From f636c682607055f17e28e7ab9362176e72f09de7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Sat, 9 Jan 2010 01:00:02 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2010-01-09.log | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+) diff --git a/static/irclog/2010-01-09.log b/static/irclog/2010-01-09.log index ebc0e7b40..45a4a16a3 100644 --- a/static/irclog/2010-01-09.log +++ b/static/irclog/2010-01-09.log @@ -468,3 +468,32 @@
  • [05:55:37] * newguy (i=7aa75633@gateway/web/freenode/x-xnmzpuxhgfcfxtqi) Quit ("Page closed")
  • [05:58:10] * djlewis1 needs a gtkterm for BB
  • [05:59:48] * virals (n=Viral_Sa@ has joined #beagle
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  • [06:01:59] <philo> back sorry
  • +
  • [06:02:04] <philo> ds2 booth would be could
  • +
  • [06:02:07] <philo> cool*
  • +
  • [06:02:40] <djlewis1> i'm fading, see ya'll in daylight CST
  • +
  • [06:02:48] <philo> the psp screen sucks ?
  • +
  • [06:02:53] <philo> djlewis1: bye
  • +
  • [06:03:22] * djlewis1 ( Quit ("Clolur me gone")
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  • [06:04:13] * djlewis (i=41460bec@gateway/web/freenode/x-rgivsdbobdokeram) Quit ()
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  • [06:04:37] * jrmuizel ( has joined #beagle
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  • [06:06:19] <ds2> philo: when do you need it?
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  • [06:06:49] <ds2> the PSP screen doesn't behave nicely in the corner cases and for what it does, there are better screens
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  • [06:07:38] * jkridner|work (n=a0321898@nat/ti/x-huattrfiisykoppt) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  • [06:07:49] <ds2> philo: <-- original and <--- new... special comp link coming up in a sec
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  • [06:08:13] <philo> thanks
  • +
  • [06:08:36] <ds2>
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  • [06:08:41] * jkridner|work (n=a0321898@nat/ti/x-ptyimxuzklcqgnvr) has joined #beagle
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  • [06:09:29] <ds2> no write up for the stuff in the pipeline
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  • [06:12:41] <philo> any one know how the omap 3 compare to the qualcomm stuff ?
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  • [06:12:52] <philo> like the one in the nexus or the x10
  • +
  • [06:17:12] <ds2> the omap3 is available.
  • +
  • [06:17:32] <ds2> when that becomes available, we can talk :D
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  • [06:23:55] * jserv-- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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  • [06:39:10] * jrmuizel ( Quit ()
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  • [06:40:32] <philo> well the qualcomm is too
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  • [06:40:42] <philo> ds2 dont you sleep ?
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  • [06:41:03] * JoeSchmo ( has joined #beagle
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  • [06:42:59] * vindolin ( has joined #beagle
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  • [06:55:30] * JoeTheSchmo ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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  • [06:59:35] * joey_ (i=75f07c01@gateway/web/freenode/x-srvqxbpapnapostd) has joined #beagle
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT