500_> with rasbian
  • +
  • [21:41:50] <panto> err, I mean which part of the country does he come from?
  • +
  • [21:42:06] <mru> _av500_: compensating for overscan and getting pixel-for-pixel translation is pretty much impossible
  • +
  • [21:42:31] <m_billybob> panto, he was born American, his mother / father were from greece, and I do not remember off hand.
  • +
  • [21:42:42] <mru> especially when the actual display resolution is something like 1366x768 but edid insists it's 1280x720
  • +
  • [21:42:47] <panto> heh, where are you located?
  • +
  • [21:42:54] <m_billybob> US
  • +
  • [21:43:14] <m_billybob> Arizona spepcifically
  • +
  • [21:43:18] <m_billybob> specifically too
  • +
  • [21:44:24] <_av500_> mru: I guess they tell X to use less pixels
  • +
  • [21:44:28] <m_billybob> panto, my grandmother used to tel me all that stuff when i was a kid, suppose i should have paid more attention. I was not even interrested in geneology as a kid.
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  • [21:44:34] * honschu_ ( has joined #beagle
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  • [21:44:34] * honschu_ ( Quit (Changing host)
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  • [21:44:34] * honschu_ (~honschu@shackspace/j4fun) has joined #beagle
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  • [21:44:46] <_av500_> mru: and yes, the TV scales
  • +
  • [21:44:48] <pb__> doesnt look like it has overscan options. O well. Just need to set it up as a file server either way.
  • +
  • [21:44:53] <_av500_> but then, they have composite out too
  • +
  • [21:45:02] <_av500_> pb__: edges of your files will go bad
  • +
  • [21:45:09] <mru> so they don't really have pixels
  • +
  • [21:45:11] <_av500_> dont write in the margins of your word docs
  • +
  • [21:45:19] <m_billybob> ...
  • +
  • [21:45:20] <_av500_> mru: they have rpi-xels
  • +
  • [21:45:25] <pb__> very helpful :)
  • +
  • [21:45:31] <mru> _av500_: so _that's_ how fermat lost that proof
  • +
  • [21:45:37] <_av500_> yep
  • +
  • [21:45:50] <m_billybob> pb__ what do you expec for o'beer-tirty ?
  • +
  • [21:45:54] <_av500_> the monk that copied it had overscan enabled
  • +
  • [21:46:09] <_av500_> or he was too narrow minded
  • +
  • [21:46:23] <mru> sounds about right for a monk
  • +
  • [21:46:27] * fester (~fester@rhlug/fester) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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  • [21:46:44] <pb__> True true m_billybob
  • +
  • [21:46:59] <mru> on a friday no less
  • +
  • [21:47:09] <panto> not a friday for us mru
  • +
  • [21:47:21] <_av500_> but for US
  • +
  • [21:47:22] <m_billybob> not a friday anywhere on this planet lol
  • +
  • [21:47:24] <mru> we've had friday all day here
  • +
  • [21:47:29] <pb__> Has it finally started cooling down in AZ
  • +
  • [21:47:34] <_av500_> I have friday since monday
  • +
  • [21:47:35] <mru> #beagle is not of this planet
  • +
  • [21:47:42] * honschu (~honschu@shackspace/j4fun) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  • [21:47:48] <m_billybob> lol
  • +
  • [21:47:56] <mru>
  • +
  • [21:48:03] <m_billybob> yeah just remembered the 4th is tomorrow
  • +
  • [21:48:06] <mru>
  • +
  • [21:48:27] <m_billybob> a holiday that means less, and less every year now days
  • +
  • [21:48:58] <pb__> very true
  • +
  • [21:49:36] * dysinger ( Quit (Quit: dysinger)
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  • [21:49:48] <m_billybob> just what we need now days. leader(s) who tell us we need to eat right while scarfing down an icecream cone.
  • +
  • [21:50:44] <pb__> I'm more worried about the ones mandating healthcare, yet except themselves, but I don't think this is a political IRC channel so I won't dive to much into it
  • +
  • [21:51:10] <m_billybob> politics isnt meant for discusssion anyhow
  • +
  • [21:51:19] <m_billybob> and yes bck to #beagle
  • +
  • [21:51:44] <pb__> back to trying to figure out how to turn off %*&^*&^ overscan
  • +
  • [21:51:48] <panto>
  • +
  • [21:51:54] <mru> I really don't understand how the americans be so angry about getting a little bit of healthcare for free
  • +
  • [21:52:03] <pb__> Simple, its not free.
  • +
  • [21:52:08] <m_billybob> exactly
  • +
  • [21:52:09] <mru> here in europe it's _all_ free
  • +
  • [21:52:13] <m_billybob> and its not healthcare either
  • +
  • [21:52:21] <pb__> no, its not free there either : )
  • +
  • [21:52:24] <panto> control of a bitbanged pwm on the PRU using a standard terminal connected to the virtual serial port
  • +
  • [21:52:26] <mru> nobody is forced to see the doctor
  • +
  • [21:52:30] <m_billybob> its anexcuse to suck more taxes off of the populace
  • +
  • [21:52:34] <mru> but _if_ you need one, it's free
  • +
  • [21:52:40] <pb__> no, its not free
  • +
  • [21:52:53] <pb__> its paid for by the higher tax rates
  • +
  • [21:53:00] <_av500_> the ppor 1%
  • +
  • [21:53:02] <_av500_> poor
  • +
  • [21:53:07] <mru> and you have to pay health insurance instead
  • +
  • [21:53:15] <mru> which you can't get if you're actually sick
  • +
  • [21:53:27] <pb__> which is lower then the proposed mandated heathcare plans
  • +
  • [21:53:37] <panto> I declare victory and head to bed
  • +
  • [21:53:43] <m_billybob> panto dahm I thought you were going ot show real code ;)
  • +
  • [21:53:47] <pb__> which in turn is already increasing our private plans
  • +
  • [21:53:50] <panto> m_billybob, ah ok
  • +
  • [21:54:10] <m_billybob> panto its all good dt overlays is good enough
  • +
  • [21:54:18] <m_billybob> ill hold off the revolt for a while ;)
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  • [21:54:21] * wolfeidau ( has joined #beagle
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  • [21:54:25] <panto>
  • +
  • [21:54:42] <panto> it's a bit weird, but then again PRU coding is weird
  • +
  • [21:55:04] <m_billybob> dahm i could make a book out of that
  • +
  • [21:55:15] <m_billybob> worth investigating im sure.
  • +
  • [21:55:19] <m_billybob> the code i mean
  • +
  • [21:55:54] <KotH> pb__: ofc it's more expensive: because for once, those people who couldnt afford health care until now, will get it
  • +
  • [21:55:56] <m_billybob> panto, thank you sir, and sleep well
  • +
  • [21:56:10] * panto looks around to find the sir
  • +
  • [21:56:20] <m_billybob> panto, thank you.
  • +
  • [21:56:23] <m_billybob> -sir
  • +
  • [21:56:25] <KotH> pb__: but i guess, that's too social for 'murica
  • +
  • [21:56:26] <mru> +troll
  • +
  • [21:56:27] * emilepetrone ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  • +
  • [21:56:29] <panto> night
  • +
  • [21:56:39] <pb__> Koth, if you think the people who couldn't afford heath care were not being treated, you have no idea how it was actually working in practice
  • +
  • [21:56:44] <_av500_> panto: sir means cheese in serbian :)
  • +
  • [21:56:47] <pb__> But again, this isnt for this channel : _
  • +
  • [21:56:49] <_av500_> its all about tiropita
  • +
  • [21:56:57] <panto> I like cheese
  • +
  • [21:57:07] * m_billybob loves cheese
  • +
  • [21:57:20] <_av500_> panto: cheese likes you back
  • +
  • [21:57:24] <KotH> panto: will you bring some cheese to elce?
  • +
  • [21:57:30] <_av500_> bring the goat
  • +
  • [21:57:30] <KotH> panto: i'd trade for chocolate
  • +
  • [21:57:39] <_av500_> or the sheep
  • +
  • [21:57:53] <m_billybob> goats . . .
  • +
  • [21:57:56] <panto> goodnight trolls
  • +
  • [21:58:00] <m_billybob> lol
  • +
  • [21:58:03] <KotH> _av500_: either sheep or cow,.. goat isnt my kind of cheese
  • +
  • [21:58:11] <_av500_> KotH: you can bring a swiss cocoa plant
  • +
  • [21:58:12] <KotH> night greek guy!
  • +
  • [21:58:18] <m_billybob> feta is excellent
  • +
  • [21:58:19] <KotH> _av500_: i will!
  • +
  • [21:58:50] <m_billybob> although i mucgh prefer a good gouda
  • +
  • [21:59:23] * pbrilu (ac0b19c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT