From de875cb30f788a56bf6b8cd7d8479ebe340e4ac7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Anonymous Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:00:06 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Log updates --- static/irclog/2014-03-21.log | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+) diff --git a/static/irclog/2014-03-21.log b/static/irclog/2014-03-21.log index f96043509..66fdd68a5 100644 --- a/static/irclog/2014-03-21.log +++ b/static/irclog/2014-03-21.log @@ -225,3 +225,34 @@
  • [09:51:22] * Shadyman (~matthew@unaffiliated/shadyman) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  • [09:52:05] * eballetbo ( has joined #beagle
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  • [10:16:44] * hatguy ( Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  • [10:41:52] * moh_ (bc9fca38@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #beagle
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  • [10:44:15] <moh_> hello i had a question about bbb, i connect it with usb cable to my laptop [running ubuntu 12.04] but nothing happens when i do ifconfig or in device. any tips or commands?
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  • [10:45:04] <honestly> moh_: you need to configure the interface on the bbb first
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  • [10:45:41] * jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  • [10:46:14] * ChanServ sets mode +o jkridner
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  • [10:49:04] * kuldeepdhaka (~kuldeepdh@unaffiliated/kuldeepdhaka) has joined #beagle
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  • [10:49:30] * brainvoid ( has joined #beagle
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  • [10:50:44] * jkridner (~jkridner@pdpc/supporter/active/jkridner) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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  • [10:51:26] <moh_> honestly, how should i do configure bbb, when i have no access to it?
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  • [10:53:11] <KotH> get a serial cable
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  • [10:53:18] <honestly> if you're booting from sdcard you can just put the right config on it
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  • [10:53:30] <honestly> otherwise, what KotH said
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  • [10:53:38] <KotH> always get a serial cable
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  • [10:53:49] <KotH> even if you dont have problems (yet)
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  • [10:54:11] <philenotfound> if you don't have a serial cable.. well that's the first problem already
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  • [10:55:07] <moh_> i actually don't have serial cable, but i read in manual that configuring with usb cable and default ip: is easy!
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  • [10:56:20] * Abhishek_ (uid26899@gateway/web/ has joined #beagle
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  • [10:57:13] <moh_> i have also an sd card with matrix app luncher on it. any chance to configure with that?
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  • [10:57:32] <av500> hmm, lunch
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  • [10:57:41] * tasslehoff (~tasslehof@ has joined #beagle
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  • [10:57:41] <Andy1978> av500: guten Appetit
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  • [10:58:15] <av500> moh_: when you connect a stock BBB to your laptop, something should happen
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  • [10:58:26] <av500> windows or ubuntu should detect a device being plugged
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  • [10:59:14] <moh_> no nothing happens in ubuntu
  • -- 2.11.4.GIT