From f1e827eaf9967e58950d64e9818717b571871a2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 21:00:03 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2013-07-03.log | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 143 insertions(+) diff --git a/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log b/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log index 2145157f3..b537f6bd0 100644 --- a/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log +++ b/static/irclog/2013-07-03.log @@ -28,3 +28,146 @@
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  • [01:37:32] <ka6sox> he didn't stick around long
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  • [01:37:42] <jmoyerman> Not at all. haha
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  • [01:37:59] <jmoyerman> guess he saw me here and figured I might have another question about the BCC
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  • [01:40:18] <mastiff> i'm working on BCC also
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  • [01:40:26] <jmoyerman> Really? Cool.
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  • [01:41:04] <mastiff> yeah where are the newZs
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  • [01:41:22] <jmoyerman> ka6sox: do you have an e-mail I could send you those issues I found with that dts file? I still have a warning output and I'm not wise enough to figure out what it is, and if it's acceptable.
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  • [01:42:05] <mastiff> what do i need off github, just these two? bcc_lib bcc_software
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  • [01:42:14] <fzombie> I got my beaglebone black working it's ass off. I've just been using it as a tiny low power server but now I'm thinking of getting another to actually use the pins and make fun projects.
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  • [01:42:44] <jmoyerman> mastiff: are you planning on getting it going tonight? I'll be around and just went through the setup the other night, so I should be able to help you through
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  • [01:43:30] <jmoyerman> Basically, you'll need to grab the lib and software, get the eeprom code going, flash the eeprom, build the bcc_tool, use it to flash the fpga, and go to town :D
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  • [01:43:42] <jmoyerman> ooh... you'll also need to download the dts, and build a device tree blob
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  • [01:43:48] <mastiff> yeah, that sounds good, i've check for shorts so the board is good hopefully
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  • [01:43:57] <mastiff> i'm using BBB
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  • [01:44:08] <mastiff> you also?
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  • [01:44:11] <jmoyerman> you should be able to use i2c detect (i used that as well) and you'll be able to see it
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  • [01:44:31] <jmoyerman> mine was running debian
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  • [01:44:51] <mastiff> i built the spi DT previously on my other BBB
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  • [01:45:11] <jmoyerman> Then you understand it then :D
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  • [01:45:29] <jmoyerman> I had a harder time because debian's dtc compiler needed to be patched
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  • [01:45:35] <mastiff> so I know what's going on there, not sure how to initialize the BCC with the eeprom after they are connected
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  • [01:45:52] <jmoyerman> on the bcc software page, go into the eeprom folder, it has the instructions
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  • [01:45:55] <jmoyerman> VERY simple
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  • [01:45:57] <jmoyerman> like 2-3 commands haha
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  • [01:46:08] <mastiff> i was using angstrom previously, but now debian
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  • [01:46:50] <jmoyerman> if you've just switched to debian, you'll have to patch debian's dtc compiler... I've got the link around here somewhere
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  • [01:49:57] <ka6sox> jmoyerman, sure
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  • [01:51:36] * louiz920 (~a0272879@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  • [01:53:23] <mastiff> ka6sox, you work with nooks also?
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  • [01:53:51] <ka6sox> yes
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  • [01:54:00] <mastiff> saw something about that when I was grabbing bcc stuff off gethub
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  • [01:54:56] <ka6sox> :)
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  • [01:55:07] <mastiff> i need some kind of nook to use for remote inteface in the sunlight for shell access to bbb
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  • [01:55:18] <mastiff> what do you like for that?
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  • [01:55:58] <jmoyerman> isn't the nook android based?
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  • [01:56:24] <emocakes> the kindle is linux
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  • [01:56:27] <emocakes> i had a root shell on it
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  • [01:57:24] <mastiff> yeah I wanna use a nook for shell access from cockpit of my sailboat to bbbs inside the boat
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  • [01:57:48] <jmoyerman> Interesting... What will you be using the BBB for?
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  • [01:58:39] <mastiff> i think either android rooted or installing debian etc is the way to go, but it also depends on the chartplotter program as well
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  • [01:59:15] <jmoyerman> Ugh... this is what happens when you get a software developer writing Verilog.
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  • [01:59:41] <mastiff> I wanna use it in bright sunlight for console access for reading and programming, and also for displaying nautical charts
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT